private void listAdmins() { this.getAdminsTable().clearTable(); getProgressPanel().showProgress("Searching..."); try { GridAdministrationClient client = getSessionPanel().getAdminClient(); List<String> admins = client.getAdmins(); for (int i = 0; i < admins.size(); i++) { this.getAdminsTable().addAdmin(admins.get(i)); } loaded = true; getProgressPanel().stopProgress(admins.size() + " administrator(s) found."); } catch (PermissionDeniedFault pdf) { ErrorDialog.showError(pdf); getProgressPanel().stopProgress("Error"); log.error(pdf, pdf); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); getProgressPanel().stopProgress("Error"); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } finally { enableAllButtons(); } }
private void addUpdatePrivileges() { try { String id = Utils.clean(getIdentity().getText()); if (id == null) { ErrorDialog.showError("Please enter a valid identity!!!"); } boolean reload = false; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Updating the privileges resulted in the following:\n"); String s1 = addUpdateCreate(); if (s1 != null) { reload = true; sb.append(s1 + "\n"); } String s2 = addUpdateStem(); if (s2 != null) { reload = true; sb.append(s2); } dispose(); if (reload) { browser.loadPrivileges(); } GridApplication.getContext().showMessage(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } }
private void findCertificates() { try { showProgess("Searching..."); getUserCertificates().clearTable(); UserCertificateFilter f = new UserCertificateFilter(); f.setGridIdentity(Utils.clean(getGridIdentity().getText())); if (Utils.clean(getUserCertificateSerialNumber().getText()) != null) { try { f.setSerialNumber(Long.valueOf(Utils.clean(getUserCertificateSerialNumber().getText()))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { stopProgess("Error"); enableButtons(); ErrorDialog.showError("The serial number must be an integer."); return; } } if ((searchStartDate != null) && (searchEndDate != null)) { if (searchStartDate.after(searchEndDate)) { stopProgess("Error"); enableButtons(); ErrorDialog.showError("The start date cannot be after the end date."); return; } else { DateRange r = new DateRange(); r.setStartDate(searchStartDate); r.setEndDate(searchEndDate); f.setDateRange(r); } } else if ((searchStartDate == null) && (searchEndDate != null)) { stopProgess("Error"); enableButtons(); ErrorDialog.showError("You must specify a start date!!!"); return; } else if ((searchStartDate != null) && (searchEndDate == null)) { stopProgess("Error"); enableButtons(); ErrorDialog.showError("You must specify an end date!!!"); return; } f.setNotes(Utils.clean(getNotes().getText())); if (getStatus().getSelectedUserStatus() != null) { f.setStatus(getStatus().getSelectedUserStatus()); } GridAdministrationClient client = this.session.getAdminClient(); List<UserCertificateRecord> records = client.findUserCertificateRecords(f); getUserCertificates().addUserCertificates(records); stopProgess(records.size() + " user certificate(s) found."); } catch (Exception e) { stopProgess("Error"); ErrorDialog.showError(Utils.getExceptionMessage(e), e); log.error(Utils.getExceptionMessage(e), e); } enableButtons(); }
private void loadNodes() { if (node == null) { return; } String endMessage = null; if (node.loadedChildStems()) { return; } int id = tree.startEvent("Loading Stems.... "); Enumeration<?> children = node.children(); try { while (children.hasMoreElements()) { Object child = children.nextElement(); if (child instanceof StemTreeNode) { ((StemTreeNode) child).loadStem(0); } } node.setLoadedChildStems(true); endMessage = node.toString() + " Stems Successfully Loaded!!!"; } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); endMessage = "Error loading stem!!!"; FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } tree.stopEvent(id, endMessage); }
private void getAuthorities() { getProgressPanel().showProgress("Searching..."); this.getAuthorityTable().clearTable(); try { GTSPublicClient client = getSession().getSession().getUserClient(); AuthorityGTS[] auth = client.getAuthorities(); int length = 0; if (auth != null) { length = auth.length; for (int i = 0; i < auth.length; i++) { this.getAuthorityTable().addAuthority(auth[i]); } } searchDone = true; getProgressPanel().stopProgress(length + " authority(s) found."); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); getProgressPanel().stopProgress("Error."); } finally { enableAllActions(); } }
public void showAdmin() { try { GridAdministrationClient client = getSessionPanel().getAdminClient(); GridUserFilter f = new GridUserFilter(); f.setGridId(getAdminsTable().getSelectedAdmin()); List<GridUser> users = client.findUsers(f); if ((users == null) || (users.size() == 0)) { throw new Exception( "The administrator selected does not have an account with this Dorian."); } else { GridUser user = users.get(0); List<TrustedIdP> idps = client.getTrustedIdPs(); TrustedIdP tidp = null; for (int i = 0; i < idps.size(); i++) { if (idps.get(i).getId() == user.getIdPId()) { tidp = idps.get(i); break; } } GridApplication.getContext() .addApplicationComponent( new UserWindow(getSessionPanel().getSession(), user, tidp), 700, 500); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } }
private void removeAllCertificates() { try { int selection = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, "Are you sure you want to remove all of the listed certificates?"); if (selection == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { GridAdministrationClient client = session.getAdminClient(); int rowCount = getUserCertificates().getRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { showProgess("Removing certificates..."); UserCertificateRecord record = (UserCertificateRecord) getUserCertificates().getValueAt(0, 0); client.removeUserCertificate(record.getSerialNumber()); getUserCertificates().removeRow(0); } stopProgess(rowCount + " certificate(s) removed."); GridApplication.getContext() .showMessage("The listed certificates were successfully removed!!!"); } } catch (Exception e) { stopProgess("Error"); ErrorDialog.showError(e); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } enableButtons(); }
private void removeCertificate() { try { int row = getUserCertificates().getSelectedRow(); if ((row >= 0) && (row < getUserCertificates().getRowCount())) { UserCertificateRecord record = (UserCertificateRecord) getUserCertificates().getValueAt(row, 0); int selection = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, "Are you sure you want to remove the selected certificate?"); if (selection == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { showProgess("Removing certificate..."); GridAdministrationClient client = session.getAdminClient(); client.removeUserCertificate(record.getSerialNumber()); getUserCertificates().removeRow(row); GridApplication.getContext() .showMessage("The selected certificates was successfully removed!!!"); stopProgess("Certificate successfully removed."); } } else { throw new Exception("Please select a certificate!!!"); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); stopProgess("Error"); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } enableButtons(); }
public void doubleClick() throws Exception { try { GridApplication.getContext() .addApplicationComponent(new IdentityProviderRecordWindow(getSelectedRecord()), 600, 400); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorDialog.showError(ex.getMessage(), ex); } }
private void createGallery() { String name = this.getGalleryNane().getText(); if (Utils.clean(name) == null) { ErrorDialog.showError("You must specify a gallery name."); return; } try { getProgress().showProgress("Creating gallery..."); PhotoSharingHandle handle = this.root.getServiceHandle(); handle.createGallery(name); this.root.refresh(); getProgress().stopProgress(); dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(Utils.getExceptionMessage(e), e); } }
public void addAuthority() { try { GridApplication.getContext() .addApplicationComponent(new AuthorityWindow(getSession().getSession(), this), 700, 375); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } }
private void removeAdmin() { try { GridAdministrationClient client = getSessionPanel().getAdminClient(); client.removeAdmin(getAdminsTable().getSelectedAdmin()); getAdminsTable().removeSelectedAdmin(); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } }
public void addAdmin() { try { AddAdminWindow window = new AddAdminWindow(getSessionPanel()); window.setModal(true); GridApplication.getContext().showDialog(window); if (loaded) { this.listAdmins(); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } }
private void removeAuthority() { try { getProgressPanel().showProgress("Removing authority..."); GTSAdminClient client = getSession().getSession().getAdminClient(); AuthorityGTS gts = this.getAuthorityTable().getSelectedAuthority(); client.removeAuthority(gts.getServiceURI()); getAuthorities(); getProgressPanel().stopProgress("Authority successfully removed."); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); getProgressPanel().stopProgress("Error"); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } }
private void updatePriorities() { try { disableAllActions(); getProgressPanel().showProgress("Updating priorities..."); GTSAdminClient client = getSession().getSession().getAdminClient(); client.updateAuthorityPriorities(getAuthorityTable().getPriorityUpdate()); getProgressPanel().stopProgress("Successfully updated the priorities."); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorDialog.showError(e); getProgressPanel().stopProgress("Error"); FaultUtil.logFault(log, e); } finally { enableAllActions(); } }