 @Ignore("still working it out")
 public void testCallGetResourcesOnADifferentBundle() throws Exception {
   // find bundles
   Bundle[] bundles = bundleContext.getBundles();
   for (int i = 1; i < bundles.length; i++) {
     Bundle bundle = bundles[i];
         "calling #getResources on bundle " + OsgiStringUtils.nullSafeNameAndSymName(bundle));
     Enumeration enm = bundle.getResources(LOCATION);
     if (!OsgiBundleUtils.isFragment(bundle))
           "bundle " + OsgiStringUtils.nullSafeNameAndSymName(bundle) + " contains no META-INF/",
  public void testBehaviour() throws Exception {

    String bundleId =
        "org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.iandt, async-wait-bundle," + getSpringDMVersion();

    // start it
    Bundle bundle = installBundle(bundleId);

        "bundle " + bundle + "hasn't been fully started", OsgiBundleUtils.isBundleActive(bundle));

    // make sure the appCtx is not up
    // check that the appCtx is *not* published (it waits for the service to
    // appear)
    assertContextServiceIs(bundle, false, 500);

    // put service up
    registration = bundleContext.registerService(Shape.class.getName(), new Area(), null);

    // do wait a bit to let the appCtx to fully start
    // check the appCtx again (should be published)
    assertContextServiceIs(bundle, true, 4000);