Example #1
   * Return the symmetric repeats as structure identifiers, if the result is symmetric and it was
   * refined, return null otherwise.
   * @return List of StructureIdentifiers or null if not defined
   * @throws StructureException
  public List<StructureIdentifier> getRepeatsID() throws StructureException {

    if (!isRefined()) return null;

    List<StructureIdentifier> repeats = new ArrayList<StructureIdentifier>(symmOrder);

    String pdbId = structureId.toCanonical().getPdbId();
    Block align = multipleAlignment.getBlocks().get(0);

    for (int su = 0; su < symmOrder; su++) {
      // Get the start and end residues of the repeat
      ResidueNumber res1 = atoms[align.getStartResidue(su)].getGroup().getResidueNumber();
      ResidueNumber res2 = atoms[align.getFinalResidue(su)].getGroup().getResidueNumber();
      ResidueRange range = new ResidueRange(res1.getChainId(), res1, res2);

      StructureIdentifier id = new SubstructureIdentifier(pdbId, Arrays.asList(range));

    return repeats;
Example #2
   * Get the structure corresponding to the given {@link StructureIdentifier}. Equivalent to calling
   * {@link StructureIdentifier#loadStructure(AtomCache)} followed by {@link
   * StructureIdentifier#reduce(Structure)}.
   * <p>Note that this method should not be used in StructureIdentifier implementations to avoid
   * circular calls.
   * @param strucId
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws StructureException
  public Structure getStructure(StructureIdentifier strucId)
      throws IOException, StructureException {
    Structure s = strucId.loadStructure(this);
    Structure r = strucId.reduce(s);
    return r;

    //		if (name.length() < 4) {
    //			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't interpret IDs that are shorter than 4
    // characters!");
    //		}
    //		Structure n = null;
    //		boolean useChainNr = false;
    //		boolean useDomainInfo = false;
    //		String range = null;
    //		int chainNr = -1;
    //		StructureName structureName = new StructureName(name);
    //		String pdbId = null;
    //		String chainId = null;
    //		if (name.length() == 4) {
    //			pdbId = name;
    //			Structure s;
    //			if (useMmCif) {
    //				s = loadStructureFromCifByPdbId(pdbId);
    //			} else {
    //				s = loadStructureFromPdbByPdbId(pdbId);
    //			}
    //			return s;
    //		} else if (structureName.isScopName()) {
    //			// return based on SCOP domain ID
    //			return getStructureFromSCOPDomain(name);
    //		} else if (structureName.isCathID()) {
    //			return getStructureForCathDomain(structureName, CathFactory.getCathDatabase());
    //		} else if (name.length() == 6) {
    //			// name is PDB.CHAINID style (e.g. 4hhb.A)
    //			pdbId = name.substring(0, 4);
    //			if (name.substring(4, 5).equals(CHAIN_SPLIT_SYMBOL)) {
    //				chainId = name.substring(5, 6);
    //			} else if (name.substring(4, 5).equals(CHAIN_NR_SYMBOL)) {
    //				useChainNr = true;
    //				chainNr = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(5, 6));
    //			}
    //		} else if (name.startsWith("file:/") || name.startsWith("http:/")) {
    //			// this is a URL
    //			URL url = new URL(name);
    //			return getStructureFromURL(url);
    //		} else if (structureName.isPDPDomain()) {
    //			// this is a PDP domain definition
    //			return getPDPStructure(name);
    //		} else if (name.startsWith(BIOL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTIFIER)) {
    //			return getBioAssembly(name);
    //		} else if (name.length() > 6 && !name.startsWith(PDP_DOMAIN_IDENTIFIER)
    //				&& (name.contains(CHAIN_NR_SYMBOL) || name.contains(UNDERSCORE))
    //				&& !(name.startsWith("file:/") || name.startsWith("http:/"))
    //				) {
    //			// this is a name + range
    //			pdbId = name.substring(0, 4);
    //			// this ID has domain split information...
    //			useDomainInfo = true;
    //			range = name.substring(5);
    //		}
    //		// System.out.println("got: >" + name + "< " + pdbId + " " + chainId + " useChainNr:" +
    // useChainNr + " "
    //		// +chainNr + " useDomainInfo:" + useDomainInfo + " " + range);
    //		if (pdbId == null) {
    //			return null;
    //		}
    //		while (checkLoading(pdbId)) {
    //			// waiting for loading to be finished...
    //			try {
    //				Thread.sleep(100);
    //			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    //				logger.error(e.getMessage());
    //			}
    //		}
    //		// long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    //		Structure s;
    //		if (useMmCif) {
    //			s = loadStructureFromCifByPdbId(pdbId);
    //		} else {
    //			s = loadStructureFromPdbByPdbId(pdbId);
    //		}
    //		// long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    //		// System.out.println("time to load " + pdbId + " " + (end-start) + "\t  size :" +
    //		// StructureTools.getNrAtoms(s) + "\t cached: " + cache.size());
    //		if (chainId == null && chainNr < 0 && range == null) {
    //			// we only want the 1st model in this case
    //			n = StructureTools.getReducedStructure(s, -1);
    //		} else {
    //			if (useChainNr) {
    //				// System.out.println("using ChainNr");
    //				n = StructureTools.getReducedStructure(s, chainNr);
    //			} else if (useDomainInfo) {
    //				// System.out.println("calling getSubRanges");
    //				n = StructureTools.getSubRanges(s, range);
    //			} else {
    //				// System.out.println("reducing Chain Id " + chainId);
    //				n = StructureTools.getReducedStructure(s, chainId);
    //			}
    //		}
    //		n.setName(name);
    //		return n;
