Example #1
   * @see org.broad.tribble.index.linear.LinearIndex#optimize(double)
   * @param featureInput File containing features
   * @param codec Codec used to read the features
   * @param optimizeThreshold Threshold used to optimize the linear index
   * @return
  public static long runWithIndex(File featureInput, FeatureCodec codec, int optimizeThreshold) {
    // get an index
    Index index = loadIndex(featureInput, codec);
    if (optimizeThreshold != -1) ((LinearIndex) index).optimize(optimizeThreshold);

    // get a reader
    AbstractFeatureReader reader = null;
    try {
      reader = AbstractFeatureReader.getFeatureReader(featureInput.getAbsolutePath(), codec, index);

      // now read iterate over the file
      long recordCount = 0l;

      // this call could be replaced with a query
      Iterator<Feature> iter = reader.iterator();

      // cycle through the iterators
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Feature feat = iter.next();

      System.err.println("We saw " + recordCount + " record in file " + featureInput);
      return recordCount;

    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Something went wrong while reading feature file " + featureInput, e);
  public void mergeInto(VariantContextWriterStorage target) {
    try {
      if (!closed)
        throw new ReviewedStingException("Writer not closed, but we are merging into the file!");
      final String targetFilePath =
          target.file != null ? target.file.getAbsolutePath() : "/dev/stdin";
              "Merging VariantContextWriterStorage from %s into %s",
              file.getAbsolutePath(), targetFilePath));

      // use the feature manager to determine the right codec for the tmp file
      // that way we don't assume it's a specific type
      final FeatureManager.FeatureDescriptor fd = new FeatureManager().getByFiletype(file);
      if (fd == null) throw new UserException.LocalParallelizationProblem(file);

      final FeatureCodec codec = fd.getCodec();
      final AbstractFeatureReader<Feature, ?> source =
          AbstractFeatureReader.getFeatureReader(file.getAbsolutePath(), codec, false);

      for (final Feature vc : source.iterator()) {
        target.writer.add((VariantContext) vc);

      file.delete(); // this should be last to aid in debugging when the process fails
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new UserException.CouldNotReadInputFile(
          file, "Error reading file in VCFWriterStorage: ", e);