@Override protected void doPaste(Object targetObject, Object[] sourceObjects) { // Get the model IBundleModel model = getBundleModel(); // Ensure the model is defined if (model == null) { return; } // Get the bundle IBundle bundle = model.getBundle(); // Paste all source objects for (Object sourceObject : sourceObjects) { if (sourceObject instanceof ExportPackageObject) { ExportPackageObject exportPackageObject = (ExportPackageObject) sourceObject; // Export package object // Adjust all the source object transient field values to // acceptable values exportPackageObject.reconnect(model, fHeader, getVersionAttribute()); // Add the object to the header if (fHeader == null) { // Export package header not defined yet // Define one // Value will get inserted into a new export package object // created by a factory // Value needs to be empty string so no export package // object is created as the initial value bundle.setHeader(getExportedPackageHeader(), ""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Add the export package to the header fHeader.addPackage(exportPackageObject); } } }
private void bundleAdded(InputContext bundleContext) { IBundleModel model = (IBundleModel) bundleContext.getModel(); if (model.isFragmentModel()) bmodel = new BundleFragmentModel(); else bmodel = new BundlePluginModel(); bmodel.setBundleModel(model); syncExtensions(); }
@Override protected void createClient(Section section, FormToolkit toolkit) { section.setText(PDEUIMessages.ExportPackageSection_title); if (isFragment()) section.setDescription(PDEUIMessages.ExportPackageSection_descFragment); else section.setDescription(PDEUIMessages.ExportPackageSection_desc); Composite container = createClientContainer(section, 2, toolkit); createViewerPartControl(container, SWT.MULTI, 2, toolkit); TablePart tablePart = getTablePart(); fPackageViewer = tablePart.getTableViewer(); fPackageViewer.setContentProvider(new ExportPackageContentProvider()); fPackageViewer.setLabelProvider(PDEPlugin.getDefault().getLabelProvider()); fPackageViewer.setComparator( new ViewerComparator() { @Override public int compare(Viewer viewer, Object e1, Object e2) { String s1 = e1.toString(); String s2 = e2.toString(); if (s1.indexOf(" ") != -1) // $NON-NLS-1$ s1 = s1.substring(0, s1.indexOf(" ")); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (s2.indexOf(" ") != -1) // $NON-NLS-1$ s2 = s2.substring(0, s2.indexOf(" ")); // $NON-NLS-1$ return super.compare(viewer, s1, s2); } }); toolkit.paintBordersFor(container); section.setClient(container); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); if (((ManifestEditor) getPage().getEditor()).isEquinox()) { gd.verticalSpan = 2; gd.minimumWidth = 300; } section.setLayout(FormLayoutFactory.createClearGridLayout(false, 1)); section.setLayoutData(gd); makeActions(); IBundleModel model = getBundleModel(); fPackageViewer.setInput(model); model.addModelChangedListener(this); updateButtons(); }
private IBundle getBundle() { IBundleModel model = getBundleModel(); return (model != null) ? model.getBundle() : null; }
@Override public void dispose() { IBundleModel model = getBundleModel(); if (model != null) model.removeModelChangedListener(this); super.dispose(); }
private void executeAdd(IModelChangeProvider model, Object[] elements) { IPluginBase pluginBase = null; IBuild build = null; IBundleModel bundleModel = null; if (model instanceof IPluginModelBase) { pluginBase = ((IPluginModelBase) model).getPluginBase(); } else if (model instanceof IBuildModel) { build = ((IBuildModel) model).getBuild(); } else if (model instanceof IBundleModel) { bundleModel = (IBundleModel) model; } try { for (Object element : elements) { if (element instanceof IPluginImport) { pluginBase.add((IPluginImport) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginLibrary) { pluginBase.add((IPluginLibrary) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginExtensionPoint) { pluginBase.add((IPluginExtensionPoint) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginExtension) { pluginBase.add((IPluginExtension) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginElement) { IPluginElement e = (IPluginElement) element; Object parent = e.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PluginLibraryNode && e instanceof PluginElementNode) { ((PluginLibraryNode) parent).addContentFilter((PluginElementNode) e); } else if (parent instanceof IPluginParent) { ((IPluginParent) parent).add(e); } } else if (element instanceof IBuildEntry) { IBuildEntry e = (IBuildEntry) element; build.add(e); } else if (element instanceof BundleObject) { if (element instanceof ImportPackageObject) { IManifestHeader header = bundleModel.getBundle().getManifestHeader(Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE); if (header != null && header instanceof ImportPackageHeader) { ((ImportPackageHeader) header).addPackage((PackageObject) element); } } if (element instanceof RequireBundleObject) { IBaseModel aggModel = getEditor().getAggregateModel(); if (aggModel instanceof BundlePluginModel) { BundlePluginModel pluginModel = (BundlePluginModel) aggModel; RequireBundleObject requireBundle = (RequireBundleObject) element; pluginBase = pluginModel.getPluginBase(); String elementValue = requireBundle.getValue(); IPluginImport importNode = null; if (pluginModel.getPluginFactory() instanceof BundlePluginModelBase) importNode = ((BundlePluginModelBase) pluginModel.getPluginFactory()) .createImport(elementValue); String version = ((RequireBundleObject) element).getAttribute(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE); IManifestHeader header = bundleModel.getBundle().getManifestHeader(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE); int bundleManifestVersion = BundlePluginBase.getBundleManifestVersion( ((RequireBundleHeader) header).getBundle()); boolean option = (bundleManifestVersion > 1) ? Constants.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL.equals( requireBundle.getDirective(Constants.RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE)) : "true" .equals( requireBundle.getAttribute( ICoreConstants.OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTE)); // $NON-NLS-1$; boolean exported = (bundleManifestVersion > 1) ? Constants.VISIBILITY_REEXPORT.equals( requireBundle.getDirective(Constants.VISIBILITY_DIRECTIVE)) : "true" .equals( requireBundle.getAttribute( ICoreConstants.REPROVIDE_ATTRIBUTE)); // $NON-NLS-1$; if (importNode != null) { importNode.setVersion(version); importNode.setOptional(option); importNode.setReexported(exported); } if (pluginBase instanceof BundlePluginBase && importNode != null) ((BundlePluginBase) pluginBase).add(importNode); } } if (element instanceof ExportPackageObject) { IManifestHeader header = bundleModel.getBundle().getManifestHeader(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE); if (header != null && header instanceof ExportPackageHeader) { ((ExportPackageHeader) header).addPackage((PackageObject) element); } } } } } catch (CoreException e) { PDEPlugin.logException(e); } }
private void executeRemove(IModelChangeProvider model, Object[] elements) { IPluginBase pluginBase = null; IBuild build = null; IBundleModel bundleModel = null; if (model instanceof IPluginModelBase) { pluginBase = ((IPluginModelBase) model).getPluginBase(); } else if (model instanceof IBuildModel) { build = ((IBuildModel) model).getBuild(); } else if (model instanceof IBundleModel) { bundleModel = (IBundleModel) model; } try { for (Object element : elements) { if (element instanceof IPluginImport) { pluginBase.remove((IPluginImport) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginLibrary) { pluginBase.remove((IPluginLibrary) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginExtensionPoint) { pluginBase.remove((IPluginExtensionPoint) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginExtension) { pluginBase.remove((IPluginExtension) element); } else if (element instanceof IPluginElement) { IPluginElement e = (IPluginElement) element; Object parent = e.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PluginLibraryNode && e instanceof PluginElementNode) { ((PluginLibraryNode) parent).removeContentFilter((PluginElementNode) e); } else if (parent instanceof IPluginParent) { ((IPluginParent) parent).remove(e); } } else if (element instanceof IBuildEntry) { IBuildEntry e = (IBuildEntry) element; build.remove(e); } else if (element instanceof BundleObject) { if (element instanceof ImportPackageObject) { IManifestHeader header = bundleModel.getBundle().getManifestHeader(Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE); if (header != null && header instanceof ImportPackageHeader) { ((ImportPackageHeader) header).removePackage((PackageObject) element); } } if (element instanceof RequireBundleObject) { IBaseModel aggModel = getEditor().getAggregateModel(); if (aggModel instanceof BundlePluginModel) { BundlePluginModel mod = (BundlePluginModel) aggModel; pluginBase = mod.getPluginBase(); IPluginImport[] imports = pluginBase.getImports(); IPluginImport currentImport = null; for (IPluginImport pluginImport : imports) { String elementValue = ((RequireBundleObject) element).getValue(); if (pluginImport.getId().equals(elementValue)) { currentImport = pluginImport; break; } } IPluginImport[] plugins = {currentImport}; if (pluginBase instanceof BundlePluginBase && currentImport != null) ((BundlePluginBase) pluginBase).remove(plugins); } } if (element instanceof ExportPackageObject) { IManifestHeader header = bundleModel.getBundle().getManifestHeader(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE); if (header != null && header instanceof ExportPackageHeader) { ((ExportPackageHeader) header).removePackage((PackageObject) element); } } } } } catch (CoreException e) { PDEPlugin.logException(e); } }