private Lvl getLevel(Numbering.AbstractNum theList, int level) {

    if (level > 8) level = 8;

    for (Lvl lvl : theList.getLvl()) {
      if (lvl.getIlvl().intValue() == level) return lvl;
    return null;
Example #2
   * Traverse the document, looking for fonts which have been applied, either directly, or via a
   * style.
   * @return
  public Set<String> fontsInUse() {"fontsInUse..");

    getPropertyResolver(); // this inits our virtual DocDefaults style

    // Setup

    Set<String> fontsDiscovered = new java.util.HashSet<String>();

    //    	// Keep track of styles we encounter, so we can
    //    	// inspect these for fonts
    //    	Set<String> stylesInUse = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
    //		org.docx4j.wml.Styles styles = null;
    //		if (this.getStyleDefinitionsPart()!=null) {
    //			styles = (org.docx4j.wml.Styles)this.getStyleDefinitionsPart().getJaxbElement();
    //		}
    //		// It is convenient to have a HashMap of styles
    //		Map<String, Style> stylesDefined = new java.util.HashMap<String, Style>();
    //		if (styles!=null) {
    //		     for (Iterator<Style> iter = styles.getStyle().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
    //		            Style s =;
    //		            stylesDefined.put(s.getStyleId(), s);
    //		     }
    //		}
    //    // We need to know what fonts and styles are used in the document

    org.docx4j.wml.Document wmlDocumentEl = (org.docx4j.wml.Document) this.getJaxbElement();
    Body body = wmlDocumentEl.getBody();

    List<Object> bodyChildren = body.getContent();

    FontDiscoveryCharacterVisitor visitor = new FontDiscoveryCharacterVisitor(fontsDiscovered);
    RunFontSelector runFontSelector =
        new RunFontSelector(
            (WordprocessingMLPackage) this.pack, visitor, RunFontActionType.DISCOVERY);

    FontAndStyleFinder finder = new FontAndStyleFinder(runFontSelector, fontsDiscovered, null);
    finder.defaultCharacterStyle = this.getStyleDefinitionsPart().getDefaultCharacterStyle();
    finder.defaultParagraphStyle = this.getStyleDefinitionsPart().getDefaultParagraphStyle();
    new TraversalUtil(bodyChildren, finder);
    //		finder.finish();


    // fonts in headers, footers?
    RelationshipsPart rp = this.getRelationshipsPart();
    if (rp != null) {
      for (Relationship r : rp.getRelationships().getRelationship()) {
        Part part = rp.getPart(r);
        if (part instanceof FooterPart) {

          Ftr ftr = ((FooterPart) part).getJaxbElement();

        } else if (part instanceof HeaderPart) {

          Hdr hdr = ((HeaderPart) part).getJaxbElement();

    // Styles in endnotes, footnotes?
    if (this.getEndNotesPart() != null) {
      log.debug("Looking at endnotes");
      CTEndnotes endnotes = this.getEndNotesPart().getJaxbElement();
    if (this.getFootnotesPart() != null) {
      log.debug("Looking at footnotes");
      CTFootnotes footnotes = this.getFootnotesPart().getJaxbElement();

    // Comments
    if (this.getCommentsPart() != null) {
      log.debug("Looking at comments");
      Comments comments = this.getCommentsPart().getJaxbElement();

    // Add fonts used in the styles we discovered
    // .. 2013 03 10: no longer necessary

    // Fonts can also be used in the numbering part
    // For now, treat any font mentioned in that part as in use.
    // Ideally, we'd only register fonts used in numbering levels
    // that were actually used in the document
    if (getNumberingDefinitionsPart() != null) {
      Numbering numbering = getNumberingDefinitionsPart().getJaxbElement();
      for (Numbering.AbstractNum abstractNumNode : numbering.getAbstractNum()) {
        for (Lvl lvl : abstractNumNode.getLvl()) {
          if (lvl.getRPr() != null && lvl.getRPr().getRFonts() != null) {
            String fontName = lvl.getRPr().getRFonts().getAscii();
            if (fontName != null) {
                  "Registered "
                      + fontName
                      + " for abstract list "
                      + abstractNumNode.getAbstractNumId()
                      + " lvl "
                      + lvl.getIlvl());

    return fontsDiscovered;