Example #1
  * Returns the date in seconds.
  * @return seconds
 final BigDecimal seconds() {
   int z = tz;
   if (z == Short.MAX_VALUE) {
     // [CG] XQuery, DateTime: may be removed
     final long n = System.currentTimeMillis();
     z = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone().getOffset(n) / 60000;
   return (sec == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : sec)
       .add(BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.max(0, hou) * 3600 + Math.max(0, min) * 60 - z * 60));
Example #2
   * Adds the specified dayTime duration.
   * @param add value to be added
  private void add(final BigDecimal add) {
    // normalized modulo: sc % 60  vs.  (-sc + sc % 60 + 60 + sc) % 60
    final BigDecimal sc = sec().add(add);
    sec =
        sc.signum() >= 0
            ? sc.remainder(BD60)
            : sc.negate().add(sc.remainder(BD60)).add(BD60).add(sc).remainder(BD60);

    final long mn = Math.max(min(), 0) + div(sc.longValue(), 60);
    min = (byte) mod(mn, 60);
    final long ho = Math.max(hou, 0) + div(mn, 60);
    hou = (byte) mod(ho, 24);
    final long da = div(ho, 24);

    final long[] ymd = ymd(days().add(BigDecimal.valueOf(da)));
    yea = ymd[0];
    mon = (byte) ymd[1];
    day = (byte) ymd[2];
Example #3
  * Rounds values.
  * @param qc query context
  * @param even half-to-even flag
  * @return number
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 ANum round(final QueryContext qc, final boolean even) throws QueryException {
   final ANum num = toNumber(exprs[0], qc);
   final long p = exprs.length == 1 ? 0 : Math.max(Integer.MIN_VALUE, toLong(exprs[1], qc));
   return num == null ? null : p > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? num : num.round((int) p, even);
Example #4
   * Evaluates the specified query.
   * @param query query
   * @return success flag
  final boolean query(final String query) {
    final Performance p = new Performance();
    String error;
    if (exception != null) {
      error = Util.message(exception);
    } else {
      try {
        long hits = 0;
        final boolean run = options.get(MainOptions.RUNQUERY);
        final boolean serial = options.get(MainOptions.SERIALIZE);
        final int runs = Math.max(1, options.get(MainOptions.RUNS));
        for (int r = 0; r < runs; ++r) {
          // reuse existing processor instance
          if (r != 0) qp = null;
          qp(query, context);
          if (r == 0) plan(false);

          info.compiling += p.time();
          if (r == 0) plan(true);
          if (!run) continue;

          final PrintOutput po = r == 0 && serial ? out : new NullOutput();
          try (final Serializer ser = qp.getSerializer(po)) {
            if (maxResults >= 0) {
              result = qp.cache(maxResults);
              info.evaluating += p.time();
              hits = result.size();
            } else {
              hits = 0;
              final Iter ir = qp.iter();
              info.evaluating += p.time();
              for (Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null; ) {
          info.serializing += p.time();
        // dump some query info
        // out.flush();

        // remove string list if global locking is used and if query is updating
        if (soptions.get(StaticOptions.GLOBALLOCK) && qp.updating) {
          info.readLocked = null;
          info.writeLocked = null;
        return info(info.toString(qp, out.size(), hits, options.get(MainOptions.QUERYINFO)));

      } catch (final QueryException | IOException ex) {
        exception = ex;
        error = Util.message(ex);
      } catch (final ProcException ex) {
        error = INTERRUPTED;
      } catch (final StackOverflowError ex) {
        error = BASX_STACKOVERFLOW.desc;
      } catch (final RuntimeException ex) {
        throw ex;
      } finally {
        // close processor after exceptions
        if (qp != null) qp.close();
    return extError(error);
Example #5
  * Returns a day count.
  * @return days
 final BigDecimal days() {
   final long y = yea == Long.MAX_VALUE ? 1 : yea;
   return days(y + ADD_NEG, Math.max(mon, 0), Math.max(day, 0));
Example #6
   * Analyzes the specified patterns.
   * @param patterns patterns
   * @return picture variables
  private Picture[] analyze(final byte[][] patterns) {
    // pictures
    final int picL = patterns.length;
    final Picture[] pics = new Picture[picL];

    // analyze patterns
    for (int p = 0; p < picL; p++) {
      final byte[] pt = patterns[p];
      final Picture pic = new Picture();

      // position (integer/fractional)
      int pos = 0;
      // active character found
      boolean act = false;
      // number of characters after exponent
      int exp = -1;
      // number of optional characters
      final int[] opt = new int[2];

      // loop through all characters
      final int pl = pt.length;
      for (int i = 0, cl; i < pl; i += cl) {
        final int ch = ch(pt, i);
        cl = cl(pt, i);
        boolean active = contains(actives, ch);

        if (ch == decimal) {
          act = false;
        } else if (ch == optional) {
        } else if (ch == exponent) {
          if (act && containsActive(pt, i + cl)) {
            exp = 0;
          } else {
            active = false;
        } else if (ch == grouping) {
          if (pos == 0) pic.group[pos] = Array.add(pic.group[pos], pic.min[pos] + opt[pos]);
        } else if (contains(digits, ch)) {
          if (exp == -1) pic.min[pos]++;
          else exp++;

        if (active) {
          act = true;
        } else {
          // passive characters
          pic.pc |= ch == percent;
          pic.pm |= ch == permille;
          // prefixes/suffixes
          pic.prefSuf[pos == 0 && act ? pos + 1 : pos].add(ch);
      // finalize integer-part-grouping-positions
      final int[] igp = pic.group[0];
      final int igl = igp.length;
      for (int g = 0; g < igl; ++g) igp[g] = pic.min[0] + opt[0] - igp[g];

      // check if integer-part-grouping-positions are regular
      // if yes, they are replaced with a single position
      if (igl > 1) {
        boolean reg = true;
        final int i = igp[igl - 1];
        for (int g = igl - 2; g >= 0; --g) reg &= i * igl == igp[g];
        if (reg) pic.group[0] = new int[] {i};

      pic.maxFrac = pic.min[1] + opt[1];
      pic.minExp = Math.max(0, exp);
      pics[p] = pic;
    return pics;