Example #1
   * Follow the resolution rules to return the paragraph properties which actually apply, given this
   * pPr element (on a w:p).
   * <p>Note 1: the properties are not the definition of any style name returned. Note 2: run
   * properties are not resolved or returned by this method.
   * <p>What is returned is a live object. If you want to change it, you should clone it first!
   * @param expressPPr
   * @return
  public PPr getEffectivePPr(PPr expressPPr) {

    PPr effectivePPr = null;
    //	First, the document defaults are applied

    // Done elsewhere
    // PPr effectivePPr = (PPr)XmlUtils.deepCopy(documentDefaultPPr);

    //	Next, the table style properties are applied to each table in the document,
    //	following the conditional formatting inclusions and exclusions specified
    //	per table.

    // TODO - if the paragraph is in a table?

    //	Next, numbered item and paragraph properties are applied to each paragraph
    //	formatted with a *numbering *style**.

    // TODO - who uses numbering styles (as opposed to numbering
    // via a paragraph style or direct formatting)?

    //  Next, paragraph and run properties are
    //	applied to each paragraph as defined by the paragraph style.
    PPr resolvedPPr = null;
    String styleId;
    if (expressPPr == null || expressPPr.getPStyle() == null) {
      //			styleId = "Normal";
      styleId = defaultParagraphStyleId;

    } else {
      styleId = expressPPr.getPStyle().getVal();
    resolvedPPr = getEffectivePPr(styleId);

    //	Next, run properties are applied to each run with a specific character style
    //	applied.

    // Not for pPr

    //	Finally, we apply direct formatting (paragraph or run properties not from
    //	styles).
    if (hasDirectPPrFormatting(expressPPr)) {
      if (resolvedPPr == null) {
        log.warn("resolvedPPr was null. Look into this?");
        effectivePPr = Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createPPr();
      } else {
        effectivePPr = (PPr) XmlUtils.deepCopy(resolvedPPr);
      applyPPr(expressPPr, effectivePPr);
      return effectivePPr;
    } else {
      return resolvedPPr;
Example #2
  private void addNormalToResolvedStylePPrComponent() {

    Stack<PPr> pPrStack = new Stack<PPr>();
    //		String styleId = "Normal";
    String styleId = defaultParagraphStyleId;

    fillPPrStack(styleId, pPrStack);

    PPr effectivePPr = factory.createPPr();
    // Now, apply the properties starting at the top of the stack
    while (!pPrStack.empty()) {
      PPr pPr = pPrStack.pop();
      applyPPr(pPr, effectivePPr);
    resolvedStylePPrComponent.put(styleId, effectivePPr);
Example #3
   * Follow the resolution rules to return the paragraph properties which actually apply, given this
   * paragraph style
   * <p>Note 1: the properties are not the definition of any style name returned. Note 2: run
   * properties are not resolved or returned by this method.
   * <p>What is returned is a live object. If you want to change it, you should clone it first!
   * @param expressPPr
   * @return
  public PPr getEffectivePPr(String styleId) {

    PPr resolvedPPr = resolvedStylePPrComponent.get(styleId);

    if (resolvedPPr != null) {
      return resolvedPPr;

    // Hmm, have to do the work
    Style s = liveStyles.get(styleId);

    if (s == null) {
      log.error("Couldn't find style: " + styleId);
      return null;

    PPr expressPPr = s.getPPr();
    if (expressPPr == null) {
      // A paragraph style may have no w:pPr component
      log.debug("style: " + styleId + " has no PPr");
      String normalId = this.styleDefinitionsPart.getDefaultParagraphStyle().getStyleId();
      resolvedPPr = resolvedStylePPrComponent.get(normalId);
      return resolvedPPr;

    //  Next, paragraph and run properties are
    //	applied to each paragraph as defined by the paragraph style.
    Stack<PPr> pPrStack = new Stack<PPr>();
    // Haven't done this one yet
    fillPPrStack(styleId, pPrStack);
    // Finally, on top

    resolvedPPr = factory.createPPr();
    // Now, apply the properties starting at the top of the stack
    while (!pPrStack.empty()) {
      PPr pPr = pPrStack.pop();
      applyPPr(pPr, resolvedPPr);
    resolvedStylePPrComponent.put(styleId, resolvedPPr);
    return resolvedPPr;