Example #1
 public void propagate(int evtmask) throws ContradictionException {
   int remainingCapacity = capacity.getUB();
   int maxPower = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     remainingCapacity -= weigth[i] * vars[i].getLB();
     maxPower += energy[i] * vars[i].getLB();
   power.updateLowerBound(maxPower, this);
   if (remainingCapacity < 0) {
   } else {
     int idx;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       assert remainingCapacity >= 0;
       idx = order[i];
       if (vars[idx].getUB() - vars[idx].getLB() > 0) {
         int delta = weigth[idx] * (vars[idx].getUB() - vars[idx].getLB());
         if (delta <= remainingCapacity) {
           maxPower += energy[idx] * (vars[idx].getUB() - vars[idx].getLB());
           remainingCapacity -= delta;
           if (remainingCapacity == 0) {
             power.updateUpperBound(maxPower, this);
         } else {
           int deltaPow = (int) Math.ceil((double) remainingCapacity * ratio[idx]);
           power.updateUpperBound(maxPower + deltaPow, this);
Example #2
 public ESat isEntailed() {
   if (set.getEnvelopeSize() == 0) {
     if (notEmpty) {
       return ESat.FALSE;
     } else {
       return ESat.TRUE;
   int lb = min.getLB();
   int ub = min.getUB();
   for (int j = set.getKernelFirst(); j != SetVar.END; j = set.getKernelNext()) {
     if (get(j) < lb) {
       return ESat.FALSE;
   int minVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   for (int j = set.getEnvelopeFirst(); j != SetVar.END; j = set.getEnvelopeNext()) {
     if (minVal > get(j)) {
       minVal = get(j);
   if (minVal > ub && (notEmpty || set.getKernelSize() > 0)) {
     return ESat.FALSE;
   if (isCompletelyInstantiated()) {
     return ESat.TRUE;
   return ESat.UNDEFINED;
Example #3
  * Set all variables to their respective value in the solution Throws an exception is this empties
  * a domain (i.e. this domain does not contain the solution value)
  * <p>BEWARE: A restart might be required so that domains contain the solution values
 public void restore(Solver solver) throws ContradictionException {
   if (empty) {
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Empty solution. No solution found");
   Variable[] vars = solver.getVars();
   for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
     if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.TYPE) != Variable.CSTE) {
       int kind = vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND;
       switch (kind) {
         case Variable.INT:
         case Variable.BOOL:
           IntVar v = (IntVar) vars[i];
           int value = intmap.get(v.getId());
           if (value != NO_ENTRY) {
             v.instantiateTo(value, this);
           } // otherwise, this is not a decision variable
         case Variable.REAL:
           RealVar r = (RealVar) vars[i];
           double[] bounds = realmap.get(r.getId());
           if (bounds != null) {
             r.updateBounds(bounds[0], bounds[1], this);
           } // otherwise, this is not a decision variable
         case Variable.SET:
           SetVar s = (SetVar) vars[i];
           int[] values = setmap.get(s.getId());
           if (values != null) {
             s.instantiateTo(values, Cause.Null);
           } // otherwise, this is not a decision variable
Example #4
 public String toString(Solver solver) {
   Variable[] vars = solver.getVars();
   StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder("Solution: ");
   for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
     if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.TYPE) != Variable.CSTE) {
       int kind = vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND;
       switch (kind) {
         case Variable.INT:
         case Variable.BOOL:
           IntVar v = (IntVar) vars[i];
           st.append(v.getName()).append("=").append(intmap.get(v.getId())).append(", ");
         case Variable.REAL:
           RealVar r = (RealVar) vars[i];
           double[] bounds = realmap.get(r.getId());
               .append("], ");
         case Variable.SET:
           SetVar s = (SetVar) vars[i];
               .append(", ");
   return st.toString();
Example #5
 private PropTestDM1(IntVar i, IntVar j) {
   super(new IntVar[] {i, j}, PropagatorPriority.UNARY, true);
   this.i = i;
   this.j = j;
   iD = i.monitorDelta(this);
   jD = j.monitorDelta(this);
 public void propagate(int evtmask) throws ContradictionException {
   int min = 0;
   int max = 0;
   ISet nodes = g.getPotentialNodes();
   for (int i = nodes.getFirstElement(); i >= 0; i = nodes.getNextElement()) {
     if (g.getMandSuccOrNeighOf(i).contain(i)) {
     } else if (g.getPotSuccOrNeighOf(i).contain(i)) {
   k.updateLowerBound(min, aCause);
   k.updateUpperBound(max, aCause);
   if (min == max) {
   } else if (k.isInstantiated()) {
     if (k.getValue() == max) {
       for (int i = nodes.getFirstElement(); i >= 0; i = nodes.getNextElement()) {
         if (g.getPotSuccOrNeighOf(i).contain(i)) {
           g.enforceArc(i, i, aCause);
     } else if (k.getValue() == min) {
       for (int i = nodes.getFirstElement(); i >= 0; i = nodes.getNextElement()) {
         if (!g.getMandSuccOrNeighOf(i).contain(i)) {
           g.removeArc(i, i, aCause);
  * AtLeastNValues Propagator (similar to SoftAllDiff) The number of distinct values in vars is at
  * least nValues Performs Generalized Arc Consistency based on Maximum Bipartite Matching The
  * worst case time complexity is O(nm) but this is very pessimistic In practice it is more like
  * O(m) where m is the number of variable-value pairs
  * @param variables array of integer variables
  * @param nValues integer variable
 public PropAtLeastNValues_AC(IntVar[] variables, IntVar nValues) {
   super(ArrayUtils.append(variables, new IntVar[] {nValues}), PropagatorPriority.QUADRATIC, true);
   this.idms = new IIntDeltaMonitor[this.vars.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < this.vars.length; i++) {
     idms[i] = this.vars[i].monitorDelta(this);
   n = variables.length;
   map = new TIntIntHashMap();
   IntVar v;
   int ub;
   int idx = n;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     v = vars[i];
     ub = v.getUB();
     for (int j = v.getLB(); j <= ub; j = v.nextValue(j)) {
       if (!map.containsKey(j)) {
         map.put(j, idx);
   n2 = idx;
   fifo = new int[n2];
   digraph = new DirectedGraph(model, n2 + 2, SetType.LINKED_LIST, false);
   free = new BitSet(n2);
   remProc = new DirectedRemProc();
   father = new int[n2];
   in = new BitSet(n2);
   SCCfinder = new StrongConnectivityFinder(digraph);
Example #8
 private static String prettyMethod(IntVar method) {
   if (method.isInstantiatedTo(0)) {
     return "migration";
   } else if (method.isInstantiatedTo(1)) {
     return "re-instantiation";
   return "(migration || re-instantiation)";
Example #9
 private boolean match() {
   int lb = x.getLB();
   int ub = x.getUB();
   for (; lb <= ub; lb = x.nextValue(lb)) {
     if (y.contains(lb - cste)) return true;
   return false;
Example #10
 public ESat isEntailed() {
   if ((x.getUB() < y.getLB() + cste)
       || (x.getLB() > y.getUB() + cste)
       || x.hasEnumeratedDomain() && y.hasEnumeratedDomain() && !match()) return ESat.FALSE;
   else if (x.isInstantiated() && y.isInstantiated() && (x.getValue() == y.getValue() + cste))
     return ESat.TRUE;
   else return ESat.UNDEFINED;
Example #11
  * Randomly selects a variable and assigns it to a value randomly taken in the domain. This is
  * dedicated to enumerated domains. In case some variables have bounded domains, please use
  * random_valueOrBound instead
  * @param VARS list of variables
  * @param SEED a seed for random
  * @return assignment strategy
 public static IntStrategy random_value(IntVar[] VARS, long SEED) {
   for (IntVar v : VARS) {
     if (!v.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
       throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
           "Some variables have bounded domains, " + "please use random heuristic instead");
   return custom(random_var_selector(SEED), random_value_selector(SEED), VARS);
Example #12
 /** In case of a GT, due to a modification on v0 domain */
 public void filterGTonVar(IntVar v0, IntVar v1) throws ContradictionException {
   if (cste >= 0) {
     int lbv0 = v0.getUB() - cste;
     int ubv0 = v0.getLB() + cste;
     // remove interval [lbv0, ubv0] from domain of vars[0]
     v1.removeInterval(lbv0, ubv0, this);
   } else {
Example #13
 private void backPropRemPoss() throws ContradictionException {
   ISetIterator iter = poss.iterator();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     int i = iter.nextInt();
     IntVar v = vars[i];
     if (v.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
       for (int value : values) {
         v.removeValue(value, this);
     } else {
       int newLB = v.getLB();
       int newUB = v.getUB();
       for (int val = v.getLB(); val <= newUB; val = v.nextValue(val)) {
         if (setValues.contains(val)) {
           newLB = val + 1;
         } else {
       for (int val = newUB; val >= newLB; val = v.previousValue(val)) {
         if (setValues.contains(val)) {
           newUB = val - 1;
         } else {
       v.updateBounds(newLB, newUB, this);
       if (newLB > values[values.length - 1] || newUB < values[0]) {
  @Test(groups = "1s", timeOut = 60000)
  public void testNominal() {
    Model model = new Model();

    IntVar var = model.intVar(10);
    SetVar setVar = model.setVar(new int[] {}, new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10});
    model.member(var, setVar).post();

    assertEquals(model.getSolver().isSatisfied(), ESat.UNDEFINED);
    checkSolutions(model, setVar, var.getValue());
Example #15
 /** In case of a EQ, due to the instantion to one variable to val */
 public void filterOnInst(IntVar v, int val) throws ContradictionException {
   if (!v.contains(val + cste)) {
     v.instantiateTo(val - cste, this);
   } else if (!v.contains(val - cste)) {
     v.instantiateTo(val + cste, this);
   } else {
     if (v.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
       DisposableRangeIterator rit = v.getRangeIterator(true);
       try {
         while (rit.hasNext()) {
           int from = rit.min();
           int to = rit.max();
           for (int value = from; value <= to; value++) {
             if (value != (val - cste) && value != (val + cste)) {
               v.removeValue(value, this);
       } finally {
     } else {
       v.updateBounds(val - cste, val + cste, this);
Example #16
 public PropEqualX_YC(IntVar[] vars, int c) {
   super(vars, PropagatorPriority.BINARY, true);
   this.x = vars[0];
   this.y = vars[1];
   this.cste = c;
   if (x.hasEnumeratedDomain() && y.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
     bothEnumerated = true;
     idms = new IIntDeltaMonitor[2];
     idms[0] = vars[0].monitorDelta(this);
     idms[1] = vars[1].monitorDelta(this);
     rem_proc = new RemProc();
Example #17
 private void updateBounds() throws ContradictionException {
   while (x.updateLowerBound(y.getLB() + cste, aCause)
       | y.updateLowerBound(x.getLB() - cste, aCause)) ;
   while (x.updateUpperBound(y.getUB() + cste, aCause)
       | y.updateUpperBound(x.getUB() - cste, aCause)) ;
Example #18
  * Get the value of variable v in this solution
  * @param v IntVar (or BoolVar)
  * @return the value of variable v in this solution, or null if the variable is not instantiated
  *     in the solution
 public Integer getIntVal(IntVar v) {
   if (empty) {
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Empty solution. No solution found");
   if (intmap.containsKey(v.getId())) {
     return intmap.get(v.getId());
   } else {
     if ((v.getTypeAndKind() & Variable.TYPE) == Variable.CSTE) {
       return v.getValue();
     } else {
       return null;
Example #19
 /** In case of a EQ, due to a modification of the lower bound of v0 */
 public void filterOnInf(IntVar v0, IntVar v1) throws ContradictionException {
   if (v1.hasEnumeratedDomain()) {
     int end = v0.getLB() + cste;
     for (int val = v0.getLB(); val <= end; val = v1.nextValue(val)) {
       if (!v0.contains(val - cste) && !v0.contains(val + cste)) {
         v1.removeValue(val, this);
   } else {
     v1.updateLowerBound(v0.getLB() - cste, this);
Example #20
  @Test(groups = "1s")
  public void testEq() throws ContradictionException {
    Solver solver = new Solver();
    IntVar x = VariableFactory.enumerated("X", 1, 6, solver);
    IntVar y = VariableFactory.enumerated("Y", 1, 6, solver);

    solver.post(IntConstraintFactory.arithm(x, "=", y));


    x.removeValue(4, Cause.Null);


Example #21
  * Initial propagation in case of EQ and enumerated domains
  * @throws ContradictionException
 public void filterFromVarToVar(IntVar var1, IntVar var2) throws ContradictionException {
   DisposableRangeIterator it = var1.getRangeIterator(true);
   try {
     while (it.hasNext()) {
       int from = it.min();
       int to = it.max();
       for (int value = from; value <= to; value++)
         if (!var2.contains(value - cste) && !var2.contains(value + cste)) {
           var1.removeValue(value, this);
   } finally {
 public ESat isEntailed() {
   IntVar union = vars[0];
   int instCount = 0;
   for (int i = 1; i < vars.length; i++) {
     if (vars[i].isInstantiated()) {
       if (!union.contains(vars[i].getValue())) {
         return ESat.FALSE;
   if (instCount == vars.length - 1) {
     return ESat.TRUE;
   return ESat.UNDEFINED;
 public ESat isEntailed() {
   assert intVars.length == realVars.length;
   boolean allInst = true;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     IntVar intVar = intVars[i];
     RealVar realVar = realVars[i];
     if ((realVar.getLB() < (double) intVar.getLB() - epsilon)
         || (realVar.getUB() > (double) intVar.getUB() + epsilon)) {
       return ESat.FALSE;
     if (!(intVar.isInstantiated() && realVar.isInstantiated())) {
       allInst = false;
   return allInst ? ESat.TRUE : ESat.UNDEFINED;
Example #24
  * Records the current solution of the solver clears all previous recordings
  * @param solver a solver
 public void record(Solver solver) {
   if (empty) {
     Variable[] _dvars = solver.getStrategy().getVariables();
     for (int i = 0; i < _dvars.length; i++) {
     empty = false;
   boolean warn = false;
   Variable[] vars = solver.getVars();
   for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
     if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.TYPE) != Variable.CSTE) {
       int kind = vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND;
       if (!vars[i].isInstantiated()) {
         if (dvars.contains(vars[i].getId())) {
           throw new SolverException(vars[i] + " is not instantiated when recording a solution.");
         } else {
           warn = true;
       } else {
         switch (kind) {
           case Variable.INT:
           case Variable.BOOL:
             IntVar v = (IntVar) vars[i];
             intmap.put(v.getId(), v.getValue());
           case Variable.REAL:
             RealVar r = (RealVar) vars[i];
             realmap.put(r.getId(), new double[] {r.getLB(), r.getUB()});
           case Variable.SET:
             SetVar s = (SetVar) vars[i];
             setmap.put(s.getId(), s.getValues());
   if (warn && solver.getSettings().warnUser()) {
         "Some non decision variables are not instantiated in the current solution.");
Example #25
 public ESat isEntailed() {
   double camax = capacity.getUB();
   double pomin = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     camax -= weigth[i] * vars[i].getLB();
     pomin += energy[i] * vars[i].getLB();
   if (camax < 0 || pomin > power.getUB()) {
     return ESat.FALSE;
   if (isCompletelyInstantiated()) {
     if (pomin == power.getValue()) {
       return ESat.TRUE;
   return ESat.UNDEFINED;
Example #26
 public void propagate(int varIdx, int mask) throws ContradictionException {
   if (x.isInstantiated()) {
     assert (y.isInstantiated());
   } else if (bothEnumerated) {
     if (varIdx == 0) {
       indexToFilter = 1;
       offSet = -cste;
     } else {
       indexToFilter = 0;
       offSet = cste;
Example #27
 public void pruningPhase() throws ContradictionException {
   for (int i = futureVars.nextSetBit(0); i > -1; i = futureVars.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
     IntVar v = vars[i];
     DisposableValueIterator it3 = v.getValueIterator(true);
     try {
       while (it3.hasNext()) {
         int val = it3.next();
         if (!gacValues[i].get(val - offsets[i])) {
           //                        v.removeVal(val, this, false);
       v.removeValues(vrms, this);
     } finally {
 private void buildDigraph() {
   for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
   free.set(0, n2);
   int j, k, ub;
   IntVar v;
   for (int i = 0; i < n2 + 2; i++) {
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     v = vars[i];
     ub = v.getUB();
     for (k = v.getLB(); k <= ub; k = v.nextValue(k)) {
       j = map.get(k);
       digraph.addArc(i, j);
 public ESat isEntailed() {
   int min = 0;
   int max = 0;
   ISet env = g.getPotentialNodes();
   for (int i = env.getFirstElement(); i >= 0; i = env.getNextElement()) {
     if (g.getMandSuccOrNeighOf(i).contain(i)) {
     } else if (g.getPotSuccOrNeighOf(i).contain(i)) {
   if (k.getLB() > max || k.getUB() < min) {
     return ESat.FALSE;
   if (min == max) {
     return ESat.TRUE;
   return ESat.UNDEFINED;
Example #30
 public void propagate(int evtmask) throws ContradictionException {
   for (int j = set.getKernelFirst(); j != SetVar.END; j = set.getKernelNext()) {
     min.updateUpperBound(get(j), this);
   int minVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   int lb = min.getLB();
   for (int j = set.getEnvelopeFirst(); j != SetVar.END; j = set.getEnvelopeNext()) {
     int k = get(j);
     if (k < lb) {
       set.removeFromEnvelope(j, this);
     } else {
       if (minVal > k) {
         minVal = k;
   if (notEmpty || set.getKernelSize() > 0) {
     min.updateLowerBound(minVal, this);