/** Check all typeArguments for illegal null annotations on base types. */ protected void checkIllegalNullAnnotations(Scope scope, TypeReference[] typeArguments) { if (scope.environment().usesNullTypeAnnotations() && typeArguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) { TypeReference arg = typeArguments[i]; if (arg.resolvedType != null) arg.checkIllegalNullAnnotation(scope); } } }
public boolean canUseDiamond(String[] parameterTypes, char[] fullyQualifiedTypeName) { TypeBinding guessedType = null; char[][] cn = CharOperation.splitOn('.', fullyQualifiedTypeName); Scope scope = this.assistScope; if (scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_7) return false; // If no LHS or return type expected, then we can safely use diamond char[][] expectedTypekeys = this.completionContext.getExpectedTypesKeys(); if (expectedTypekeys == null || expectedTypekeys.length == 0) return true; // Next, find out whether any of the constructor parameters are the same as one of the // class type variables. If yes, diamond cannot be used. TypeReference ref; if (cn.length == 1) { ref = new SingleTypeReference(cn[0], 0); } else { ref = new QualifiedTypeReference(cn, new long[cn.length]); } // {ObjectTeams: protect call into the compiler try (Config config = Dependencies.setup(this, this.parser, this.lookupEnvironment, true, true)) { // orig: switch (scope.kind) { case Scope.METHOD_SCOPE: case Scope.BLOCK_SCOPE: guessedType = ref.resolveType((BlockScope) scope); break; case Scope.CLASS_SCOPE: guessedType = ref.resolveType((ClassScope) scope); break; } // :giro } // SH} if (guessedType != null && guessedType.isValidBinding()) { // the erasure must be used because guessedType can be a RawTypeBinding guessedType = guessedType.erasure(); TypeVariableBinding[] typeVars = guessedType.typeVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < typeVars.length; j++) { if (CharOperation.equals(parameterTypes[i].toCharArray(), typeVars[j].sourceName)) return false; } } return true; } return false; }
public InstanceOfExpression(Expression expression, TypeReference type) { this.expression = expression; this.type = type; type.bits |= IgnoreRawTypeCheck; // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=282141 this.bits |= INSTANCEOF << OperatorSHIFT; this.sourceStart = expression.sourceStart; this.sourceEnd = type.sourceEnd; }
/** * Resolve and bind arguments, return type. * * @param scope used for resolving. Newly bound arguments are entered here. * @param isBaseSide TODO */ public void resolveTypes(CallinCalloutScope scope, boolean isBaseSide) { if (this.typeParameters != null) { for (int i = 0, length = this.typeParameters.length; i < length; i++) { if (isBaseSide) scope.problemReporter().illegalMappingRHSTypeParameter(this.typeParameters[i]); else this.typeParameters[i].resolve(scope); } if (!isBaseSide) scope.connectTypeVariables(this.typeParameters, true); } TypeBinding[] types = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; if (this.arguments != null) { types = new TypeBinding[this.arguments.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.arguments.length; i++) { TypeReference type = this.arguments[i].type; if (isBaseSide) type.setBaseclassDecapsulation(DecapsulationState.ALLOWED); types[i] = type.resolveType(scope); if (types[i] != null) { type.resolvedType = types[i] = RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(scope, types[i], this.arguments[i]); } else { // ensure we have a type set! types[i] = type.resolvedType; // a ProblemBinding !? if (types[i] == null) types[i] = new ProblemReferenceBinding(type.getTypeName(), null, ProblemReasons.NotFound); } // record in scope, needed for role types anchored to an argument // (all arguments must be bound in order!) this.arguments[i].bind(scope, types[i], false); } } if (this.hasSignature) this.argNeedsTranslation = new boolean[types.length]; if (this.returnType != null) { if (isBaseSide) this.returnType.setBaseclassDecapsulation(DecapsulationState.ALLOWED); this.returnType.resolve(scope); if (this.returnType.resolvedType != null) this.returnType.resolvedType = RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType( scope, this.returnType.resolvedType, this.returnType); } this.parameters = types; }
private TypeBinding nullMismatchOnBound( TypeParameter parameter, TypeBinding boundType, long superNullTagBits, long nullTagBits, Scope scope) { // not finding bound should be considered a compiler bug TypeReference bound = findBound(boundType, parameter); Annotation ann = bound.findAnnotation(superNullTagBits); if (ann != null) { // explicit annotation: error scope.problemReporter().contradictoryNullAnnotationsOnBounds(ann, nullTagBits); this.tagBits &= ~TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK; } else { // implicit annotation: let the new one override return boundType.withoutToplevelNullAnnotation(); } return boundType; }
/** * Checks if the provided annotation type is likely to be the intended type for the given * annotation node. * * <p>This is a guess, but a decent one. */ public static boolean annotationTypeMatches( Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> type, Node node) { if (node.getKind() != Kind.ANNOTATION) return false; TypeReference typeRef = ((Annotation) node.get()).type; if (typeRef == null || typeRef.getTypeName() == null) return false; String typeName = toQualifiedName(typeRef.getTypeName()); TypeLibrary library = new TypeLibrary(); library.addType(type.getName()); TypeResolver resolver = new TypeResolver(library, node.getPackageDeclaration(), node.getImportStatements()); Collection<String> typeMatches = resolver.findTypeMatches(node, typeName); for (String match : typeMatches) { if (match.equals(type.getName())) return true; } return false; }
/** Give 2 clones! */ private Expression longToIntForHashCode(Expression ref1, Expression ref2, ASTNode source) { int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd; /* (int)(ref >>> 32 ^ ref) */ IntLiteral int32 = new IntLiteral("32".toCharArray(), pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(int32, source); BinaryExpression higherBits = new BinaryExpression(ref1, int32, OperatorIds.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(higherBits, source); BinaryExpression xorParts = new BinaryExpression(ref2, higherBits, OperatorIds.XOR); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(xorParts, source); TypeReference intRef = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0); intRef.sourceStart = pS; intRef.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(intRef, source); CastExpression expr = new CastExpression(xorParts, intRef); expr.sourceStart = pS; expr.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(expr, source); return expr; }
public StringBuffer printStatement(int indent, StringBuffer output) { printIndent(indent, output); printModifiers(this.modifiers, output); type.print(0, output).append(' ').append(this.name); if (initialization != null) { output.append(" = "); // $NON-NLS-1$ initialization.printExpression(indent, output); } return output.append(';'); }
public void traverse(ASTVisitor visitor, BlockScope scope) { if (visitor.visit(this, scope)) { int dimensionsLength = dimensions.length; type.traverse(visitor, scope); for (int i = 0; i < dimensionsLength; i++) { if (dimensions[i] != null) dimensions[i].traverse(visitor, scope); } if (initializer != null) initializer.traverse(visitor, scope); } visitor.endVisit(this, scope); }
private MethodDeclaration createCanEqual(EclipseNode type, ASTNode source) { /* public boolean canEqual(final java.lang.Object other) { * return other instanceof MyType; * } */ int pS = source.sourceStart; int pE = source.sourceEnd; long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE; char[] otherName = "other".toCharArray(); MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method, source); method.modifiers = EclipseHandlerUtil.toEclipseModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC); method.returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_boolean, 0); method.returnType.sourceStart = pS; method.returnType.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.returnType, source); method.selector = "canEqual".toCharArray(); method.thrownExceptions = null; method.typeParameters = null; method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG; method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart; method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd; TypeReference objectRef = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, new long[] {p, p, p}); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(objectRef, source); method.arguments = new Argument[] {new Argument(otherName, 0, objectRef, Modifier.FINAL)}; method.arguments[0].sourceStart = pS; method.arguments[0].sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.arguments[0], source); SingleNameReference otherRef = new SingleNameReference(otherName, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(otherRef, source); SingleTypeReference typeReference = new SingleTypeReference(((TypeDeclaration) type.get()).name, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(typeReference, source); InstanceOfExpression instanceOf = new InstanceOfExpression(otherRef, typeReference); instanceOf.sourceStart = pS; instanceOf.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(instanceOf, source); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(instanceOf, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source); method.statements = new Statement[] {returnStatement}; return method; }
/** Record the thrown exception type bindings in the corresponding type references. */ public void bindThrownExceptions() { if (this.thrownExceptions != null && this.binding != null && this.binding.thrownExceptions != null) { int thrownExceptionLength = this.thrownExceptions.length; int length = this.binding.thrownExceptions.length; if (length == thrownExceptionLength) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.thrownExceptions[i].resolvedType = this.binding.thrownExceptions[i]; } } else { int bindingIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < thrownExceptionLength && bindingIndex < length; i++) { TypeReference thrownException = this.thrownExceptions[i]; ReferenceBinding thrownExceptionBinding = this.binding.thrownExceptions[bindingIndex]; char[][] bindingCompoundName = thrownExceptionBinding.compoundName; if (bindingCompoundName == null) continue; // skip problem case if (thrownException instanceof SingleTypeReference) { // single type reference int lengthName = bindingCompoundName.length; char[] thrownExceptionTypeName = thrownException.getTypeName()[0]; if (CharOperation.equals( thrownExceptionTypeName, bindingCompoundName[lengthName - 1])) { thrownException.resolvedType = thrownExceptionBinding; bindingIndex++; } } else { // qualified type reference if (CharOperation.equals(thrownException.getTypeName(), bindingCompoundName)) { thrownException.resolvedType = thrownExceptionBinding; bindingIndex++; } } } } } }
/** * Compares an unresolved JDT type to a TypeOracle type to see if they match. * * @param jdtType * @param toType * @return true if the two type objects resolve to the same */ private static boolean typeMatches(TypeReference jdtType, JType toType) { List<char[]> toNameComponents = getClassChain(toType.getQualifiedBinaryName()); int toLen = toNameComponents.size(); char[][] jdtNameComponents = jdtType.getTypeName(); int jdtLen = jdtNameComponents.length; int maxToCompare = Math.min(toLen, jdtLen); // compare from the end for (int i = 1; i <= maxToCompare; ++i) { if (!Arrays.equals(jdtNameComponents[jdtLen - i], toNameComponents.get(toLen - i))) { return false; } } return true; }
public StringBuffer printExpression(int indent, StringBuffer output) { output.append("new "); // $NON-NLS-1$ type.print(0, output); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) { if (dimensions[i] == null) output.append("[]"); // $NON-NLS-1$ else { output.append('['); dimensions[i].printExpression(0, output); output.append(']'); } } if (initializer != null) initializer.printExpression(0, output); return output; }
protected static boolean hasEmptyName(TypeReference reference, ASTNode assistNode) { if (reference == null) return false; // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=397070 if (reference != assistNode && reference.sourceStart <= assistNode.sourceStart && assistNode.sourceEnd <= reference.sourceEnd) return false; if (reference instanceof CompletionOnSingleTypeReference || reference instanceof CompletionOnQualifiedTypeReference || reference instanceof CompletionOnParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) { char[][] typeName = reference.getTypeName(); if (typeName[typeName.length - 1].length == 0) return true; } if (reference instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) { ParameterizedSingleTypeReference parameterizedReference = (ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) reference; TypeReference[] typeArguments = parameterizedReference.typeArguments; if (typeArguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) { if (hasEmptyName(typeArguments[i], assistNode)) return true; } } } else if (reference instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) { ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference parameterizedReference = (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) reference; TypeReference[][] typeArguments = parameterizedReference.typeArguments; if (typeArguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) { if (typeArguments[i] != null) { for (int j = 0; j < typeArguments[i].length; j++) { if (hasEmptyName(typeArguments[i][j], assistNode)) return true; } } } } } return false; }
private MethodDeclaration createToString( EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean includeFieldNames, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, FieldAccess fieldAccess) { String typeName = getTypeName(type); char[] suffix = ")".toCharArray(); String infixS = ", "; char[] infix = infixS.toCharArray(); int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd; long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE; final int PLUS = OperatorIds.PLUS; char[] prefix; if (callSuper) { prefix = (typeName + "(super=").toCharArray(); } else if (fields.isEmpty()) { prefix = (typeName + "()").toCharArray(); } else if (includeFieldNames) { prefix = (typeName + "(" + new String(((FieldDeclaration) fields.iterator().next().get()).name) + "=") .toCharArray(); } else { prefix = (typeName + "(").toCharArray(); } boolean first = true; Expression current = new StringLiteral(prefix, pS, pE, 0); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(current, source); if (callSuper) { MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend(); callToSuper.sourceStart = pS; callToSuper.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper, source); callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper, source); callToSuper.selector = "toString".toCharArray(); current = new BinaryExpression(current, callToSuper, PLUS); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(current, source); first = false; } for (EclipseNode field : fields) { TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess); Expression fieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source); Expression ex; if (fType.dimensions() > 0) { MessageSend arrayToString = new MessageSend(); arrayToString.sourceStart = pS; arrayToString.sourceEnd = pE; arrayToString.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef( source, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, "Arrays".toCharArray()); arrayToString.arguments = new Expression[] {fieldAccessor}; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(arrayToString.arguments[0], source); if (fType.dimensions() > 1 || !BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(fType.getLastToken()))) { arrayToString.selector = "deepToString".toCharArray(); } else { arrayToString.selector = "toString".toCharArray(); } ex = arrayToString; } else { ex = fieldAccessor; } Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ex, source); if (first) { current = new BinaryExpression(current, ex, PLUS); current.sourceStart = pS; current.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(current, source); first = false; continue; } StringLiteral fieldNameLiteral; if (includeFieldNames) { char[] namePlusEqualsSign = (infixS + field.getName() + "=").toCharArray(); fieldNameLiteral = new StringLiteral(namePlusEqualsSign, pS, pE, 0); } else { fieldNameLiteral = new StringLiteral(infix, pS, pE, 0); } Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fieldNameLiteral, source); current = new BinaryExpression(current, fieldNameLiteral, PLUS); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(current, source); current = new BinaryExpression(current, ex, PLUS); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(current, source); } if (!first) { StringLiteral suffixLiteral = new StringLiteral(suffix, pS, pE, 0); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(suffixLiteral, source); current = new BinaryExpression(current, suffixLiteral, PLUS); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(current, source); } ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(current, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source); MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method, source); method.modifiers = toEclipseModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC); method.returnType = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_STRING, new long[] {p, p, p}); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.returnType, source); method.annotations = new Annotation[] {makeMarkerAnnotation(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OVERRIDE, source)}; method.arguments = null; method.selector = "toString".toCharArray(); method.thrownExceptions = null; method.typeParameters = null; method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG; method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart; method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd; method.statements = new Statement[] {returnStatement}; return method; }
// expression.implicitConversion holds the cast for baseType casting public CastExpression(Expression expression, TypeReference type) { this.expression = expression; this.type = type; type.bits |= ASTNode.IgnoreRawTypeCheck; // no need to worry about raw type usage }
private MethodDeclaration createHashCode( EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, FieldAccess fieldAccess) { int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd; long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE; MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method, source); method.modifiers = EclipseHandlerUtil.toEclipseModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC); method.returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.returnType, source); method.annotations = new Annotation[] {makeMarkerAnnotation(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OVERRIDE, source)}; method.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); method.thrownExceptions = null; method.typeParameters = null; method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG; method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart; method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd; method.arguments = null; List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>(); List<Expression> intoResult = new ArrayList<Expression>(); final char[] PRIME = "PRIME".toCharArray(); final char[] RESULT = "result".toCharArray(); final boolean isEmpty = fields.isEmpty(); /* final int PRIME = 31; */ { /* Without fields, PRIME isn't used, and that would trigger a 'local variable not used' warning. */ if (!isEmpty || callSuper) { LocalDeclaration primeDecl = new LocalDeclaration(PRIME, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(primeDecl, source); primeDecl.modifiers |= Modifier.FINAL; primeDecl.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0); primeDecl.type.sourceStart = pS; primeDecl.type.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(primeDecl.type, source); primeDecl.initialization = new IntLiteral("31".toCharArray(), pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(primeDecl.initialization, source); statements.add(primeDecl); } } /* int result = 1; */ { LocalDeclaration resultDecl = new LocalDeclaration(RESULT, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(resultDecl, source); resultDecl.initialization = new IntLiteral("1".toCharArray(), pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(resultDecl.initialization, source); resultDecl.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0); resultDecl.type.sourceStart = pS; resultDecl.type.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(resultDecl.type, source); statements.add(resultDecl); } if (callSuper) { MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend(); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper, source); callToSuper.sourceStart = pS; callToSuper.sourceEnd = pE; callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper.receiver, source); callToSuper.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); intoResult.add(callToSuper); } int tempCounter = 0; for (EclipseNode field : fields) { TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess); char[] token = fType.getLastToken(); Expression fieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source); if (fType.dimensions() == 0 && token != null) { if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token)) { /* Float.floatToIntBits(fieldName) */ MessageSend floatToIntBits = new MessageSend(); floatToIntBits.sourceStart = pS; floatToIntBits.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(floatToIntBits, source); floatToIntBits.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_FLOAT); floatToIntBits.selector = "floatToIntBits".toCharArray(); floatToIntBits.arguments = new Expression[] {fieldAccessor}; intoResult.add(floatToIntBits); } else if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.DOUBLE, token)) { /* longToIntForHashCode(Double.doubleToLongBits(fieldName)) */ MessageSend doubleToLongBits = new MessageSend(); doubleToLongBits.sourceStart = pS; doubleToLongBits.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(doubleToLongBits, source); doubleToLongBits.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_DOUBLE); doubleToLongBits.selector = "doubleToLongBits".toCharArray(); doubleToLongBits.arguments = new Expression[] {fieldAccessor}; final char[] tempName = ("temp" + ++tempCounter).toCharArray(); LocalDeclaration tempVar = new LocalDeclaration(tempName, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(tempVar, source); tempVar.initialization = doubleToLongBits; tempVar.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_long, 0); tempVar.type.sourceStart = pS; tempVar.type.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(tempVar.type, source); tempVar.modifiers = Modifier.FINAL; statements.add(tempVar); SingleNameReference copy1 = new SingleNameReference(tempName, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(copy1, source); SingleNameReference copy2 = new SingleNameReference(tempName, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(copy2, source); intoResult.add(longToIntForHashCode(copy1, copy2, source)); } else if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.BOOLEAN, token)) { /* booleanField ? 1231 : 1237 */ IntLiteral int1231 = new IntLiteral("1231".toCharArray(), pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(int1231, source); IntLiteral int1237 = new IntLiteral("1237".toCharArray(), pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(int1237, source); ConditionalExpression int1231or1237 = new ConditionalExpression(fieldAccessor, int1231, int1237); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(int1231or1237, source); intoResult.add(int1231or1237); } else if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.LONG, token)) { intoResult.add( longToIntForHashCode( fieldAccessor, createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source), source)); } else if (BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) { intoResult.add(fieldAccessor); } else /* objects */ { /* this.fieldName == null ? 0 : this.fieldName.hashCode() */ MessageSend hashCodeCall = new MessageSend(); hashCodeCall.sourceStart = pS; hashCodeCall.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(hashCodeCall, source); hashCodeCall.receiver = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source); hashCodeCall.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); NullLiteral nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source); EqualExpression objIsNull = new EqualExpression(fieldAccessor, nullLiteral, OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(objIsNull, source); IntLiteral int0 = new IntLiteral("0".toCharArray(), pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(int0, source); ConditionalExpression nullOrHashCode = new ConditionalExpression(objIsNull, int0, hashCodeCall); nullOrHashCode.sourceStart = pS; nullOrHashCode.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(nullOrHashCode, source); intoResult.add(nullOrHashCode); } } else if (fType.dimensions() > 0 && token != null) { /* Arrays.deepHashCode(array) //just hashCode for simple arrays */ MessageSend arraysHashCodeCall = new MessageSend(); arraysHashCodeCall.sourceStart = pS; arraysHashCodeCall.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(arraysHashCodeCall, source); arraysHashCodeCall.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef( source, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, "Arrays".toCharArray()); if (fType.dimensions() > 1 || !BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) { arraysHashCodeCall.selector = "deepHashCode".toCharArray(); } else { arraysHashCodeCall.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); } arraysHashCodeCall.arguments = new Expression[] {fieldAccessor}; intoResult.add(arraysHashCodeCall); } } /* fold each intoResult entry into: result = result * PRIME + (item); */ { for (Expression ex : intoResult) { SingleNameReference resultRef = new SingleNameReference(RESULT, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(resultRef, source); SingleNameReference primeRef = new SingleNameReference(PRIME, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(primeRef, source); BinaryExpression multiplyByPrime = new BinaryExpression(resultRef, primeRef, OperatorIds.MULTIPLY); multiplyByPrime.sourceStart = pS; multiplyByPrime.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(multiplyByPrime, source); BinaryExpression addItem = new BinaryExpression(multiplyByPrime, ex, OperatorIds.PLUS); addItem.sourceStart = pS; addItem.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(addItem, source); resultRef = new SingleNameReference(RESULT, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(resultRef, source); Assignment assignment = new Assignment(resultRef, addItem, pE); assignment.sourceStart = pS; assignment.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(assignment, source); statements.add(assignment); } } /* return result; */ { SingleNameReference resultRef = new SingleNameReference(RESULT, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(resultRef, source); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(resultRef, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source); statements.add(returnStatement); } method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[statements.size()]); return method; }
public TypeReference getTypeReference(int dim) { /* build a Reference on a variable that may be qualified or not * This variable is a type reference and dim will be its dimensions */ Annotation[][] annotationsOnDimensions = null; TypeReference ref; int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]; if (length < 0) { // flag for precompiled type reference on base types annotationsOnDimensions = getAnnotationsOnDimensions(dim); ref = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(-length, dim, annotationsOnDimensions); ref.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (dim == 0) { ref.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } else { this.intPtr--; // no need to use this position as it is an array ref.sourceEnd = this.rBracketPosition; } if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( ref.getParameterizedTypeName(), ref.sourceStart, ref.sourceEnd); } } else { int numberOfIdentifiers = this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack[this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr--]; if (length != numberOfIdentifiers || this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr] != 0) { // generic type ref = getTypeReferenceForGenericType(dim, length, numberOfIdentifiers); if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { if (length == 1 && numberOfIdentifiers == 1) { ParameterizedSingleTypeReference parameterizedSingleTypeReference = (ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) ref; this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( parameterizedSingleTypeReference.token, parameterizedSingleTypeReference.sourceStart); } else { ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference = (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) ref; this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference.tokens, parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference.sourceStart, parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference.sourceEnd); } } } else if (length == 1) { // single type reference this.genericsLengthPtr--; // pop the 0 if (dim == 0) { ref = new SingleTypeReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference(((SingleTypeReference) ref).token, ref.sourceStart); } } else { annotationsOnDimensions = getAnnotationsOnDimensions(dim); ref = new ArrayTypeReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], dim, annotationsOnDimensions, this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; if (annotationsOnDimensions != null) { ref.bits |= ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations; } if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference(((ArrayTypeReference) ref).token, ref.sourceStart); } } } else { // Qualified type reference this.genericsLengthPtr--; char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); if (dim == 0) { ref = new QualifiedTypeReference(tokens, positions); if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( ((QualifiedTypeReference) ref).tokens, ref.sourceStart, ref.sourceEnd); } } else { annotationsOnDimensions = getAnnotationsOnDimensions(dim); ref = new ArrayQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, dim, annotationsOnDimensions, positions); ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; if (annotationsOnDimensions != null) { ref.bits |= ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations; } if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( ((ArrayQualifiedTypeReference) ref).tokens, ref.sourceStart, ref.sourceEnd); } } } } int levels = ref.getAnnotatableLevels(); for (int i = levels - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((length = this.typeAnnotationLengthStack[this.typeAnnotationLengthPtr--]) != 0) { if (ref.annotations == null) ref.annotations = new Annotation[levels][]; System.arraycopy( this.typeAnnotationStack, (this.typeAnnotationPtr -= length) + 1, ref.annotations[i] = new Annotation[length], 0, length); if (i == 0) { ref.sourceStart = ref.annotations[0][0].sourceStart; } ref.bits |= ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations; } } return ref; }
private MethodDeclaration createEquals( EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, FieldAccess fieldAccess, boolean needsCanEqual) { int pS = source.sourceStart; int pE = source.sourceEnd; long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE; TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) type.get(); MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method, source); method.modifiers = EclipseHandlerUtil.toEclipseModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC); method.returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_boolean, 0); method.returnType.sourceStart = pS; method.returnType.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.returnType, source); method.annotations = new Annotation[] {makeMarkerAnnotation(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OVERRIDE, source)}; method.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); method.thrownExceptions = null; method.typeParameters = null; method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG; method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart; method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd; TypeReference objectRef = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, new long[] {p, p, p}); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(objectRef, source); method.arguments = new Argument[] {new Argument(new char[] {'o'}, 0, objectRef, Modifier.FINAL)}; method.arguments[0].sourceStart = pS; method.arguments[0].sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method.arguments[0], source); List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>(); /* if (o == this) return true; */ { SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source); ThisReference thisRef = new ThisReference(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(thisRef, source); EqualExpression otherEqualsThis = new EqualExpression(oRef, thisRef, OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(otherEqualsThis, source); TrueLiteral trueLiteral = new TrueLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(trueLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnTrue = new ReturnStatement(trueLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnTrue, source); IfStatement ifOtherEqualsThis = new IfStatement(otherEqualsThis, returnTrue, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifOtherEqualsThis, source); statements.add(ifOtherEqualsThis); } /* if (!(o instanceof MyType) return false; */ { SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source); SingleTypeReference typeReference = new SingleTypeReference(typeDecl.name, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(typeReference, source); InstanceOfExpression instanceOf = new InstanceOfExpression(oRef, typeReference); instanceOf.sourceStart = pS; instanceOf.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(instanceOf, source); Expression notInstanceOf = new UnaryExpression(instanceOf, OperatorIds.NOT); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(notInstanceOf, source); FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source); IfStatement ifNotInstanceOf = new IfStatement(notInstanceOf, returnFalse, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifNotInstanceOf, source); statements.add(ifNotInstanceOf); } char[] otherName = "other".toCharArray(); /* MyType<?> other = (MyType<?>) o; */ { if (!fields.isEmpty() || needsCanEqual) { LocalDeclaration other = new LocalDeclaration(otherName, pS, pE); other.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccFinal; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other, source); char[] typeName = typeDecl.name; Expression targetType; if (typeDecl.typeParameters == null || typeDecl.typeParameters.length == 0) { targetType = new SingleNameReference(((TypeDeclaration) type.get()).name, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(targetType, source); other.type = new SingleTypeReference(typeName, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other.type, source); } else { TypeReference[] typeArgs = new TypeReference[typeDecl.typeParameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) { typeArgs[i] = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND); typeArgs[i].sourceStart = pS; typeArgs[i].sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(typeArgs[i], source); } targetType = new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(typeName, typeArgs, 0, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(targetType, source); other.type = new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(typeName, copyTypes(typeArgs, source), 0, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other.type, source); } NameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source); other.initialization = new CastExpression(oRef, targetType); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(other.initialization, source); statements.add(other); } } /* if (!other.canEqual((java.lang.Object) this)) return false; */ { if (needsCanEqual) { MessageSend otherCanEqual = new MessageSend(); otherCanEqual.sourceStart = pS; otherCanEqual.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(otherCanEqual, source); otherCanEqual.receiver = new SingleNameReference(otherName, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(otherCanEqual.receiver, source); otherCanEqual.selector = "canEqual".toCharArray(); ThisReference thisReference = new ThisReference(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(thisReference, source); CastExpression castThisRef = new CastExpression( thisReference, generateQualifiedNameRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT)); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(castThisRef, source); castThisRef.sourceStart = pS; castThisRef.sourceEnd = pE; otherCanEqual.arguments = new Expression[] {castThisRef}; Expression notOtherCanEqual = new UnaryExpression(otherCanEqual, OperatorIds.NOT); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(notOtherCanEqual, source); FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source); IfStatement ifNotCanEqual = new IfStatement(notOtherCanEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifNotCanEqual, source); statements.add(ifNotCanEqual); } } /* if (!super.equals(o)) return false; */ if (callSuper) { MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend(); callToSuper.sourceStart = pS; callToSuper.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper, source); callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(callToSuper.receiver, source); callToSuper.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); SingleNameReference oRef = new SingleNameReference(new char[] {'o'}, p); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(oRef, source); callToSuper.arguments = new Expression[] {oRef}; Expression superNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(callToSuper, OperatorIds.NOT); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(superNotEqual, source); FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnFalse, source); IfStatement ifSuperEquals = new IfStatement(superNotEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifSuperEquals, source); statements.add(ifSuperEquals); } for (EclipseNode field : fields) { TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess); char[] token = fType.getLastToken(); Expression thisFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source); Expression otherFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source, otherName); if (fType.dimensions() == 0 && token != null) { if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token)) { statements.add( generateCompareFloatOrDouble( thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, "Float".toCharArray(), source)); } else if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.DOUBLE, token)) { statements.add( generateCompareFloatOrDouble( thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, "Double".toCharArray(), source)); } else if (BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) { EqualExpression fieldsNotEqual = new EqualExpression(thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fieldsNotEqual, source); FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source); IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(fieldsNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source); statements.add(ifStatement); } else /* objects */ { NullLiteral nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source); EqualExpression fieldIsNull = new EqualExpression(thisFieldAccessor, nullLiteral, OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source); EqualExpression otherFieldIsntNull = new EqualExpression(otherFieldAccessor, nullLiteral, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); MessageSend equalsCall = new MessageSend(); equalsCall.sourceStart = pS; equalsCall.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(equalsCall, source); equalsCall.receiver = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source); equalsCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); Expression equalsArg = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source, otherName); CastExpression castEqualsArg = new CastExpression( equalsArg, generateQualifiedNameRef(source, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT)); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(castEqualsArg, source); castEqualsArg.sourceStart = pS; castEqualsArg.sourceEnd = pE; equalsCall.arguments = new Expression[] {castEqualsArg}; UnaryExpression fieldsNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(equalsCall, OperatorIds.NOT); fieldsNotEqual.sourceStart = pS; fieldsNotEqual.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fieldsNotEqual, source); ConditionalExpression fullEquals = new ConditionalExpression(fieldIsNull, otherFieldIsntNull, fieldsNotEqual); fullEquals.sourceStart = pS; fullEquals.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fullEquals, source); FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source); IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(fullEquals, returnStatement, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source); statements.add(ifStatement); } } else if (fType.dimensions() > 0 && token != null) { MessageSend arraysEqualCall = new MessageSend(); arraysEqualCall.sourceStart = pS; arraysEqualCall.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(arraysEqualCall, source); arraysEqualCall.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef( source, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, "Arrays".toCharArray()); if (fType.dimensions() > 1 || !BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) { arraysEqualCall.selector = "deepEquals".toCharArray(); } else { arraysEqualCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); } arraysEqualCall.arguments = new Expression[] {thisFieldAccessor, otherFieldAccessor}; UnaryExpression arraysNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(arraysEqualCall, OperatorIds.NOT); arraysNotEqual.sourceStart = pS; arraysNotEqual.sourceEnd = pE; Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(arraysNotEqual, source); FalseLiteral falseLiteral = new FalseLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(falseLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(falseLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source); IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(arraysNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source); statements.add(ifStatement); } } /* return true; */ { TrueLiteral trueLiteral = new TrueLiteral(pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(trueLiteral, source); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(trueLiteral, pS, pE); Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source); statements.add(returnStatement); } method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[statements.size()]); return method; }
public TypeReference getTypeReference(int dim) { /* build a Reference on a variable that may be qualified or not * This variable is a type reference and dim will be its dimensions */ int length = this.identifierLengthStack[this.identifierLengthPtr--]; if (length < 0) { // flag for precompiled type reference on base types TypeReference ref = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(-length, dim); ref.sourceStart = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; if (dim == 0) { ref.sourceEnd = this.intStack[this.intPtr--]; } else { this.intPtr--; // no need to use this position as it is an array ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; } if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( ref.getParameterizedTypeName(), ref.sourceStart, ref.sourceEnd); } return ref; } else { int numberOfIdentifiers = this.genericsIdentifiersLengthStack[this.genericsIdentifiersLengthPtr--]; if (length != numberOfIdentifiers || this.genericsLengthStack[this.genericsLengthPtr] != 0) { // generic type TypeReference ref = getTypeReferenceForGenericType(dim, length, numberOfIdentifiers); if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { if (length == 1 && numberOfIdentifiers == 1) { ParameterizedSingleTypeReference parameterizedSingleTypeReference = (ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) ref; this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( parameterizedSingleTypeReference.token, parameterizedSingleTypeReference.sourceStart); } else { ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference = (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) ref; this.requestor.acceptTypeReference( parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference.tokens, parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference.sourceStart, parameterizedQualifiedTypeReference.sourceEnd); } } return ref; } else if (length == 1) { // single variable reference this.genericsLengthPtr--; // pop the 0 if (dim == 0) { SingleTypeReference ref = new SingleTypeReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference(ref.token, ref.sourceStart); } return ref; } else { ArrayTypeReference ref = new ArrayTypeReference( this.identifierStack[this.identifierPtr], dim, this.identifierPositionStack[this.identifierPtr--]); ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference(ref.token, ref.sourceStart); } return ref; } } else { // Qualified variable reference this.genericsLengthPtr--; char[][] tokens = new char[length][]; this.identifierPtr -= length; long[] positions = new long[length]; System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, tokens, 0, length); System.arraycopy( this.identifierPositionStack, this.identifierPtr + 1, positions, 0, length); if (dim == 0) { QualifiedTypeReference ref = new QualifiedTypeReference(tokens, positions); if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference(ref.tokens, ref.sourceStart, ref.sourceEnd); } return ref; } else { ArrayQualifiedTypeReference ref = new ArrayQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, dim, positions); ref.sourceEnd = this.endPosition; if (this.reportReferenceInfo) { this.requestor.acceptTypeReference(ref.tokens, ref.sourceStart, ref.sourceEnd); } return ref; } } } }
private TypeBinding internalResolveLeafType( Scope scope, ReferenceBinding enclosingType, boolean checkBounds) { ReferenceBinding currentType; if (enclosingType == null) { this.resolvedType = scope.getType(this.token); if (this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { currentType = (ReferenceBinding) this.resolvedType; } else { reportInvalidType(scope); switch (this.resolvedType.problemId()) { case ProblemReasons.NotFound: case ProblemReasons.NotVisible: case ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName: TypeBinding type = this.resolvedType.closestMatch(); if (type instanceof ReferenceBinding) { currentType = (ReferenceBinding) type; break; } // $FALL-THROUGH$ - unable to complete type binding, but still resolve type arguments default: boolean isClassScope = scope.kind == Scope.CLASS_SCOPE; int argLength = this.typeArguments.length; for (int i = 0; i < argLength; i++) { TypeReference typeArgument = this.typeArguments[i]; if (isClassScope) { typeArgument.resolveType((ClassScope) scope); } else { typeArgument.resolveType((BlockScope) scope, checkBounds); } } return null; } // be resilient, still attempt resolving arguments } enclosingType = currentType.enclosingType(); // if member type if (enclosingType != null) { enclosingType = currentType.isStatic() ? (ReferenceBinding) scope .environment() .convertToRawType( enclosingType, false /*do not force conversion of enclosing types*/) : scope.environment().convertToParameterizedType(enclosingType); currentType = scope .environment() .createParameterizedType( (ReferenceBinding) currentType.erasure(), null /* no arg */, enclosingType); } } else { // resolving member type (relatively to enclosingType) this.resolvedType = currentType = scope.getMemberType(this.token, enclosingType); if (!this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { scope.problemReporter().invalidEnclosingType(this, currentType, enclosingType); return null; } if (isTypeUseDeprecated(currentType, scope)) scope.problemReporter().deprecatedType(currentType, this); ReferenceBinding currentEnclosing = currentType.enclosingType(); if (currentEnclosing != null && currentEnclosing.erasure() != enclosingType.erasure()) { enclosingType = currentEnclosing; // inherited member type, leave it associated with its enclosing // rather than subtype } } // check generic and arity boolean isClassScope = scope.kind == Scope.CLASS_SCOPE; TypeReference keep = null; if (isClassScope) { keep = ((ClassScope) scope).superTypeReference; ((ClassScope) scope).superTypeReference = null; } int argLength = this.typeArguments.length; TypeBinding[] argTypes = new TypeBinding[argLength]; boolean argHasError = false; ReferenceBinding currentOriginal = (ReferenceBinding) currentType.original(); for (int i = 0; i < argLength; i++) { TypeReference typeArgument = this.typeArguments[i]; TypeBinding argType = isClassScope ? typeArgument.resolveTypeArgument((ClassScope) scope, currentOriginal, i) : typeArgument.resolveTypeArgument((BlockScope) scope, currentOriginal, i); this.bits |= (typeArgument.bits & ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations); if (argType == null) { argHasError = true; } else { if (typeArgument.annotations != null) argTypes[i] = captureTypeAnnotations(scope, enclosingType, argType, typeArgument.annotations[0]); else argTypes[i] = argType; } } if (argHasError) { return null; } if (isClassScope) { ((ClassScope) scope).superTypeReference = keep; if (((ClassScope) scope).detectHierarchyCycle(currentOriginal, this)) return null; } final boolean isDiamond = (this.bits & ASTNode.IsDiamond) != 0; TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables = currentOriginal.typeVariables(); if (typeVariables == Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { // non generic invoked with arguments boolean isCompliant15 = scope.compilerOptions().originalSourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5; if ((currentOriginal.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) == 0) { if (isCompliant15) { // below 1.5, already reported as syntax error this.resolvedType = currentType; scope .problemReporter() .nonGenericTypeCannotBeParameterized(0, this, currentType, argTypes); return null; } } // resilience do not rebuild a parameterized type unless compliance is allowing it if (!isCompliant15) { if (!this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) return currentType; return this.resolvedType = currentType; } // if missing generic type, and compliance >= 1.5, then will rebuild a parameterized binding } else if (argLength != typeVariables.length) { if (!isDiamond) { // check arity, IsDiamond never set for 1.6- scope.problemReporter().incorrectArityForParameterizedType(this, currentType, argTypes); return null; } } else if (!currentType.isStatic()) { ReferenceBinding actualEnclosing = currentType.enclosingType(); if (actualEnclosing != null && actualEnclosing.isRawType()) { scope .problemReporter() .rawMemberTypeCannotBeParameterized( this, scope.environment().createRawType(currentOriginal, actualEnclosing), argTypes); return null; } } ParameterizedTypeBinding parameterizedType = scope.environment().createParameterizedType(currentOriginal, argTypes, enclosingType); // check argument type compatibility for non <> cases - <> case needs no bounds check, we will // scream foul if needed during inference. if (!isDiamond) { if (checkBounds) // otherwise will do it in Scope.connectTypeVariables() or generic method // resolution parameterizedType.boundCheck(scope, this.typeArguments); else scope.deferBoundCheck(this); } if (isTypeUseDeprecated(parameterizedType, scope)) reportDeprecatedType(parameterizedType, scope); if (!this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { return parameterizedType; } return this.resolvedType = parameterizedType; }
public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) { // added for code assist...cannot occur with 'normal' code if (this.anonymousType == null && this.enclosingInstance == null) { return super.resolveType(scope); } // Propagate the type checking to the arguments, and checks if the constructor is defined. // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // ClassBodyopt // ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Name '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' // ClassBodyopt this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant; TypeBinding enclosingInstanceType = null; ReferenceBinding enclosingInstanceReference = null; TypeBinding receiverType = null; boolean hasError = false; boolean enclosingInstanceContainsCast = false; boolean argsContainCast = false; if (this.enclosingInstance != null) { if (this.enclosingInstance instanceof CastExpression) { this.enclosingInstance.bits |= ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on enclosingInstanceContainsCast = true; } if ((enclosingInstanceType = this.enclosingInstance.resolveType(scope)) == null) { hasError = true; } else if (enclosingInstanceType.isBaseType() || enclosingInstanceType.isArrayType()) { scope .problemReporter() .illegalPrimitiveOrArrayTypeForEnclosingInstance( enclosingInstanceType, this.enclosingInstance); hasError = true; } else if (this.type instanceof QualifiedTypeReference) { scope .problemReporter() .illegalUsageOfQualifiedTypeReference((QualifiedTypeReference) this.type); hasError = true; } else if (!(enclosingInstanceReference = (ReferenceBinding) enclosingInstanceType) .canBeSeenBy(scope)) { // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=317212 enclosingInstanceType = new ProblemReferenceBinding( enclosingInstanceReference.compoundName, enclosingInstanceReference, ProblemReasons.NotVisible); scope.problemReporter().invalidType(this.enclosingInstance, enclosingInstanceType); hasError = true; } else { receiverType = ((SingleTypeReference) this.type) .resolveTypeEnclosing(scope, (ReferenceBinding) enclosingInstanceType); if (receiverType != null && enclosingInstanceContainsCast) { CastExpression.checkNeedForEnclosingInstanceCast( scope, this.enclosingInstance, enclosingInstanceType, receiverType); } } } else { if (this.type == null) { // initialization of an enum constant receiverType = scope.enclosingSourceType(); } else { receiverType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/); checkParameterizedAllocation: { if (receiverType == null || !receiverType.isValidBinding()) break checkParameterizedAllocation; if (this.type instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) { // disallow new X<String>.Y<Integer>() ReferenceBinding currentType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType; do { // isStatic() is answering true for toplevel types if ((currentType.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0) break checkParameterizedAllocation; if (currentType.isRawType()) break checkParameterizedAllocation; } while ((currentType = currentType.enclosingType()) != null); ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference qRef = (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) this.type; for (int i = qRef.typeArguments.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (qRef.typeArguments[i] != null) { scope .problemReporter() .illegalQualifiedParameterizedTypeAllocation(this.type, receiverType); break; } } } } } } if (receiverType == null || !receiverType.isValidBinding()) { hasError = true; } // resolve type arguments (for generic constructor call) final boolean isDiamond = this.type != null && (this.type.bits & ASTNode.IsDiamond) != 0; if (this.typeArguments != null) { int length = this.typeArguments.length; boolean argHasError = scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5; this.genericTypeArguments = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { TypeReference typeReference = this.typeArguments[i]; if ((this.genericTypeArguments[i] = typeReference.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/)) == null) { argHasError = true; } if (argHasError && typeReference instanceof Wildcard) { scope.problemReporter().illegalUsageOfWildcard(typeReference); } } if (isDiamond) { scope.problemReporter().diamondNotWithExplicitTypeArguments(this.typeArguments); return null; } if (argHasError) { if (this.arguments != null) { // still attempt to resolve arguments for (int i = 0, max = this.arguments.length; i < max; i++) { this.arguments[i].resolveType(scope); } } return null; } } // will check for null after args are resolved TypeBinding[] argumentTypes = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; if (this.arguments != null) { int length = this.arguments.length; argumentTypes = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Expression argument = this.arguments[i]; if (argument instanceof CastExpression) { argument.bits |= ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on argsContainCast = true; } if ((argumentTypes[i] = argument.resolveType(scope)) == null) { hasError = true; } } } // limit of fault-tolerance if (hasError) { /* https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=345359, if arguments have errors, completely bail out in the <> case. No meaningful type resolution is possible since inference of the elided types is fully tied to argument types. Do not return the partially resolved type. */ if (isDiamond) { return null; // not the partially cooked this.resolvedType } if (receiverType instanceof ReferenceBinding) { ReferenceBinding referenceReceiver = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType; if (receiverType.isValidBinding()) { // record a best guess, for clients who need hint about possible contructor match int length = this.arguments == null ? 0 : this.arguments.length; TypeBinding[] pseudoArgs = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = length; --i >= 0; ) { pseudoArgs[i] = argumentTypes[i] == null ? TypeBinding.NULL : argumentTypes[i]; // replace args with errors with null type } this.binding = scope.findMethod(referenceReceiver, TypeConstants.INIT, pseudoArgs, this); if (this.binding != null && !this.binding.isValidBinding()) { MethodBinding closestMatch = ((ProblemMethodBinding) this.binding).closestMatch; // record the closest match, for clients who may still need hint about possible method // match if (closestMatch != null) { if (closestMatch.original().typeVariables != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { // generic method // shouldn't return generic method outside its context, rather convert it to raw // method (175409) closestMatch = scope .environment() .createParameterizedGenericMethod( closestMatch.original(), (RawTypeBinding) null); } this.binding = closestMatch; MethodBinding closestMatchOriginal = closestMatch.original(); if (closestMatchOriginal.isOrEnclosedByPrivateType() && !scope.isDefinedInMethod(closestMatchOriginal)) { // ignore cases where method is used from within inside itself (e.g. direct // recursions) closestMatchOriginal.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed; } } } } if (this.anonymousType != null) { // insert anonymous type in scope (see // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=210070) scope.addAnonymousType(this.anonymousType, referenceReceiver); this.anonymousType.resolve(scope); return this.resolvedType = this.anonymousType.binding; } } return this.resolvedType = receiverType; } if (this.anonymousType == null) { // qualified allocation with no anonymous type if (!receiverType.canBeInstantiated()) { scope.problemReporter().cannotInstantiate(this.type, receiverType); return this.resolvedType = receiverType; } if (isDiamond) { TypeBinding[] inferredTypes = inferElidedTypes( ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType).genericType(), receiverType.enclosingType(), argumentTypes, scope); if (inferredTypes == null) { scope.problemReporter().cannotInferElidedTypes(this); return this.resolvedType = null; } receiverType = this.type.resolvedType = scope .environment() .createParameterizedType( ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType).genericType(), inferredTypes, ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType).enclosingType()); } ReferenceBinding allocationType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType; if ((this.binding = scope.getConstructor(allocationType, argumentTypes, this)) .isValidBinding()) { if (isMethodUseDeprecated(this.binding, scope, true)) { scope.problemReporter().deprecatedMethod(this.binding, this); } if (checkInvocationArguments( scope, null, allocationType, this.binding, this.arguments, argumentTypes, argsContainCast, this)) { this.bits |= ASTNode.Unchecked; } if (this.typeArguments != null && this.binding.original().typeVariables == Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { scope .problemReporter() .unnecessaryTypeArgumentsForMethodInvocation( this.binding, this.genericTypeArguments, this.typeArguments); } } else { if (this.binding.declaringClass == null) { this.binding.declaringClass = allocationType; } if (this.type != null && !this.type.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { // problem already got signaled on type reference, do not report secondary problem return null; } scope.problemReporter().invalidConstructor(this, this.binding); return this.resolvedType = receiverType; } if ((this.binding.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) != 0) { scope.problemReporter().missingTypeInConstructor(this, this.binding); } if (!isDiamond && receiverType.isParameterizedTypeWithActualArguments()) { checkTypeArgumentRedundancy( (ParameterizedTypeBinding) receiverType, receiverType.enclosingType(), argumentTypes, scope); } // The enclosing instance must be compatible with the innermost enclosing type ReferenceBinding expectedType = this.binding.declaringClass.enclosingType(); if (expectedType != enclosingInstanceType) // must call before computeConversion() and typeMismatchError() scope.compilationUnitScope().recordTypeConversion(expectedType, enclosingInstanceType); if (enclosingInstanceType.isCompatibleWith(expectedType) || scope.isBoxingCompatibleWith(enclosingInstanceType, expectedType)) { this.enclosingInstance.computeConversion(scope, expectedType, enclosingInstanceType); return this.resolvedType = receiverType; } scope .problemReporter() .typeMismatchError(enclosingInstanceType, expectedType, this.enclosingInstance, null); return this.resolvedType = receiverType; } else { if (isDiamond) { scope.problemReporter().diamondNotWithAnoymousClasses(this.type); return null; } } ReferenceBinding superType = (ReferenceBinding) receiverType; if (superType.isTypeVariable()) { superType = new ProblemReferenceBinding( new char[][] {superType.sourceName()}, superType, ProblemReasons.IllegalSuperTypeVariable); scope.problemReporter().invalidType(this, superType); return null; } else if (this.type != null && superType.isEnum()) { // tolerate enum constant body scope.problemReporter().cannotInstantiate(this.type, superType); return this.resolvedType = superType; } // anonymous type scenario // an anonymous class inherits from java.lang.Object when declared "after" an interface ReferenceBinding anonymousSuperclass = superType.isInterface() ? scope.getJavaLangObject() : superType; // insert anonymous type in scope scope.addAnonymousType(this.anonymousType, superType); this.anonymousType.resolve(scope); // find anonymous super constructor this.resolvedType = this.anonymousType.binding; // 1.2 change if ((this.resolvedType.tagBits & TagBits.HierarchyHasProblems) != 0) { return null; // stop secondary errors } MethodBinding inheritedBinding = scope.getConstructor(anonymousSuperclass, argumentTypes, this); if (!inheritedBinding.isValidBinding()) { if (inheritedBinding.declaringClass == null) { inheritedBinding.declaringClass = anonymousSuperclass; } if (this.type != null && !this.type.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { // problem already got signaled on type reference, do not report secondary problem return null; } scope.problemReporter().invalidConstructor(this, inheritedBinding); return this.resolvedType; } if ((inheritedBinding.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) != 0) { scope.problemReporter().missingTypeInConstructor(this, inheritedBinding); } if (this.enclosingInstance != null) { ReferenceBinding targetEnclosing = inheritedBinding.declaringClass.enclosingType(); if (targetEnclosing == null) { scope .problemReporter() .unnecessaryEnclosingInstanceSpecification(this.enclosingInstance, superType); return this.resolvedType; } else if (!enclosingInstanceType.isCompatibleWith(targetEnclosing) && !scope.isBoxingCompatibleWith(enclosingInstanceType, targetEnclosing)) { scope .problemReporter() .typeMismatchError( enclosingInstanceType, targetEnclosing, this.enclosingInstance, null); return this.resolvedType; } this.enclosingInstance.computeConversion(scope, targetEnclosing, enclosingInstanceType); } if (this.arguments != null) { if (checkInvocationArguments( scope, null, anonymousSuperclass, inheritedBinding, this.arguments, argumentTypes, argsContainCast, this)) { this.bits |= ASTNode.Unchecked; } } if (this.typeArguments != null && inheritedBinding.original().typeVariables == Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { scope .problemReporter() .unnecessaryTypeArgumentsForMethodInvocation( inheritedBinding, this.genericTypeArguments, this.typeArguments); } // Update the anonymous inner class : superclass, interface this.binding = this.anonymousType.createDefaultConstructorWithBinding( inheritedBinding, (this.bits & ASTNode.Unchecked) != 0 && this.genericTypeArguments == null); return this.resolvedType; }
public ClassLiteralAccess(int sourceEnd, TypeReference type) { this.type = type; type.bits |= IgnoreRawTypeCheck; // no need to worry about raw type usage this.sourceStart = type.sourceStart; this.sourceEnd = sourceEnd; }
private boolean containsLong(final TypeReference type, ClassScope scope) { return type != null && JsniReferenceResolver.this.containsLong(type.resolveType(scope)); }
private String typeString(TypeReference type) { return type.toString(); }
public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) { // Build an array type reference using the current dimensions // The parser does not check for the fact that dimension may be null // only at the -end- like new int [4][][]. The parser allows new int[][4][] // so this must be checked here......(this comes from a reduction to LL1 grammar) TypeBinding referenceType = type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/); // will check for null after dimensions are checked constant = Constant.NotAConstant; if (referenceType == VoidBinding) { scope.problemReporter().cannotAllocateVoidArray(this); referenceType = null; } // check the validity of the dimension syntax (and test for all null dimensions) int explicitDimIndex = -1; loop: for (int i = dimensions.length; --i >= 0; ) { if (dimensions[i] != null) { if (explicitDimIndex < 0) explicitDimIndex = i; } else if (explicitDimIndex > 0) { // should not have an empty dimension before an non-empty one scope.problemReporter().incorrectLocationForNonEmptyDimension(this, explicitDimIndex); break loop; } } // explicitDimIndex < 0 says if all dimensions are nulled // when an initializer is given, no dimension must be specified if (initializer == null) { if (explicitDimIndex < 0) { scope.problemReporter().mustDefineDimensionsOrInitializer(this); } // allow new List<?>[5] - only check for generic array when no initializer, since also checked // inside initializer resolution if (referenceType != null && !referenceType.isReifiable()) { scope.problemReporter().illegalGenericArray(referenceType, this); } } else if (explicitDimIndex >= 0) { scope.problemReporter().cannotDefineDimensionsAndInitializer(this); } // dimensions resolution for (int i = 0; i <= explicitDimIndex; i++) { if (dimensions[i] != null) { TypeBinding dimensionType = dimensions[i].resolveTypeExpecting(scope, IntBinding); if (dimensionType != null) { dimensions[i].computeConversion(scope, IntBinding, dimensionType); } } } // building the array binding if (referenceType != null) { if (dimensions.length > 255) { scope.problemReporter().tooManyDimensions(this); } this.resolvedType = scope.createArrayType(referenceType, dimensions.length); // check the initializer if (initializer != null) { if ((initializer.resolveTypeExpecting(scope, this.resolvedType)) != null) initializer.binding = (ArrayBinding) this.resolvedType; } } return this.resolvedType; }
public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) { // Propagate the type checking to the arguments, and check if the constructor is defined. this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant; if (this.type == null) { // initialization of an enum constant this.resolvedType = scope.enclosingReceiverType(); } else { this.resolvedType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/); checkParameterizedAllocation: { if (this.type instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) { // disallow new X<String>.Y<Integer>() ReferenceBinding currentType = (ReferenceBinding) this.resolvedType; if (currentType == null) return currentType; do { // isStatic() is answering true for toplevel types if ((currentType.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0) break checkParameterizedAllocation; if (currentType.isRawType()) break checkParameterizedAllocation; } while ((currentType = currentType.enclosingType()) != null); ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference qRef = (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) this.type; for (int i = qRef.typeArguments.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (qRef.typeArguments[i] != null) { scope .problemReporter() .illegalQualifiedParameterizedTypeAllocation(this.type, this.resolvedType); break; } } } } } // will check for null after args are resolved final boolean isDiamond = this.type != null && (this.type.bits & ASTNode.IsDiamond) != 0; // resolve type arguments (for generic constructor call) if (this.typeArguments != null) { int length = this.typeArguments.length; boolean argHasError = scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5; this.genericTypeArguments = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { TypeReference typeReference = this.typeArguments[i]; if ((this.genericTypeArguments[i] = typeReference.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/)) == null) { argHasError = true; } if (argHasError && typeReference instanceof Wildcard) { scope.problemReporter().illegalUsageOfWildcard(typeReference); } } if (isDiamond) { scope.problemReporter().diamondNotWithExplicitTypeArguments(this.typeArguments); return null; } if (argHasError) { if (this.arguments != null) { // still attempt to resolve arguments for (int i = 0, max = this.arguments.length; i < max; i++) { this.arguments[i].resolveType(scope); } } return null; } } // buffering the arguments' types boolean argsContainCast = false; TypeBinding[] argumentTypes = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; if (this.arguments != null) { boolean argHasError = false; int length = this.arguments.length; argumentTypes = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Expression argument = this.arguments[i]; if (argument instanceof CastExpression) { argument.bits |= DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on argsContainCast = true; } if ((argumentTypes[i] = argument.resolveType(scope)) == null) { argHasError = true; } } if (argHasError) { /* https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=345359, if arguments have errors, completely bail out in the <> case. No meaningful type resolution is possible since inference of the elided types is fully tied to argument types. Do not return the partially resolved type. */ if (isDiamond) { return null; // not the partially cooked this.resolvedType } if (this.resolvedType instanceof ReferenceBinding) { // record a best guess, for clients who need hint about possible constructor match TypeBinding[] pseudoArgs = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = length; --i >= 0; ) { pseudoArgs[i] = argumentTypes[i] == null ? TypeBinding.NULL : argumentTypes[i]; // replace args with errors with null type } this.binding = scope.findMethod( (ReferenceBinding) this.resolvedType, TypeConstants.INIT, pseudoArgs, this); if (this.binding != null && !this.binding.isValidBinding()) { MethodBinding closestMatch = ((ProblemMethodBinding) this.binding).closestMatch; // record the closest match, for clients who may still need hint about possible method // match if (closestMatch != null) { if (closestMatch.original().typeVariables != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { // generic method // shouldn't return generic method outside its context, rather convert it to raw // method (175409) closestMatch = scope .environment() .createParameterizedGenericMethod( closestMatch.original(), (RawTypeBinding) null); } this.binding = closestMatch; MethodBinding closestMatchOriginal = closestMatch.original(); if (closestMatchOriginal.isOrEnclosedByPrivateType() && !scope.isDefinedInMethod(closestMatchOriginal)) { // ignore cases where method is used from within inside itself (e.g. direct // recursions) closestMatchOriginal.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed; } } } } return this.resolvedType; } } if (this.resolvedType == null || !this.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { return null; } // null type denotes fake allocation for enum constant inits if (this.type != null && !this.resolvedType.canBeInstantiated()) { scope.problemReporter().cannotInstantiate(this.type, this.resolvedType); return this.resolvedType; } if (isDiamond) { TypeBinding[] inferredTypes = inferElidedTypes( ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) this.resolvedType).genericType(), null, argumentTypes, scope); if (inferredTypes == null) { scope.problemReporter().cannotInferElidedTypes(this); return this.resolvedType = null; } this.resolvedType = this.type.resolvedType = scope .environment() .createParameterizedType( ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) this.resolvedType).genericType(), inferredTypes, ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) this.resolvedType).enclosingType()); } ReferenceBinding allocationType = (ReferenceBinding) this.resolvedType; if (!(this.binding = scope.getConstructor(allocationType, argumentTypes, this)) .isValidBinding()) { if (this.binding.declaringClass == null) { this.binding.declaringClass = allocationType; } if (this.type != null && !this.type.resolvedType.isValidBinding()) { return null; } scope.problemReporter().invalidConstructor(this, this.binding); return this.resolvedType; } if ((this.binding.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) != 0) { scope.problemReporter().missingTypeInConstructor(this, this.binding); } if (isMethodUseDeprecated(this.binding, scope, true)) scope.problemReporter().deprecatedMethod(this.binding, this); if (checkInvocationArguments( scope, null, allocationType, this.binding, this.arguments, argumentTypes, argsContainCast, this)) { this.bits |= ASTNode.Unchecked; } if (this.typeArguments != null && this.binding.original().typeVariables == Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { scope .problemReporter() .unnecessaryTypeArgumentsForMethodInvocation( this.binding, this.genericTypeArguments, this.typeArguments); } if (!isDiamond && this.resolvedType.isParameterizedTypeWithActualArguments()) { checkTypeArgumentRedundancy( (ParameterizedTypeBinding) this.resolvedType, null, argumentTypes, scope); } final CompilerOptions compilerOptions = scope.compilerOptions(); if (compilerOptions.isAnnotationBasedNullAnalysisEnabled && (this.binding.tagBits & TagBits.IsNullnessKnown) == 0) { new ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier( scope.environment(), compilerOptions.inheritNullAnnotations) .checkImplicitNullAnnotations(this.binding, null /*srcMethod*/, false, scope); } return allocationType; }
/** Figures if @Deprecated annotation is specified, do not resolve entire annotations. */ public static void resolveDeprecatedAnnotations( BlockScope scope, Annotation[] annotations, Binding recipient) { if (recipient != null) { int kind = recipient.kind(); if (annotations != null) { int length; if ((length = annotations.length) >= 0) { switch (kind) { case Binding.PACKAGE: PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) recipient; if ((packageBinding.tagBits & TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved) != 0) return; break; case Binding.TYPE: case Binding.GENERIC_TYPE: ReferenceBinding type = (ReferenceBinding) recipient; if ((type.tagBits & TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved) != 0) return; break; case Binding.METHOD: MethodBinding method = (MethodBinding) recipient; if ((method.tagBits & TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved) != 0) return; break; case Binding.FIELD: FieldBinding field = (FieldBinding) recipient; if ((field.tagBits & TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved) != 0) return; break; case Binding.LOCAL: LocalVariableBinding local = (LocalVariableBinding) recipient; if ((local.tagBits & TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved) != 0) return; break; default: return; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { TypeReference annotationTypeRef = annotations[i].type; // only resolve type name if 'Deprecated' last token if (!CharOperation.equals( TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_DEPRECATED[2], annotationTypeRef.getLastToken())) return; TypeBinding annotationType = annotations[i].type.resolveType(scope); if (annotationType != null && annotationType.isValidBinding() && annotationType.id == TypeIds.T_JavaLangDeprecated) { switch (kind) { case Binding.PACKAGE: PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) recipient; packageBinding.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationDeprecated | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); return; case Binding.TYPE: case Binding.GENERIC_TYPE: case Binding.TYPE_PARAMETER: ReferenceBinding type = (ReferenceBinding) recipient; type.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationDeprecated | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); return; case Binding.METHOD: MethodBinding method = (MethodBinding) recipient; method.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationDeprecated | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); return; case Binding.FIELD: FieldBinding field = (FieldBinding) recipient; field.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationDeprecated | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); return; case Binding.LOCAL: LocalVariableBinding local = (LocalVariableBinding) recipient; local.tagBits |= (TagBits.AnnotationDeprecated | TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved); return; default: return; } } } } } switch (kind) { case Binding.PACKAGE: PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) recipient; packageBinding.tagBits |= TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved; return; case Binding.TYPE: case Binding.GENERIC_TYPE: case Binding.TYPE_PARAMETER: ReferenceBinding type = (ReferenceBinding) recipient; type.tagBits |= TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved; return; case Binding.METHOD: MethodBinding method = (MethodBinding) recipient; method.tagBits |= TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved; return; case Binding.FIELD: FieldBinding field = (FieldBinding) recipient; field.tagBits |= TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved; return; case Binding.LOCAL: LocalVariableBinding local = (LocalVariableBinding) recipient; local.tagBits |= TagBits.DeprecatedAnnotationResolved; return; default: return; } } }
public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) { // Answer the signature return type // Base type promotion this.constant = Constant.NotAConstant; boolean receiverCast = false, argsContainCast = false; if (this.receiver instanceof CastExpression) { this.receiver.bits |= ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on receiverCast = true; } this.actualReceiverType = this.receiver.resolveType(scope); boolean receiverIsType = this.receiver instanceof NameReference && (((NameReference) this.receiver).bits & Binding.TYPE) != 0; if (receiverCast && this.actualReceiverType != null) { // due to change of declaring class with receiver type, only identity cast should be notified if (((CastExpression) this.receiver).expression.resolvedType == this.actualReceiverType) { scope.problemReporter().unnecessaryCast((CastExpression) this.receiver); } } // resolve type arguments (for generic constructor call) if (this.typeArguments != null) { int length = this.typeArguments.length; boolean argHasError = scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5; // typeChecks all arguments this.genericTypeArguments = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { TypeReference typeReference = this.typeArguments[i]; if ((this.genericTypeArguments[i] = typeReference.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/)) == null) { argHasError = true; } if (argHasError && typeReference instanceof Wildcard) { scope.problemReporter().illegalUsageOfWildcard(typeReference); } } if (argHasError) { if (this.arguments != null) { // still attempt to resolve arguments for (int i = 0, max = this.arguments.length; i < max; i++) { this.arguments[i].resolveType(scope); } } return null; } } // will check for null after args are resolved TypeBinding[] argumentTypes = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS; if (this.arguments != null) { boolean argHasError = false; // typeChecks all arguments int length = this.arguments.length; argumentTypes = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Expression argument = this.arguments[i]; if (argument instanceof CastExpression) { argument.bits |= ASTNode.DisableUnnecessaryCastCheck; // will check later on argsContainCast = true; } if ((argumentTypes[i] = argument.resolveType(scope)) == null) { argHasError = true; } } if (argHasError) { if (this.actualReceiverType instanceof ReferenceBinding) { // record a best guess, for clients who need hint about possible method match TypeBinding[] pseudoArgs = new TypeBinding[length]; for (int i = length; --i >= 0; ) pseudoArgs[i] = argumentTypes[i] == null ? TypeBinding.NULL : argumentTypes[i]; // replace args with errors with null type this.binding = this.receiver.isImplicitThis() ? scope.getImplicitMethod(this.selector, pseudoArgs, this) : scope.findMethod( (ReferenceBinding) this.actualReceiverType, this.selector, pseudoArgs, this); if (this.binding != null && !this.binding.isValidBinding()) { MethodBinding closestMatch = ((ProblemMethodBinding) this.binding).closestMatch; // record the closest match, for clients who may still need hint about possible method // match if (closestMatch != null) { if (closestMatch.original().typeVariables != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { // generic method // shouldn't return generic method outside its context, rather convert it to raw // method (175409) closestMatch = scope .environment() .createParameterizedGenericMethod( closestMatch.original(), (RawTypeBinding) null); } this.binding = closestMatch; MethodBinding closestMatchOriginal = closestMatch.original(); if (closestMatchOriginal.isOrEnclosedByPrivateType() && !scope.isDefinedInMethod(closestMatchOriginal)) { // ignore cases where method is used from within inside itself (e.g. direct // recursions) closestMatchOriginal.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed; } } } } return null; } } if (this.actualReceiverType == null) { return null; } // base type cannot receive any message if (this.actualReceiverType.isBaseType()) { scope.problemReporter().errorNoMethodFor(this, this.actualReceiverType, argumentTypes); return null; } this.binding = this.receiver.isImplicitThis() ? scope.getImplicitMethod(this.selector, argumentTypes, this) : scope.getMethod(this.actualReceiverType, this.selector, argumentTypes, this); if (!this.binding.isValidBinding()) { if (this.binding.declaringClass == null) { if (this.actualReceiverType instanceof ReferenceBinding) { this.binding.declaringClass = (ReferenceBinding) this.actualReceiverType; } else { scope.problemReporter().errorNoMethodFor(this, this.actualReceiverType, argumentTypes); return null; } } // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=245007 avoid secondary errors in case of // missing super type for anonymous classes ... ReferenceBinding declaringClass = this.binding.declaringClass; boolean avoidSecondary = declaringClass != null && declaringClass.isAnonymousType() && declaringClass.superclass() instanceof MissingTypeBinding; if (!avoidSecondary) scope.problemReporter().invalidMethod(this, this.binding); MethodBinding closestMatch = ((ProblemMethodBinding) this.binding).closestMatch; switch (this.binding.problemId()) { case ProblemReasons.Ambiguous: break; // no resilience on ambiguous case ProblemReasons.NotVisible: case ProblemReasons.NonStaticReferenceInConstructorInvocation: case ProblemReasons.NonStaticReferenceInStaticContext: case ProblemReasons.ReceiverTypeNotVisible: case ProblemReasons.ParameterBoundMismatch: // only steal returnType in cases listed above if (closestMatch != null) this.resolvedType = closestMatch.returnType; break; } // record the closest match, for clients who may still need hint about possible method match if (closestMatch != null) { this.binding = closestMatch; MethodBinding closestMatchOriginal = closestMatch.original(); if (closestMatchOriginal.isOrEnclosedByPrivateType() && !scope.isDefinedInMethod(closestMatchOriginal)) { // ignore cases where method is used from within inside itself (e.g. direct recursions) closestMatchOriginal.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed; } } return (this.resolvedType != null && (this.resolvedType.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) == 0) ? this.resolvedType : null; } final CompilerOptions compilerOptions = scope.compilerOptions(); if (compilerOptions.complianceLevel <= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_6 && this.binding.isPolymorphic()) { scope.problemReporter().polymorphicMethodNotBelow17(this); return null; } if (((this.bits & ASTNode.InsideExpressionStatement) != 0) && this.binding.isPolymorphic()) { // we only set the return type to be void if this method invocation is used inside an // expression statement this.binding = scope .environment() .updatePolymorphicMethodReturnType( (PolymorphicMethodBinding) this.binding, TypeBinding.VOID); } if ((this.binding.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) != 0) { scope.problemReporter().missingTypeInMethod(this, this.binding); } if (!this.binding.isStatic()) { // the "receiver" must not be a type if (receiverIsType) { scope.problemReporter().mustUseAStaticMethod(this, this.binding); if (this.actualReceiverType.isRawType() && (this.receiver.bits & ASTNode.IgnoreRawTypeCheck) == 0 && compilerOptions.getSeverity(CompilerOptions.RawTypeReference) != ProblemSeverities.Ignore) { scope.problemReporter().rawTypeReference(this.receiver, this.actualReceiverType); } } else { // handle indirect inheritance thru variable secondary bound // receiver may receive generic cast, as part of implicit conversion TypeBinding oldReceiverType = this.actualReceiverType; this.actualReceiverType = this.actualReceiverType.getErasureCompatibleType(this.binding.declaringClass); this.receiver.computeConversion(scope, this.actualReceiverType, this.actualReceiverType); if (this.actualReceiverType != oldReceiverType && this.receiver.postConversionType(scope) != this .actualReceiverType) { // record need for explicit cast at codegen since // receiver could not handle it this.bits |= NeedReceiverGenericCast; } } } else { // static message invoked through receiver? legal but unoptimal (optional warning). if (!(this.receiver.isImplicitThis() || this.receiver.isSuper() || receiverIsType)) { scope.problemReporter().nonStaticAccessToStaticMethod(this, this.binding); } if (!this.receiver.isImplicitThis() && this.binding.declaringClass != this.actualReceiverType) { scope.problemReporter().indirectAccessToStaticMethod(this, this.binding); } } if (checkInvocationArguments( scope, this.receiver, this.actualReceiverType, this.binding, this.arguments, argumentTypes, argsContainCast, this)) { this.bits |= ASTNode.Unchecked; } // -------message send that are known to fail at compile time----------- if (this.binding.isAbstract()) { if (this.receiver.isSuper()) { scope.problemReporter().cannotDireclyInvokeAbstractMethod(this, this.binding); } // abstract private methods cannot occur nor abstract static............ } if (isMethodUseDeprecated(this.binding, scope, true)) scope.problemReporter().deprecatedMethod(this.binding, this); // from 1.5 source level on, array#clone() returns the array type (but binding still shows // Object) if (this.binding == scope.environment().arrayClone && compilerOptions.sourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { this.resolvedType = this.actualReceiverType; } else { TypeBinding returnType; if ((this.bits & ASTNode.Unchecked) != 0 && this.genericTypeArguments == null) { // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=277643, align with javac on JLS returnType = this.binding.returnType; if (returnType != null) { returnType = scope.environment().convertToRawType(returnType.erasure(), true); } } else { returnType = this.binding.returnType; if (returnType != null) { returnType = returnType.capture(scope, this.sourceEnd); } } this.resolvedType = returnType; } if (this.receiver.isSuper() && compilerOptions.getSeverity(CompilerOptions.OverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation) != ProblemSeverities.Ignore) { final ReferenceContext referenceContext = scope.methodScope().referenceContext; if (referenceContext instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) { final AbstractMethodDeclaration abstractMethodDeclaration = (AbstractMethodDeclaration) referenceContext; MethodBinding enclosingMethodBinding = abstractMethodDeclaration.binding; if (enclosingMethodBinding.isOverriding() && CharOperation.equals(this.binding.selector, enclosingMethodBinding.selector) && this.binding.areParametersEqual(enclosingMethodBinding)) { abstractMethodDeclaration.bits |= ASTNode.OverridingMethodWithSupercall; } } } if (this.typeArguments != null && this.binding.original().typeVariables == Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) { scope .problemReporter() .unnecessaryTypeArgumentsForMethodInvocation( this.binding, this.genericTypeArguments, this.typeArguments); } return (this.resolvedType.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) == 0 ? this.resolvedType : null; }