private String createURI( String namespace, String name, DefType defType, Mode mode, String access, String qs) { if (mode == null) { try { mode = Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext().getMode(); } catch (Throwable t) { mode = Mode.AUTOJSTEST; // TODO: default to PROD } } String ret = String.format(GET_URI, namespace, name,, mode.toString(), access); if (qs != null) { ret = String.format("%s&%s", ret, qs); } return ret; }
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws ServletException, IOException { if (!Aura.getConfigAdapter().isTestAllowed()) { chain.doFilter(req, res); return; } TestContextAdapter testContextAdapter = Aura.get(TestContextAdapter.class); if (testContextAdapter == null) { chain.doFilter(req, res); return; } // Check for requests to execute a JSTest, i.e. initial component GETs with particular // parameters. HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; if ("GET".equals(request.getMethod())) { String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); String uri = request.getRequestURI(); String browserType = request.getParameter("aura.browserType"); if (browserType == null) { // read it from request header String ua = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT); if (ua != null) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); if (ua.contains("chrome")) { browserType = "GOOGLECHROME"; } else if (ua.contains("safari")) { browserType = "SAFARI"; } else if (ua.contains("firefox")) { browserType = "FIREFOX"; } else if (ua.contains("ipad")) { browserType = "IPAD"; } else if (ua.contains("iphone")) { browserType = "IPHONE"; } else if (ua.contains("msie 10")) { browserType = "IE10"; } else if (ua.contains("msie 9")) { browserType = "IE9"; } else if (ua.contains("msie 8")) { browserType = "IE8"; } else if (ua.contains("msie 7")) { browserType = "IE7"; } else if (ua.contains("msie 6")) { browserType = "IE6"; } else if (ua.contains("trident/7.0")) { browserType = "IE11"; } else if (ua.contains("edge/12")) { browserType = "IE12"; } else { browserType = "OTHER"; } } } String path; if (uri.startsWith(contextPath)) { path = uri.substring(contextPath.length()); } else { path = uri; } Matcher matcher = AuraRewriteFilter.DESCRIPTOR_PATTERN.matcher(path); if (matcher.matches()) { // Extract the target component since AuraContext usually does not have the app descriptor // set yet. DefType type = "app".equals( ? DefType.APPLICATION : DefType.COMPONENT; String namespace =; String name =; DefDescriptor<?> targetDescriptor = Aura.getDefinitionService() .getDefDescriptor( String.format("%s:%s", namespace, name), type.getPrimaryInterface()); // Check if a single jstest is being requested. String testToRun = jstestToRun.get(request); if (testToRun != null && !testToRun.isEmpty()) { AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(); Format format = context.getFormat(); switch (format) { case HTML: TestCaseDef testDef; TestContext testContext; String targetUri; try { TestSuiteDef suiteDef = getTestSuite(targetDescriptor); testDef = getTestCase(suiteDef, testToRun); testDef.validateDefinition(); testDef.setCurrentBrowser(browserType); testContextAdapter.getTestContext(testDef.getQualifiedName()); testContextAdapter.release(); testContext = testContextAdapter.getTestContext(testDef.getQualifiedName()); targetUri = buildJsTestTargetUri(targetDescriptor, testDef); } catch (QuickFixException e) { ((HttpServletResponse) res).setStatus(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); res.setCharacterEncoding(AuraBaseServlet.UTF_ENCODING); res.getWriter().append(e.getMessage()); Aura.getExceptionAdapter().handleException(e); return; } // Load any test mocks. Collection<Definition> mocks = testDef.getLocalDefs(); testContext.getLocalDefs().addAll(mocks); loadTestMocks(context, true, testContext.getLocalDefs()); // Capture the response and inject tags to load jstest. String capturedResponse = captureResponse(req, res, targetUri); if (capturedResponse != null) { res.setCharacterEncoding(AuraBaseServlet.UTF_ENCODING); if (!Aura.getContextService().isEstablished()) { // There was an error in the original response, so just write the response out. res.getWriter().write(capturedResponse); } else { String testTag = buildJsTestScriptTag(targetDescriptor, testToRun, capturedResponse); injectScriptTags(res.getWriter(), capturedResponse, testTag); } return; } case JS: res.setCharacterEncoding(AuraBaseServlet.UTF_ENCODING); writeJsTestScript(res.getWriter(), targetDescriptor, testToRun); return; default: // Pass it on. } } // aurajstest:jstest app is invokable in the following ways: // ?aura.mode=JSTEST - run all tests // ?aura.mode JSTEST&test=XXX - run single test // ?aura.jstest - run all tests // ?aura.jstest=XXX - run single test // ?aura.jstestrun - run all tests // TODO: delete JSTEST mode String jstestAppRequest = jstestAppFlag.get(request); Mode mode = AuraContextFilter.mode.get(request, Mode.PROD); if (mode == Mode.JSTEST || mode == Mode.JSTESTDEBUG || jstestAppRequest != null || testToRun != null) { mode = mode.toString().endsWith("DEBUG") ? Mode.AUTOJSTESTDEBUG : Mode.AUTOJSTEST; String qs = String.format("descriptor=%s:%s&defType=%s", namespace, name,; String testName = null; if (jstestAppRequest != null && !jstestAppRequest.isEmpty()) { testName = jstestAppRequest; } else if (testToRun != null && !testToRun.isEmpty()) { testName = testToRun; } if (testName != null) { qs = qs + "&test=" + testName; } String newUri = createURI( "aurajstest", "jstest", DefType.APPLICATION, mode,, qs); RequestDispatcher dispatcher = servletContext.getContext(newUri).getRequestDispatcher(newUri); if (dispatcher != null) { dispatcher.forward(req, res); return; } } } } // Handle mock definitions specified in the tests. TestContext testContext = getTestContext(request); if (testContext == null) { // During manual testing, the test context adapter may not always get cleared. testContextAdapter.clear(); } else { ContextService contextService = Aura.getContextService(); if (!contextService.isEstablished()) { LOG.error("Aura context is not established! New context will NOT be created."); chain.doFilter(req, res); return; } AuraContext context = contextService.getCurrentContext(); // Reset mocks if requested, or for the initial GET. boolean doResetMocks = testReset.get(request, Format.HTML.equals(context.getFormat())); loadTestMocks(context, doResetMocks, testContext.getLocalDefs()); } chain.doFilter(req, res); }
@Override public void write(T value, Map<String, Object> componentAttributes, Appendable out) throws IOException { try { AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(); InstanceService instanceService = Aura.getInstanceService(); RenderingService renderingService = Aura.getRenderingService(); BaseComponentDef def = value.getDescriptor().getDef(); ComponentDef templateDef = def.getTemplateDef(); Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); writeHtmlStyles(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(Aura.getConfigAdapter().getResetCssURL())), sb); attributes.put("auraResetCss", sb.toString()); sb.setLength(0); writeHtmlStyles(AuraServlet.getStyles(), sb); attributes.put("auraStyleTags", sb.toString()); sb.setLength(0); writeHtmlScripts(AuraServlet.getScripts(), sb); DefDescriptor<StyleDef> styleDefDesc = templateDef.getStyleDescriptor(); if (styleDefDesc != null) { attributes.put("auraInlineStyle", styleDefDesc.getDef().getCode()); } String contextPath = context.getContextPath(); Mode mode = context.getMode(); if (mode.allowLocalRendering() && def.isLocallyRenderable()) { BaseComponent<?, ?> cmp = (BaseComponent<?, ?>) instanceService.getInstance(def, componentAttributes); attributes.put("body", Lists.<BaseComponent<?, ?>>newArrayList(cmp)); attributes.put("bodyClass", ""); attributes.put("autoInitialize", "false"); Component template = instanceService.getInstance(templateDef.getDescriptor(), attributes); renderingService.render(template, out); } else { attributes.put("auraScriptTags", sb.toString()); Map<String, Object> auraInit = Maps.newHashMap(); if (componentAttributes != null && !componentAttributes.isEmpty()) { auraInit.put("attributes", componentAttributes); } auraInit.put("descriptor", def.getDescriptor()); auraInit.put("deftype", def.getDescriptor().getDefType()); auraInit.put("host", contextPath); attributes.put("autoInitialize", "false"); attributes.put("autoInitializeSync", "true"); auraInit.put("instance", value); auraInit.put("token", AuraBaseServlet.getToken()); StringBuilder contextWriter = new StringBuilder(); Aura.getSerializationService() .write(context, null, AuraContext.class, contextWriter, "JSON"); auraInit.put("context", new Literal(contextWriter.toString())); attributes.put("auraInitSync", JsonEncoder.serialize(auraInit)); Component template = instanceService.getInstance(templateDef.getDescriptor(), attributes); renderingService.render(template, out); } } catch (QuickFixException e) { throw new AuraRuntimeException(e); } }