Example #1
   * Increments the version of the instance.
   * @param connection the connection
   * @param commit true if version update should be committed immediately
   * @throws SQLException thrown in case of an underlying SQL error
   * @since 2.0.0
  public void incrementVersion(Connection connection, boolean commit) throws SQLException {
    if (!this.type.getRootType().hasVersionAttribute()) {

    final EntityTypeImpl<? super X> rootType = this.type.getRootType();

    final BasicAttribute<? super X, ?> version = rootType.getVersionAttribute();

    if (this.oldVersion == null) {
      switch (this.type.getVersionType()) {
        case SHORT:
          final short shortValue = (((Number) version.get(this.instance)).shortValue());
          this.oldVersion = shortValue;
          version.set(this.instance, shortValue + 1);

          ManagedInstance.LOG.debug("Version upgraded instance: {0} - {1}", this, shortValue);

        case SHORT_OBJECT:
          final Short shortObjValue =
              version.get(this.instance) == null
                  ? 0
                  : //
                  Short.valueOf((((Number) version.get(this.instance)).shortValue()));
          this.oldVersion = shortObjValue;

          version.set(this.instance, shortObjValue + 1);

          ManagedInstance.LOG.debug("Version upgraded instance: {0} - {1}", this, shortObjValue);


        case INT:
          final int intValue = (((Number) version.get(this.instance)).intValue());
          this.oldVersion = intValue;

          version.set(this.instance, intValue + 1);

          ManagedInstance.LOG.debug("Version upgraded instance: {0} - {1}", this, intValue);

        case INT_OBJECT:
          final Integer intObjValue =
              version.get(this.instance) == null
                  ? 0
                  : //
                  Integer.valueOf(((Number) version.get(this.instance)).intValue());
          this.oldVersion = intObjValue;

          version.set(this.instance, intObjValue + 1);

          ManagedInstance.LOG.debug("Version upgraded instance: {0} - {1}", this, intObjValue);

        case LONG:
          final long longValue = (((Number) version.get(this.instance)).longValue());
          this.oldVersion = longValue;

          version.set(this.instance, longValue + 1);

          ManagedInstance.LOG.debug("Version upgraded instance: {0} - {1}", this, longValue);

        case LONG_OBJECT:
          final Long longObjValue =
              version.get(this.instance) == null
                  ? 0l
                  : //
                  Long.valueOf((((Number) version.get(this.instance)).longValue()));
          this.oldVersion = longObjValue;

          version.set(this.instance, longObjValue + 1);

          ManagedInstance.LOG.debug("Version upgraded instance: {0} - {1}", this, longObjValue);


        case TIMESTAMP:
          final Timestamp value = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
          this.oldVersion = version.get(this.instance);

          version.set(this.instance, value);

          ManagedInstance.LOG.debug("Version upgraded instance: {0} - {1}", this, value);

    if (commit) {
      final Object newVersion = version.get(this.instance);
      rootType.performVersionUpdate(connection, this, this.oldVersion, newVersion);

          "Version committed instance: {0} - {1} -> {2}", this, this.oldVersion, newVersion);

      this.oldVersion = null;
    } else {