public void setUp(String username, Map<String, String> initParams) throws Exception { ServiceRegistry mockServiceRegistry = EasyMock.createNiceMock(ServiceRegistry.class); EasyMock.expect(mockServiceRegistry.lookupServiceURL("test-cluster", "NAMENODE")) .andReturn("test-nn-scheme://test-nn-host:411") .anyTimes(); EasyMock.expect(mockServiceRegistry.lookupServiceURL("test-cluster", "JOBTRACKER")) .andReturn("test-jt-scheme://test-jt-host:511") .anyTimes(); GatewayServices mockGatewayServices = EasyMock.createNiceMock(GatewayServices.class); EasyMock.expect(mockGatewayServices.getService(GatewayServices.SERVICE_REGISTRY_SERVICE)) .andReturn(mockServiceRegistry) .anyTimes(); EasyMock.replay(mockServiceRegistry, mockGatewayServices); String descriptorUrl = getTestResource("rewrite.xml").toExternalForm(); Log.setLog(new NoOpLogger()); server = new ServletTester(); server.setContextPath("/"); server.getContext().addEventListener(new UrlRewriteServletContextListener()); server .getContext() .setInitParameter( UrlRewriteServletContextListener.DESCRIPTOR_LOCATION_INIT_PARAM_NAME, descriptorUrl); server.getContext().setAttribute(GatewayServices.GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ATTRIBUTE, "test-cluster"); server .getContext() .setAttribute(GatewayServices.GATEWAY_SERVICES_ATTRIBUTE, mockGatewayServices); FilterHolder setupFilter = server.addFilter(SetupFilter.class, "/*", EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST)); setupFilter.setFilter(new SetupFilter(username)); FilterHolder rewriteFilter = server.addFilter(UrlRewriteServletFilter.class, "/*", EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST)); if (initParams != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : initParams.entrySet()) { rewriteFilter.setInitParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } rewriteFilter.setFilter(new UrlRewriteServletFilter()); interactions = new ArrayQueue<MockInteraction>(); ServletHolder servlet = server.addServlet(MockServlet.class, "/"); servlet.setServlet(new MockServlet("mock-servlet", interactions)); server.start(); interaction = new MockInteraction(); request = new HttpTester(); response = new HttpTester(); }
protected void writeData(ServletResponse response, String data) throws IOException { idleCheck.activity(); Log.debug("Session[" + session.getSessionId() + "]: writeData(START): " + data); ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); os.println("Content-Type: text/plain"); os.println(); os.println(data); os.println(boundarySeperator); response.flushBuffer(); Log.debug("Session[" + session.getSessionId() + "]: writeData(END): " + data); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ private int checkNonce(String nonce, Request request) { try { byte[] n = B64Code.decode(nonce.toCharArray()); if (n.length != 24) { return -1; } long ts = 0; long sk = _nonceSecret; byte[] n2 = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(n, 0, n2, 0, 8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { n2[8 + i] = (byte) (sk & 0xff); sk = sk >> 8; ts = (ts << 8) + (0xff & (long) n[7 - i]); } long age = request.getTimeStamp() - ts; if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("age=" + age); } byte[] hash = null; try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.reset(); md.update(n2, 0, 16); hash = md.digest(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(e); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (n[i + 8] != hash[i]) { return -1; } } if (_maxNonceAge > 0 && (age < 0 || age > _maxNonceAge)) { return 0; // stale } return 1; } catch (Exception e) { Log.ignore(e); } return -1; }
@Before public void init() throws Exception { _server = new Server(); _connector = new LocalConnector(_server); ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler( ServletContextHandler.NO_SECURITY | ServletContextHandler.NO_SESSIONS); _server.addConnector(_connector); _server.setHandler(context); context.setContextPath("/"); context.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/"); context.addServlet(FailServlet.class, "/fail/*"); context.addServlet(ErrorServlet.class, "/error/*"); ErrorPageErrorHandler error = new ErrorPageErrorHandler(); context.setErrorHandler(error); error.addErrorPage(599, "/error/599"); error.addErrorPage(IllegalStateException.class.getCanonicalName(), "/error/TestException"); error.addErrorPage(ErrorPageErrorHandler.GLOBAL_ERROR_PAGE, "/error/GlobalErrorPage"); _server.start(); ((StdErrLog) Log.getLogger(ServletHandler.class)).setHideStacks(true); }
@ServerEndpoint("/echo/primitives/characterobject") public class CharacterObjectTextSocket { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(CharacterObjectTextSocket.class); private Session session; @OnOpen public void onOpen(Session session) { this.session = session; } @OnMessage public void onMessage(Character c) throws IOException { if (c == null) { session.getAsyncRemote().sendText("Error: Character is null"); } else { String msg = c.toString(); session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(msg); } } @OnError public void onError(Throwable cause) throws IOException { LOG.warn("Error", cause); session.getBasicRemote().sendText("Exception: " + StackUtil.toString(cause)); } }
@ServerEndpoint("/echo/primitives/byteobject") public class ByteObjectTextSocket { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(ByteObjectTextSocket.class); private Session session; @OnOpen public void onOpen(Session session) { this.session = session; } @OnMessage public void onMessage(Byte b) throws IOException { if (b == null) { session.getAsyncRemote().sendText("Error: Byte is null"); } else { String msg = String.format("0x%02X", b); session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(msg); } } @OnError public void onError(Throwable cause) throws IOException { LOG.warn("Error", cause); session.getBasicRemote().sendText("Exception: " + StackUtil.toString(cause)); } }
/** * Registers mbeans with the default platform MBean Server. * * @author David Ranalli Jan 29, 2016 */ public class JmxMonitorManager { private static final Logger log = Log.getLogger(JmxMonitorManager.class.getName()); private static final String BEAN_NAME = "jetty-nosql.%s:type=%s,name=%s"; public static void monitor(Object mbean, String category, String type, String name) { MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); try { server.registerMBean(mbean, new ObjectName(String.format(BEAN_NAME, category, type, name))); } catch (Exception e) { // Throwing runtime exception will not help matters... // silently fail and record the problem "Could not add mbean " + mbean + " as " + String.format(BEAN_NAME, category, type, name), e); } } public static void remove(String category, String type, String name) { MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); try { server.unregisterMBean(new ObjectName(String.format(BEAN_NAME, category, type, name))); } catch (Exception e) { // Throwing runtime exception will not help matters... // silently fail and record the problem"Could not remove mbean " + String.format(BEAN_NAME, category, type, name), e); } } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @Override public boolean check(Object credentials) { if (credentials instanceof char[]) { credentials = new String((char[]) credentials); } String password = (credentials instanceof String) ? (String) credentials : credentials.toString(); try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); byte[] ha1; if (credentials instanceof Credential.MD5) { // Credentials are already a MD5 digest - assume it's in // form user:realm:password (we have no way to know since // it's a digest, alright?) ha1 = ((Credential.MD5) credentials).getDigest(); } else { // calc A1 digest md.update(username.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(realm.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(password.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); ha1 = md.digest(); } // calc A2 digest md.reset(); md.update(method.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(uri.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); byte[] ha2 = md.digest(); // calc digest // request-digest = <"> < KD ( H(A1), unq(nonce-value) ":" // nc-value ":" unq(cnonce-value) ":" unq(qop-value) ":" H(A2) ) // <"> // request-digest = <"> < KD ( H(A1), unq(nonce-value) ":" H(A2) // ) > <"> md.update(TypeUtil.toString(ha1, 16).getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(nonce.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(nc.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(cnonce.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(qop.getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); md.update((byte) ':'); md.update(TypeUtil.toString(ha2, 16).getBytes(StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1)); byte[] digest = md.digest(); // check digest return (TypeUtil.toString(digest, 16).equalsIgnoreCase(response)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(e); } return false; }
public String newNonce(Request request) { long ts = request.getTimeStamp(); long sk = _nonceSecret; byte[] nounce = new byte[24]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { nounce[i] = (byte) (ts & 0xff); ts = ts >> 8; nounce[8 + i] = (byte) (sk & 0xff); sk = sk >> 8; } byte[] hash = null; try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.reset(); md.update(nounce, 0, 16); hash = md.digest(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(e); } for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { nounce[8 + i] = hash[i]; if (i == 23) { break; } } return new String(B64Code.encode(nounce)); }
/** * ConsoleNotifier * * <p>Provides a way to output notification messages to a log file */ public class LoggingNotifier implements EventNotifier { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(LoggingNotifier.class); String _messageFormat; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Constructs a new notifier with specified format string * * @param format the {@link java.util.Formatter format string} * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public LoggingNotifier(String format) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (format == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message format cannot be null"); _messageFormat = format; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @see * org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx.EventNotifier#notify(org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx.EventTrigger, * org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx.EventState, long) */ public void notify(EventTrigger trigger, EventState<?> state, long timestamp) { String output = String.format(_messageFormat, state);; } }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { File docRoot = new File("target/test-output/docroot/"); docRoot.mkdirs(); docRoot.deleteOnExit(); System.setProperty("org.mortbay.jetty.util.DEBUG", ""); _server = new Server(); SelectChannelConnector connector = new SelectChannelConnector(); _server.addConnector(connector); _handler = new TestHandler(); _server.setHandler(_handler); MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); MBeanContainer mBeanContainer = new MBeanContainer(mBeanServer); mBeanContainer.addBean(Log.getLog()); _counter = _handler.getRequestCounter(); mBeanContainer.addBean(_counter); _server.addBean(mBeanContainer); _server.getContainer().addEventListener(mBeanContainer); _server.start(); startClient(null); _monitor = new JMXMonitor(); int port = _server.getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort(); _requestUrl = "http://localhost:" + port + "/"; }
private void addWebServerJMXSupport(Server server) { MBeanContainer mbContainer = new MBeanContainer(ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()); server.getContainer().addEventListener(mbContainer); server.addBean(mbContainer); // Register loggers as MBeans mbContainer.addBean(Log.getLog()); }
@Test public void testStop() throws Exception { TestLifeCycle lifecycle = new TestLifeCycle(); TestListener listener = new TestListener(); lifecycle.addLifeCycleListener(listener); // need to set the state to something other than stopped or stopping or // else // stop() will return without doing anything lifecycle.start(); lifecycle.setCause(cause); try { ((StdErrLog) Log.getLogger(AbstractLifeCycle.class)).setHideStacks(true); lifecycle.stop(); assertTrue(false); } catch (Exception e) { assertEquals(cause, e); assertEquals(cause, listener.getCause()); } finally { ((StdErrLog) Log.getLogger(AbstractLifeCycle.class)).setHideStacks(false); } lifecycle.setCause(null); lifecycle.stop(); // check that the stopping event has been thrown assertTrue("The stopping event didn't occur", listener.stopping); // check that the stopped event has been thrown assertTrue("The stopped event didn't occur", listener.stopped); // check that the stopping event occurs before the stopped event assertTrue( "The stopping event must occur before the stopped event", listener.stoppingTime <= listener.stoppedTime); // System.out.println("STOPING TIME : " + listener.stoppingTime + " : " + listener.stoppedTime); // check that the lifecycle's state is stopped assertTrue("The lifecycle state is not stooped", lifecycle.isStopped()); }
/** Dummy impl of MuxAddServer */ public class DummyMuxAddServer implements MuxAddServer { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(DummyMuxAddServer.class); private AdapterEchoSocket echo; private WebSocketPolicy policy; private EventDriverFactory eventDriverFactory; public DummyMuxAddServer() { this.policy = WebSocketPolicy.newServerPolicy(); this.eventDriverFactory = new EventDriverFactory(policy); this.echo = new AdapterEchoSocket(); } @Override public UpgradeRequest getPhysicalHandshakeRequest() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public UpgradeResponse getPhysicalHandshakeResponse() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void handshake(Muxer muxer, MuxChannel channel, UpgradeRequest request) throws MuxException, IOException { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); response.append("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"); response.append("Connection: upgrade\r\n"); // not meaningful (per Draft 08) hresp.append("Upgrade: websocket\r\n"); // not meaningful (per Draft 08) hresp.append("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: // Kgo85/8KVE8YPONSeyhgL3GwqhI=\r\n"); response.append("\r\n"); EventDriver websocket = this.eventDriverFactory.wrap(echo); WebSocketSession session = new WebSocketSession(request.getRequestURI(), websocket, channel); session.setNegotiatedSubprotocol("echo"); channel.setSession(session); channel.setSubProtocol("echo"); channel.onOpen();; MuxAddChannelResponse addChannelResponse = new MuxAddChannelResponse(); addChannelResponse.setChannelId(channel.getChannelId()); addChannelResponse.setEncoding(MuxAddChannelResponse.IDENTITY_ENCODING); addChannelResponse.setFailed(false); addChannelResponse.setHandshake(response.toString()); muxer.output(addChannelResponse); } }
public class SpnegoAuthenticator extends LoginAuthenticator { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(SpnegoAuthenticator.class); public String getAuthMethod() { return Constraint.__SPNEGO_AUTH; } public Authentication validateRequest( ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, boolean mandatory) throws ServerAuthException { HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) response; String header = req.getHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION); if (!mandatory) { return _deferred; } // check to see if we have authorization headers required to continue if (header == null) { try { if (_deferred.isDeferred(res)) { return Authentication.UNAUTHENTICATED; } LOG.debug("SpengoAuthenticator: sending challenge"); res.setHeader(HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE, HttpHeaders.NEGOTIATE); res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return Authentication.SEND_CONTINUE; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ServerAuthException(ioe); } } else if (header != null && header.startsWith(HttpHeaders.NEGOTIATE)) { String spnegoToken = header.substring(10); UserIdentity user = _loginService.login(null, spnegoToken); if (user != null) { return new UserAuthentication(getAuthMethod(), user); } } return Authentication.UNAUTHENTICATED; } public boolean secureResponse( ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, boolean mandatory, User validatedUser) throws ServerAuthException { return true; } }
@Override public Resource getResource(String uriInContext) throws MalformedURLException { Resource resource = null; // Try to get regular resource // replacer.getAutoconfigTempDirectory().getAbsolutePath() try { resource = getAutoconfigResource(uriInContext); if (resource == null) { // resource = super.getResource(uriInContext); resource = getResourceFromMavenOrSuper(uriInContext); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("find autoconfig resource error! " + uriInContext, e); } // If no regular resource exists check for access to /WEB-INF/lib or /WEB-INF/classes if ((resource == null || !resource.exists()) && uriInContext != null && webInfClasses != null) { String uri = URIUtil.canonicalPath(uriInContext); try { // Replace /WEB-INF/classes with real classes directory if (uri.startsWith(WEB_INF_CLASSES_PREFIX)) { Resource res = null; int i = 0; while (res == null && (i < webInfClasses.size())) { String newPath = uri.replace(WEB_INF_CLASSES_PREFIX, webInfClasses.get(i).getPath()); res = Resource.newResource(newPath); if (!res.exists()) { res = null; i++; } } return res; } // Return the real jar file for all accesses to // /WEB-INF/lib/*.jar else if (uri.startsWith(WEB_INF_LIB_PREFIX)) { String jarName = uri.replace(WEB_INF_LIB_PREFIX, ""); if (jarName.startsWith("/") || jarName.startsWith("\\")) jarName = jarName.substring(1); if (jarName.length() == 0) return null; File jarFile = webInfJarMap.get(jarName); if (jarFile != null) return Resource.newResource(jarFile.getPath()); return null; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { Log.ignore(e); } } return resource; }
/** On Connect, close socket */ public static class FastCloseSocket extends AbstractCloseSocket { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(ManyConnectionsCleanupTest.FastCloseSocket.class); private final AtomicInteger calls; public FastCloseSocket(AtomicInteger calls) { this.calls = calls; } @Override public void onWebSocketConnect(Session sess) { LOG.debug("onWebSocketConnect({})", sess); calls.incrementAndGet(); sess.close(StatusCode.NORMAL, "FastCloseServer"); } }
/** * {@link ProxyEngine} is the class for SPDY proxy functionalities that receives a SPDY request and * converts it to any protocol to its server side. * * <p>This class listens for SPDY events sent by clients; subclasses are responsible for translating * these SPDY client events into appropriate events to forward to the server, in the appropriate * protocol that is understood by the server. */ public abstract class ProxyEngine { protected final Logger logger = Log.getLogger(getClass()); private final String name; protected ProxyEngine() { this(name()); } private static String name() { try { return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException x) { return "localhost"; } } public abstract StreamFrameListener proxy( Stream clientStream, SynInfo clientSynInfo, ProxyEngineSelector.ProxyServerInfo proxyServerInfo); protected ProxyEngine(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } protected void addRequestProxyHeaders(Stream stream, Fields headers) { addViaHeader(headers); InetSocketAddress address = stream.getSession().getRemoteAddress(); if (address != null) headers.add("X-Forwarded-For", address.getHostName()); } protected void addResponseProxyHeaders(Stream stream, Fields headers) { addViaHeader(headers); } private void addViaHeader(Fields headers) { headers.add("Via", "http/1.1 " + getName()); } protected void customizeRequestHeaders(Stream stream, Fields headers) {} protected void customizeResponseHeaders(Stream stream, Fields headers) {} }
/** Simple Echo WebSocket, using async writes of echo */ @WebSocket public class ABSocket { private static Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(ABSocket.class); private Session session; private String abbreviate(String message) { if (message.length() > 80) { return '"' + message.substring(0, 80) + "\"..."; } return '"' + message + '"'; } @OnWebSocketMessage public void onBinary(byte buf[], int offset, int len) { LOG.debug("onBinary(byte[{}],{},{})", buf.length, offset, len); // echo the message back. ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, offset, len); this.session.getRemote().sendBytesByFuture(data); } @OnWebSocketConnect public void onOpen(Session sess) { this.session = sess; } @OnWebSocketMessage public void onText(String message) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (message == null) { LOG.debug("onText() msg=null"); } else { LOG.debug("onText() size={}, msg={}", message.length(), abbreviate(message)); } } try { // echo the message back. this.session.getRemote().sendStringByFuture(message); } catch (WebSocketException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to echo TEXT message", e); } } }
/** On Connect, throw unhandled exception */ public static class FastFailSocket extends AbstractCloseSocket { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(ManyConnectionsCleanupTest.FastFailSocket.class); private final AtomicInteger calls; public FastFailSocket(AtomicInteger calls) { this.calls = calls; } @Override public void onWebSocketConnect(Session sess) { LOG.debug("onWebSocketConnect({})", sess); calls.incrementAndGet(); // Test failure due to unhandled exception // this should trigger a fast-fail closure during open/connect throw new RuntimeException("Intentional FastFail"); } }
/** Producer of {@link org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session} instances */ public class JettyWebSocketSessionProducer { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(JettyWebSocketSessionProducer.class); @Produces public Session getSession(InjectionPoint injectionPoint) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getSession({})", injectionPoint); } WebSocketScopeContext ctx = WebSocketScopeContext.current(); if (ctx == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not in a " + WebSocketScope.class.getName()); } org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session sess = ctx.getSession(); if (sess == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No Session Available"); } return sess; } }
/** * Convert an {@link Enum} to JSON. If fromJSON is true in the constructor, the JSON generated will * be of the form {class="com.acme.TrafficLight",value="Green"} If fromJSON is false, then only the * string value of the enum is generated. */ public class JSONEnumConvertor implements JSON.Convertor { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(JSONEnumConvertor.class); private boolean _fromJSON; private Method _valueOf; { try { Class<?> e = Loader.loadClass(getClass(), "java.lang.Enum"); _valueOf = e.getMethod("valueOf", Class.class, String.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("!Enums", e); } } public JSONEnumConvertor() { this(false); } public JSONEnumConvertor(boolean fromJSON) { _fromJSON = fromJSON; } public Object fromJSON(Map map) { if (!_fromJSON) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); try { Class c = Loader.loadClass(getClass(), (String) map.get("class")); return _valueOf.invoke(null, c, map.get("value")); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); } return null; } public void toJSON(Object obj, Output out) { if (_fromJSON) { out.addClass(obj.getClass()); out.add("value", ((Enum) obj).name()); } else { out.add(((Enum) obj).name()); } } }
/** On Message, return container information */ public static class ContainerSocket extends AbstractCloseSocket { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(ManyConnectionsCleanupTest.ContainerSocket.class); private final WebSocketServerFactory container; private final AtomicInteger calls; private Session session; public ContainerSocket(WebSocketServerFactory container, AtomicInteger calls) { this.container = container; this.calls = calls; } @Override public void onWebSocketText(String message) { LOG.debug("onWebSocketText({})", message); calls.incrementAndGet(); if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("openSessions")) { Collection<WebSocketSession> sessions = container.getOpenSessions(); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); ret.append("openSessions.size=").append(sessions.size()).append('\n'); int idx = 0; for (WebSocketSession sess : sessions) { ret.append('[').append(idx++).append("] ").append(sess.toString()).append('\n'); } session.getRemote().sendStringByFuture(ret.toString()); session.close(StatusCode.NORMAL, "ContainerSocket"); } else if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("calls")) { session.getRemote().sendStringByFuture(String.format("calls=%,d", calls.get())); } } @Override public void onWebSocketConnect(Session sess) { LOG.debug("onWebSocketConnect({})", sess); this.session = sess; } }
/** * Used to discover the rest of the server URIs through a HTTP GET request to the server root (/). */ @Path("/") public class DiscoveryService { private static final Logger LOGGER = Log.getLogger(DiscoveryService.class); private final Configuration configuration; private final OutputFormat outputFormat; public DiscoveryService( @Context Configuration configuration, @Context OutputFormat outputFormat) { this.configuration = configuration; this.outputFormat = outputFormat; } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getDiscoveryDocument() throws URISyntaxException { String webAdminManagementUri = configuration.getString( Configurator.MANAGEMENT_PATH_PROPERTY_KEY, Configurator.DEFAULT_MANAGEMENT_API_PATH); String dataUri = configuration.getString( Configurator.REST_API_PATH_PROPERTY_KEY, Configurator.DEFAULT_DATA_API_PATH); DiscoveryRepresentation dr = new DiscoveryRepresentation(webAdminManagementUri, dataUri); return outputFormat.ok(dr); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.WILDCARD) public Response redirectToBrowser() { try { return Response.seeOther(new URI(Configurator.BROWSER_PATH)).build(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage()); return Response.serverError().build(); } } }
public class WebListenerAnnotationHandler extends AbstractDiscoverableAnnotationHandler { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(WebListenerAnnotationHandler.class); public WebListenerAnnotationHandler(WebAppContext context) { super(context); } public void handle(ClassInfo info, String annotationName) { if (annotationName == null || !"javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener".equals(annotationName)) return; WebListenerAnnotation wlAnnotation = new WebListenerAnnotation(_context, info.getClassName(), info.getContainingResource()); addAnnotation(wlAnnotation); } public void handle(FieldInfo info, String annotationName) { if (annotationName == null || !"javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener".equals(annotationName)) return; LOG.warn( "@WebListener is not applicable to fields: " + info.getClassInfo().getClassName() + "." + info.getFieldName()); } public void handle(MethodInfo info, String annotationName) { if (annotationName == null || !"javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener".equals(annotationName)) return; LOG.warn( "@WebListener is not applicable to methods: " + info.getClassInfo().getClassName() + "." + info.getMethodName() + " " + info.getSignature()); } }
public class PlatformAnnotationConfiguration extends AnnotationConfiguration { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(PlatformAnnotationConfiguration.class); private List<Resource> getResources(ClassLoader aLoader) throws IOException { if (aLoader instanceof URLClassLoader) { List<Resource> _result = new ArrayList<Resource>(); URL[] _urls = ((URLClassLoader) aLoader).getURLs(); for (URL _url : _urls) { _result.add(Resource.newResource(_url)); } return _result; } return Collections.emptyList(); } public void parseContainerPath(final WebAppContext context, final AnnotationParser parser) throws Exception { final Set<Handler> handlers = new HashSet<Handler>(); handlers.addAll(_discoverableAnnotationHandlers); handlers.addAll(_containerInitializerAnnotationHandlers); if (_classInheritanceHandler != null) { handlers.add(_classInheritanceHandler); } _containerPathStats = new CounterStatistic(); List<Resource> _resources = getResources(getClass().getClassLoader()); for (Resource r : _resources) { if (_parserTasks != null) { ParserTask task = new ParserTask(parser, handlers, r, _containerClassNameResolver); _parserTasks.add(task); _containerPathStats.increment(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { task.setStatistic(new TimeStatistic()); } } } } }
@ServerEndpoint("/echo/primitives/short") public class ShortTextSocket { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(ShortTextSocket.class); private Session session; @OnOpen public void onOpen(Session session) { this.session = session; } @OnMessage public void onMessage(short s) throws IOException { String msg = Short.toString(s); session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(msg); } @OnError public void onError(Throwable cause) throws IOException { LOG.warn("Error", cause); session.getBasicRemote().sendText("Exception: " + StackUtil.toString(cause)); } }
public static MockResponse expect(String uri, MockResponse mockResponse) { if (uri == null) { throw new NullPointerException("URI is mandatory"); } synchronized (lock) { while (mockResponses.containsKey(uri) || mockListeneres.containsKey(uri)) { try { lock.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } } mockResponses.put(uri, mockResponse); if (responses.get() == null) { responses.set(new ArrayList<MockResponse>()); } responses.get().add(mockResponse); return mockResponse; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E> MockListener<E> listen(String uri, MockListener<E> mockListener) { if (uri == null) { throw new NullPointerException("URI is mandatory"); } synchronized (lock) { while (mockResponses.containsKey(uri) || mockListeneres.containsKey(uri)) { try { lock.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } } mockListeneres.put(uri, (MockListener<Object>) mockListener); if (listeners.get() == null) { listeners.set(new ArrayList<MockListener<Object>>()); } listeners.get().add((MockListener<Object>) mockListener); return mockListener; } }
/** * AntWebAppContext * * <p>Extension of WebAppContext to allow configuration via Ant environment. */ public class AntWebAppContext extends WebAppContext { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(WebAppContext.class); public final AntWebInfConfiguration antWebInfConfiguration = new AntWebInfConfiguration(); public final WebXmlConfiguration webXmlConfiguration = new WebXmlConfiguration(); public final MetaInfConfiguration metaInfConfiguration = new MetaInfConfiguration(); public final FragmentConfiguration fragmentConfiguration = new FragmentConfiguration(); public final EnvConfiguration envConfiguration = new EnvConfiguration(); public final PlusConfiguration plusConfiguration = new PlusConfiguration(); public final AnnotationConfiguration annotationConfiguration = new AnnotationConfiguration(); public final JettyWebXmlConfiguration jettyWebXmlConfiguration = new JettyWebXmlConfiguration(); public final Configuration[] DEFAULT_CONFIGURATIONS = { antWebInfConfiguration, webXmlConfiguration, metaInfConfiguration, fragmentConfiguration, envConfiguration, plusConfiguration, annotationConfiguration, jettyWebXmlConfiguration }; public static final String DEFAULT_CONTAINER_INCLUDE_JAR_PATTERN = ".*/.*jsp-api-[^/]*\\.jar$|.*/.*jsp-[^/]*\\.jar$|.*/.*taglibs[^/]*\\.jar$|.*/.*jstl[^/]*\\.jar$|.*/.*jsf-impl-[^/]*\\.jar$|.*/.*javax.faces-[^/]*\\.jar$|.*/.*myfaces-impl-[^/]*\\.jar$"; /** Location of jetty-env.xml file. */ private File jettyEnvXml; /** List of web application libraries. */ private List libraries = new ArrayList(); /** List of web application class directories. */ private List classes = new ArrayList(); /** context xml file to apply to the webapp */ private File contextXml; /** List of extra scan targets for this web application. */ private FileSet scanTargets; /** context attributes to set * */ private Attributes attributes; private Project project; private List<File> scanFiles; /** Extra scan targets. */ private FileMatchingConfiguration extraScanTargetsConfiguration; private FileMatchingConfiguration librariesConfiguration; public static void dump(ClassLoader loader) { while (loader != null) { System.err.println(loader); if (loader instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) loader).getURLs(); if (urls != null) { for (URL u : urls) System.err.println("\t" + u + "\n"); } } loader = loader.getParent(); } } /** * AntURLClassLoader * * <p>Adapt the AntClassLoader which is not a URLClassLoader - this is needed for jsp to be able * to search the classpath. */ public static class AntURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { private AntClassLoader antLoader; public AntURLClassLoader(AntClassLoader antLoader) { super(new URL[] {}, antLoader); this.antLoader = antLoader; } @Override public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) { return super.getResourceAsStream(name); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); } @Override protected void addURL(URL url) { super.addURL(url); } @Override public URL[] getURLs() { Set<URL> urls = new HashSet<URL>(); // convert urls from antLoader String[] paths = antLoader.getClasspath().split(new String(new char[] {File.pathSeparatorChar})); if (paths != null) { for (String p : paths) { File f = new File(p); try { urls.add(f.toURI().toURL()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.ignore(e); } } } // add in any that may have been added to us as a URL directly URL[] ourURLS = super.getURLs(); if (ourURLS != null) { for (URL u : ourURLS) urls.add(u); } return urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]); } @Override protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { return super.findClass(name); } @Override protected Package definePackage(String name, Manifest man, URL url) throws IllegalArgumentException { return super.definePackage(name, man, url); } @Override public URL findResource(String name) { return super.findResource(name); } @Override public Enumeration<URL> findResources(String name) throws IOException { return super.findResources(name); } @Override protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) { return super.getPermissions(codesource); } @Override public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { return super.loadClass(name); } @Override protected Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { return super.loadClass(name, resolve); } @Override protected Object getClassLoadingLock(String className) { return super.getClassLoadingLock(className); } @Override public URL getResource(String name) { return super.getResource(name); } @Override public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws IOException { return super.getResources(name); } @Override protected Package definePackage( String name, String specTitle, String specVersion, String specVendor, String implTitle, String implVersion, String implVendor, URL sealBase) throws IllegalArgumentException { return super.definePackage( name, specTitle, specVersion, specVendor, implTitle, implVersion, implVendor, sealBase); } @Override protected Package getPackage(String name) { return super.getPackage(name); } @Override protected Package[] getPackages() { return super.getPackages(); } @Override protected String findLibrary(String libname) { return super.findLibrary(libname); } @Override public void setDefaultAssertionStatus(boolean enabled) { super.setDefaultAssertionStatus(enabled); } @Override public void setPackageAssertionStatus(String packageName, boolean enabled) { super.setPackageAssertionStatus(packageName, enabled); } @Override public void setClassAssertionStatus(String className, boolean enabled) { super.setClassAssertionStatus(className, enabled); } @Override public void clearAssertionStatus() { super.clearAssertionStatus(); } } /** AntServletHolder */ public static class AntServletHolder extends ServletHolder { public AntServletHolder() { super(); } public AntServletHolder(Class<? extends Servlet> servlet) { super(servlet); } public AntServletHolder(Servlet servlet) { super(servlet); } public AntServletHolder(String name, Class<? extends Servlet> servlet) { super(name, servlet); } public AntServletHolder(String name, Servlet servlet) { super(name, servlet); } protected String getSystemClassPath(ClassLoader loader) throws Exception { StringBuilder classpath = new StringBuilder(); while (loader != null) { if (loader instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) loader).getURLs(); if (urls != null) { for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { Resource resource = Resource.newResource(urls[i]); File file = resource.getFile(); if (file != null && file.exists()) { if (classpath.length() > 0) classpath.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); classpath.append(file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } else if (loader instanceof AntClassLoader) { classpath.append(((AntClassLoader) loader).getClasspath()); } loader = loader.getParent(); } return classpath.toString(); } } /** AntServletHandler */ public static class AntServletHandler extends ServletHandler { @Override public ServletHolder newServletHolder(Holder.Source source) { return new AntServletHolder(); } } /** * Default constructor. Takes application name as an argument * * @param name web application name. */ public AntWebAppContext(Project project) throws Exception { super(); this.project = project; setConfigurations(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATIONS); setAttribute(WebInfConfiguration.CONTAINER_JAR_PATTERN, DEFAULT_CONTAINER_INCLUDE_JAR_PATTERN); setParentLoaderPriority(true); } /** Adds a new Ant's attributes tag object if it have not been created yet. */ public void addAttributes(Attributes atts) { if (this.attributes != null) { throw new BuildException("Only one <attributes> tag is allowed!"); } this.attributes = atts; } public void addLib(FileSet lib) { libraries.add(lib); } public void addClasses(FileSet classes) { this.classes.add(classes); } @Override protected ServletHandler newServletHandler() { return new AntServletHandler(); } public void setJettyEnvXml(File jettyEnvXml) { this.jettyEnvXml = jettyEnvXml; TaskLog.log( "jetty-env.xml file: = " + (jettyEnvXml == null ? null : jettyEnvXml.getAbsolutePath())); } public File getJettyEnvXml() { return this.jettyEnvXml; } public List getLibraries() { return librariesConfiguration.getBaseDirectories(); } public void addScanTargets(FileSet scanTargets) { if (this.scanTargets != null) { throw new BuildException("Only one <scanTargets> tag is allowed!"); } this.scanTargets = scanTargets; } public List getScanTargetFiles() { if (this.scanTargets == null) return null; FileMatchingConfiguration configuration = new FileMatchingConfiguration(); configuration.addDirectoryScanner(scanTargets.getDirectoryScanner(project)); return configuration.getBaseDirectories(); } public List<File> getScanFiles() { if (scanFiles == null) scanFiles = initScanFiles(); return scanFiles; } public boolean isScanned(File file) { List<File> files = getScanFiles(); if (files == null || files.isEmpty()) return false; return files.contains(file); } public List<File> initScanFiles() { List<File> scanList = new ArrayList<File>(); if (getDescriptor() != null) { try { Resource r = Resource.newResource(getDescriptor()); scanList.add(r.getFile()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException(e); } } if (getJettyEnvXml() != null) { try { Resource r = Resource.newResource(getJettyEnvXml()); scanList.add(r.getFile()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Problem configuring scanner for jetty-env.xml", e); } } if (getDefaultsDescriptor() != null) { try { if (!AntWebAppContext.WEB_DEFAULTS_XML.equals(getDefaultsDescriptor())) { Resource r = Resource.newResource(getDefaultsDescriptor()); scanList.add(r.getFile()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Problem configuring scanner for webdefaults.xml", e); } } if (getOverrideDescriptor() != null) { try { Resource r = Resource.newResource(getOverrideDescriptor()); scanList.add(r.getFile()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Problem configuring scanner for webdefaults.xml", e); } } // add any extra classpath and libs List<File> cpFiles = getClassPathFiles(); if (cpFiles != null) scanList.addAll(cpFiles); // any extra scan targets @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<File> scanFiles = (List<File>) getScanTargetFiles(); if (scanFiles != null) scanList.addAll(scanFiles); return scanList; } @Override public void setWar(String path) { super.setWar(path); try { Resource war = Resource.newResource(path); if (war.exists() && war.isDirectory() && getDescriptor() == null) { Resource webXml = war.addPath("WEB-INF/web.xml"); setDescriptor(webXml.toString()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException(e); } } /** */ public void doStart() { try { TaskLog.logWithTimestamp("Starting web application " + this.getDescriptor()); if (jettyEnvXml != null && jettyEnvXml.exists()) envConfiguration.setJettyEnvXml(Resource.toURL(jettyEnvXml)); ClassLoader parentLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); if (parentLoader instanceof AntClassLoader) parentLoader = new AntURLClassLoader((AntClassLoader) parentLoader); setClassLoader(new WebAppClassLoader(parentLoader, this)); if (attributes != null && attributes.getAttributes() != null) { for (Attribute a : attributes.getAttributes()) setAttribute(a.getName(), a.getValue()); } // apply a context xml file if one was supplied if (contextXml != null) { XmlConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XmlConfiguration(Resource.toURL(contextXml)); TaskLog.log("Applying context xml file " + contextXml); xmlConfiguration.configure(this); } super.doStart(); } catch (Exception e) { TaskLog.log(e.toString()); } } /** @see WebApplicationProxy#stop() */ public void doStop() { try { scanFiles = null; TaskLog.logWithTimestamp("Stopping web application " + this); Thread.currentThread().sleep(500L); super.doStop(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { TaskLog.log(e.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { TaskLog.log(e.toString()); } } /** @return a list of classpath files (libraries and class directories). */ public List<File> getClassPathFiles() { List<File> classPathFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); Iterator classesIterator = classes.iterator(); while (classesIterator.hasNext()) { FileSet clazz = (FileSet); classPathFiles.add(clazz.getDirectoryScanner(project).getBasedir()); } Iterator iterator = libraries.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { FileSet library = (FileSet); String[] includedFiles = library.getDirectoryScanner(project).getIncludedFiles(); File baseDir = library.getDirectoryScanner(project).getBasedir(); for (int i = 0; i < includedFiles.length; i++) { classPathFiles.add(new File(baseDir, includedFiles[i])); } } return classPathFiles; } /** * @return a <code>FileMatchingConfiguration</code> object describing the configuration of all * libraries added to this particular web app (both classes and libraries). */ public FileMatchingConfiguration getLibrariesConfiguration() { FileMatchingConfiguration config = new FileMatchingConfiguration(); Iterator classesIterator = classes.iterator(); while (classesIterator.hasNext()) { FileSet clazz = (FileSet); config.addDirectoryScanner(clazz.getDirectoryScanner(project)); } Iterator librariesIterator = libraries.iterator(); while (librariesIterator.hasNext()) { FileSet library = (FileSet); config.addDirectoryScanner(library.getDirectoryScanner(project)); } return config; } public File getContextXml() { return contextXml; } public void setContextXml(File contextXml) { this.contextXml = contextXml; } }