private static AtomCache initializeCache() { AtomCache cache = new AtomCache(); cache.setUseMmCif(true); FileParsingParameters params = cache.getFileParsingParams(); params.setStoreEmptySeqRes(true); params.setAlignSeqRes(true); // params.setParseCAOnly(true); params.setLoadChemCompInfo(true); params.setCreateAtomBonds(false); cache.setFileParsingParams(params); ChemCompGroupFactory.setChemCompProvider(new AllChemCompProvider()); // ChemCompGroupFactory.setChemCompProvider(new DownloadChemCompProvider()); return cache; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); String uri = args[0] + "_" + timeStamp + ".seq"; Set<String> pdbIds = getAll(); StructureIO.setAtomCache(cache); cache.setPath("/Users/Chris/Documents/RCSB/Data/Protein_chains/cache/"); long start = System.nanoTime(); toSequenceFile(uri, pdbIds, true); long end = System.nanoTime(); System.out.println("Time: " + (end - start) / 1E9 + " sec."); }
/** * Returns the file name of the input structure: if user job it returns the path to the file in * the job dir, if precomputed it finds the file path in the local atom cache and creates a * symbolic link to it in the job dir * * @param directory Directory to search for the file * @param inputName either the input file name, or a PDB code * @param atomCachePath Path for downloaded CIF files * @return the path to the AU structure file in the job dir * @throws IOException if file is a user job file and can't be found, or if the input is a pdb id * and its file can't be found in atom cache */ public static File getAuFileName(File directory, String inputName, String atomCachePath) throws IOException { // inputName will be the full file name in user jobs and the pdbId for precomputed jobs File structFile = new File(directory, inputName); "Trying to find the structure file for input name '{}'. Searching file in {}", inputName, structFile.toString()); if (!structFile.exists()) { if (!inputName.matches("^\\d\\w\\w\\w$")) { throw new IOException( String.format( "Could not find file %s and the inputName '%s' does not look " + "like a PDB id. Can't produce the lattice graph page!", structFile, inputName)); } else { // it is like a PDB id, leave it to AtomCache AtomCache atomCache = null; if (atomCachePath == null) { atomCache = new AtomCache(); logger.warn( "Defaulting to downloading structures to {}. Please set the ATOM_CACHE_PATH property.", atomCache.getCachePath()); } else { atomCache = new AtomCache(atomCachePath); } atomCache.setUseMmCif(true); structFile = LatticeGUI.getFile(atomCache, inputName); if (structFile == null || !structFile.exists()) { logger.error( "The structure file {} does not exist in atom cache! Will not be able to display lattice graph", structFile); throw new IOException("Structure file " + structFile + " does not exist in atom cache"); } File sLink = new File(directory, structFile.getName()); if (!sLink.exists()) { // TODO downloading symlinks don't work with current server configuration, // TODO for now resorting to copy: must fix server config and do it with symlinks!"Copying to {} from file {}", sLink.toString(), structFile.toString()); Files.copy(structFile.toPath(), sLink.toPath()); // we create a symbolic link to the file in the atomcache dir //"Creating symbolic link {} to file {}", sLink.toString(), // structFile.toString()); // Files.createSymbolicLink(sLink.toPath(), structFile.toPath()); } // and finally if no exception is thrown we return the symbolic link structFile = sLink; } } return structFile; }
public void testOldSecOutput() throws Exception { String fileName = "/ce_1fdo.A_2iv2.X.out"; InputStream inStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName); assertNotNull("Could not find file " + fileName + " in resource path. Config error?", inStream); String xml = StringManipulationHelper.convertStreamToString(inStream); AtomCache cache = new AtomCache(); String name1 = "1FDO.A"; String name2 = "2IV2.X"; Atom[] ca1 = cache.getAtoms(name1); Atom[] ca2 = cache.getAtoms(name2); assertEquals(715, ca1.length); assertEquals(697, ca2.length); AFPChain afpChainOrig = AFPChainXMLParser.fromXML(xml, ca1, ca2); assertNotNull("Could not get AfpChain object from flat file!", afpChainOrig); assertEquals( "Could not find alignment string for prot 1", "MKKVVTVCPYCASGCKINLVVDNGKIVRAEAAQGKTNQGTLCLKGYYGWDFINDTQILTPRLKTPMIRRQRGGKLEPVSWDEALNYVAERLSAIKEKYGPDAIQTTGSSRGTGNETNYVMQKFARAVIGTNNVDCCARVUHGPSVA-----GLHQSVGNGAMSNAINEIDNTDLVFVFGYNPADSHPIVANHVINAKRNGAKIIVCDPRKIETARIADMHIALKNGSNIALLNAMGHVIIEENLYDKAFVASRTEGFEEYRKIVEGYTPESVEDITGVSASEIRQAARMYAQAKSAAILWGMGVTQFYQGVETVRSLTSLAMLTGNLGKPHAGVNPVRGQNNVQGACDMGALPDTYPGYQYVKDPANREKFAKAWGVESLPAHTGYRISELPHRAAHGEVRAAYIMGEDPLQTDAELSAVRKAFEDLELVIVQDIFMTKTASAADVILPSTSWGEHEGVFTAADRGFQRFFKAVEPKWDLKTDWQIISEIATRMGYPMHYNNTQEIWDELRHLCPDFYGATYEKMGELGFIQWPCRDTSDADQGTSYLFKEKFDTPNGLAQFFTCDWVAPIDKLTDEYPMVLSTVREVGHYSCRSMTGNCAALAALADEPGYAQINTEDAKRLGIEDEALVWVHSRKGKIITRAQVSDRPNKGAIYMTYQWWIGACNELVTENLSPITKTPEYKYCAVRVEPIADQRAAEQYVIDEYNKLKTRLREAALA", new String(afpChainOrig.getAlnseq1(), 0, afpChainOrig.getAlnLength())); assertEquals( "Could not find alignment string for prot 2", "MKKVVTVCPYCASGCKINLVVDNGKIVRAEAAQGKTNQGTLCLKGYYGWDFINDTQILTPRLKTPMIRRQRGGKLEPVSWDEALNYVAERLSAIKEKYGPDAIQTTGSSRGTGNETNYVMQKFARAVIGTNNVDCCAR-----VUHGPSVAGLHQSVGNGAMSNAINEIDNTDLVFVFGYNPADSHPIVANHVINAKRNGAKIIVCDPRKIETARIADMHIALKNGSNIALLNAMGHVIIEENLYDKAFVASRTEGFEEYRKIVEGYTPESVEDITGVSASEIRQAARMYAQAKSAAILWGMGVTQFYQGVETVRSLTSLAMLTGNLGKPHAGVNPVRGQNNVQGACDMGALPDTYPGYQYVKDPANREKFAKAWGVESLPAHTGYRISELPHRAAHGEVRAAYIMGEDPLQTDAELSAVRKAFEDLELVIVQDIFMTKTASAADVILPSTSWGEHEGVFTAADRGFQRFFKAVEPKWDLKTDWQIISEIATRMGYPMHYNNTQEIWDELRHLCPDFYGATYEKMGELGFIQWPCRDTSDADQGTSYLFKEKFDTPNGLAQFFTCDWVAPIDKLTDEYPMVLSTVREVGHYSCRSMTGNCAALAALADEPGYAQINTEDAKRLGIEDEALVWVHSRKGKIITRAQVSDRPNKGAIYMTYQWW------------------PEYKYCAVRVEPIADQRAAEQYVIDEYNKLKTRLREAALA", new String(afpChainOrig.getAlnseq2(), 0, afpChainOrig.getAlnLength())); // calc time is hardware dependent.... overwrite... afpChainOrig.setCalculationTime(-1); assertEquals( "alnLength is wrong! (" + afpChainOrig.getAfpChainLen() + ")", 720, afpChainOrig.getAlnLength()); assertEquals( "gapLength is wrong! (" + afpChainOrig.getGapLen() + ")", 28, afpChainOrig.getGapLen()); // identity should be 0.9569 assertTrue( "alinment ID is < 0.95 ! (" + afpChainOrig.getIdentity() + ")", afpChainOrig.getIdentity() > 0.95); assertTrue( "alignment ID is > 0.96 ! (" + afpChainOrig.getIdentity() + ")", afpChainOrig.getIdentity() < 0.96); String xmlComp = AFPChainXMLConverter.toXML(afpChainOrig, ca1, ca2); FlipAFPChainTest t = new FlipAFPChainTest(); t.printFirstMismatch(xml, xmlComp); StringManipulationTestsHelper.assertEqualsIgnoreEndline(xml, xmlComp); StructureAlignment ce = StructureAlignmentFactory.getAlgorithm(CeMain.algorithmName); AFPChain afpChainNew = ce.align(ca1, ca2); afpChainNew.setCalculationTime(-1); afpChainNew.setName1(name1); afpChainNew.setName2(name2); String xmlNew = AFPChainXMLConverter.toXML(afpChainNew, ca1, ca2); StringManipulationTestsHelper.assertEqualsIgnoreEndline(xml, xmlNew); }