public void addListPolicies(List parent, DSpaceObject dso, Collection owningCollection) throws WingException, SQLException { if (!isAdvancedFormEnabled) { return; } parent.addLabel(T_head_policies_table); java.util.List<ResourcePolicy> resourcePolicies = authorizeService.findPoliciesByDSOAndType(context, dso, ResourcePolicy.TYPE_CUSTOM); if (resourcePolicies.isEmpty()) { parent.addItem(T_no_policies); return; } for (ResourcePolicy rp : resourcePolicies) { int id = rp.getID(); String name = ""; if (rp.getRpName() != null) name = rp.getRpName(); String action = resourcePolicyService.getActionText(rp); // if it is the default policy for the Submitter don't show it. if (dso instanceof org.dspace.content.Item) { org.dspace.content.Item item = (org.dspace.content.Item) dso; if (rp.getEPerson() != null) { if (item.getSubmitter().equals(rp.getEPerson())) continue; } } String group = ""; if (rp.getGroup() != null) group = rp.getGroup().getName(); // start String startDate = ""; if (rp.getStartDate() != null) { startDate = DateFormatUtils.format(rp.getStartDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); } // endDate String endDate = ""; if (rp.getEndDate() != null) { endDate = DateFormatUtils.format(rp.getEndDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); } parent.addItem(T_policy.parameterize(name, action, group, startDate, endDate)); } }
public void addRioxxVersionSection(List upload, Item item) throws WingException { String version = item.getMetadata("rioxxterms.version"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(version) && !"NA".equals(version)) { try { DCInputsReader a = new DCInputsReader(); java.util.List<String> pairs = a.getPairs("rioxxterms_version"); int humanReadable = pairs.indexOf(version) - 1; version = pairs.get(humanReadable); } catch (DCInputsReaderException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } upload .addItem("upload-rioxx-version-warning", "upload-rioxx-version-warning") .addContent(T_rioxx_version.parameterize(version)); } }
public void addListGroups(String groupID, List form, int errorFlag, Collection owningCollection) throws WingException, SQLException { if (isAdvancedFormEnabled) { // currently set group form.addLabel(T_groups); Select groupSelect = form.addItem().addSelect("group_id"); groupSelect.setMultiple(false); java.util.List<Group> loadedGroups = null; // retrieve groups String name = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.submission.restrictstep.groups"); if (name != null) { Group uiGroup = groupService.findByName(context, name); if (uiGroup != null) loadedGroups = uiGroup.getMemberGroups(); } if (loadedGroups == null || loadedGroups.size() == 0) { loadedGroups = groupService.findAll(context, GroupService.NAME); } // if no group selected for default set anonymous if (groupID == null || groupID.equals("")) groupID = "0"; // when we're just loading the main step, also default to anonymous if (errorFlag == AccessStep.STATUS_COMPLETE) { groupID = "0"; } for (Group group : loadedGroups) { boolean selectGroup = group.getID().toString().equals(groupID); groupSelect.addOption(selectGroup, group.getID().toString(), group.getName()); } if (errorFlag == AccessStep.STATUS_DUPLICATED_POLICY || errorFlag == AccessStep.EDIT_POLICY_STATUS_DUPLICATED_POLICY || errorFlag == UploadWithEmbargoStep.STATUS_EDIT_POLICIES_DUPLICATED_POLICY || errorFlag == UploadWithEmbargoStep.STATUS_EDIT_POLICY_DUPLICATED_POLICY) { groupSelect.addError(T_error_duplicated_policy); } } }
public void addEmbargoDateSimpleForm(DSpaceObject dso, List form, int errorFlag) throws SQLException, WingException { String date = null; if (dso != null) { java.util.List<ResourcePolicy> policies = authorizeService.findPoliciesByDSOAndType(context, dso, ResourcePolicy.TYPE_CUSTOM); if (policies.size() > 0) { ResourcePolicy rp = policies.get(0); if (rp.getStartDate() != null) { date = DateFormatUtils.format(rp.getStartDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); } globalReason = rp.getRpDescription(); } } // CheckBox privateCheckbox = form.addItem().addCheckBox("emabrgo_option"); // privateCheckbox.setLabel(T_item_embargoed); // if(date!=null){ // privateCheckbox.addOption(true, CB_EMBARGOED, ""); // } // else{ // privateCheckbox.addOption(false, CB_EMBARGOED, ""); // } // Date Text startDate = form.addItem().addText("embargo_until_date"); startDate.setLabel(T_item_embargoed); if (errorFlag == org.dspace.submit.step.AccessStep.STATUS_ERROR_FORMAT_DATE) { startDate.addError(T_error_date_format); } else if (errorFlag == org.dspace.submit.step.AccessStep.STATUS_ERROR_MISSING_DATE) { startDate.addError(T_error_missing_date); } if (date != null) { startDate.setValue(date); } startDate.setHelp(T_label_date_help); }
@Override public void addBody(Body body) throws SAXException, WingException, UIException, SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException { Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel); DSpaceObject dso = HandleUtil.obtainHandle(objectModel); // Set up the major variables // Collection collection = (Collection) dso; // Build the collection viewer division. // Make sure we get our results queryResults = getQueryResponse(dso); if (this.queryResults != null) { Map<String, List<DiscoverResult.FacetResult>> facetFields = this.queryResults.getFacetResults(); if (facetFields == null) { facetFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<DiscoverResult.FacetResult>>(); } // facetFields.addAll(this.queryResults.getFacetDates()); if (facetFields.size() > 0) { String facetField = String.valueOf(facetFields.keySet().toArray(new String[facetFields.size()])[0]); java.util.List<DiscoverResult.FacetResult> values = facetFields.get(facetField); if (values != null && 0 < values.size()) { Division results = body.addDivision("browse-by-" + facetField + "-results", "primary"); results.setHead( message( "xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.AbstractSearch.type_" + request.getParameter(FACET_FIELD) + "_browse")); // Find our faceting offset int offSet = queryArgs.getFacetOffset(); if (offSet == -1) { offSet = 0; } // Only show the nextpageurl if we have at least one result following our current results String nextPageUrl = null; if (values.size() == (DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE + 1)) { nextPageUrl = getNextPageURL(request); } results.setSimplePagination( (int) queryResults.getDspaceObjects().size(), offSet + 1, (offSet + (values.size() - 1)), getPreviousPageURL(request), nextPageUrl); Table singleTable = results.addTable( "browse-by-" + facetField + "-results", (int) (queryResults.getDspaceObjects().size() + 1), 1); List<String> filterQueries = new ArrayList<String>(); if (request.getParameterValues("fq") != null) { filterQueries = Arrays.asList(request.getParameterValues("fq")); } for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { DiscoverResult.FacetResult value = values.get(i); String displayedValue = value.getDisplayedValue(); String filterQuery = value.getAsFilterQuery(); // if(field.getGap() != null){ // //We have a date get the year so we can display it // DateFormat simpleDateformat = new // SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); // displayedValue = // simpleDateformat.format(SolrServiceImpl.toDate(displayedValue)); // filterQuery = // ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(value.getFacetField().getName()) + ":" + displayedValue // + "*"; // } Cell cell = singleTable.addRow().addCell(); // No use in selecting the same filter twice if (filterQueries.contains(filterQuery)) { cell.addContent(displayedValue + " (" + value.getCount() + ")"); } else { cell.addXref( contextPath + (dso == null ? "" : "/handle/" + dso.getHandle()) + "/discover?" + "&fq=" + URLEncoder.encode(filterQuery, "UTF-8") + (request.getQueryString() != null ? "&" + request.getQueryString() : ""), displayedValue + " (" + value.getCount() + ")"); } } } } } // DSpaceObject dso = HandleUtil.obtainHandle(objectModel); /* if (dso != null) { if (dso instanceof Collection) { browseContext.addItem().addXref(contextPath + "/discovery/?q=search.resourcetype%3A2+AND+location%3Al" + dso.getID(), T_head_this_collection ); } if (dso instanceof Community) { browseContext.addItem().addXref(contextPath + "/discovery/?q=search.resourcetype%3A2+AND+location%3Am" + dso.getID(), T_head_this_community ); } } browseGlobal.addItem().addXref(contextPath + "/discovery/?q=search.resourcetype%3A2", T_head_all_of_dspace ); */ }
/** Sherpa romeo submission support */ public void make_sherpaRomeo_submission(Item item, Division divIn) throws WingException { if (ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty( "webui.submission.sherparomeo-policy-enabled", true)) { SHERPASubmitService sherpaSubmitService = new DSpace().getSingletonService(SHERPASubmitService.class); if (sherpaSubmitService.hasISSNs(context, item)) { List div = divIn.addList("submit-upload-new", List.TYPE_FORM); div.setHead(T_sherpa_title); // Since sherpa web service doesn't work reliable with more than 1 issn, perform the service // for each issn Set<String> issns = sherpaSubmitService.getISSNs(context, item); Iterator<String> issnsIterator = issns.iterator(); int i = 0; while (issnsIterator.hasNext()) { SHERPAResponse shresp = sherpaSubmitService.searchRelatedJournalsByISSN(; java.util.List<SHERPAJournal> journals = shresp.getJournals(); java.util.List<SHERPAPublisher> publishers = shresp.getPublishers(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(journals)) { for (SHERPAJournal journ : journals) { SHERPAPublisher pub = publishers.get(0); List sherpaList = div.addList("sherpaList" + (i + 1), "simple", "sherpaList"); sherpaList .addItem() .addFigure( contextPath + "/static/images/" + (i == 0 ? "romeosmall" : "clear") + ".gif", "", "sherpaLogo"); sherpaList.addItem().addHighlight("sherpaBold").addContent(T_sherpa_journal); sherpaList.addItem(journ.getTitle() + " (" + journ.getIssn() + ")"); sherpaList.addItem().addHighlight("sherpaBold").addContent(T_sherpa_publisher); sherpaList.addItemXref(pub.getHomeurl(), pub.getName()); sherpaList.addItem().addHighlight("sherpaBold").addContent(T_sherpa_colour); sherpaList .addItem() .addHighlight("sherpaStyle " + pub.getRomeocolour()) .addContent(message("xmlui.aspect.sherpa.submission." + pub.getRomeocolour())); sherpaList .addItem() .addXref( "" + journ.getIssn(), T_sherpa_more, "sherpaMoreInfo"); i = i + 1; } } } List sherpaList = div.addList("sherpaListEnd", "simple", "sherpaList"); sherpaList.addItem(T_sherpa_consult); } } }
public void addTablePolicies(Division parent, DSpaceObject dso, Collection owningCollection) throws WingException, SQLException { if (!isAdvancedFormEnabled) { return; } Division div = parent.addDivision("access-existing-policies"); div.setHead(T_head_policies_table); div.addPara(T_policies_help.parameterize(owningCollection)); java.util.List<ResourcePolicy> resourcePolicies = authorizeService.findPoliciesByDSOAndType(context, dso, ResourcePolicy.TYPE_CUSTOM); if (resourcePolicies.isEmpty()) { div.addPara(T_no_policies); return; } int cols = resourcePolicies.size(); if (cols == 0) cols = 1; Table policies = div.addTable("policies", 6, cols); Row header = policies.addRow(Row.ROLE_HEADER); header.addCellContent(T_column0); // name header.addCellContent(T_column1); // action header.addCellContent(T_column2); // group header.addCellContent(T_column3); // start_date header.addCellContent(T_column4); // end_date for (ResourcePolicy rp : resourcePolicies) { int id = rp.getID(); String name = ""; if (rp.getRpName() != null) name = rp.getRpName(); String action = resourcePolicyService.getActionText(rp); // if it is the default policy for the Submitter don't show it. if (dso instanceof org.dspace.content.Item) { org.dspace.content.Item item = (org.dspace.content.Item) dso; if (rp.getEPerson() != null) { if (item.getSubmitter().equals(rp.getEPerson())) continue; } } String group = ""; if (rp.getGroup() != null) group = rp.getGroup().getName(); Row row = policies.addRow(); row.addCellContent(name); row.addCellContent(action); row.addCellContent(group); // start String startDate = ""; if (rp.getStartDate() != null) { startDate = DateFormatUtils.format(rp.getStartDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); } row.addCellContent(startDate); // endDate String endDate = ""; if (rp.getEndDate() != null) { endDate = DateFormatUtils.format(rp.getEndDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); } row.addCellContent(endDate); Button edit = row.addCell().addButton("submit_edit_edit_policies_" + id); edit.setValue(T_table_submit_edit); Button delete = row.addCell().addButton("submit_delete_edit_policies_" + id); delete.setValue(T_table_submit_delete); } }