Example #1
    public void execute(final GUI gui) {
      final DialogExport dialog = new DialogExport(gui);
      if (!dialog.ok()) return;

      final IOFile root = new IOFile(dialog.path());

      // check if existing files will be overwritten
      if (root.exists()) {
        IO file = null;
        boolean overwrite = false;
        final Data d = gui.context.data();
        final IntList il = d.resources.docs();
        final int is = il.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < is; i++) {
          file = root.merge(Token.string(d.text(il.get(i), true)));
          if (file.exists()) {
            if (overwrite) {
              // more than one file will be overwritten; check remaining tests
              file = null;
            overwrite = true;
        if (overwrite) {
          // show message for overwriting files or directories
          final String msg = file == null ? FILES_REPLACE_X : FILE_EXISTS_X;
          if (file == null) file = root;
          if (!BaseXDialog.confirm(gui, Util.info(msg, file))) return;
      DialogProgress.execute(gui, new Export(root.path()));
Example #2
   * Extracts entries from the archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return text entries
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private TokenList extract(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);
    TokenSet hs = null;
    if (expr.length > 1) {
      // filter result to specified entries
      hs = new TokenSet();
      final Iter names = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
      for (Item en; (en = names.next()) != null; ) {

    final TokenList tl = new TokenList();
    final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    try {
      while (in.more()) {
        final ZipEntry ze = in.entry();
        if (ze.isDirectory()) continue;
        if (hs == null || hs.delete(token(ze.getName())) != 0) tl.add(in.read());
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return tl;
Example #3
   * Returns the entries of an archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return entries
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private Iter entries(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);

    final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder();
    final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    try {
      while (in.more()) {
        final ZipEntry ze = in.entry();
        if (ze.isDirectory()) continue;
        final FElem e = new FElem(Q_ENTRY, NS);
        long s = ze.getSize();
        if (s != -1) e.add(Q_SIZE, token(s));
        s = ze.getTime();
        if (s != -1) e.add(Q_LAST_MOD, new Dtm(s, info).string(info));
        s = ze.getCompressedSize();
        if (s != -1) e.add(Q_COMP_SIZE, token(s));
      return vb;
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      throw ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
Example #4
   * Returns the options of an archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return entries
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private FElem options(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);
    String format = null;
    int level = -1;

    final ArchiveIn arch = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    try {
      format = arch.format();
      while (arch.more()) {
        final ZipEntry ze = arch.entry();
        if (ze.isDirectory()) continue;
        level = ze.getMethod();
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {

    // create result element
    final FElem e = new FElem(Q_OPTIONS, NS);
    if (format != null) e.add(new FElem(Q_FORMAT).add(Q_VALUE, format));
    if (level >= 0) {
      final byte[] lvl = level == 8 ? DEFLATE : level == 0 ? STORED : UNKNOWN;
      e.add(new FElem(Q_ALGORITHM).add(Q_VALUE, lvl));
    return e;
Example #5
 public BXElem getDocumentElement() {
   final BXNList list = getChildNodes();
   for (int l = 0; l < list.getLength(); ++l) {
     final BXNode n = list.item(l);
     if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return (BXElem) n;
   throw Util.notExpected();
Example #6
 public Iter iter(final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException {
   final Value seq = qc.value(ts);
   for (final TypeCase tc : cases) {
     final Iter iter = tc.iter(qc, seq);
     if (iter != null) return iter;
   // will never happen
   throw Util.notExpected();
Example #7
 public Test intersect(final Test other) {
   if (other instanceof ExtTest || other instanceof DocTest) {
     return other.type.instanceOf(type) ? other : null;
   } else if (other instanceof KindTest) {
     return type.instanceOf(other.type) ? this : other.type.instanceOf(type) ? other : null;
   } else if (other instanceof NameTest || other instanceof InvDocTest) {
     throw Util.notexpected(other);
   return null;
Example #8
   * Parses a string as XML and adds the resulting nodes to the specified parent.
   * @param value string to parse
   * @param elem element
  public static void add(final byte[] value, final FElem elem) {

    try {
      final Parser parser = new XMLParser(new IOContent(value), MainOptions.get(), true);
      for (final ANode node : new DBNode(parser).children()) elem.add(node.copy());
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      // fallback: add string representation
Example #9
   * Creates a new archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return archive
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private B64 create(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final Iter entr = ctx.iter(expr[0]);
    final Iter cont = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
    final Item opt = expr.length > 2 ? expr[2].item(ctx, info) : null;
    final TokenMap map = new FuncParams(Q_OPTIONS, info).parse(opt);

    final byte[] f = map.get(FORMAT);
    final String format = f != null ? string(lc(f)) : "zip";
    final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(format, info);
    // check algorithm
    final byte[] alg = map.get(ALGORITHM);
    int level = ZipEntry.DEFLATED;
    if (alg != null) {
      if (format.equals("zip") && !eq(alg, STORED, DEFLATE)
          || format.equals("gzip") && !eq(alg, DEFLATE)) {
        ARCH_SUPP.thrw(info, ALGORITHM, alg);
      if (eq(alg, STORED)) level = ZipEntry.STORED;
      else if (eq(alg, DEFLATE)) level = ZipEntry.DEFLATED;

    try {
      int e = 0;
      int c = 0;
      Item en, cn;
      while (true) {
        en = entr.next();
        cn = cont.next();
        if (en == null || cn == null) break;
        if (out instanceof GZIPOut && c > 0)
          ARCH_ONE.thrw(info, format.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
        add(checkElmStr(en), cn, out, level);
      // count remaining entries
      if (cn != null) do c++; while (cont.next() != null);
      if (en != null) do e++; while (entr.next() != null);
      if (e != c) throw ARCH_DIFF.thrw(info, e, c);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      throw ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return new B64(out.toArray());
Example #10
   * Updates an archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return updated archive
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private B64 update(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);
    // entries to be updated
    final TokenObjMap<Item[]> hm = new TokenObjMap<Item[]>();

    final Iter entr = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
    final Iter cont = ctx.iter(expr[2]);
    int e = 0;
    int c = 0;
    Item en, cn;
    while (true) {
      en = entr.next();
      cn = cont.next();
      if (en == null || cn == null) break;
      hm.add(checkElmStr(en).string(info), new Item[] {en, cn});
    // count remaining entries
    if (cn != null) do c++; while (cont.next() != null);
    if (en != null) do e++; while (entr.next() != null);
    if (e != c) ARCH_DIFF.thrw(info, e, c);

    final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(in.format(), info);
    try {
      if (in instanceof GZIPIn) ARCH_MODIFY.thrw(info, in.format().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
      // delete entries to be updated
      while (in.more()) if (!hm.contains(token(in.entry().getName()))) out.write(in);
      // add new and updated entries
      for (final byte[] h : hm) {
        if (h == null) continue;
        final Item[] it = hm.get(h);
        add(it[0], it[1], out, ZipEntry.DEFLATED);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return new B64(out.toArray());
Example #11
   * Tests writing of request content when @src is set.
   * @throws IOException I/O Exception
  public void writeFromResource() throws IOException {
    // Create a file form which will be read
    final IOFile file = new IOFile(Prop.TMP, Util.className(FnHttpTest.class));

    // Request
    final HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
    req.payloadAttrs.put("src", file.url());
    req.payloadAttrs.put("method", "binary");
    // HTTP connection
    final FakeHttpConnection fakeConn = new FakeHttpConnection(new URL("http://www.test.com"));
    HttpClient.setRequestContent(fakeConn.getOutputStream(), req);

    // Delete file

    assertEquals(fakeConn.out.toString(Strings.UTF8), "test");
Example #12
 public Test intersect(final Test other) {
   if (other instanceof NodeTest) {
     final NodeTest o = (NodeTest) other;
     if (type != null && o.type != null && type != o.type) return null;
     final NodeType nt = type != null ? type : o.type;
     if (name != null && o.name != null && !name.eq(o.name)) return null;
     final QNm n = name != null ? name : o.name;
     final boolean both = ext != null && o.ext != null;
     final Type e = ext == null ? o.ext : o.ext == null ? ext : ext.intersect(o.ext);
     return both && e == null ? null : new NodeTest(nt, n, e, strip || o.strip);
   if (other instanceof KindTest) {
     return type.instanceOf(other.type) ? this : null;
   if (other instanceof NameTest) {
     throw Util.notExpected(other);
   return null;
Example #13
   * Deletes files from an archive.
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return updated archive
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private B64 delete(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64);
    // entries to be deleted
    final TokenObjMap<Item[]> hm = new TokenObjMap<Item[]>();
    final Iter names = ctx.iter(expr[1]);
    for (Item en; (en = names.next()) != null; ) {
      hm.add(checkElmStr(en).string(info), null);

    final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info);
    final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(in.format(), info);
    try {
      if (in instanceof GZIPIn) ARCH_MODIFY.thrw(info, in.format().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
      while (in.more()) if (!hm.contains(token(in.entry().getName()))) out.write(in);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex);
    } finally {
    return new B64(out.toArray());
Example #14
 public Test intersect(final Test other) {
   throw Util.notExpected(this);