protected void checkForGround() { checkCounter = 0; Location playerLocation = player.getLocation(); World world = playerLocation.getWorld(); Block targetBlock = world.getBlockAt(playerLocation); targetBlock = targetBlock.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN); int newGroundHeight = targetBlock.getY(); while (targetBlock.getType() == Material.AIR && newGroundHeight > 1) { newGroundHeight--; targetBlock = targetBlock.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN); } // if the terrain has changed more than the auto-hover tolerance, re-adjust hover height and // keep level. if (groundHeight == 0 || targetHeight == 0) { hoverHeight = player.getLocation().getBlockY() - newGroundHeight; if (hoverHeight < defaultHoverHeight) { hoverHeight = defaultHoverHeight; } } else if (Math.abs(newGroundHeight - groundHeight) > maxTerrainChangeHeight) { hoverHeight = targetHeight - newGroundHeight; } groundHeight = newGroundHeight; updateTargetHeight(); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent event) { Block block = event.getBlock(); // Deny GameWorld Blocks GameWorld gworld = GameWorld.get(block.getWorld()); if (gworld != null) { if (!GamePlaceableBlock.canBuildHere( block, block.getFace(event.getBlockAgainst()), event.getItemInHand().getType(), gworld)) { // Workaround for a bug that would allow 3-Block-high jumping Location loc = event.getPlayer().getLocation(); if (loc.getY() > block.getY() + 1.0 && loc.getY() <= block.getY() + 1.5) { if (loc.getX() >= block.getX() - 0.3 && loc.getX() <= block.getX() + 1.3) { if (loc.getZ() >= block.getZ() - 0.3 && loc.getZ() <= block.getZ() + 1.3) { loc.setX(block.getX() + 0.5); loc.setY(block.getY()); loc.setZ(block.getZ() + 0.5); event.getPlayer().teleport(loc); } } } event.setCancelled(true); } } }
@Override public boolean runRuneRightClick(BlockRightClickEvent event) { Block block = event.getBlock(); if (canCompass(block) && (event.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.AIR || !event.getItemInHand().getType().isBlock())) { block.setType(Material.AIR); block.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH_EAST).setType(Material.AIR); block.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH_WEST).setType(Material.AIR); block.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH).setType(block.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH_EAST).getType()); block.getFace(BlockFace.EAST).setType(block.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH_EAST).getType()); block.getFace(BlockFace.WEST).setType(block.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH_EAST).getType()); return true; } return false; }
/** * Detecting factory, based on the position of the base. The rails must be one block above and the * sign if it exists must be one or two blocks below. Signs are guaranteed to be signs (unless * they're null) and rails are guaranteed to be rails. * * @param base the block on which the rails sit; the type of this block is what determines the * mechanism type. */ public static CartMechanismBlocks findByBase(Block base) throws InvalidMechanismException { if (!BlockType.isRailBlock(base.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 1).getTypeId())) throw new InvalidMechanismException("could not find rails."); if (SignUtil.isSign(base.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 1).getTypeId())) { return new CartMechanismBlocks( base.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 1), base, base.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 1)); } else if (SignUtil.isSign(base.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 2).getTypeId())) { return new CartMechanismBlocks( base.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 1), base, base.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 2)); } return new CartMechanismBlocks(base.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 1), base, null); }
/** * Detecting factory, based on the position of the rails. The base must be one block below and the * sign if it exists must be two or three blocks below. Signs are guaranteed to be signs (unless * they're null) and rails are guaranteed to be rails. * * <p>This is the most important constructor, since it is the one invoked when processing cart * move events. * * @param rail the block containing the rails. */ public static CartMechanismBlocks findByRail(Block rail) throws InvalidMechanismException { if (!BlockType.isRailBlock(rail.getTypeId())) throw new InvalidMechanismException("rail argument must be a rail!"); if (SignUtil.isSign(rail.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 2).getTypeId())) { return new CartMechanismBlocks( rail, rail.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 1), rail.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 2)); } else if (SignUtil.isSign(rail.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 3).getTypeId())) { return new CartMechanismBlocks( rail, rail.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 1), rail.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 3)); } return new CartMechanismBlocks(rail, rail.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN, 1), null); }
public HallTunneler tunnel(int min, int max, XorZRetriever currentAxisValue) { int cVal = currentAxisValue.get(current); if (nextDir != null) { Byte dir = getByteDirection(nextDir); Byte opDir = getByteDirection(nextDir.getOppositeFace()); while (!(cVal >= min && cVal <= max)) { current = current.getFace(nextDir); current.setTypeId(0); current.getFace(BlockFace.UP).setTypeId(0); if (by < requester.getMinY()) { if (dir != null) { current.setTypeIdAndData(67, dir, false); } current = current.getFace(BlockFace.UP); current.getFace(BlockFace.UP).setTypeId(0); } else if (by > requester.getMinY()) { current = current.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN); current.setTypeId(0); if (by + BlockFace.DOWN.getModY() >= requester.getMinY()) { current.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN).setTypeIdAndData(67, opDir, false); } if (Material.AIR.equals(current.getFace(nextDir).getType())) { current = current.getFace(nextDir); while (Material.AIR.equals(current.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN).getType())) { current = current.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN); current.setTypeIdAndData(Material.LADDER.getId(), opDir, false); } break; } } cVal = currentAxisValue.get(current); by = current.getY(); } nextDir = null; } return this; }
/** * Detecting factory, based on the position of the sign. The base must be one or two blocks above * and the rails an additional block above the base. Signs are guaranteed to be signs and rails * are guaranteed to be rails. * * @param sign the block containing the sign that gives additional configuration to the mechanism. */ public static CartMechanismBlocks findBySign(Block sign) throws InvalidMechanismException { if (!SignUtil.isSign(sign)) throw new InvalidMechanismException("sign argument must be a sign!"); if (BlockType.isRailBlock(sign.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 2).getTypeId())) { return new CartMechanismBlocks( sign.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 2), sign.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 1), sign); } else if (BlockType.isRailBlock(sign.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 3).getTypeId())) { return new CartMechanismBlocks( sign.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 3), sign.getFace(BlockFace.UP, 2), sign); } throw new InvalidMechanismException("could not find rails."); }
private boolean canCompass(Block block) { Material mat = block.getType(); return ((this.plugin.getTier(mat) > 0) && block.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH_EAST).getType() == mat && block.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH_EAST).getType() == mat && block.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH_WEST).getType() == mat && block.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH_WEST).getType() == mat && block.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH).getType() == Material.AIR && block.getFace(BlockFace.EAST).getType() == Material.AIR && block.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH).getType() == Material.AIR && block.getFace(BlockFace.WEST).getType() == Material.AIR); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerListener#onPlayerMove(org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent) */ @Override public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) { Player p = event.getPlayer(); Location l = event.getTo(); Block ch = l.getWorld().getBlockAt(l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY(), l.getBlockZ()); Stargate st = StargateManager.getGateFromBlock(ch); if (st != null && st.Active && st.Target != null) { String gatenetwork; if (st.Network != null) { gatenetwork = st.Network.netName; } else { gatenetwork = "Public"; } wxt.prettyLog( Level.FINE, false, "Player in gate:" + st.Name + " gate Active: " + st.Active + " Target Gate: " + st.Target.Name + " Network: " + gatenetwork); if (ConfigManager.getWormholeUseIsTeleport() && ((st.IsSignPowered && !WXPermissions.checkWXPermissions(p, st, PermissionType.SIGN)) || (!st.IsSignPowered && !WXPermissions.checkWXPermissions(p, st, PermissionType.DIALER)))) { p.sendMessage(ConfigManager.output_strings.get(StringTypes.PERMISSION_NO)); return; } if (st.Target.IrisActive) { p.sendMessage(ConfigManager.errorheader + "Remote Iris is locked!"); p.setNoDamageTicks(2); event.setFrom(st.TeleportLocation); event.setTo(st.TeleportLocation); p.teleport(st.TeleportLocation); if (p.getFireTicks() > 0) { p.setFireTicks(0); } return; } Location target = st.Target.TeleportLocation; if (WormholeXTreme.iconomy != null) { double cost = ConfigManager.getIconomyWormholeUseCost(); if (!ConfigManager.getIconomyOpsExcempt() && !p.isOp() && cost != 0.0 && st.Owner != null && !st.Owner.equals(p.getName())) { Account player_account = iConomy.getBank().getAccount(p.getName()); double balance = player_account.getBalance(); String currency = iConomy.getBank().getCurrency(); if (balance >= cost) { player_account.subtract(cost); //; p.sendMessage( ConfigManager.normalheader + "Wormhole Use \u00A7F- \u00A72" + cost + " \u00A77" + currency); // p.sendMessage("You were charged " + cost + " " + iConomy.getBank().getCurrency() + " // to use wormhole." ); double owner_percent = ConfigManager.getIconomyWormholeOwnerPercent(); if (owner_percent != 0.0 && st.Owner != null) { if (st.Owner != null && iConomy.getBank().hasAccount(st.Owner)) { Account own_acc = iConomy.getBank().getAccount(st.Owner); own_acc.add(cost * owner_percent); //; } } } else { p.sendMessage( ConfigManager.errorheader + "Not enough " + currency + "! - Requires: \u00A72" + cost + " \u00A77- Available: \u00A74" + player_account.getBalance() + " \u00A77" + currency); // p.sendMessage("Not enough " + iConomy.getBank().getCurrency() + " to use - requires: // " + cost); target = st.TeleportLocation; } } } Block target_block = target.getWorld().getBlockAt(target.getBlockX(), target.getBlockY(), target.getBlockZ()); while (target_block.getType() != Material.AIR && target_block.getType() != Material.WATER && target_block.getType() != Material.LAVA) { target_block = target_block.getFace(BlockFace.UP); target.setY(target.getY() + 1.0); } event.setFrom(target); event.setTo(target); p.setNoDamageTicks(2); p.teleport(target); event.setCancelled(true); if (target == st.Target.TeleportLocation) wxt.prettyLog( Level.INFO, false, p.getDisplayName() + " used wormhole: " + st.Name + " to go to: " + st.Target.Name); if (ConfigManager.getTimeoutShutdown() == 0) { st.ShutdownStargate(); } } else if (st != null) { wxt.prettyLog( Level.FINE, false, "Player entered gate but wasn't active or didn't have a target."); } }
public void move(double d0, double d1, double d2) { if ( { this.boundingBox.d(d0, d1, d2); this.locX = (this.boundingBox.a + this.boundingBox.d) / 2.0D; this.locY = this.boundingBox.b + (double) this.height - (double); this.locZ = (this.boundingBox.c + this.boundingBox.f) / 2.0D; } else { *= 0.4F; double d3 = this.locX; double d4 = this.locZ; if ( { = false; d0 *= 0.25D; d1 *= 0.05000000074505806D; d2 *= 0.25D; this.motX = 0.0D; this.motY = 0.0D; this.motZ = 0.0D; } double d5 = d0; double d6 = d1; double d7 = d2; AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.boundingBox.clone(); boolean flag = this.onGround && this.isSneaking(); if (flag) { double d8; for (d8 = 0.05D; d0 != 0.0D &&, this.boundingBox.c(d0, -1.0D, 0.0D)).size() == 0; d5 = d0) { if (d0 < d8 && d0 >= -d8) { d0 = 0.0D; } else if (d0 > 0.0D) { d0 -= d8; } else { d0 += d8; } } for (; d2 != 0.0D &&, this.boundingBox.c(0.0D, -1.0D, d2)).size() == 0; d7 = d2) { if (d2 < d8 && d2 >= -d8) { d2 = 0.0D; } else if (d2 > 0.0D) { d2 -= d8; } else { d2 += d8; } } } List list =, this.boundingBox.a(d0, d1, d2)); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { d1 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(i)).b(this.boundingBox, d1); } this.boundingBox.d(0.0D, d1, 0.0D); if (! && d6 != d1) { d2 = 0.0D; d1 = 0.0D; d0 = 0.0D; } boolean flag1 = this.onGround || d6 != d1 && d6 < 0.0D; int j; for (j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j) { d0 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(j)).a(this.boundingBox, d0); } this.boundingBox.d(d0, 0.0D, 0.0D); if (! && d5 != d0) { d2 = 0.0D; d1 = 0.0D; d0 = 0.0D; } for (j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j) { d2 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(j)).c(this.boundingBox, d2); } this.boundingBox.d(0.0D, 0.0D, d2); if (! && d7 != d2) { d2 = 0.0D; d1 = 0.0D; d0 = 0.0D; } double d9; double d10; int k; if ( > 0.0F && flag1 && (flag || < 0.05F) && (d5 != d0 || d7 != d2)) { d9 = d0; d10 = d1; double d11 = d2; d0 = d5; d1 = (double); d2 = d7; AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb1 = this.boundingBox.clone(); this.boundingBox.b(axisalignedbb); list =, this.boundingBox.a(d5, d1, d7)); for (k = 0; k < list.size(); ++k) { d1 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(k)).b(this.boundingBox, d1); } this.boundingBox.d(0.0D, d1, 0.0D); if (! && d6 != d1) { d2 = 0.0D; d1 = 0.0D; d0 = 0.0D; } for (k = 0; k < list.size(); ++k) { d0 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(k)).a(this.boundingBox, d0); } this.boundingBox.d(d0, 0.0D, 0.0D); if (! && d5 != d0) { d2 = 0.0D; d1 = 0.0D; d0 = 0.0D; } for (k = 0; k < list.size(); ++k) { d2 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(k)).c(this.boundingBox, d2); } this.boundingBox.d(0.0D, 0.0D, d2); if (! && d7 != d2) { d2 = 0.0D; d1 = 0.0D; d0 = 0.0D; } if (! && d6 != d1) { d2 = 0.0D; d1 = 0.0D; d0 = 0.0D; } else { d1 = (double) (; for (k = 0; k < list.size(); ++k) { d1 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(k)).b(this.boundingBox, d1); } this.boundingBox.d(0.0D, d1, 0.0D); } if (d9 * d9 + d11 * d11 >= d0 * d0 + d2 * d2) { d0 = d9; d1 = d10; d2 = d11; this.boundingBox.b(axisalignedbb1); } else { double d12 = this.boundingBox.b - (double) ((int) this.boundingBox.b); if (d12 > 0.0D) { = (float) ((double) + d12 + 0.01D); } } } this.locX = (this.boundingBox.a + this.boundingBox.d) / 2.0D; this.locY = this.boundingBox.b + (double) this.height - (double); this.locZ = (this.boundingBox.c + this.boundingBox.f) / 2.0D; this.positionChanged = d5 != d0 || d7 != d2; this.bc = d6 != d1; this.onGround = d6 != d1 && d6 < 0.0D; = this.positionChanged || this.bc; this.a(d1, this.onGround); if (d5 != d0) { this.motX = 0.0D; } if (d6 != d1) { this.motY = 0.0D; } if (d7 != d2) { this.motZ = 0.0D; } d9 = this.locX - d3; d10 = this.locZ - d4; int l; int i1; int j1; // CraftBukkit start if ((this.positionChanged) && (getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle)) { Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle) getBukkitEntity(); org.bukkit.World wrld = ((WorldServer) world).getWorld(); org.bukkit.block.Block block = wrld.getBlockAt( MathHelper.floor(locX), MathHelper.floor(locY - 0.20000000298023224D - (double) this.height), MathHelper.floor(locZ)); if (d5 > d0) { block = block.getFace(BlockFace.SOUTH); } else if (d5 < d0) { block = block.getFace(BlockFace.NORTH); } else if (d7 > d2) { block = block.getFace(BlockFace.WEST); } else if (d7 < d2) { block = block.getFace(BlockFace.EAST); } VehicleBlockCollisionEvent event = new VehicleBlockCollisionEvent(vehicle, block); ((WorldServer) world).getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); } // CraftBukkit end if (this.n() && !flag && this.vehicle == null) { = (float) ((double) + (double) MathHelper.a(d9 * d9 + d10 * d10) * 0.6D); l = MathHelper.floor(this.locX); i1 = MathHelper.floor(this.locY - 0.20000000298023224D - (double) this.height); j1 = MathHelper.floor(this.locZ); k =, i1, j1); if (, i1 - 1, j1) == { k =, i1 - 1, j1); } if ( > (float) this.b && k > 0) { ++this.b; StepSound stepsound = Block.byId[k].stepSound; if (, i1 + 1, j1) == { stepsound = Block.SNOW.stepSound; this, stepsound.getName(), stepsound.getVolume1() * 0.15F, stepsound.getVolume2()); } else if (!Block.byId[k].material.isLiquid()) { this, stepsound.getName(), stepsound.getVolume1() * 0.15F, stepsound.getVolume2()); } Block.byId[k].b(, l, i1, j1, this); } } l = MathHelper.floor(this.boundingBox.a + 0.0010D); i1 = MathHelper.floor(this.boundingBox.b + 0.0010D); j1 = MathHelper.floor(this.boundingBox.c + 0.0010D); k = MathHelper.floor(this.boundingBox.d - 0.0010D); int k1 = MathHelper.floor(this.boundingBox.e - 0.0010D); int l1 = MathHelper.floor(this.boundingBox.f - 0.0010D); if (, i1, j1, k, k1, l1)) { for (int i2 = l; i2 <= k; ++i2) { for (int j2 = i1; j2 <= k1; ++j2) { for (int k2 = j1; k2 <= l1; ++k2) { int l2 =, j2, k2); if (l2 > 0) { Block.byId[l2].a(, i2, j2, k2, this); } } } } } boolean flag2 = this.ab(); if (, 0.0010D, 0.0010D))) { this.a(1); if (!flag2) { ++this.fireTicks; // CraftBukkit start if (this.fireTicks <= 0) { // not on fire yet CraftServer server = ((WorldServer); org.bukkit.entity.Entity damagee = this.getBukkitEntity(); EntityCombustEvent event = new EntityCombustEvent(damagee); server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { this.fireTicks = 300; } } else { // CraftBukkit end - reset fire level back to max this.fireTicks = 300; } } } else if (this.fireTicks <= 0) { this.fireTicks = -this.maxFireTicks; } if (flag2 && this.fireTicks > 0) { this, "random.fizz", 0.7F, 1.6F + (this.random.nextFloat() - this.random.nextFloat()) * 0.4F); this.fireTicks = -this.maxFireTicks; } } }
@Override public boolean onCast(String[] parameters) { PlayerPermissions permissions = spells.getPermissions(player.getName()); if (parameters.length > 0) { if (parameters[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ascend")) { if (!ascend()) { castMessage(player, "Nowhere to go up"); return false; } return true; } if (parameters[0].equalsIgnoreCase("descend")) { if (!descend()) { castMessage(player, "Nowhere to go down"); return false; } return true; } return false; } // No parameters // Auto ascend + descend if (getYRotation() < -80 && permissions.hasPermission("descend") && autoDescend) { if (descend()) { return true; } } if (getYRotation() > 80 && permissions.hasPermission("ascend") && autoAscend) { if (ascend()) { return true; } } if (autoPassthrough) { Block firstBlock = getNextBlock(); if (firstBlock.getType() != Material.AIR) { setReverseTargeting(true); setTargetHeightRequired(2); targetThrough(Material.AIR); } else { targetThrough(Material.GLASS); } } Block target = getTargetBlock(); Block face = getLastBlock(); if (target == null) { castMessage(player, "Nowhere to blink to"); return false; } if (maxRange > 0 && getDistance(player, target) > maxRange) { castMessage(player, "Can't blink that far"); return false; } World world = player.getWorld(); // Don't drop the player too far, and make sure there is somewhere to stand Block destination = face; int distanceUp = 0; int distanceDown = 0; if (isReverseTargeting()) { destination = target; } Block groundBlock = destination.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN); while (distanceDown < verticalSearchDistance && !isOkToStandOn(groundBlock.getType())) { destination = groundBlock; groundBlock = destination.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN); distanceDown++; } Block ledge = null; // Also check for a ledge above the target if (!isReverseTargeting()) { ledge = target; Block inFront = face; Block oneUp = null; Block twoUp = null; do { oneUp = ledge.getFace(BlockFace.UP); twoUp = oneUp.getFace(BlockFace.UP); inFront = inFront.getFace(BlockFace.UP); ledge = ledge.getFace(BlockFace.UP); distanceUp++; } while (distanceUp < verticalSearchDistance && isOkToStandIn(inFront.getType()) && (!isOkToStandOn(groundBlock.getType()) || !isOkToStandIn(oneUp.getType()) || !isOkToStandIn(twoUp.getType()))); } if (ledge != null && distanceUp < distanceDown) { destination = ledge; } Block oneUp = destination.getFace(BlockFace.UP); Block twoUp = oneUp.getFace(BlockFace.UP); if (!isOkToStandIn(oneUp.getType()) || !isOkToStandIn(twoUp.getType())) { castMessage(player, "You can't fit in there!"); return false; } castMessage(player, "Blink!"); player.teleportTo( new org.bukkit.Location( world, destination.getX() + 0.5, destination.getY(), destination.getZ() + 0.5, player.getLocation().getYaw(), player.getLocation().getPitch())); return true; }
@Override public Result onProtectionInteract( LWC lwc, Player player, Protection protection, List<String> actions, boolean canAccess, boolean canAdmin) { if (!enabled || action == Action.NULL) { return DEFAULT; } if (!canAccess) { return DEFAULT; } // get the blocks for the door List<Block> blocks = lwc.getProtectionSet( protection.getBukkitWorld(), protection.getX(), protection.getY(), protection.getZ()); // only send them one message :-) boolean sentMessage = false; // search around for iron doors if enabled if (configuration.getBoolean("doors.doubleDoors", true)) { Block protectionBlock = protection.getBlock(); Block temp = null; BlockFace[] faces = new BlockFace[] {BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH}; for (BlockFace face : faces) { if (isValid((temp = protectionBlock.getFace(face)).getType())) { Protection found = lwc.findProtection(temp); if (found != null) { if (lwc.canAccessProtection(player, found)) { // we can access it, add it to the blocks blocks.addAll( lwc.getProtectionSet( found.getBukkitWorld(), found.getX(), found.getY(), found.getZ())); } } } } } for (Block block : blocks) { if (!isValid(block.getType())) { continue; } // create the door instance Door door = new Door(block.getType(), block.getData()); // process the current door's data byte data = initializeDoorData(door); switch (this.action) { case TOGGLE: if ((block.getData() & 0x4) != 0x4) { data |= 0x4; } if (!sentMessage) { sentMessage = true; if (isDoorOpen(door)) { // lwc.sendLocale(player, ""); } else { // lwc.sendLocale(player, "protection.doors.close"); } } break; case OPEN_AND_CLOSE: if ((block.getData() & 0x4) != 0x4) { data |= 0x4; } if (!sentMessage) { sentMessage = true; if (isDoorOpen(door)) { // lwc.sendLocale(player, ""); } else { // lwc.sendLocale(player, "protection.doors.close"); } } if (!isDoorOpen(door)) { Location location = new Location(block.getWorld(), block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()); DoorAction doorAction = new DoorAction(); doorAction.location = location; doorAction.triggerTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (interval * 1000L); doors.push(doorAction); } break; } // update the door block.setData(data); } return DEFAULT; }
protected void createStairs(Block targetBlock) { BlockFace vertDirection = BlockFace.UP; BlockFace horzDirection = getPlayerFacing(); int depth = defaultDepth; int height = defaultHeight; int width = defaultWidth; BlockList tunneledBlocks = new BlockList(); BlockList stairBlocks = new BlockList(); Material fillMaterial = targetBlock.getType(); BlockFace toTheLeft = goLeft(horzDirection); BlockFace toTheRight = goRight(horzDirection); Block bottomBlock = targetBlock; Block bottomLeftBlock = bottomBlock; for (int i = 0; i < width / 2; i++) { bottomLeftBlock = bottomLeftBlock.getFace(toTheLeft); } targetBlock = bottomLeftBlock; Material stairsMaterial = Material.COBBLESTONE_STAIRS; for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++) { bottomBlock = bottomLeftBlock; for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { targetBlock = bottomBlock; for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { if (isDestructible(targetBlock)) { // Check to see if the torch will stick to the wall // TODO: Check for glass, other non-sticky types. Block checkBlock = null; if (w == 0) { checkBlock = targetBlock.getFace(toTheLeft); } else { checkBlock = targetBlock.getFace(toTheRight); } // Put torches on the left and right wall boolean useTorch = (torchFrequency > 0 && (w == 0 || w == width - 1) && (h == 1) && (d % torchFrequency == 0) && checkBlock.getType() != Material.AIR); boolean useStairs = (h == 0); if (useStairs) { stairBlocks.add(targetBlock); targetBlock.setType(stairsMaterial); } else if (useTorch) { tunneledBlocks.add(targetBlock); targetBlock.setType(Material.TORCH); } else { tunneledBlocks.add(targetBlock); targetBlock.setType(Material.AIR); } Block standingBlock = targetBlock.getFace(BlockFace.DOWN); if (standingBlock.getType() == Material.AIR) { stairBlocks.add(standingBlock); standingBlock.setType(fillMaterial); } } targetBlock = targetBlock.getFace(BlockFace.UP); } bottomBlock = bottomBlock.getFace(toTheRight); } bottomLeftBlock = bottomLeftBlock.getFace(horzDirection); bottomLeftBlock = bottomLeftBlock.getFace(vertDirection); } spells.addToUndoQueue(player, tunneledBlocks); spells.addToUndoQueue(player, stairBlocks); castMessage( player, "Tunneled through " + tunneledBlocks.size() + "blocks and created " + stairBlocks.size() + " stairs"); }