LRESULT WM_PRINTCLIENT(int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) { LRESULT result = super.WM_PRINTCLIENT(wParam, lParam); if (OS.COMCTL32_MAJOR < 6) { RECT rect = new RECT(); OS.GetClientRect(handle, rect); GCData data = new GCData(); data.device = display; data.foreground = getForegroundPixel(); GC gc = GC.win32_new(wParam, data); drawWidget(gc, rect); gc.dispose(); } return result; }
LRESULT wmDrawChild(long /*int*/ wParam, long /*int*/ lParam) { DRAWITEMSTRUCT struct = new DRAWITEMSTRUCT(); OS.MoveMemory(struct, lParam, DRAWITEMSTRUCT.sizeof); if (image != null) { GCData data = new GCData(); data.device = display; GC gc = GC.win32_new(struct.hDC, data); /* * Bug in Windows. When a bitmap is included in the * menu bar, the HDC seems to already include the left * coordinate. The fix is to ignore this value when * the item is in a menu bar. */ int x = ( & SWT.BAR) != 0 ? MARGIN_WIDTH * 2 : struct.left; Image image = getEnabled() ? this.image : new Image(display, this.image, SWT.IMAGE_DISABLE); gc.drawImage(image, x, + MARGIN_HEIGHT); if (this.image != image) image.dispose(); gc.dispose(); } if (parent.foreground != -1) OS.SetTextColor(struct.hDC, parent.foreground); return null; }