private static WizardStep createKnownDose( final JDialog dialog, final TreatmentCategorizationWizardPresentation pm) { return DoseRangeWizardStep.createOnKnownDoses( dialog, pm, "Any dose type", "For each of the categories, define a range in which the dose must lie. For flexible dose the entire administered dose range must be within the specified range to be in the category."); }
private static WizardStep createFlexibleLowerRanges( final JDialog dialog, final TreatmentCategorizationWizardPresentation pm) { return DoseRangeWizardStep.createOnMultipleParentRanges( dialog, pm, pm.getFlexibleUpperRanges(), "Specify the ranges for lower bound of flexible doses", "For each of the categories, define a range in which the lower bound of the administered dose must lie."); }
private static DoseRangeWizardStep createFlexibleUpperDose( final JDialog dialog, final TreatmentCategorizationWizardPresentation pm) { return DoseRangeWizardStep.createOnBeanProperty( dialog, pm, pm.getFlexibleUpperRangeNode(), FlexibleDose.PROPERTY_MIN_DOSE, "Specify the ranges for upper bound of flexible doses", "For each of the categories, define a range in which the upper bound of the administered dose must lie."); }
private static AbstractTreatmentCategorizationWizardStep createFixedDose( final JDialog dialog, final TreatmentCategorizationWizardPresentation pm) { return DoseRangeWizardStep.createOnBeanProperty( dialog, pm, pm.getFixedRangeNode(), null, "Specify ranges for fixed doses", "For each of the categories, define a range in which the administered dose must lie."); }
private static void buildFlexiblePath( final TreatmentCategorizationWizardPresentation pm, final JDialog dialog, final BranchingPath flexiblePath, final SpecifyDoseTypeWizardStep type, final SimplePath lastPath, final ValueModel condition) { final DoseRangeWizardStep lowerFirst = createFlexibleLowerDose(dialog, pm); final DoseRangeWizardStep upperFirst = createFlexibleUpperDose(dialog, pm); final BranchingPath lowerFirstPath = new BranchingPath(lowerFirst); final BranchingPath upperFirstPath = new BranchingPath(upperFirst); addBranch( flexiblePath, lowerFirstPath, new BooleanAndModel(condition, pm.getConsiderFlexibleLowerFirst())); addBranch( flexiblePath, upperFirstPath, new BooleanAndModel(condition, pm.getConsiderFlexibleUpperFirst())); addBranch( lowerFirstPath, createSimplePath(lastPath, createFlexibleUpperRanges(dialog, pm)), lowerFirst.getConsiderNextProperty()); addBranch( upperFirstPath, createSimplePath(lastPath, createFlexibleLowerRanges(dialog, pm)), upperFirst.getConsiderNextProperty()); addBranch(lowerFirstPath, lastPath, new BooleanNotModel(lowerFirst.getConsiderNextProperty())); addBranch(upperFirstPath, lastPath, new BooleanNotModel(upperFirst.getConsiderNextProperty())); }