static { { OpenCLProbeLibrary probe = new OpenCLProbeLibrary(); try { if (!probe.isValid()) { String alt; if (Platform.is64Bits() && BridJ.getNativeLibraryFile(alt = "atiocl64") != null || BridJ.getNativeLibraryFile(alt = "atiocl32") != null || BridJ.getNativeLibraryFile(alt = "atiocl") != null) { log( Level.INFO, "Hacking around ATI's weird driver bugs (using atiocl library instead of OpenCL)", null); BridJ.setNativeLibraryActualName("OpenCL", alt); } } } finally { probe = null; BridJ.unregister(OpenCLProbeLibrary.class); } } if (debug) { String debugArgs = System.getenv(JAVACL_DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS_PROP); if (debugArgs != null) DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS = Arrays.asList(debugArgs.split(" ")); else if (Platform.isMacOSX()) DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS = Arrays.asList("-g"); else DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS = Arrays.asList("-O0", "-g"); int pid = ProcessUtils.getCurrentProcessId(); log( Level.INFO, "Debug mode enabled with compiler flags \"" + StringUtils.implode(DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS, " ") + "\" (can be overridden with env. var. JAVACL_DEBUG_COMPILER_FLAGS_PROP)"); log( Level.INFO, "You can debug your kernels with GDB using one of the following commands :\n" + "\tsudo gdb --tui --pid=" + pid + "\n" + "\tsudo ddd --debugger \"gdb --pid=" + pid + "\"\n" + "More info here :\n" + "\t"); } CL = new OpenCLLibrary(); }
public AVResampleLibrary() throws IOException { lib = BridJ.getNativeLibrary(Lib.class); int libVersion = avresample_version(); majorVersion = (libVersion >> 16) & 0xff; minorVersion = (libVersion >> 8) & 0xff; microVersion = libVersion & 0xff; String version = String.format("%d.%d.%d", majorVersion, minorVersion, microVersion); File libFile = BridJ.getNativeLibraryFile(LIB_NAME); Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()) .log( Level.INFO, "Loading {0} library, version {1}...", new Object[] {libFile.getAbsolutePath(), version}); if (majorVersion < MIN_MAJOR_VERSION || majorVersion > MAX_MAJOR_VERSION) throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError( "Unsupported version of the " + LIB_NAME + " native library. (" + MIN_MAJOR_VERSION + ".x.x <= required <= " + MAX_MAJOR_VERSION + ".x.x, found " + version + ")"); }