Example #1
   * Attempts to create a new shop object based on this block
   * @param block the block to consider
   * @param plugin The active PhysicalShop plugin
   * @return null if block is not sign or said sign is invalid, otherwise a new associated {@link
   *     Shop} for this block
  public static Shop getShop(final Block block, final PhysicalShop plugin) {
    if (block == null) return null;

    if (block.getType() != SIGN_POST && block.getType() != WALL_SIGN) return null;

    final Sign sign = (Sign) block.getState();

    if (sign == null) return null;

    final String ownerName = Shop.getOwnerName(sign.getLines());

    try {
      if (block.getRelative(DOWN).getType() == CHEST) return new ChestShop(sign, plugin);
      else if (ownerName.equalsIgnoreCase(plugin.getConfig().getString(SERVER_SHOP)))
        return new Shop(sign, plugin);
      else return null;
    } catch (final InvalidSignException e) {
      return null;
Example #2
  * This assumes player does NOT have admin access
  * @param player Player to check for access
  * @param shop Shop to check for access
  * @param plugin The current instance of PhysicalShop
  * @return true if the player has permission for the shop
 public static boolean hasAccess(final String player, final Shop shop, final PhysicalShop plugin) {
   return shop == null
       || (!plugin.getConfig().getString(SERVER_SHOP).equals(shop.getOwnerName())
           && shop.isSmartOwner(player, plugin));