   * Generate an X.509 certificate, based on the current issuer and subject using the passed in
   * signer.
   * @param signer the content signer to be used to generate the signature validating the
   *     certificate.
   * @return a holder containing the resulting signed certificate.
  public X509CertificateHolder build(ContentSigner signer) {

    if (!extGenerator.isEmpty()) {

    return CertUtils.generateFullCert(signer, tbsGen.generateTBSCertificate());
   * Create a builder for a version 3 certificate.
   * @param issuer the certificate issuer
   * @param serial the certificate serial number
   * @param notBefore the date before which the certificate is not valid
   * @param notAfter the date after which the certificate is not valid
   * @param subject the certificate subject
   * @param publicKeyInfo the info structure for the public key to be associated with this
   *     certificate.
  public X509v3CertificateBuilder(
      X500Name issuer,
      BigInteger serial,
      Date notBefore,
      Date notAfter,
      X500Name subject,
      SubjectPublicKeyInfo publicKeyInfo) {
    tbsGen = new V3TBSCertificateGenerator();
    tbsGen.setSerialNumber(new DERInteger(serial));
    tbsGen.setStartDate(new Time(notBefore));
    tbsGen.setEndDate(new Time(notAfter));

    extGenerator = new X509ExtensionsGenerator();
   * Set the issuerUniqueID - note: it is very rare that it is correct to do this.
   * @param uniqueID a boolean array representing the bits making up the issuerUniqueID.
   * @return this builder object.
  public X509v3CertificateBuilder setIssuerUniqueID(boolean[] uniqueID) {

    return this;