public void loadFile(String filename, Graph graph) { try { File fname = new File(filename); int size = (int) fname.length(); int bytes_read = 0; FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream(fname); byte[] data = new byte[size]; while (bytes_read < size) bytes_read +=, bytes_read, size - bytes_read); StringBufferInputStream stream = new StringBufferInputStream(new String(data, 0)); GMLlexer lexer = new GMLlexer(stream); try { GMLfile_ = new GMLobject(lexer, null); GMLobject gmlgraph = GMLfile_.getGMLSubObject("graph", GMLobject.GMLlist, false); if (gmlgraph == null) { GMLfile_ = null; new MessageDialog(this, "Error", "File does not contain a graph.", true); return; } Graph newgraph = null; newgraph = new Graph(gmlgraph); graph_.copy(newgraph); graph.copy((Graph) graph_.clone()); // graphCanvas_.update(true); // filename_ = filename; // setTitle_(); } catch (ParseError error) { new MessageDialog( this, "Error", error.getMessage() + " at line " + lexer.getLineNumber() + " at or near \"" + lexer.getStringval() + "\".", true); return; } catch (IOException error) { MessageDialog dg = new MessageDialog(this, "Error", error.getMessage(), true); return; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { MessageDialog dg = new MessageDialog(this, "Error", "Error loading file \"" + filename + "\".", true); } catch (IOException e) { MessageDialog dg = new MessageDialog(this, "Error", e.getMessage(), true); } }
private void applyAlgorithm_(GraphAlgorithm alg) { if (graph_.numberOfNodes() < 1) new MessageDialog(this, "Error", "Graph is empty.", true); else { graph_.removeGroups(); // Remove group nodes. graph_.pack(); // Pack the indexes. String msg; graphCanvas_.setWireframe(true); msg = alg.compute(graph_, graphCanvas_); graphCanvas_.setWireframe(false); if (msg != null) new MessageDialog(this, "Message", msg, true); graphCanvas_.update(true); } }
// mod private Graph getGraphCopy() { return (Graph) graph_.clone(); }
public boolean handleEvent(Event event) { if ( instanceof ScrolledPanel) { if ( == ScrolledPanel.RESIZE) // RESIZE event from panel. { DDimension tmp_dim; tmp_dim = viewingPanel_.getPortSize(); portScroller_.setPortSize(tmp_dim.width, tmp_dim.height); tmp_dim = viewingPanel_.getContentSize(); portScroller_.setContentSize(tmp_dim.width, tmp_dim.height); tmp_dim = viewingPanel_.getOffset(); portScroller_.setOffset(tmp_dim.width, tmp_dim.height); return true; } else if ( == ScrolledPanel.OFFSET) { DDimension tmp_dim = viewingPanel_.getOffset(); portScroller_.setOffset(tmp_dim.width, tmp_dim.height); return true; } } else if ( instanceof ViewportScroller) { if ( == ViewportScroller.SCROLL) { graphCanvas_.setWireframe(true); viewingPanel_.scrollTo((int) portScroller_.getOffsetX(), (int) portScroller_.getOffsetY()); } if ( == ViewportScroller.DONE) { graphCanvas_.setWireframe(false); viewingPanel_.scrollTo((int) portScroller_.getOffsetX(), (int) portScroller_.getOffsetY()); } } else if ( instanceof AngleControlPanel) { if ( == AngleControlPanel.ANGLE) { DPoint angles = (DPoint) event.arg; graphCanvas_.setWireframe(true); graphCanvas_.setViewAngles(angles.x, angles.y); } if ( == AngleControlPanel.DONE) { DPoint angles = (DPoint) event.arg; graphCanvas_.setWireframe(false); graphCanvas_.setViewAngles(angles.x, angles.y); } } else if ( instanceof GraphCanvas) // Graph has changed. { if ( == GraphCanvas.UPDATE) { cbmiDirected_.setState(graph_.isDirected()); } } // quit from Window Manager menu else if ( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) { Destroy(); return false; } // call inherited handler return super.handleEvent(event); }
public boolean action(Event event, Object what) { if ( instanceof Checkbox) { CheckboxGroup cbgrp = ((Checkbox) (; Checkbox selected = cbgrp.getCurrent(); String label = selected.getLabel(); int mode = GraphCanvas.CREATE_NODES; if (label.equals("Create Edges")) mode = GraphCanvas.CREATE_EDGES; else if (label.equals("Select Nodes")) mode = GraphCanvas.SELECT_NODES; else if (label.equals("Select Edges")) mode = GraphCanvas.SELECT_EDGES; else if (label.equals("Select Nodes or Edges")) mode = GraphCanvas.SELECT_BOTH; graphCanvas_.setMouseMode(mode); } else if ( instanceof CheckboxMenuItem) { String label = ((CheckboxMenuItem) (; boolean state = ((CheckboxMenuItem) (; if (label.equals("Scale Node Size")) graphCanvas_.scaleBounds(state); else if (label.equals("Show Controls [s]")) { if (state); else controls_.hide(); validate(); } else if (label.equals("Directed")) graphCanvas_.setDirected(state); else if (label.equals("Use Node ID As Default Label")) { Node.setDefaultLabel(state); graphCanvas_.update(false); } else if (label.equals("High Quality Display")) graphCanvas_.setQuality(state == false ? 1 : 2); } else if ( instanceof MenuItem) { GraphAlgorithm alg; MenuItem menuitem = (MenuItem); alg = (GraphAlgorithm) algHashTable_.get(menuitem); if (alg != null) { applyAlgorithm_(alg); } else { String label = menuitem.getLabel(); if (label.equals("Open Example Graph")) { URL src = null; try { src = new URL(context_, "example.gml"); InputStream strm = src.openStream(); GMLlexer lexer = new GMLlexer(strm); GMLfile_ = new GMLobject(lexer, null); GMLobject gmlgraph = GMLfile_.getGMLSubObject("graph", GMLobject.GMLlist, false); Graph newgraph = null; newgraph = new Graph(gmlgraph); graph_.copy(newgraph); graphCanvas_.update(true); filename_ = null; setTitle_(); } catch (Exception e) { new MessageDialog(this, "Error", "Error loading example graph.", true); } ; } else if (label.equals("Open (GML)")) { String filename = null; FileDialog fd; try { fd = new FileDialog(this, "Open VGJ File (GML)", FileDialog.LOAD);; } catch (Throwable e) { MessageDialog dg = new MessageDialog( this, "Error", "It appears your VM does not allow file loading.", true); return true; } filename = fd.getFile(); if (filename == null) return true; filename = fd.getDirectory() + filename; loadFile(filename); return true; } else if (label.equals("Save (GML)") || label.equals("Save As (GML)")) { try { String filename; if (label.equals("Save As (GML)") || filename_ == null) { FileDialog fd; try { fd = new FileDialog(this, "Save VGJ File (GML)", FileDialog.SAVE);; } catch (Throwable e) { MessageDialog dg = new MessageDialog( this, "Error", "It appears your VM does not allow file saving.", true); return true; } filename = fd.getFile(); if (filename == null) return true; // Work around JDK Windows bug. if (filename.endsWith(".*.*")) { String tmpstr = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 4); filename = tmpstr; } filename = fd.getDirectory() + filename; } else filename = filename_; PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)); if (GMLfile_ == null) { GMLfile_ = new GMLobject(null, GMLobject.GMLfile); GMLfile_.addObjectToEnd(new GMLobject("graph", GMLobject.GMLlist)); } GMLobject gmlgraph = GMLfile_.getGMLSubObject("graph", GMLobject.GMLlist, false); graph_.setGMLvalues(gmlgraph); gmlgraph.prune(); ps.println(GMLfile_.toString(0)); ps.close(); filename_ = filename; setTitle_(); } catch (IOException e) { MessageDialog dg = new MessageDialog(this, "Error", e.getMessage(), true); } } else if (label.equals("Exit This Window")) Destroy(); else if (label.startsWith("Exit Application")) System.exit(0); else if (label.equals("Delete Selected Items")) graphCanvas_.deleteSelected(true); else if (label.equals("Select All")) graphCanvas_.selectAll(); else if (label.equals("Remove All Edge Bends")) graphCanvas_.removeEdgeBends(); else if (label.equals("Remove All Groups")) graphCanvas_.removeGroups(); else if (label.equals("Group Control")) { if (groupControl_ == null) groupControl_ = new GroupControl(this, graphCanvas_); else groupControl_.showMe(); } else if (label.equals("Set New Node Properties")) graphCanvas_.setNodeProperties(true); else if (label.equals("Set Node Spacing")) { if (algPropDialog_ == null) algPropDialog_ = new AlgPropDialog(this, graphCanvas_); else algPropDialog_.showMe(); } else if (label.equals("Set Font")) { if (fontPropDialog_ == null) fontPropDialog_ = new FontPropDialog(this, graphCanvas_); else fontPropDialog_.showMe(); } else if (label.equals("Edit Text Representation (GML)")) { graphCanvas_.unselectItems(); GraphEdit ge = new GraphEdit(graph_, graphCanvas_); ge.pack();; } else if (label.equals("PostScript Output")) { if (psDialog_ == null) psDialog_ = new PSdialog(this, graphCanvas_); else { psDialog_.pack();; } } } } else if ( instanceof Button) { if (((String) what).equals("Scale / 2") // mod || ((String) what).equals("Zoom Out") // mod ) // mod { // scale_ /= 2.0; // mod scale_ /= 1.2; graphCanvas_.setScale(scale_); scaleLabel_.setText("Scale: " + scale_); } else if (((String) what).equals("Scale * 2") // mod || ((String) what).equals("Zoom In") // mod ) // mod { // scale_ *= 2.0; // mod scale_ *= 1.2; graphCanvas_.setScale(scale_); scaleLabel_.setText("Scale: " + scale_); } else if (((String) what).equals("Scale = 1")) { scale_ = 1.0; graphCanvas_.setScale(scale_); scaleLabel_.setText("Scale: " + scale_); } else if (((String) what).equals("Center")) { DDimension port_dim = viewingPanel_.getPortSize(); DDimension cont_dim = viewingPanel_.getContentSize(); double x = (cont_dim.width - port_dim.width) / 2.0; double y = (cont_dim.height - port_dim.height) / 2.0; viewingPanel_.scrollTo((int) x, (int) y); portScroller_.setOffset(x, y); } else if (((String) what).equals("Update")) { System.out.println("Update button pressed. " + myAction); if (myAction != null) { System.out.println("Performing action."); myAction.execute(); } } } return true; }
private void construct(Graph graph_in) { algHashTable_ = new Hashtable(); algNameHashTable_ = new Hashtable(); menuHashTable_ = new Hashtable(); boolean emptyGraph = true; if (graph_in != null && graph_in.numberOfNodes() > 0) { emptyGraph = false; } // create menus boolean directed = graph_in.isDirected(); MenuBar menubar = new MenuBar(); Menu menu = new Menu("File"); menu.add(new MenuItem("Open (GML)")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Save (GML)")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Save As (GML)")); menu.add(new MenuItem("-")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Open Example Graph")); menu.add(new MenuItem("-")); menu.add(new MenuItem("PostScript Output")); menu.add(new MenuItem("-")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Exit This Window")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Exit Application (and COUGAAR Node)")); menubar.add(menu); algorithmMenu_ = new Menu("Algorithms"); menubar.add(algorithmMenu_); menu = new Menu("Edit"); menu.add(new MenuItem("Edit Text Representation (GML)")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Delete Selected Items")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Select All")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Remove All Edge Bends")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Remove All Groups")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Group Control")); menubar.add(menu); menu = new Menu("Properties"); showControls_ = new CheckboxMenuItem("Show Controls [s]"); showControls_.setState(true); // showControls_.setState(false); menu.add(showControls_); CheckboxMenuItem cbmi = new CheckboxMenuItem("Directed"); cbmiDirected_ = cbmi; if (directed) cbmi.setState(true); menu.add(cbmi); menu.add(new MenuItem("Set New Node Properties")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Set Node Spacing")); menu.add(new MenuItem("Set Font")); cbmi = new CheckboxMenuItem("Scale Node Size"); cbmi.setState(true); menu.add(cbmi); cbmi = new CheckboxMenuItem("Use Node ID As Default Label"); cbmi.setState(true); menu.add(cbmi); cbmi = new CheckboxMenuItem("High Quality Display"); // cbmi.setState(false); cbmi.setState(true); menu.add(cbmi); menubar.add(menu); setMenuBar(menubar); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // panel for controls LPanel p = new LPanel(); LPanel smallPanel = new LPanel(); // mod LPanel p1 = new LPanel(); // mod // let's try this p1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // mod p1.addButton("Update", 1, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); // mod smallPanel.addButton("Update", 1, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); // mod p.addLineLabel("Mouse Action:", 0); CheckboxGroup mode_group = new CheckboxGroup(); p.constraints.insets.bottom = 0; p.addCheckbox("Create Nodes", mode_group, emptyGraph, 1, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); p.addCheckbox("Create Edges", mode_group, false, 0, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); = p.constraints.insets.bottom = 0; p.addCheckbox("Select Nodes", mode_group, !emptyGraph, 1, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); p.addCheckbox("Select Edges", mode_group, false, 0, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); = p.constraints.insets.bottom = 0; p.addCheckbox("Select Nodes or Edges", mode_group, false, 0, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); p1.add(p); // mod p = new LPanel(); // mod portScroller_ = new ViewportScroller(90, 90, 500.0, 500.0, 400.0, 400.0, 0.0, 0.0); portScroller_.setBackground(Color.lightGray); p.constraints.insets.bottom = 0; p.addLabel("Viewing Offset", 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); = p.constraints.insets.bottom = 0; p.addComponent(portScroller_, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); = p.constraints.insets.bottom = 0; p.addButton("Center", 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); p1.add(p); // mod p = new LPanel(); // mod scaleLabel_ = p.addLineLabel("Scale: 1", 0); LPanel sp = new LPanel(); sp.spacing = 0; = sp.constraints.insets.bottom = 0; // sp.addButton("Scale / 2", 1, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); // mod sp.addButton("Zoom In", 1, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); // mod sp.addButton("Scale = 1", 1, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); // sp.addButton("Scale * 2", 0, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); // mod sp.addButton("Zoom Out", 0, -1, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); // mod sp.finish(); p.addComponent(sp, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0); p1.add(p); // mod p = new LPanel(); // mod = 0; AngleControlPanel angc = new AngleControlPanel(180, 76); p.addComponent(angc, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1, 0); p1.add(p); // mod p = p1; // mod // super panel is there just to allow controls to be // fixed to top instead of centered // Panel controls_superpanel = new Panel(); JPanel controls_superpanel = new JPanel(); controls_superpanel.add("North", p); p.finish(); // add("West", controls_superpanel); if (wantSmallPanel) { add("South", smallPanel); // mod controls_ = smallPanel; // mod } else { add("South", controls_superpanel); // mod controls_ = controls_superpanel; } if (!showControls_.getState()) { controls_.hide(); } else {; } graph_ = graph_in; // Node.defaults.setBoundingBox(20, 20, 20); // Node.defaults.setBoundingBox(10, 10, 10); Node.defaults.setBoundingBox(130, 90, 130); // the graph viewing canvas graphCanvas_ = new GraphCanvas(graph_, this); if (!emptyGraph) { graphCanvas_.setMouseMode(GraphCanvas.SELECT_NODES); } // the graph viewing panel (canvas and scrollbars) viewingPanel_ = new ScrolledPanel(graphCanvas_); add("Center", viewingPanel_); setBackground(Color.lightGray); validate(); addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { System.out.println("in GW.keyReleased"); if (e.getKeyChar() == 's' || e.getKeyChar() == 'S') { System.out.println("Keyrelease " + e.getKeyChar() + "."); showControls_.setState(!showControls_.getState()); } if (showControls_.getState()); else controls_.hide(); validate(); } }); }