public void cloneBinaryRepository() throws GitException { // find the name of the "source repository" String srcRepoUrl = getSourceRemoteUrl(); String org = GitUtils.getOrgName(srcRepoUrl); String repoName = GitUtils.getRepositoryName(srcRepoUrl); String binaryRepoName = calculateBinaryRepositoryName(org, repoName); // find where ".git" folder is found File f = sourceRepository.getDirectory(); File sourceDir = f.getParentFile(); String sourceRepoFolderName = f.getParentFile().getName(); // construct the binary repository URL String giturl = "[email protected]:Binary/" + binaryRepoName + ".git"; // calculate binary repository folder File parent = f.getParentFile().getParentFile(); File binaryRepoFolder = new File(parent, ("." + sourceRepoFolderName)); // clone the binary repository CloneCommand cloneCmd = Git.cloneRepository(); cloneCmd.setURI(giturl); cloneCmd.setDirectory(binaryRepoFolder); cloneCmd.setCloneAllBranches(true); Git binrepository = null; try { System.out.println("cloning repository " + giturl); binrepository =; binaryRepository = new FileRepository(binrepository.getRepository().getDirectory()); } catch (InvalidRemoteException e) { throw new GitException("unable to clone " + giturl, e); } catch (TransportException e) { throw new GitException("unable to clone " + giturl, e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to clone " + giturl, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GitException("unable assign " + giturl, e); } // read the branch from "source" repository String branchName = "master"; try { branchName = sourceRepository.getBranch(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Checkout the "branch" if it is not equal to "master" if (!branchName.toLowerCase().equals("master")) { // check whether the branch exists boolean remoteBranchExists = GitUtils.isRemoteBranchExists(binaryRepository, branchName); CheckoutResult result = null; if (!remoteBranchExists) { try { // create branch Git binrepo = Git.wrap(binaryRepository); CreateBranchCommand branchCmd = binrepo.branchCreate(); branchCmd.setName(branchName);; // checkout the branch CheckoutCommand checkout = binrepo.checkout(); checkout.setName(branchName); Ref ref =; if (ref == null) { // TODO: } else { result = checkout.getResult(); } } catch (RefAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create branch " + branchName, e); } catch (RefNotFoundException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create branch " + branchName, e); } catch (InvalidRefNameException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create branch " + branchName, e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create branch " + branchName, e); } } else { CheckoutCommand checkoutCmd = binrepository.checkout(); checkoutCmd.setCreateBranch(true); checkoutCmd.setName(branchName); checkoutCmd.setUpstreamMode(CreateBranchCommand.SetupUpstreamMode.TRACK); checkoutCmd.setStartPoint("origin/" + branchName); System.out.println("checking out branch " + branchName); try { // Ref branch =; Ref ref =; System.out.println("checkout is complete"); if (ref != null) { // System.out.println("ref " + ref.getName() ); result = checkoutCmd.getResult(); } } catch (RefAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new GitException("unable to checkout branch " + branchName, e); } catch (RefNotFoundException e) { throw new GitException("unable to checkout branch " + branchName, e); } catch (InvalidRefNameException e) { throw new GitException("unable to checkout branch " + branchName, e); } catch (CheckoutConflictException e) { throw new GitException("unable to checkout branch " + branchName, e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to checkout branch " + branchName, e); } } if (result.getStatus().equals(CheckoutResult.OK_RESULT)) { System.out.println("checkout is OK"); } else { // TODO: handle the error. } } // System.out.println( result.getStatus()); // TODO: find out whether Binary is upto-date with the sources /* // call the MapSvc to find it out. final org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository repository = new; final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repository); final ObjectId resolve = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); final RevCommit commit = revWalk.parseCommit(resolve); final String commitHash = commit.getName(); final String url = getUrlForFindByRepoBranchCommit() + "repourl=" + URLEncoder.encode(getSourceRemoteUrl(), UTF_8) + "&branch=" + URLEncoder.encode(branchName, UTF_8) + "&commitid=" + URLEncoder.encode(commitHash, UTF_8); final WebResource webResource = client.resource(url); boolean noContent = false; BinRepoBranchCommitDO binRepoBranchCommitDO = null; try { System.out.println("calling mapsvc "); binRepoBranchCommitDO = webResource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).get(BinRepoBranchCommitDO.class); } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) { int statusCode = e.getResponse().getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode(); noContent = (statusCode == 204); } catch (Exception e) { // catch-all in case there are network problems e.printStackTrace(); } // No matching entry found in mapping service // TODO: RGIROTI Talk to Nambi and find out what we want to do in this case if (noContent) { } else { // if it matches copy the .class files from binaryrepository to source-repository if (binRepoBranchCommitDO != null && binRepoBranchCommitDO.getRepoUrl().equalsIgnoreCase(getSourceRemoteUrl()) && binRepoBranchCommitDO.getBranch().equalsIgnoreCase(branchName) && binRepoBranchCommitDO.getCommitId().equalsIgnoreCase(commitHash)) { } } */ try { FileUtil.copyBinaryFolders(binaryRepoFolder, sourceDir, ".git"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void createBinaryRepository() throws IOException, GitException, MapServiceException { // check whether "binary repository" exists if (isBinaryRepositoryAvailable()) throw new GitException("Repository already exists"); // find the name of the "source repository" // String sourceRepoName = getRepositoryName(); // find where ".git" folder is found File f = sourceRepository.getDirectory(); File sourceRepoFolder = f.getParentFile(); String sourceRepoFolderName = f.getParentFile().getName(); // calculate binary repository folder File parent = f.getParentFile().getParentFile(); File binaryRepoFolder = new File(parent, ("." + sourceRepoFolderName)); // create binary repository folder FileUtils.mkdir(binaryRepoFolder, true); // initialize "git" repository InitCommand initCmd = Git.init(); initCmd.setDirectory(binaryRepoFolder); Git binaryRepo = null; try { System.out.println("initializing bare repository"); binaryRepo =; } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to initialize repository", e); } System.out.println("adding file"); createReadMeFile(binaryRepoFolder); // get "status" StatusCommand statusC = binaryRepo.status(); Collection<String> toadd = GitUtils.getFilesToStage(statusC); // add "readme" file to staging if (toadd.size() > 0) { AddCommand add = binaryRepo.add(); for (String file : toadd) { add.addFilepattern(file); } try {; CommitCommand commit = binaryRepo.commit(); commit.setMessage("initial commit"); System.out.println("performing first commit");; } catch (NoFilepatternException e) { throw new GitException("unable to add file(s)", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to add or commit", e); } } // Calculate the remote url for binary repository String remoteUrl = calculateBinaryRepositoryUrl(); // TODO: check whether the remote exists, if not create it, else fail GitHub github = new GitHubClient().getGithub(); GHOrganization githubOrg = github.getOrganization("Binary"); GHRepository repository = githubOrg.getRepository(GitUtils.getRepositoryName(remoteUrl)); if (repository == null) { System.out.println("creating remote repository : " + remoteUrl); GHRepository repo = githubOrg.createRepository( GitUtils.getRepositoryName(remoteUrl), "Binary repository", "", "Owners", true); System.out.println(repo.getUrl() + " created successfully "); } else { // fail, it shouldn't come here } // add "remote" repository StoredConfig config = binaryRepo.getRepository().getConfig(); config.setString("remote", "origin", "url", remoteUrl); System.out.println("adding remote origin " + remoteUrl);; // get "status" StatusCommand stat = binaryRepo.status(); Collection<String> filesToAdd = GitUtils.getFilesToStage(stat); // add files to "staging" if (filesToAdd.size() > 0) { AddCommand addCmd = binaryRepo.add(); for (String file : filesToAdd) { addCmd.addFilepattern(file); } try {; } catch (NoFilepatternException e) { throw new GitException("unable to add files", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to add files", e); } } // commit System.out.println("commiting the files"); CommitCommand commit = binaryRepo.commit(); // add the 'source' repository git-url, commit-id and branch commit.setMessage("adding file"); try {; } catch (NoHeadException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (NoMessageException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (UnmergedPathsException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (ConcurrentRefUpdateException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (WrongRepositoryStateException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } // push System.out.println("pushing to remote"); PushCommand push = binaryRepo.push(); try {; } catch (InvalidRemoteException e) { throw new GitException("unable to push", e); } catch (TransportException e) { throw new GitException("unable to push", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to push", e); } // read the branch from "source" repository String branchname = sourceRepository.getBranch(); // create a "branch" if (!branchname.toLowerCase().equals("master")) { CreateBranchCommand branchCmd = binaryRepo.branchCreate(); branchCmd.setName(branchname); try { // create branch; // checkout the branch CheckoutCommand checkout = binaryRepo.checkout(); checkout.setName(branchname);; } catch (RefAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e); } catch (RefNotFoundException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e); } catch (InvalidRefNameException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to create a branch", e); } } // find the "localobr" folders and exclude them during copy List<String> excludes = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<File> excludeFiles = FileUtil.findDirectoriesThatEndWith(sourceRepoFolder, "localobr"); for (File file : excludeFiles) { excludes.add(file.getCanonicalPath()); } // copy the classes System.out.println("copying binary files"); copyBinaryFolders("target", excludes, binaryRepoFolder); // get "status" StatusCommand statusCmd = binaryRepo.status(); Collection<String> tobeAdded = GitUtils.getFilesToStage(statusCmd); // add files to "staging" if (tobeAdded.size() > 0) { AddCommand addCmd = binaryRepo.add(); for (String file : tobeAdded) { addCmd.addFilepattern(file); } try {; } catch (NoFilepatternException e) { throw new GitException("unable to add files", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to add files", e); } } // commit System.out.println("commiting the files"); CommitCommand commit1 = binaryRepo.commit(); commit1.setMessage("saving the files"); try {; } catch (NoHeadException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (NoMessageException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (UnmergedPathsException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (ConcurrentRefUpdateException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (WrongRepositoryStateException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to commit", e); } // push System.out.println("pushing to remote"); PushCommand pushCmd = binaryRepo.push(); try {; } catch (InvalidRemoteException e) { throw new GitException("unable to push", e); } catch (TransportException e) { throw new GitException("unable to push", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("unable to push", e); } final String repoUrl = getSourceRemoteUrl(); // branchName was computed above final org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository repo = new; final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo); final ObjectId resolve = repo.resolve(Constants.HEAD); final RevCommit commitRev = revWalk.parseCommit(resolve); final String commitHash = commitRev.getName(); Git git =; final RevCommit binRepoResolveCommitRev; try { binRepoResolveCommitRev = git.log().call().iterator().next(); } catch (NoHeadException e) { throw new GitException("No head found for repo", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("No head found for repo", e); } final String binRepoResolveCommitHash = binRepoResolveCommitRev.getName(); final String binRepoBranchName = git.getRepository().getBranch(); System.out.println("Update Bin Repo Service with the new changes - POST new object to service"); final BinRepoBranchCommitDO binRepoBranchCommitDO = newInstance( repoUrl, branchname, commitHash, remoteUrl, binRepoBranchName, binRepoResolveCommitHash); final WebResource resource = client.resource(getUrlForPost()); BinRepoBranchCommitDO postedDO = null; try { postedDO = resource .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .post(BinRepoBranchCommitDO.class, binRepoBranchCommitDO); System.out.println("Posted Object = " + postedDO.toString()); } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) { int statusCode = e.getResponse().getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode(); System.out.println("status code: " + statusCode); throw new MapServiceException("Unable to register the commit details", e); } // System.out.println(postedDO != null ? postedDO.toString() : "postedDO was null"); System.out.println("updated the map service"); }