@Override public List<String> execute(Instances instances, Player player, String[] args) { if (args.length != 1) { return null; } Session session = instances.getSession(player); if (session.getEntrance() == null) { throw new InvocationException("You have not set the entrance portal location."); } if (session.getDestination() == null) { throw new InvocationException("You have not set the destination portal location."); } if (instances.getPortalPair(args[0]) != null) { throw new InvocationException("That portal pair already exists."); } InstanceEntrancePortal entrance = new InstanceEntrancePortal(session.getEntrance()); InstanceDestinationPortal destination = new InstanceDestinationPortal(session.getDestination()); Difficulty difficulty = instances.getServer().getWorld(destination.getCuboid().getWorld()).getDifficulty(); PortalPair pair = new PortalPair(args[0], entrance, destination, difficulty); instances.addPortalPair(pair); session.clear(); return msg("Portal " + args[0] + " created."); }
@Override public List<String> execute(Instances instances, CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (args.length != 0) return null; String[] motd = instances.getMotd(); if (motd == null) { throw new InvocationException("No MOTD set, create one in plugins/Instances/motd.txt"); } return Arrays.asList(motd); }