   * 20141022.
   * @param jObj the j obj
   * @param projectionStr the projection str
   * @return the FQDN value list cms
   * @throws JSONException the JSON exception
  static List<String> getFQDNValueListCMS(JSONObject jObj, String projectionStr)
      throws JSONException {
    final List<String> labelList = new ArrayList<String>();

    if (!jObj.has("result")) {
          "!!CMS_ERROR! result key is not in jOBJ in getFQDNValueListCMS!!: \njObj:"
              + PcStringUtils.renderJson(jObj));

      return labelList;
    JSONArray jArr = (JSONArray) jObj.get("result");
    if (jArr == null || jArr.length() == 0) {
      return labelList;
    for (int i = 0; i < jArr.length(); ++i) {
      JSONObject agentObj = jArr.getJSONObject(i);
      // properties can be null

      if (!agentObj.has(projectionStr)) {
      String label = (String) agentObj.get(projectionStr);

      if (label != null && !label.trim().isEmpty()) {

    return labelList;
  public boolean doWork(Message message) {

    try {
      // either create and insert a new payload:
      // JSONObject json_out = new JSONObject();
      // json_out.put("processed", true);
      // message.setPayload(json_out);

      // or work on the existing one:
      JSONObject tweet = message.getPayload();

      if (processTweet(tweet)) {
        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        result.put("tweet_id", tweet.getLong("id"));
        result.put("date_posted", tweet.getLong("date_posted"));
        if (tweet.has("images")) result.put("images", tweet.getJSONArray("images"));
        if (tweet.has("coordinates") && !tweet.isNull("coordinates"))
          result.put("coordinates", tweet.getJSONObject("coordinates"));

        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      log.error("JSONException: " + e);
      logConn.error("JSONException: " + e);
      return false;
  public void testAppDataPush() throws Exception {
    final String topic = "xyz";
    final List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
    EmbeddedWebSocketServer server = new EmbeddedWebSocketServer(0);
        new WebSocket.OnTextMessage() {

          public void onMessage(String data) {

          public void onOpen(WebSocket.Connection connection) {}

          public void onClose(int closeCode, String message) {}
    try {
      int port = server.getPort();
      TestGeneratorInputOperator o1 = dag.addOperator("o1", TestGeneratorInputOperator.class);
      GenericTestOperator o2 = dag.addOperator("o2", GenericTestOperator.class);
      dag.addStream("o1.outport", o1.outport, o2.inport1);
      dag.setAttribute(LogicalPlan.METRICS_TRANSPORT, new AutoMetricBuiltInTransport(topic));
      dag.setAttribute(LogicalPlan.GATEWAY_CONNECT_ADDRESS, "localhost:" + port);
      dag.setAttribute(LogicalPlan.PUBSUB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 2000);

      StramLocalCluster lc = new StramLocalCluster(dag);
      StreamingContainerManager dnmgr = lc.dnmgr;
      StramAppContext appContext = new StramTestSupport.TestAppContext(dag.getAttributes());

      AppDataPushAgent pushAgent = new AppDataPushAgent(dnmgr, appContext);
      Assert.assertTrue(messages.size() > 0);
      JSONObject message = new JSONObject(messages.get(0));
      Assert.assertEquals(topic, message.getString("topic"));
      Assert.assertEquals("publish", message.getString("type"));
      JSONObject data = message.getJSONObject("data");

      JSONObject logicalOperators = data.getJSONObject("logicalOperators");
      for (String opName : new String[] {"o1", "o2"}) {
        JSONObject opObj = logicalOperators.getJSONObject(opName);
    } finally {
  private HashMap<String, String[]> getCriteria(JSONArray criterias) {
    HashMap<String, String[]> criteriaValues = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
    try {

      for (int i = 0; i < criterias.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject criteria = criterias.getJSONObject(i);
        if (!criteria.has("fieldName")
            && criteria.has("criteria")
            && criteria.has("_constructor")) {
          // nested criteria, eval it recursively
          JSONArray cs = criteria.getJSONArray("criteria");
          HashMap<String, String[]> c = getCriteria(cs);
          for (String k : c.keySet()) {
            criteriaValues.put(k, c.get(k));
        final String operator = criteria.getString("operator");
        final String fieldName = criteria.getString("fieldName");
        String[] criterion;
        if (operator.equals(AdvancedQueryBuilder.OPERATOR_EXISTS)
            && criteria.has(AdvancedQueryBuilder.EXISTS_QUERY_KEY)) {
          String value = "";
          JSONArray values = criteria.getJSONArray("value");
          for (int v = 0; v < values.length(); v++) {
            value += value.length() > 0 ? ", " : "";
            value += "'" + values.getString(v) + "'";
          String qry =
                  .replace(AdvancedQueryBuilder.EXISTS_VALUE_HOLDER, value);

          if (criteriaValues.containsKey(fieldName)) {
            // assuming it is possible to have more than one query for exists in same field, storing
            // them as array
            String[] originalCriteria = criteriaValues.get(fieldName);
            List<String> newCriteria = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(originalCriteria));
            criteriaValues.put(fieldName, newCriteria.toArray(new String[newCriteria.size()]));
          } else {
                fieldName, new String[] {AdvancedQueryBuilder.EXISTS_QUERY_KEY, qry});
        } else {
          criterion = new String[] {operator, criteria.getString("value")};
          criteriaValues.put(fieldName, criterion);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      log.error("Error getting criteria for custom query selector", e);
    if (criteriaValues.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    return criteriaValues;
  * Creates a topic model from a JSON value.
  * <p>Both topic serialization formats are supported: 1) canonic format -- contains entire topic
  * models. 2) compact format -- contains the topic value only (simple or composite).
 private TopicModel createTopicModel(String childTypeUri, Object value) {
   if (value instanceof JSONObject) {
     JSONObject val = (JSONObject) value;
     // we detect the canonic format by checking for a mandatory topic property
     // ### TODO: "type_uri" should not be regarded mandatory. It would simplify update requests.
     // ### Can we use another heuristic for detection: "value" exists OR "composite" exists?
     if (val.has("type_uri")) {
       // canonic format
       return new TopicModel(val);
     } else {
       // compact format (composite topic)
       return new TopicModel(childTypeUri, new CompositeValueModel(val));
   } else {
     // compact format (simple topic or topic reference)
     if (value instanceof String) {
       String val = (String) value;
       if (val.startsWith(REF_ID_PREFIX)) {
         return new TopicReferenceModel(refTopicId(val)); // topic reference by-ID
       } else if (val.startsWith(REF_URI_PREFIX)) {
         return new TopicReferenceModel(refTopicUri(val)); // topic reference by-URI
       } else if (val.startsWith(DEL_PREFIX)) {
         return new TopicDeletionModel(delTopicId(val)); // topic deletion reference
     // compact format (simple topic)
     return new TopicModel(childTypeUri, new SimpleValue(value));
 private boolean parseCriteria(JSONObject jsonCriteria) throws JSONException {
   // a constructor so the content is an advanced criteria
   if (jsonCriteria.has("_constructor") || hasOrAndOperator(jsonCriteria)) {
     return parseAdvancedCriteria(jsonCriteria);
   return parseSingleClause(jsonCriteria);
Example #7
  public static FinancialAccounting fromJSON(JSONObject jObj) throws JSONException, ParseException {
    if (jObj.has("result") && nullStringToNull(jObj, "result") != null) {
      jObj = jObj.getJSONObject("result");

    final FinancialAccounting financialAccounting =
        new FinancialAccounting.Builder().revision(jObj.getLong("revision")).build();

    if (!jObj.isNull("items")) {
      final List<FinancialAccountingItem> items = new ArrayList<FinancialAccountingItem>();

      final JSONArray jItems = jObj.getJSONArray("items");

      for (int i = 0; i < jItems.length(); i++) {
        final JSONObject jItem = jItems.getJSONObject(i);

        final FinancialAccountingItem financialAccountingItem =



    return financialAccounting;
 private boolean hasOrAndOperator(JSONObject jsonCriteria) throws JSONException {
   if (!jsonCriteria.has(OPERATOR_KEY)) {
     return mainOperatorIsAnd;
   return OPERATOR_OR.equals(jsonCriteria.get(OPERATOR_KEY))
       || OPERATOR_AND.equals(jsonCriteria.get(OPERATOR_KEY));
 private boolean parseStructuredClause(JSONArray clauses, String hqlOperator)
     throws JSONException {
   boolean doOr = OPERATOR_OR.equals(hqlOperator);
   boolean doAnd = OPERATOR_AND.equals(hqlOperator);
   for (int i = 0; i < clauses.length(); i++) {
     final JSONObject clause = clauses.getJSONObject(i);
     if (clause.has(VALUE_KEY)
         && clause.get(VALUE_KEY) != null
         && clause.getString(VALUE_KEY).equals("")) {
     final boolean clauseResult = parseCriteria(clause);
     if (doOr && clauseResult) {
       return true;
     if (doAnd && !clauseResult) {
       return false;
   if (doOr) {
     return false;
   } else if (doAnd) {
     return true;
   return mainOperatorIsAnd;
  private void readCriteria(Map<String, String> parameters) throws JSONException {
    JSONArray criteriaArray = (JSONArray) JsonUtils.buildCriteria(parameters).get("criteria");
    selectedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
    selectedChValues = new HashMap<String, List<CharacteristicValue>>();
    nameFilter = null;
    searchKeyFilter = null;
    variantCreated = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < criteriaArray.length(); i++) {
      JSONObject criteria = criteriaArray.getJSONObject(i);
      // Basic advanced criteria handling
      if (criteria.has("_constructor")
          && "AdvancedCriteria".equals(criteria.getString("_constructor"))
          && criteria.has("criteria")) {
        JSONArray innerCriteriaArray = new JSONArray(criteria.getString("criteria"));
        criteria = innerCriteriaArray.getJSONObject(0);
      String fieldName = criteria.getString("fieldName");
      // String operatorName = criteria.getString("operator");
      String value = criteria.getString("value");
      if (fieldName.equals("name")) {
        nameFilter = value;
      } else if (fieldName.equals("searchKey")) {
        searchKeyFilter = value;
      } else if (fieldName.equals("id")) {
      } else if (fieldName.equals("variantCreated")) {
        variantCreated = criteria.getBoolean("value");
      } else if (fieldName.equals("characteristicDescription")) {
        JSONArray values = new JSONArray(value);
        // All values belong to the same characteristicId, get the first one.
        String strCharacteristicId = null;
        List<CharacteristicValue> chValueIds = new ArrayList<CharacteristicValue>();
        for (int j = 0; j < values.length(); j++) {
          CharacteristicValue chValue =
              OBDal.getInstance().get(CharacteristicValue.class, values.getString(j));
          if (strCharacteristicId == null) {
            strCharacteristicId = (String) DalUtil.getId(chValue.getCharacteristic());
        selectedChValues.put(strCharacteristicId, chValueIds);
 private JSONObject getFieldUnisex(JSONObject json, String attributeName) throws JSONException {
   final JSONObject fieldsJson = json.getJSONObject(FIELDS);
   final JSONObject fieldJson = fieldsJson.getJSONObject(attributeName);
   if (fieldJson.has(VALUE_ATTR)) {
     return fieldJson.getJSONObject(VALUE_ATTR); // pre 5.0 way
   } else {
     return fieldJson; // JIRA 5.0 way
Example #12
 /** @return the population. */
 public Long getPopulation() {
   try {
     if (data.has(ToponymProperty.population.name())) {
       return data.getLong(ToponymProperty.population.name());
     } else {
       return null;
   } catch (JSONException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         String.format("Unable to parse %s form %s", ToponymProperty.population, data));
Example #13
 public Double getScore() {
   try {
     if (data.has(ToponymProperty.score.name())) {
       return data.getDouble(ToponymProperty.score.name());
     } else {
       return null;
   } catch (JSONException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         String.format("Unable to parse %s form %s", ToponymProperty.score, data));
Example #14
 /** @return the elevation in meter. */
 public Integer getElevation() {
   try {
     if (data.has(ToponymProperty.elevation.name())) {
       return data.getInt(ToponymProperty.elevation.name());
     } else {
       return null;
   } catch (JSONException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         String.format("Unable to parse %s form %s", ToponymProperty.elevation, data));
 private void setAttributeRec(int i, String[] parts, JSONObject attrs, Object value)
     throws JSONException {
   if (i == parts.length - 1) {
     attrs.put(parts[i], value);
   if (attrs.has(parts[i])) {
     setAttributeRec(i + 1, parts, attrs.getJSONObject(parts[i]), value);
   } else {
     attrs.put(parts[i], new JSONObject());
     setAttributeRec(i + 1, parts, attrs.getJSONObject(parts[i]), value);
Example #16
  * alternate names of this place as a list of string arrays with two entries the first entry is
  * the label and the second represents the language
  * @return the alternateNames as comma separated list
 public List<String[]> getAlternateNames() {
   try {
     if (data.has(ToponymProperty.alternateNames.name())) {
       List<String[]> parsedNames = new ArrayList<String[]>();
       JSONArray altNames = data.getJSONArray(ToponymProperty.alternateNames.name());
       for (int i = 0; i < altNames.length(); i++) {
         JSONObject altName = altNames.getJSONObject(i);
         if (altName.has("name")) {
               new String[] {
                 altName.getString("name"), altName.has("lang") ? altName.getString("lang") : null
         } // else ignore alternate names without a name
       return parsedNames;
     } else {
       return Collections.emptyList();
   } catch (JSONException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         String.format("Unable to parse %s form %s", ToponymProperty.alternateNames, data));
Example #17
  private String assertEntityIsRegistered(final String query, String... arg) throws Exception {
        new Predicate() {
          public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
            JSONArray results = dgiCLient.search(query);
            return results.length() == 1;

    String column = (arg.length > 0) ? arg[0] : "_col_0";

    JSONArray results = dgiCLient.search(query);
    JSONObject row = results.getJSONObject(0);
    if (row.has("__guid")) {
      return row.getString("__guid");
    } else if (row.has("$id$")) {
      return row.getJSONObject("$id$").getString("id");
    } else {
      return row.getJSONObject(column).getString("id");
Example #18
  public void testLineage() throws Exception {
    String table1 = createTable(false);

    String db2 = createDatabase();
    String table2 = tableName();

    String query = String.format("create table %s.%s as select * from %s", db2, table2, table1);
    String table1Id = assertTableIsRegistered(DEFAULT_DB, table1);
    String table2Id = assertTableIsRegistered(db2, table2);

    String datasetName = HiveMetaStoreBridge.getTableQualifiedName(CLUSTER_NAME, db2, table2);
    JSONObject response = dgiCLient.getInputGraph(datasetName);
    JSONObject vertices = response.getJSONObject("values").getJSONObject("vertices");

    datasetName = HiveMetaStoreBridge.getTableQualifiedName(CLUSTER_NAME, DEFAULT_DB, table1);
    response = dgiCLient.getOutputGraph(datasetName);
    vertices = response.getJSONObject("values").getJSONObject("vertices");
Example #19
  public void cargarDatosGrupo() {

    JSONObject respuesta =
        new IGrupo().listarMiembrosDeGrupo(sesion.getTokenId(), grupoSeleccionado);
    JSONObject respuesta2 =
        new IGrupo().tecnicosFueraDelGrupo(sesion.getTokenId(), grupoSeleccionado);
    try {

      if (respuesta.has("jefe")) {
        JSONObject objetoJefe = respuesta.getJSONObject("jefe");
        nuevoAdministrador =
            objetoJefe.getString("nombre") + " " + objetoJefe.getString("apellido");
        if (!objetoJefe.getString("nombre").equals(""))
          nuevoAdministrador = nuevoAdministrador + " - ";
        nuevoAdministrador = nuevoAdministrador + objetoJefe.getString("correo");
      } else nuevoAdministrador = "No tiene administrador.";

      JSONArray objetoIntegantes = respuesta.getJSONArray("grupo");
      if (objetoIntegantes != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < objetoIntegantes.length(); i++) {
          JSONObject ob = objetoIntegantes.getJSONObject(i);
          NombreMail b = new NombreMail();
          b.setNombre(ob.getString("nombre") + " " + ob.getString("apellido"));

      JSONArray objetoTecnicos = respuesta2.getJSONArray("Tecnicos");

      if (objetoTecnicos != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < objetoTecnicos.length(); i++) {
          JSONObject ob = objetoTecnicos.getJSONObject(i);
          NombreMail b = new NombreMail();
          b.setNombre(ob.getString("nombre") + " " + ob.getString("apellido"));

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
Example #20
  /** 结束活动 */
  public synchronized void finish(
      Session session, String personExpression, String username, String userid) throws Exception {
    // 解析传递过来的对象属性
    JSONArray array = new JSONArray(personExpression);
    JSONObject firstObj = array.getJSONObject(0);
    final String data = firstObj.getString("data");
    JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(data);

    // 把前台传过来的,活动对应的人员,转换成json串
    state = "结束";
    // 设置完成人,完成时间
    this.setFinishTime(new Date());
    // 根据每个转移创建任务和活动
    ProcessDef procDef = ProcessDefManager.getInstance().getProcessDef(processName);
    ActivityDef actDef = procDef.getActivity(defid);
    for (DiversionDef divDef : actDef.getSplits()) {
      ActivityDef tailDef = divDef.getTail();

      // 给流程中的变量赋值

      // 如果不满足表达式条件,继续下一个
      String expression = divDef.getExpression();
      if (expression != null
          && !expression.equals("")
          && !this.process.getExpressionValue(expression)) {

      // 根据人员表达式,产生人员对照表
      String exp = tailDef.getPersonExpression();
      if (dataObj.has(tailDef.getName())) {
        String pExp = dataObj.getString(tailDef.getName());
        exp = pExp;
      PersonService.Run(exp, session);

      ActivityInstance actIns = new ActivityInstance(tailDef, process, exp, username, userid, this);

  * Create a Base Bucket instance
  * @param bucketName Bucket name
  * @param namespace Namespace where Bucket should reside
  * @param repGroup Volume
  * @return Source ID of the Bucket created
 public String createBucket(String bucketName, String namespace, String repGroup) {
   _log.debug("ECSApi:createBucket Create bucket initiated for : {}", bucketName);
   String id = null;
   ClientResponse clientResp = null;
   String body =
       " { \"name\": \""
           + bucketName
           + "\", "
           + "\"vpool\": \""
           + repGroup
           + "\", \"namespace\": \""
           + namespace
           + "\"}  ";
   try {
     clientResp = post(URI_CREATE_BUCKET, body);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     _log.error("Error occured while bucket base creation : {}", bucketName, e);
   } finally {
     if (null == clientResp) {
       throw ECSException.exceptions.storageAccessFailed(
           _baseUrl.resolve(URI_CREATE_BUCKET), 500, "no response from ECS");
     } else if (clientResp.getStatus() != 200) {
       String response = String.format("%1$s", (clientResp == null) ? "" : clientResp);
       throw ECSException.exceptions.storageAccessFailed(
           _baseUrl.resolve(URI_CREATE_BUCKET), clientResp.getStatus(), response);
     } else {
       // extract bucket id
       JSONObject jObj = clientResp.getEntity(JSONObject.class);
       if (jObj.has("id")) {
         try {
           id = jObj.getString("id");
         } catch (JSONException e) {
           throw ECSException.exceptions.storageAccessFailed(
               "Unable to extract source ID of the bucket");
   return id;
Example #22
  TaskAttemptInfo(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {


    taskAttemptId = StringInterner.weakIntern(jsonObject.optString(Constants.ENTITY));

    // Parse additional Info
    final JSONObject otherInfoNode = jsonObject.getJSONObject(Constants.OTHER_INFO);
    startTime = otherInfoNode.optLong(Constants.START_TIME);
    endTime = otherInfoNode.optLong(Constants.FINISH_TIME);
    diagnostics = otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.DIAGNOSTICS);
    creationTime = otherInfoNode.optLong(Constants.CREATION_TIME);
    creationCausalTA =
    allocationTime = otherInfoNode.optLong(Constants.ALLOCATION_TIME);
    containerId = StringInterner.weakIntern(otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.CONTAINER_ID));
    String id = otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.NODE_ID);
    nodeId = StringInterner.weakIntern((id != null) ? (id.split(":")[0]) : "");
    logUrl = otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.COMPLETED_LOGS_URL);

    status = StringInterner.weakIntern(otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.STATUS));
    container = new Container(containerId, nodeId);
    if (otherInfoNode.has(Constants.LAST_DATA_EVENTS)) {
      List<DataDependencyEvent> eventInfo =
      long lastTime = 0;
      for (DataDependencyEvent item : eventInfo) {
        // check these are in time order
        Preconditions.checkState(lastTime < item.getTimestamp());
        lastTime = item.getTimestamp();
    terminationCause =
    executionTimeInterval = (endTime > startTime) ? (endTime - startTime) : 0;
Example #23
 private CSVEntry processResponses(PersistenceManager pm, List<Response> responseJDOs) {
   CSVEntry entry = CSVCache.getInstance().getCSV(csvId);
   if (entry == null) {
     entry =
         new CSVEntry(
             "Response Identifier;Timestamp;Item Identifier;Response Item Identifier; Account; "
                 + "Image Url; Video Url; Width; Height; Latitude; Longitude; Audio Url;Text; Value \n",
   String csv = entry.getCSV();
   for (Response responseJDO : responseJDOs) {
     String value = responseJDO.getResponseValue();
     String imageUrl = "";
     String audioUrl = "";
     String videoUrl = "";
     String width = "";
     String height = "";
     String text = "";
     String valueString = "";
     String lat = responseJDO.getLat() == null ? "" : "" + responseJDO.getLat().doubleValue();
     String lng = responseJDO.getLng() == null ? "" : "" + responseJDO.getLng().doubleValue();
     try {
       org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject json =
           new org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject(value);
       if (json.has("imageUrl")) imageUrl = json.getString("imageUrl");
       if (json.has("audioUrl")) audioUrl = json.getString("audioUrl");
       if (json.has("videoUrl")) videoUrl = json.getString("videoUrl");
       if (json.has("width")) width = "" + json.getInt("width");
       if (json.has("height")) height = "" + json.getInt("height");
       if (json.has("text")) text = json.getString("text");
       if (json.has("value")) valueString = json.getString("value");
     } catch (JSONException e) {
     // {"imageUrl":"http:\/\/streetlearn.appspot.com\/\/uploadService\/2288002\/2:113116978440346588314\/image1537716519.jpg","width":3264,"height":1840}
     //            {"answer":"3","isCorrect":true}
     csv +=
             + ";"
             + responseJDO.getTimestamp()
             + ";"
             + responseJDO.getGeneralItemId()
             + ";"
             + responseJDO.getResponseItemId()
             + ";"
             + responseJDO.getUserEmail()
             + ";"
             + imageUrl
             + ";"
             + videoUrl
             + ";"
             + width
             + ";"
             + height
             + ";"
             + lat
             + ";"
             + lng
             + ";"
             + audioUrl
             + ";"
             + text
             + ";"
             + valueString
             + "\n";
   return entry;
  private boolean parseSingleClause(JSONObject jsonCriteria) throws JSONException {
    String operator = jsonCriteria.getString(OPERATOR_KEY);

    if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_BETWEEN)
        || operator.equals(OPERATOR_BETWEENINCLUSIVE)
        || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEEN)
        || operator.equals(OPERATOR_IBETWEENINCLUSIVE)) {
      return parseBetween(jsonCriteria, operator, true);

    Object value = jsonCriteria.has(VALUE_KEY) ? jsonCriteria.get(VALUE_KEY) : null;

    if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EXISTS)) {
      // not supported
      return mainOperatorIsAnd;

    String fieldName = jsonCriteria.getString(FIELD_NAME_KEY);

    // translate to a OR for each value
    if (value instanceof JSONArray) {
      final JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) value;
      final JSONObject advancedCriteria = new JSONObject();
      advancedCriteria.put(OPERATOR_KEY, OPERATOR_OR);
      final JSONArray subCriteria = new JSONArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
        final JSONObject subCriterion = new JSONObject();
        subCriterion.put(OPERATOR_KEY, operator);
        subCriterion.put(FIELD_NAME_KEY, fieldName);
        subCriterion.put(VALUE_KEY, jsonArray.get(i));
        subCriteria.put(i, subCriterion);
      advancedCriteria.put(CRITERIA_KEY, subCriteria);
      return parseAdvancedCriteria(advancedCriteria);

    // Retrieves the UTC time zone offset of the client
    if (jsonCriteria.has("minutesTimezoneOffset")) {
      int clientMinutesTimezoneOffset =
      Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
      // Obtains the UTC time zone offset of the server
      int serverMinutesTimezoneOffset =
          (now.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + now.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (1000 * 60);
      // Obtains the time zone offset between the server and the client
      clientUTCMinutesTimeZoneDiff = clientMinutesTimezoneOffset;
      UTCServerMinutesTimeZoneDiff = serverMinutesTimezoneOffset;

    if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_ISNULL) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_NOTNULL)) {
      value = null;

    // if a comparison is done on an equal date then replace
    // with a between start time and end time on that date
    if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALS) || operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALSFIELD)) {
      Object curValue = recordMap.get(fieldName);
      if (curValue instanceof Date) {
        if (operator.equals(OPERATOR_EQUALS)) {
          return parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUAL, value)
              && parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_LESSOREQUAL, value);

        } else {
          return parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUALFIELD, value)
              && parseSimpleClause(fieldName, OPERATOR_LESSOREQUALFIElD, value);

    return parseSimpleClause(fieldName, operator, value);
  public JSONObject describeOperator(String clazz) throws Exception {
    TypeGraphVertex tgv = typeGraph.getTypeGraphVertex(clazz);
    if (tgv.isInstantiable()) {
      JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
      JSONArray inputPorts = new JSONArray();
      JSONArray outputPorts = new JSONArray();
      // Get properties from ASM

      JSONObject operatorDescriptor = describeClassByASM(clazz);
      JSONArray properties = operatorDescriptor.getJSONArray("properties");

      properties = enrichProperties(clazz, properties);

      JSONArray portTypeInfo = operatorDescriptor.getJSONArray("portTypeInfo");

      List<CompactFieldNode> inputPortfields = typeGraph.getAllInputPorts(clazz);
      List<CompactFieldNode> outputPortfields = typeGraph.getAllOutputPorts(clazz);

      try {
        for (CompactFieldNode field : inputPortfields) {
          JSONObject inputPort = setFieldAttributes(clazz, field);
          if (!inputPort.has("optional")) {
                false); // input port that is not annotated is default to be not optional
          if (!inputPort.has(SCHEMA_REQUIRED_KEY)) {
            inputPort.put(SCHEMA_REQUIRED_KEY, false);

        for (CompactFieldNode field : outputPortfields) {
          JSONObject outputPort = setFieldAttributes(clazz, field);

          if (!outputPort.has("optional")) {
                "optional", true); // output port that is not annotated is default to be optional
          if (!outputPort.has("error")) {
            outputPort.put("error", false);
          if (!outputPort.has(SCHEMA_REQUIRED_KEY)) {
            outputPort.put(SCHEMA_REQUIRED_KEY, false);

        response.put("name", clazz);
        response.put("properties", properties);
        response.put(PORT_TYPE_INFO_KEY, portTypeInfo);
        response.put("inputPorts", inputPorts);
        response.put("outputPorts", outputPorts);

        OperatorClassInfo oci = classInfo.get(clazz);

        if (oci != null) {
          if (oci.comment != null) {
            String[] descriptions;
            // first look for a <p> tag
            String keptPrefix = "<p>";
            descriptions = oci.comment.split("<p>", 2);
            if (descriptions.length == 0) {
              keptPrefix = "";
              // if no <p> tag, then look for a blank line
              descriptions = oci.comment.split("\n\n", 2);
            if (descriptions.length > 0) {
              response.put("shortDesc", descriptions[0]);
            if (descriptions.length > 1) {
              response.put("longDesc", keptPrefix + descriptions[1]);
          response.put("category", oci.tags.get("@category"));
          String displayName = oci.tags.get("@displayName");
          if (displayName == null) {
            displayName = decamelizeClassName(ClassUtils.getShortClassName(clazz));
          response.put("displayName", displayName);
          String tags = oci.tags.get("@tags");
          if (tags != null) {
            JSONArray tagArray = new JSONArray();
            for (String tag : StringUtils.split(tags, ',')) {
            response.put("tags", tagArray);
          String doclink = oci.tags.get("@doclink");
          if (doclink != null) {
            response.put("doclink", doclink + "?" + getDocName(clazz));
          } else if (clazz.startsWith("com.datatorrent.lib.")
              || clazz.startsWith("com.datatorrent.contrib.")) {
            response.put("doclink", DT_OPERATOR_DOCLINK_PREFIX + "?" + getDocName(clazz));
      } catch (JSONException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
      return response;
    } else {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
   * Enrich portClassHier with class/interface names that map to a list of parent
   * classes/interfaces. For any class encountered, find its parents too.<br>
   * Also find the port types which have assignable schema classes.
   * @param oper Operator to work on
   * @param portClassHierarchy In-Out param that contains a mapping of class/interface to its
   *     parents
   * @param portTypesWithSchemaClasses Json that will contain all the ports which have any schema
   *     classes.
  public void buildAdditionalPortInfo(
      JSONObject oper, JSONObject portClassHierarchy, JSONObject portTypesWithSchemaClasses) {
    try {
      JSONArray ports = oper.getJSONArray(OperatorDiscoverer.PORT_TYPE_INFO_KEY);
      for (int i = 0; i < ports.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject port = ports.getJSONObject(i);

        String portType = port.optString("type");
        if (portType == null) {
          // skipping if port type is null

        if (typeGraph.size() == 0) {

        try {
          // building port class hierarchy
          LinkedList<String> queue = Lists.newLinkedList();
          while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            String currentType = queue.remove();
            if (portClassHierarchy.has(currentType)) {
              // already present in the json so we skip.
            List<String> immediateParents = typeGraph.getParents(currentType);
            if (immediateParents == null) {
              portClassHierarchy.put(currentType, Lists.<String>newArrayList());
            portClassHierarchy.put(currentType, immediateParents);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
          LOG.warn("building port type hierarchy {}", portType, e);

        // finding port types with schema classes
        if (portTypesWithSchemaClasses.has(portType)) {
          // already present in the json so skipping
        if (portType.equals("byte")
            || portType.equals("short")
            || portType.equals("char")
            || portType.equals("int")
            || portType.equals("long")
            || portType.equals("float")
            || portType.equals("double")
            || portType.equals("java.lang.String")
            || portType.equals("java.lang.Object")) {
          // ignoring primitives, strings and object types as this information is needed only for
          // complex types.
        if (port.has("typeArgs")) {
          // ignoring any type with generics
        boolean hasSchemaClasses = false;
        List<String> instantiableDescendants = typeGraph.getInstantiableDescendants(portType);
        if (instantiableDescendants != null) {
          for (String descendant : instantiableDescendants) {
            try {
              if (typeGraph.isInstantiableBean(descendant)) {
                hasSchemaClasses = true;
            } catch (JSONException ex) {
              LOG.warn("checking descendant is instantiable {}", descendant);
        portTypesWithSchemaClasses.put(portType, hasSchemaClasses);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      // should not reach this
      LOG.error("JSON Exception {}", e);
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
Example #27
   * Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
   * @return The service response.
  public UserInfoResponse exec() {
    // Prepare request parameters
    clientRequest.header("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED);

    if (getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod() == null
        || getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod()
            == AuthorizationMethod.AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELD) {
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getRequest().getAccessToken())) {
        clientRequest.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + getRequest().getAccessToken());
    } else if (getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod()
        == AuthorizationMethod.FORM_ENCODED_BODY_PARAMETER) {
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getRequest().getAccessToken())) {
        clientRequest.formParameter("access_token", getRequest().getAccessToken());
    } else if (getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod() == AuthorizationMethod.URL_QUERY_PARAMETER) {
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getRequest().getAccessToken())) {
        clientRequest.queryParameter("access_token", getRequest().getAccessToken());

    // Call REST Service and handle response
    try {
      if (getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod() == null
          || getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod()
              == AuthorizationMethod.AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELD
          || getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod() == AuthorizationMethod.URL_QUERY_PARAMETER) {
        clientResponse = clientRequest.get(String.class);
      } else if (getRequest().getAuthorizationMethod()
          == AuthorizationMethod.FORM_ENCODED_BODY_PARAMETER) {
        clientResponse = clientRequest.post(String.class);

      int status = clientResponse.getStatus();

      setResponse(new UserInfoResponse(status));

      String entity = clientResponse.getEntity(String.class);
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity)) {
        List<String> contentType = clientResponse.getHeaders().get("Content-Type");
        if (contentType != null && contentType.contains("application/jwt")) {
          String[] jwtParts = entity.split("\\.");
          if (jwtParts.length == 5) {
            byte[] sharedSymmetricKey =
                sharedKey != null ? sharedKey.getBytes(Util.UTF8_STRING_ENCODING) : null;
            Jwe jwe = Jwe.parse(entity, rsaPrivateKey, sharedSymmetricKey);
          } else {
            Jwt jwt = Jwt.parse(entity);
            JwsValidator jwtValidator = new JwsValidator(jwt, sharedKey, jwksUri, null);
            if (jwtValidator.validateSignature()) {
        } else {
          try {
            JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(entity);

            if (jsonObj.has("error")) {
            if (jsonObj.has("error_description")) {
            if (jsonObj.has("error_uri")) {

            for (Iterator<String> iterator = jsonObj.keys(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
              String key = iterator.next();
              List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();

              JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObj.optJSONArray(key);
              if (jsonArray != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                  String value = jsonArray.optString(i);
                  if (value != null) {
              } else {
                String value = jsonObj.optString(key);
                if (value != null) {

              getResponse().getClaims().put(key, values);
          } catch (JSONException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {

    return getResponse();
   * TODO : will be removed .
   * @param url the url
   * @param projectionStr the projection str
   * @return the node list complete url for cms
  public List<String> getNodeListCompleteURLForCMS(String url, String projectionStr) {
    List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {

      int indexNextUrlStartPos = url.indexOf("/repositories/");
      String cmsQueryUrlPrefix = url.substring(0, indexNextUrlStartPos);

      // add 1st
      // updated 201501 for adding auth header.
      JSONObject jsonObject = readJsonFromUrlWithCmsHeader(url);
      nodes.addAll(getFQDNValueListCMS(jsonObject, projectionStr));
      JSONObject jsonObjectNext = jsonObject;
      Boolean hasMore = false;
      String hasMoreNextUrl = null;
      String KEY_HAS_MORE = "hasmore";
      String KEY_NEXT_PARENT = "next";
      String KEY_NEXT_URL = "url";
      do {
        /** 20141103: BEGIN: for loop to check if has more. */
        hasMore = false;
        hasMoreNextUrl = null;

        if (jsonObjectNext.has(KEY_HAS_MORE)) {
          hasMore = jsonObjectNext.getBoolean(KEY_HAS_MORE);
          if (jsonObjectNext.has(KEY_NEXT_PARENT)
              && jsonObjectNext.getJSONObject(KEY_NEXT_PARENT).has(KEY_NEXT_URL)) {
            hasMoreNextUrl = jsonObjectNext.getJSONObject(KEY_NEXT_PARENT).getString(KEY_NEXT_URL);

          // final check
          if (hasMoreNextUrl != null) {
            String nextUrlComplete = cmsQueryUrlPrefix + hasMoreNextUrl;

            // 201501 add here too.
            jsonObjectNext = readJsonFromUrlWithCmsHeader(nextUrlComplete);
            nodes.addAll(getFQDNValueListCMS(jsonObjectNext, projectionStr));

                "CMS query: hasMore==true. Found next round in query with URL:" + nextUrlComplete);
      } while (hasMore);

      /** 20141103: END: for loop to check if has more. */

      // filtering duplicated nodes:
      int removedDuplicatedNodeCount = PcTargetHostsUtils.removeDuplicateNodeList(nodes);

      if (removedDuplicatedNodeCount > 0) {

        logger.info(" Removed duplicated node #: " + removedDuplicatedNodeCount);

      logger.info("List size: " + nodes.size());

    } catch (Exception e) {

      throw new TargetHostsLoadException("error when reading  " + url, e);

    return nodes;