public ClasspathFixProcessor getProcessor(IJavaProject project) { if (matches(project)) { if (fProcessorInstance == null) { try { Object extension = fConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension(CLASS); if (extension instanceof ClasspathFixProcessor) { fProcessorInstance = (ClasspathFixProcessor) extension; } else { String message = "Invalid extension to " + ATT_EXTENSION //$NON-NLS-1$ + ". Must extends ClasspathFixProcessor: " + getID(); //$NON-NLS-1$ JavaPlugin.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaUI.ID_PLUGIN, message)); fStatus = Boolean.FALSE; return null; } } catch (CoreException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); fStatus = Boolean.FALSE; return null; } } return fProcessorInstance; } return null; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.wizards.dialogfields.IStringButtonAdapter * #changeControlPressed(org.eclipse.jdt * .internal.ui.wizards.dialogfields.DialogField) */ public void changeControlPressed(DialogField field) { final DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(getShell()); dialog.setMessage(NewWizardMessages.NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne_directory_message); String directoryName = fLocation.getText().trim(); if (directoryName.length() == 0) { String prevLocation = JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings().get(DIALOGSTORE_LAST_EXTERNAL_LOC); if (prevLocation != null) { directoryName = prevLocation; } } if (directoryName.length() > 0) { final File path = new File(directoryName); if (path.exists()) dialog.setFilterPath(directoryName); } final String selectedDirectory =; if (selectedDirectory != null) { String oldDirectory = new Path(fLocation.getText().trim()).lastSegment(); fLocation.setText(selectedDirectory); String lastSegment = new Path(selectedDirectory).lastSegment(); if (lastSegment != null && (fNameGroup.getName().length() == 0 || fNameGroup.getName().equals(oldDirectory))) { fNameGroup.setName(lastSegment); } JavaPlugin.getDefault() .getDialogSettings() .put(DIALOGSTORE_LAST_EXTERNAL_LOC, selectedDirectory); } }
/* * @see, char, int) */ @Override public void apply(IDocument document, char trigger, int offset) { try { boolean insertClosingParenthesis = trigger == '(' && autocloseBrackets(); if (insertClosingParenthesis) { StringBuffer replacement = new StringBuffer(getReplacementString()); updateReplacementWithParentheses(replacement); setReplacementString(replacement.toString()); trigger = '\0'; } super.apply(document, trigger, offset); if (fImportRewrite != null && fImportRewrite.hasRecordedChanges()) { int oldLen = document.getLength(); fImportRewrite .rewriteImports(new NullProgressMonitor()) .apply(document, TextEdit.UPDATE_REGIONS); setReplacementOffset(getReplacementOffset() + document.getLength() - oldLen); } if (insertClosingParenthesis) setUpLinkedMode(document, ')'); rememberSelection(); } catch (CoreException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } catch (BadLocationException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } }
public void testSearchNotRunIfViewDeactivated() throws PartInitException, JavaModelException { view = (ActiveSearchView) JavaPlugin.getActivePage().showView(ActiveSearchView.ID); for (AbstractRelationProvider provider : ContextCorePlugin.getDefault().getRelationProviders()) { assertTrue(provider.getCurrentDegreeOfSeparation() > 0); } IViewPart viewPart = JavaPlugin.getActivePage().showView("org.eclipse.ui.views.ProblemView"); // XXX e4.0 IPerspectiveDescriptor API has changed // IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective = ((WorkbenchPage) // JavaPlugin.getActivePage()).getPerspective(); IViewReference reference = JavaPlugin.getActivePage().findViewReference(ActiveSearchView.ID); assertNotNull(reference); // assertTrue(perspective.canCloseView(view)); // assertTrue(perspective.hideView(reference)); JavaPlugin.getActivePage().hideView(viewPart); for (AbstractRelationProvider provider : ContextCorePlugin.getDefault().getRelationProviders()) { assertFalse(provider.isEnabled()); } JavaPlugin.getActivePage().showView(ActiveSearchView.ID); for (AbstractRelationProvider provider : ContextCorePlugin.getDefault().getRelationProviders()) { assertTrue(provider.isEnabled()); } }
@Override public Change createChange(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { final TextChange[] changes = fChangeManager.getAllChanges(); final List<TextChange> list = new ArrayList<>(changes.length); list.addAll(Arrays.asList(changes)); String project = null; IJavaProject javaProject = fMethod.getJavaProject(); if (javaProject != null) project = javaProject.getElementName(); int flags = JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_MIGRATION | JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_REFACTORING | RefactoringDescriptor.STRUCTURAL_CHANGE; try { if (!Flags.isPrivate(fMethod.getFlags())) flags |= RefactoringDescriptor.MULTI_CHANGE; } catch (JavaModelException exception) { JavaPlugin.log(exception); } final IType declaring = fMethod.getDeclaringType(); try { if (declaring.isAnonymous() || declaring.isLocal()) flags |= JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_SOURCE_ATTACHMENT; } catch (JavaModelException exception) { JavaPlugin.log(exception); } final String description = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodProcessor_descriptor_description_short, BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(fMethod.getElementName())); final String header = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodProcessor_descriptor_description, new String[] { JavaElementLabels.getTextLabel(fMethod, JavaElementLabels.ALL_FULLY_QUALIFIED), BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(getNewElementName()) }); final String comment = new JDTRefactoringDescriptorComment(project, this, header).asString(); final RenameJavaElementDescriptor descriptor = RefactoringSignatureDescriptorFactory.createRenameJavaElementDescriptor( IJavaRefactorings.RENAME_METHOD); descriptor.setProject(project); descriptor.setDescription(description); descriptor.setComment(comment); descriptor.setFlags(flags); descriptor.setJavaElement(fMethod); descriptor.setNewName(getNewElementName()); descriptor.setUpdateReferences(fUpdateReferences); descriptor.setKeepOriginal(fDelegateUpdating); descriptor.setDeprecateDelegate(fDelegateDeprecation); return new DynamicValidationRefactoringChange( descriptor, RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameMethodProcessor_change_name, list.toArray(new Change[list.size()])); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
/** * Overridden by subclasses. * * @return return the refactoring descriptor for this refactoring */ protected RenameJavaElementDescriptor createRefactoringDescriptor() { String project = null; IJavaProject javaProject = fField.getJavaProject(); if (javaProject != null) project = javaProject.getElementName(); int flags = JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_MIGRATION | JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_REFACTORING | RefactoringDescriptor.STRUCTURAL_CHANGE; try { if (!Flags.isPrivate(fField.getFlags())) flags |= RefactoringDescriptor.MULTI_CHANGE; } catch (JavaModelException exception) { JavaPlugin.log(exception); } final IType declaring = fField.getDeclaringType(); try { if (declaring.isAnonymous() || declaring.isLocal()) flags |= JavaRefactoringDescriptor.JAR_SOURCE_ATTACHMENT; } catch (JavaModelException exception) { JavaPlugin.log(exception); } final String description = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameFieldRefactoring_descriptor_description_short, BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(fField.getElementName())); final String header = Messages.format( RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameFieldProcessor_descriptor_description, new String[] { BasicElementLabels.getJavaElementName(fField.getElementName()), JavaElementLabels.getElementLabel( fField.getParent(), JavaElementLabels.ALL_FULLY_QUALIFIED), getNewElementName() }); final JDTRefactoringDescriptorComment comment = new JDTRefactoringDescriptorComment(project, this, header); if (fRenameGetter) comment.addSetting(RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameFieldRefactoring_setting_rename_getter); if (fRenameSetter) comment.addSetting(RefactoringCoreMessages.RenameFieldRefactoring_setting_rename_settter); final RenameJavaElementDescriptor descriptor = RefactoringSignatureDescriptorFactory.createRenameJavaElementDescriptor( IJavaRefactorings.RENAME_FIELD); descriptor.setProject(project); descriptor.setDescription(description); descriptor.setComment(comment.asString()); descriptor.setFlags(flags); descriptor.setJavaElement(fField); descriptor.setNewName(getNewElementName()); descriptor.setUpdateReferences(fUpdateReferences); descriptor.setUpdateTextualOccurrences(fUpdateTextualMatches); descriptor.setRenameGetters(fRenameGetter); descriptor.setRenameSetters(fRenameSetter); descriptor.setKeepOriginal(fDelegateUpdating); descriptor.setDeprecateDelegate(fDelegateDeprecation); return descriptor; }
/** * Utility method to inspect a selection to find a Java element. * * @param selection the selection to be inspected * @return a Java element to be used as the initial selection, or <code>null</code>, if no Java * element exists in the given selection */ protected IJavaElement getInitialJavaElement(IStructuredSelection selection) { IJavaElement jelem = null; if (selection != null && !selection.isEmpty()) { Object selectedElement = selection.getFirstElement(); if (selectedElement instanceof IAdaptable) { IAdaptable adaptable = (IAdaptable) selectedElement; jelem = adaptable.getAdapter(IJavaElement.class); if (jelem == null || !jelem.exists()) { jelem = null; IResource resource = adaptable.getAdapter(IResource.class); if (resource != null && resource.getType() != IResource.ROOT) { while (jelem == null && resource.getType() != IResource.PROJECT) { resource = resource.getParent(); jelem = resource.getAdapter(IJavaElement.class); } if (jelem == null) { jelem = JavaCore.create(resource); // java project } } } } } if (jelem == null) { IWorkbenchPart part = JavaPlugin.getActivePage().getActivePart(); if (part instanceof ContentOutline) { part = JavaPlugin.getActivePage().getActiveEditor(); } if (part instanceof IViewPartInputProvider) { Object elem = ((IViewPartInputProvider) part).getViewPartInput(); if (elem instanceof IJavaElement) { jelem = (IJavaElement) elem; } } } if (jelem == null || jelem.getElementType() == IJavaElement.JAVA_MODEL) { try { IJavaProject[] projects = JavaCore.create(getWorkspaceRoot()).getJavaProjects(); if (projects.length == 1) { IClasspathEntry[] rawClasspath = projects[0].getRawClasspath(); for (int i = 0; i < rawClasspath.length; i++) { if (rawClasspath[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) { // add only if the project contains a source folder jelem = projects[0]; break; } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } } return jelem; }
/** * 將所要變更的內容寫回Edit中 (New) * * @param msg */ protected void applyChange(ASTRewrite rewrite) { try { // 參考org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.CorrectionMarkerResolutionGenerator run // org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.ChangeCorrectionProposal apply與performChange ICompilationUnit cu = (ICompilationUnit) actOpenable; IEditorPart part = EditorUtility.isOpenInEditor(cu); IEditorInput input = part.getEditorInput(); IDocument doc = JavaPlugin.getDefault().getCompilationUnitDocumentProvider().getDocument(input); performChange(JavaPlugin.getActivePage().getActiveEditor(), doc, rewrite); } catch (CoreException e) { logger.error("[Core Exception] EXCEPTION ", e); } }
private static boolean hasFatalError(CompilationUnit compilationUnit) { try { if (!((ICompilationUnit) compilationUnit.getJavaElement()).isStructureKnown()) return true; } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); return true; } IProblem[] problems = compilationUnit.getProblems(); for (int i = 0; i < problems.length; i++) { if (problems[i].isError()) { if (!(problems[i] instanceof CategorizedProblem)) return true; CategorizedProblem categorizedProblem = (CategorizedProblem) problems[i]; int categoryID = categorizedProblem.getCategoryID(); if (categoryID == CategorizedProblem.CAT_BUILDPATH) return true; if (categoryID == CategorizedProblem.CAT_SYNTAX) return true; if (categoryID == CategorizedProblem.CAT_IMPORT) return true; if (categoryID == CategorizedProblem.CAT_TYPE) return true; if (categoryID == CategorizedProblem.CAT_MEMBER) return true; if (categoryID == CategorizedProblem.CAT_INTERNAL) return true; } } return false; }
/* * @see org.eclipse.jdt.core.IElementChangedListener#elementChanged(org.eclipse.jdt.core.ElementChangedEvent) */ public void elementChanged(ElementChangedEvent event) { try { processDelta(event.getDelta()); } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } }
/* * @see ViewerFilter#select */ @Override public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parent, Object element) { if (element instanceof IFile) { if (fExcludes != null && fExcludes.contains(element)) { return false; } return isArchivePath(((IFile) element).getFullPath(), fAllowAllArchives); } else if (element instanceof IContainer) { // IProject, IFolder if (!fRecursive) { return true; } // ignore closed projects if (element instanceof IProject && !((IProject) element).isOpen()) return false; try { IResource[] resources = ((IContainer) element).members(); for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { // recursive! Only show containers that contain an archive if (select(viewer, parent, resources[i])) { return true; } } } catch (CoreException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e.getStatus()); } } return false; }
public WorkingSetGroup() { String[] workingSetIds = new String[] {IWorkingSetIDs_JAVA, IWorkingSetIDs_RESOURCE}; fWorkingSetBlock = new WorkingSetConfigurationBlock( workingSetIds, JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings()); // fWorkingSetBlock.setDialogMessage(NewWizardMessages.NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne_WorkingSetSelection_message); }
private void storeSelectionValue(ComboDialogField combo, String preferenceKey) { int index = combo.getSelectionIndex(); if (index == -1) return; String item = combo.getItems()[index]; JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings().put(preferenceKey, item); }
private void doPasteWithImportsOperation() { ITextEditor editor = getTextEditor(); IJavaElement inputElement = JavaUI.getEditorInputTypeRoot(editor.getEditorInput()); Clipboard clipboard = new Clipboard(getDisplay()); try { ClipboardData importsData = (ClipboardData) clipboard.getContents(fgTransferInstance); if (importsData != null && inputElement instanceof ICompilationUnit && !importsData.isFromSame(inputElement)) { // combine operation and adding of imports IRewriteTarget target = (IRewriteTarget) editor.getAdapter(IRewriteTarget.class); if (target != null) { target.beginCompoundChange(); } try { fOperationTarget.doOperation(fOperationCode); addImports((ICompilationUnit) inputElement, importsData); } catch (CoreException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } finally { if (target != null) { target.endCompoundChange(); } } } else { fOperationTarget.doOperation(fOperationCode); } } finally { clipboard.dispose(); } }
/** * Evaluates a 'java' template in the context of a compilation unit * * @param template the template to be evaluated * @param compilationUnit the compilation unit in which to evaluate the template * @param position the position inside the compilation unit for which to evaluate the template * @return the evaluated template * @throws CoreException in case the template is of an unknown context type * @throws BadLocationException in case the position is invalid in the compilation unit * @throws TemplateException in case the evaluation fails */ public static String evaluateTemplate( Template template, ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, int position) throws CoreException, BadLocationException, TemplateException { TemplateContextType contextType = JavaPlugin.getDefault() .getTemplateContextRegistry() .getContextType(template.getContextTypeId()); if (!(contextType instanceof CompilationUnitContextType)) throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, JavaUI.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.ERROR, JavaTemplateMessages.JavaContext_error_message, null)); IDocument document = new Document(); if (compilationUnit != null && compilationUnit.exists()) document.set(compilationUnit.getSource()); CompilationUnitContext context = ((CompilationUnitContextType) contextType) .createContext(document, position, 0, compilationUnit); context.setForceEvaluation(true); TemplateBuffer buffer = context.evaluate(template); if (buffer == null) return null; return buffer.getString(); }
/** * Returns the reason for why the Javadoc of the Java element could not be retrieved. * * @param element whose Javadoc could not be retrieved * @param root the root of the Java element * @return the String message for why the Javadoc could not be retrieved for the Java element or * <code>null</code> if the Java element is from a source container * @since 3.9 */ public static String getExplanationForMissingJavadoc( IJavaElement element, IPackageFragmentRoot root) { String message = null; try { boolean isBinary = (root.exists() && root.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_BINARY); if (isBinary) { boolean hasAttachedJavadoc = JavaDocLocations.getJavadocBaseLocation(element) != null; boolean hasAttachedSource = root.getSourceAttachmentPath() != null; IOpenable openable = element.getOpenable(); boolean hasSource = openable.getBuffer() != null; // Provide hint why there's no Java doc if (!hasAttachedSource && !hasAttachedJavadoc) message = CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_noAttachments; else if (!hasAttachedJavadoc && !hasSource) message = CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_noAttachedJavadoc; else if (!hasAttachedSource) message = CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_noAttachedSource; else if (!hasSource) message = CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_noInformation; } } catch (JavaModelException e) { message = CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_error_gettingJavadoc; JavaPlugin.log(e); } return message; }
/** * Initializes the source folder field with a valid package fragment root. The package fragment * root is computed from the given Java element. * * @param elem the Java element used to compute the initial package fragment root used as the * source folder */ protected void initContainerPage(IJavaElement elem) { IPackageFragmentRoot initRoot = null; if (elem != null) { initRoot = JavaModelUtil.getPackageFragmentRoot(elem); try { if (initRoot == null || initRoot.getKind() != IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { IJavaProject jproject = elem.getJavaProject(); if (jproject != null) { initRoot = null; if (jproject.exists()) { IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = jproject.getPackageFragmentRoots(); for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { if (roots[i].getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { initRoot = roots[i]; break; } } } if (initRoot == null) { initRoot = jproject.getPackageFragmentRoot(jproject.getResource()); } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } } setPackageFragmentRoot(initRoot, true); }
/** * Assert NO proposals on the primitive leaf type of an array type. * * @throws Exception */ public void testAnnotateParameter_ArrayOfPrimitive() throws Exception { String X_PATH = "pack/age/X"; String[] pathAndContents = new String[] { X_PATH + ".java", "package pack.age;\n" + "import java.util.List;\n" + "public interface X {\n" + " public String test(int[] ints, List<String> list);\n" + "}\n" }; addLibrary( fJProject1, "lib.jar", "", pathAndContents, ANNOTATION_PATH, JavaCore.VERSION_1_8, null); IType type = fJProject1.findType(X_PATH.replace('/', '.')); JavaEditor javaEditor = (JavaEditor) JavaUI.openInEditor(type); try { int offset = pathAndContents[1].indexOf("int[]"); List<ICompletionProposal> list = collectAnnotateProposals(javaEditor, offset); assertNumberOfProposals(list, 0); } finally { JavaPlugin.getActivePage().closeAllEditors(false); } }
public JavaEditor openJavaEditor(IJavaElement javaElement) { IEditorPart part = EditorUtility.isOpenInEditor(javaElement); if (part == null) { try { part = JavaUI.openInEditor(javaElement); } catch (PartInitException e) { // ignore } catch (JavaModelException e) { // ignore } } IWorkbenchPage page = JavaPlugin.getActivePage(); if (page != null && part != null) { page.bringToTop(part); } if (part != null) { part.setFocus(); } if (part instanceof JavaEditor) { return (JavaEditor) part; } return null; }
private static IJavaProject[] getProjectSearchOrder(String projectName) { ArrayList<String> projectNames = new ArrayList<String>(); projectNames.add(projectName); int nextProject = 0; while (nextProject < projectNames.size()) { String nextProjectName = projectNames.get(nextProject); IJavaProject jproject = getJavaProject(nextProjectName); if (jproject != null) { try { String[] childProjectNames = jproject.getRequiredProjectNames(); for (int i = 0; i < childProjectNames.length; i++) { if (!projectNames.contains(childProjectNames[i])) { projectNames.add(childProjectNames[i]); } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } } nextProject += 1; } ArrayList<IJavaProject> result = new ArrayList<IJavaProject>(); for (int i = 0, size = projectNames.size(); i < size; i++) { String name = projectNames.get(i); IJavaProject project = getJavaProject(name); if (project != null) result.add(project); } return result.toArray(new IJavaProject[result.size()]); }
private IJavaProject chooseProject() { IJavaProject[] projects; try { projects = JavaCore.create(Util.getWorkspaceRoot()).getJavaProjects(); } catch (JavaModelException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); projects = new IJavaProject[0]; } // Filter the list to only show GWT projects List<IJavaProject> gwtProjects = new ArrayList<IJavaProject>(); for (IJavaProject project : projects) { if (GWTNature.isGWTProject(project.getProject())) { gwtProjects.add(project); } } // TODO: refactor this into utility function ILabelProvider labelProvider = new JavaElementLabelProvider(JavaElementLabelProvider.SHOW_DEFAULT); ElementListSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementListSelectionDialog(getShell(), labelProvider); dialog.setTitle("Project Selection"); dialog.setMessage("Choose a project for the new HTML page"); dialog.setElements(gwtProjects.toArray(new IJavaProject[0])); dialog.setInitialSelections(new Object[] {getJavaProject()}); dialog.setHelpAvailable(false); if ( == Window.OK) { return (IJavaProject) dialog.getFirstResult(); } return null; }
public void testSearchAfterDeletion() throws JavaModelException, PartInitException, IOException, CoreException { view = (ActiveSearchView) JavaPlugin.getActivePage().showView(ActiveSearchView.ID); if (view != null) { assertEquals(0, view.getViewer().getTree().getItemCount()); IWorkbenchPart part = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActivePart(); IMethod m1 = type1.createMethod("void m1() {\n m2() \n}", null, true, null); IMethod m2 = type1.createMethod("void m2() { }", null, true, null); StructuredSelection sm2 = new StructuredSelection(m2); monitor.selectionChanged(part, sm2); IInteractionElement node = manager.processInteractionEvent( mockInterestContribution(m2.getHandleIdentifier(), scaling.getLandmark())); assertEquals(1, ContextCore.getContextManager().getActiveLandmarks().size()); assertEquals(1, search(2, node).size()); m1.delete(true, null); assertFalse(m1.exists()); assertEquals(0, search(2, node).size()); } }
public void testViewRecursion() throws JavaModelException, PartInitException { view = (ActiveSearchView) JavaPlugin.getActivePage().showView(ActiveSearchView.ID); ActiveSearchView.getFromActivePerspective().setSyncExecForTesting(false); for (AbstractRelationProvider provider : ContextCorePlugin.getDefault().getRelationProviders()) { assertTrue(provider.isEnabled()); } assertEquals(0, view.getViewer().getTree().getItemCount()); IWorkbenchPart part = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActivePart(); IMethod m1 = type1.createMethod("void m1() {\n m1(); \n}", null, true, null); StructuredSelection sm1 = new StructuredSelection(m1); monitor.selectionChanged(part, sm1); IInteractionElement node = manager.processInteractionEvent( mockInterestContribution(m1.getHandleIdentifier(), scaling.getLandmark())); assertEquals(1, ContextCore.getContextManager().getActiveLandmarks().size()); assertEquals(1, search(2, node).size()); List<TreeItem> collectedItems = new ArrayList<TreeItem>(); UiTestUtil.collectTreeItemsInView(view.getViewer().getTree().getItems(), collectedItems); // just make sure that the view didn't blow up. assertEquals(1, collectedItems.size()); monitor.selectionChanged(part, sm1); manager.processInteractionEvent( mockInterestContribution(m1.getHandleIdentifier(), -scaling.getLandmark())); }
/* * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener#dragStart */ @Override public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) { fEditorInputDatas = new ArrayList<EditorInputData>(); ISelection selection = fProvider.getSelection(); if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) { IStructuredSelection structuredSelection = (IStructuredSelection) selection; for (Iterator<?> iter = structuredSelection.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Object element =; IEditorInput editorInput = EditorUtility.getEditorInput(element); if (editorInput != null && editorInput.getPersistable() != null) { try { String editorId = EditorUtility.getEditorID(editorInput); // see org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.EditorAreaDropAdapter.openNonExternalEditor(..): IEditorRegistry editorReg = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry(); IEditorDescriptor editorDesc = editorReg.findEditor(editorId); if (editorDesc != null && !editorDesc.isOpenExternal()) { fEditorInputDatas.add( EditorInputTransfer.createEditorInputData(editorId, editorInput)); } } catch (PartInitException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } } } } event.doit = fEditorInputDatas.size() > 0; }
/** * @param input the editor input * @param offset the offset in the file * @return the element at the given offset */ protected IJavaElement getElementAt(IEditorInput input, int offset) { if (input instanceof IClassFileEditorInput) { try { return ((IClassFileEditorInput) input).getClassFile().getElementAt(offset); } catch (JavaModelException ex) { return null; } } IWorkingCopyManager manager = JavaPlugin.getDefault().getWorkingCopyManager(); ICompilationUnit unit = manager.getWorkingCopy(input); if (unit != null) try { if (unit.isConsistent()) return unit.getElementAt(offset); else { /* * XXX: We should set the selection later when the * CU is reconciled. * see */ } } catch (JavaModelException ex) { // fall through } return null; }
private int getLastSelectedJREKind() { int kind = PROJECT_RE; IDialogSettings settings = JavaPlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings(); if (settings.get(LAST_SELECTED_JRE_KIND2_KEY) != null) { kind = settings.getInt(LAST_SELECTED_JRE_KIND2_KEY); } return kind; }
/** * Sets the Javadoc location for an archive with the given path. * * @param project the Java project * @param url the Javadoc location */ public static void setProjectJavadocLocation(IJavaProject project, URL url) { try { String location = url != null ? url.toExternalForm() : null; setProjectJavadocLocation(project, location); } catch (CoreException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); } }
boolean addMatch(Match match, IMatchPresentation participant) { Object element = match.getElement(); if (fElementsToParticipants.get(element) != null) { // TODO must access the participant id / label to properly report the error. JavaPlugin.log( new Status( IStatus.WARNING, JavaPlugin.getPluginId(), 0, "A second search participant was found for an element", null)); //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } fElementsToParticipants.put(element, participant); addMatch(match); return true; }
public CodeTemplatePreferencePage() { setPreferenceStore(JavaPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore()); // setDescription(PreferencesMessages.getString("CodeTemplatesPreferencePage.description")); // //$NON-NLS-1$ // only used when page is shown programatically setTitle(PreferencesMessages.CodeTemplatesPreferencePage_title); }
/** * Returns the {@link File} of a <code>file:</code> URL. This method tries to recover from bad * URLs, e.g. the unencoded form we used to use in persistent storage. * * @param url a <code>file:</code> URL * @return the file * @since 3.9 */ public static File toFile(URL url) { try { return URIUtil.toFile(url.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { JavaPlugin.log(e); return new File(url.getFile()); } }