public static void sendEndCredits(Player p) { CraftPlayer craft = (CraftPlayer) p; EntityPlayer nms = craft.getHandle(); nms.viewingCredits = true; nms.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(4, 0.0F)); }
public static void sendActionBar(Player player, String message) { CraftPlayer p = (CraftPlayer) player; IChatBaseComponent cbc = IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a((String) ("{\"text\": \"" + message + "\"}")); PacketPlayOutChat ppoc = new PacketPlayOutChat(cbc, (byte) 2); p.getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(ppoc); }
public void sendMessageRaw(Player player, String message) { if (player instanceof CraftPlayer) { ((CraftPlayer) player) .getHandle() .playerConnection .sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutChat(IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a(message))); } }
public void sendMessageActionBar(Player player, String message) { if (player instanceof CraftPlayer) { IChatBaseComponent cbc = IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a("{\"text\": \"" + JSONObject.escape(message) + "\"}"); ((CraftPlayer) player) .getHandle() .playerConnection .sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutChat(cbc, (byte) 2)); } }
@Override public void doPickupAnimation(Entity entity, Entity target) { for (Entity p : target.getNearbyEntities(10, 10, 10)) { if (p instanceof Player) { ((CraftPlayer) p) .getHandle() .playerConnection .sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutCollect(target.getEntityId(), entity.getEntityId())); } } }
/** * @param location the {@link Location} around which players must be to see the effect * @param effectName list of effects: * @param offsetX the amount to be randomly offset by in the X axis * @param offsetY the amount to be randomly offset by in the Y axis * @param offsetZ the amount to be randomly offset by in the Z axis * @param speed the speed of the particles * @param count the number of particles * @param radius the radius around the location */ public void playParticleEffect( Location location, String effectName, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int count, int radius, int... data) { EnumParticle effect = EnumParticle.valueOf(effectName); Validate.notNull(location, "Location cannot be null"); Validate.notNull(effect, "Effect cannot be null"); Validate.notNull(location.getWorld(), "World cannot be null"); PacketPlayOutWorldParticles packet = new PacketPlayOutWorldParticles( effect, false, (float) location.getX(), (float) location.getY(), (float) location.getZ(), offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, count, data); for (Player player : location.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if (player.getLocation().getWorld() == location.getWorld()) { if ((int) player.getLocation().distance(location) <= radius) { ((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(packet); } } } }
public static void sendEntityVelocity(int id, double x, double y, double z, Player player) { PacketPlayOutEntityVelocity packet = new PacketPlayOutEntityVelocity(id, x, y, z); ((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(packet); }