Example #1
   * Initializes DLTKCore internal structures to allow subsequent operations (such as the ones that
   * need a resolved classpath) to run full speed. A client may choose to call this method in a
   * background thread early after the workspace has started so that the initialization is
   * transparent to the user.
   * <p>However calling this method is optional. Services will lazily perform initialization when
   * invoked. This is only a way to reduce initialization overhead on user actions, if it can be
   * performed before at some appropriate moment.
   * <p>This initialization runs accross all Java projects in the workspace. Thus the workspace root
   * scheduling rule is used during this operation.
   * <p>This method may return before the initialization is complete. The initialization will then
   * continue in a background thread.
   * <p>This method can be called concurrently.
   * @param monitor a progress monitor, or <code>null</code> if progress reporting and cancellation
   *     are not desired
   * @exception CoreException if the initialization fails, the status of the exception indicates the
   *     reason of the failure
   * @since 3.1
  public static void initializeAfterLoad(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
    try {
      if (monitor != null) {
        monitor.beginTask(CoreMessages.PHPCorePlugin_initializingPHPToolkit, 125);

      // dummy query for waiting until the indexes are ready
      IDLTKSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope(PHPLanguageToolkit.getDefault());
      try {
        if (monitor != null) {

            .findMethods(ID, MatchRule.PREFIX, Modifiers.AccGlobal, 0, scope, monitor);
        if (monitor != null) {

            .findTypes(ID, MatchRule.PREFIX, Modifiers.AccGlobal, 0, scope, monitor);
        if (monitor != null) {

            .findFields(ID, MatchRule.PREFIX, Modifiers.AccGlobal, 0, scope, monitor);
        if (monitor != null) {

        PhpModelAccess.getDefault().findIncludes(ID, MatchRule.PREFIX, scope, monitor);
        if (monitor != null) {

      } catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
        if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) {
          throw e;
        // else indexes were not ready: catch the exception so that jars
        // are still refreshed
    } finally {
      if (monitor != null) {
      toolkitInitialized = true;