Example #1
 LRESULT WM_MOUSEMOVE(int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) {
   LRESULT result = super.WM_MOUSEMOVE(wParam, lParam);
   if (OS.COMCTL32_MAJOR < 6) {
     int x = OS.GET_X_LPARAM(lParam);
     int y = OS.GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
     if (OS.GetKeyState(OS.VK_LBUTTON) < 0) {
       int oldSelection = selection.y;
       selection.y = layout.getOffset(x, y, null);
       if (selection.y != oldSelection) {
         int newSelection = selection.y;
         if (oldSelection > newSelection) {
           int temp = oldSelection;
           oldSelection = newSelection;
           newSelection = temp;
         Rectangle rect = layout.getBounds(oldSelection, newSelection);
         redraw(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, false);
     } else {
       for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; j++) {
         Rectangle[] rects = getRectangles(j);
         for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
           Rectangle rect = rects[i];
           if (rect.contains(x, y)) {
             return result;
   return result;
Example #2
 long /*int*/ gtk_button_press_event(long /*int*/ widget, long /*int*/ event) {
   long /*int*/ result = super.gtk_button_press_event(widget, event);
   if (result != 0) return result;
   GdkEventButton gdkEvent = new GdkEventButton();
   OS.memmove(gdkEvent, event, GdkEventButton.sizeof);
   if (gdkEvent.button == 1 && gdkEvent.type == OS.GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
     if (focusIndex != -1) setFocus();
     int x = (int) gdkEvent.x;
     int y = (int) gdkEvent.y;
     if ((style & SWT.MIRRORED) != 0) x = getClientWidth() - x;
     int offset = layout.getOffset(x, y, null);
     int oldSelectionX = selection.x;
     int oldSelectionY = selection.y;
     selection.x = offset;
     selection.y = -1;
     if (oldSelectionX != -1 && oldSelectionY != -1) {
       if (oldSelectionX > oldSelectionY) {
         int temp = oldSelectionX;
         oldSelectionX = oldSelectionY;
         oldSelectionY = temp;
       Rectangle rect = layout.getBounds(oldSelectionX, oldSelectionY);
       redraw(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, false);
     for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; j++) {
       Rectangle[] rects = getRectangles(j);
       for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
         Rectangle rect = rects[i];
         if (rect.contains(x, y)) {
           focusIndex = j;
           return result;
   return result;
Example #3
 LRESULT WM_LBUTTONDOWN(int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) {
   LRESULT result = super.WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam);
   if (result == LRESULT.ZERO) return result;
   if (OS.COMCTL32_MAJOR < 6) {
     if (focusIndex != -1) setFocus();
     int x = OS.GET_X_LPARAM(lParam);
     int y = OS.GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
     int offset = layout.getOffset(x, y, null);
     int oldSelectionX = selection.x;
     int oldSelectionY = selection.y;
     selection.x = offset;
     selection.y = -1;
     if (oldSelectionX != -1 && oldSelectionY != -1) {
       if (oldSelectionX > oldSelectionY) {
         int temp = oldSelectionX;
         oldSelectionX = oldSelectionY;
         oldSelectionY = temp;
       Rectangle rect = layout.getBounds(oldSelectionX, oldSelectionY);
       redraw(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, false);
     for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; j++) {
       Rectangle[] rects = getRectangles(j);
       for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
         Rectangle rect = rects[i];
         if (rect.contains(x, y)) {
           if (j != focusIndex) {
           focusIndex = mouseDownIndex = j;
           return result;
   return result;
Example #4
 long /*int*/ gtk_motion_notify_event(long /*int*/ widget, long /*int*/ event) {
   long /*int*/ result = super.gtk_motion_notify_event(widget, event);
   if (result != 0) return result;
   GdkEventMotion gdkEvent = new GdkEventMotion();
   OS.memmove(gdkEvent, event, GdkEventMotion.sizeof);
   int x = (int) gdkEvent.x;
   int y = (int) gdkEvent.y;
   if ((style & SWT.MIRRORED) != 0) x = getClientWidth() - x;
   if ((gdkEvent.state & OS.GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) {
     int oldSelection = selection.y;
     selection.y = layout.getOffset(x, y, null);
     if (selection.y != oldSelection) {
       int newSelection = selection.y;
       if (oldSelection > newSelection) {
         int temp = oldSelection;
         oldSelection = newSelection;
         newSelection = temp;
       Rectangle rect = layout.getBounds(oldSelection, newSelection);
       redraw(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, false);
   } else {
     for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; j++) {
       Rectangle[] rects = getRectangles(j);
       for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
         Rectangle rect = rects[i];
         if (rect.contains(x, y)) {
           return result;
   return result;
  public void test_getOffset() {
    boolean isCocoa = SwtTestUtil.isCocoa;
    if (isCocoa) {
      // TODO Fix Cocoa failure.
      if (SwtTestUtil.verbose) {
            "Partially excluded test_getOffset(org.eclipse.swt.tests.junit.Test_org_eclipse_swt_graphics_TextLayout).");
    TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(display);
    String text = "AB \u05E9\u05E0 CD\nHello";
    int[] trailing = new int[1];

    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(0, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(0, trailing[0]);
    Point point = layout.getLocation(0, true);
    assertEquals(1, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(0, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(1, false);
    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(point.x - 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(2, true);
    assertEquals(4, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(4, true);
    assertEquals(2, layout.getOffset(point.x - 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(4, false);
    assertEquals(3, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);

    Rectangle bounds = layout.getBounds();
    layout.setWidth(bounds.width + 100);

    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(0, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(0, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(0, true);
    assertEquals(1, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(0, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(1, false);
    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(point.x - 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(2, true);
    assertEquals(4, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(4, true);
    assertEquals(2, layout.getOffset(point.x - 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(4, false);
    assertEquals(3, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);


    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(0, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(0, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(0, true);
    assertEquals(1, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(0, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(1, false);
    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(point.x - 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(2, true);
    assertEquals(4, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(4, true);
    assertEquals(2, layout.getOffset(point.x - 1, 0, trailing));
    if (!isCocoa) assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    point = layout.getLocation(4, false);
    assertEquals(3, layout.getOffset(point.x + 1, 0, trailing));
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);

    text = "Text";
    int width = layout.getBounds().width;
    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(1, 0, null));
    assertEquals(text.length() - 1, layout.getOffset(width - 1, 0, null));
    layout.setWidth(width + 100);
    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(1 + 50, 0, null));
    assertEquals(text.length() - 1, layout.getOffset(width - 1 + 50, 0, null));
    assertEquals(0, layout.getOffset(1 + 100, 0, null));
    assertEquals(text.length() - 1, layout.getOffset(width - 1 + 100, 0, null));

  public void test_getSegments() {
    TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(display);
    String[] messages = {
      "no segments",
      "segments (duplicate at 0)",
      "segments (duplicate at 1)",
      "segments (duplicate at 2)"
    int[][] segments = {null, {0, 1, 2}, {0, 0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2, 2}};
    for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
      String m = messages[i];
      assertEquals(m, 1, layout.getNextOffset(0, SWT.MOVEMENT_CLUSTER));
      assertEquals(m, 2, layout.getNextOffset(1, SWT.MOVEMENT_CLUSTER));
      assertEquals(m, 2, layout.getNextOffset(2, SWT.MOVEMENT_CLUSTER));
      assertEquals(m, 1, layout.getPreviousOffset(2, SWT.MOVEMENT_CLUSTER));
      assertEquals(m, 0, layout.getPreviousOffset(1, SWT.MOVEMENT_CLUSTER));
      assertEquals(m, 0, layout.getPreviousOffset(0, SWT.MOVEMENT_CLUSTER));

    // Bug 295513
    layout.setSegments(new int[] {0, layout.getText().length()});
    layout = new TextLayout(display);

    // Bug 241482 comment 74
    layout.setText("word word word");
    layout.setSegments(new int[] {0, 5, 10});
    int offset = 0;
    offset = layout.getNextOffset(offset, SWT.MOVEMENT_WORD_START);
    assertEquals(5, offset);
    offset = layout.getNextOffset(offset, SWT.MOVEMENT_WORD_START);
    assertEquals(10, offset);
    offset = layout.getNextOffset(offset, SWT.MOVEMENT_WORD_START);
    assertEquals(14, offset);

    layout.setWidth(layout.getBounds().width / 2);
    offset = 0;
    offset = layout.getNextOffset(offset, SWT.MOVEMENT_WORD_START);
    assertEquals(5, offset);
    offset = layout.getNextOffset(offset, SWT.MOVEMENT_WORD_START);
    assertEquals(10, offset);
    offset = layout.getNextOffset(offset, SWT.MOVEMENT_WORD_START);
    assertEquals(14, offset);
    layout = new TextLayout(display);

    // Bug 241482 comment 64
    layout.setSegments(new int[] {0, 1, 3});
    int[] expected = new int[] {0, 1, 3};
    int[] offsets = layout.getLineOffsets();
    for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
      assertEquals(" i = " + i, expected[i], offsets[i]);
    layout = new TextLayout(display);

    // Bug 241482 comment  80
    layout.setSegments(new int[] {0, 1, 6});
        layout.getText().length() - 1, layout.getOffset(layout.getBounds().width, 0, null));
        layout.getText().length() - 1, layout.getOffset(layout.getBounds().width, 0, null));
    layout = new TextLayout(display);

    // Bug 486600 comment 2
    Rectangle bounds1 = layout.getBounds(0, 6 - 1);
    int[] trailing = new int[1];
    offset = layout.getOffset(bounds1.width, bounds1.height + 2, trailing);
    assertEquals(10, offset);
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    layout = new TextLayout(display);

    layout.setSegments(new int[] {6, 10});
    layout.setSegmentsChars(new char[] {'\n', '\n'});
    bounds1 = layout.getBounds(0, 6 - 1);
    trailing = new int[1];
    offset = layout.getOffset(bounds1.width, bounds1.height + 2, trailing);
    assertEquals(9, offset);
    assertEquals(1, trailing[0]);
    layout = new TextLayout(display);

    // Lina's bug (bug 241482, comment 37)
    boolean doit = false; // known to be broken
    if (doit) {
      int length = layout.getText().length();
      layout.setSegments(new int[] {length});
      trailing = new int[1];
      int width = layout.getBounds().width + 20;
      assertEquals("hit test to the left", 0, layout.getOffset(0, 0, trailing));
      assertEquals("hit test to the left (trailing)", 0, trailing[0]);
      assertEquals("hit test to the right", length - 1, layout.getOffset(width, 0, trailing));
      assertEquals("hit test to the right (trailing)", 1, trailing[0]);
      layout.setSegmentsChars(new char[] {'*'});
      assertEquals("hit test to the left", 0, layout.getOffset(0, 0, trailing));
      assertEquals("hit test to the left (trailing)", 0, trailing[0]);
      assertEquals("hit test to the right", length - 1, layout.getOffset(width, 0, trailing));
      assertEquals("hit test to the right (trailing)", 1, trailing[0]);

    /* wrong: internal testing */
    //	String text = "AB";
    //	int textLength = text.length();
    //	layout.setText(text);
    //	messages = new String [] {
    //			"no segments",
    //			"segments",
    //			"segments (duplicate at 0)",
    //			"segments (duplicate at 1)",
    //			"segments (duplicate at 2)" };
    //	segments = new int [][] {
    //			null,
    //			{ 0, 1, 2 },
    //			{ 0, 0, 1, 2 },
    //			{ 0, 1, 1, 2 },
    //			{ 0, 1, 2, 2 } };
    //	int[][] translatedOffsets = {
    //			{ 0, 1, 2 },
    //			{ 1, 3, 5 },
    //			{ 2, 4, 6 },
    //			{ 1, 4, 6 },
    //			{ 1, 3, 6 } };
    //	int[][] untranslatedOffsets = {
    //			{ 0, 1, 2 },
    //			{ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 },
    //			{ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 },
    //			{ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 },
    //			{ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 } };
    //	for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
    //		layout.setSegments(segments[i]);
    //		layout.getBounds();
    //		for (int j = 0; j <= textLength; j++) {
    //			assertEquals(messages[i] + " j = " + j,	translatedOffsets[i][j],
    // layout.translateOffset(j));
    //		}
    //		for (int j = 0, n = layout.getSegments() == null ? 0 : textLength +
    // layout.getSegments().length; j < n; j++) {
    //			assertEquals(messages[i] + " j = " + j,	untranslatedOffsets[i][j],
    // layout.untranslateOffset(j));
    //		}
    //	}