private ISourceContainer getArchiveSourceContainer(String location) throws JavaModelException { IWorkspaceRoot root = PDELaunchingPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IFile[] containers = root.findFilesForLocationURI(URIUtil.toURI(location)); for (int i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) { IJavaElement element = JavaCore.create(containers[i]); if (element instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot) { IPackageFragmentRoot archive = (IPackageFragmentRoot) element; IPath path = archive.getSourceAttachmentPath(); if (path == null || path.segmentCount() == 0) continue; IPath rootPath = archive.getSourceAttachmentRootPath(); boolean detectRootPath = rootPath != null && rootPath.segmentCount() > 0; IFile archiveFile = root.getFile(path); if (archiveFile.exists()) return new ArchiveSourceContainer(archiveFile, detectRootPath); File file = path.toFile(); if (file.exists()) return new ExternalArchiveSourceContainer(file.getAbsolutePath(), detectRootPath); } } return null; }
private void createProject(IFeatureModel model, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { String name = model.getFeature().getId(); IFeaturePlugin[] plugins = model.getFeature().getPlugins(); for (int i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { if (name.equals(plugins[i].getId())) { name += "-feature"; // $NON-NLS-1$ break; } } String task = NLS.bind(MDEUIMessages.FeatureImportWizard_operation_creating2, name); monitor.beginTask(task, 9); try { IProject project = fRoot.getProject(name); if (project.exists() || new File(project.getParent().getLocation().toFile(), name).exists()) { if (queryReplace(project)) { if (!project.exists()) project.create(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); project.delete(true, true, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); try { RepositoryProvider.unmap(project); } catch (TeamException e) { } } else { return; } } else { monitor.worked(1); } IProjectDescription description = MDEPlugin.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(name); if (fTargetPath != null) description.setLocation(fTargetPath.append(name)); project.create(description, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); if (!project.isOpen()) {; } File featureDir = new File(model.getInstallLocation()); importContent( featureDir, project.getFullPath(), FileSystemStructureProvider.INSTANCE, null, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); IFolder folder = project.getFolder("META-INF"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (folder.exists()) { folder.delete(true, null); } if (fBinary) { // Mark this project so that we can show image overlay // using the label decorator project.setPersistentProperty( MDECore.EXTERNAL_PROJECT_PROPERTY, MDECore.BINARY_PROJECT_VALUE); } createBuildProperties(project); setProjectNatures(project, model, monitor); if (project.hasNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID)) setClasspath(project, model, monitor); } finally { monitor.done(); } }