  * Returns a cell from the given {@code JTable} using the given cell finder.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cellFinder knows how to find a cell.
  * @return the found cell, if any.
  * @throws NullPointerException if {@code cellFinder} is {@code null}.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the row or column indices in the found cell are out of
  *     bounds.
  * @throws ActionFailedException if a matching cell could not be found.
 public @Nonnull TableCell cell(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCellFinder cellFinder) {
   TableCell cell = cellFinder.findCell(table, cellReader());
   checkCellIndicesInBounds(table, cell);
   return cell;
 private static void requireEditableEqualTo(
     final @Nonnull JTable table, final @Nonnull TableCell cell, boolean editable) {
   boolean cellEditable =
               new GuiQuery<Boolean>() {
                 protected Boolean executeInEDT() {
                   return isCellEditable(table, cell);
       .as(cellProperty(table, concat(EDITABLE_PROPERTY, " ", cell)))
 private static @Nonnull Point scrollToPointAtCell(
     final @Nonnull JTable table,
     final @Nonnull TableCell cell,
     final @Nonnull JTableLocation location) {
   Point result =
           new GuiQuery<Point>() {
             protected Point executeInEDT() {
               scrollToCell(table, cell, location);
               return location.pointAt(table, cell.row, cell.column);
   return checkNotNull(result);
 static int matchingItemIndex(
     final @Nonnull JComboBox comboBox,
     final @Nonnull TextMatcher matcher,
     final @Nonnull JComboBoxCellReader cellReader) {
   Integer result =
           new GuiQuery<Integer>() {
             protected @Nullable Integer executeInEDT() {
               int itemCount = comboBox.getItemCount();
               for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
                 String value = cellReader.valueAt(comboBox, i);
                 if (value != null && matcher.isMatching(value)) {
                   return i;
               return -1;
   return Preconditions.checkNotNull(result);
 private void mouseMove(@Nonnull Component target, @Nonnull Point... points) {
   for (Point p : points) {
     robot.moveMouse(target, p.x, p.y);
  * Cancels editing the given cell of the {@code JTable}, using this driver's {@link
  * JTableCellWriter}. This method should be called after manipulating the {@code Component}
  * returned by {@link #cellEditor(JTable, TableCell)}.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the given cell.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} is disabled.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} is not showing on the screen.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} cell is not editable.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
  * @throws ActionFailedException if this writer is unable to handle the underlying cell editor.
  * @see #replaceCellWriter(JTableCellWriter)
 public void cancelCellEditing(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell) {
   cellWriter.cancelCellEditing(table, cell.row, cell.column);
  * Returns the editor in the given cell of the {@code JTable}, using this driver's {@link
  * JTableCellWriter}.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the given cell.
  * @return the editor in the given cell of the {@code JTable}.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} cell is not editable.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
  * @see #replaceCellWriter(JTableCellWriter)
 public Component cellEditor(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell) {
   return cellWriter.editorForCell(table, cell.row, cell.column);
  * Enters the given value in the given cell of the {@code JTable}, using this driver's {@link
  * JTableCellWriter}.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the given cell.
  * @param value the given value.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} is disabled.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} is not showing on the screen.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} cell is not editable.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
  * @throws ActionFailedException if this driver's {@code JTableCellValueReader} is unable to enter
  *     the given value.
  * @see #replaceCellWriter(JTableCellWriter)
 public void enterValueInCell(
     @Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell, @Nonnull String value) {
   cellWriter.enterValue(table, cell.row, cell.column, value);
  * Selects the given cell, if it is not selected already.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the cell to select.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} is disabled.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code JTable} is not showing on the screen.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
 public void selectCell(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell) {
   selectCell(table, cell.row, cell.column);
  * Returns the foreground colour of the given table cell.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the table cell.
  * @return the foreground colour of the given table cell.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
 public @Nullable Color foreground(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell) {
   return cellForeground(table, cell, cellReader());
  * Returns the background colour of the given table cell.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the table cell.
  * @return the background colour of the given table cell.
  * @throws ActionFailedException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws ActionFailedException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
 public Color background(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell) {
   return cellBackground(table, cell, cellReader());
  * Returns the font of the given table cell.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the table cell.
  * @return the font of the given table cell.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
 public @Nullable Font font(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell) {
   return cellFont(table, cell, cellReader());
  * Returns the {@code String} representation of the value at the given cell, using this driver's
  * {@link JTableCellReader}.
  * @param table the target {@code JTable}.
  * @param cell the table cell.
  * @return the {@code String} representation of the value at the given cell.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the cell is {@code null}.
  * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the indices (row and column) is out of bounds.
  * @see #replaceCellReader(JTableCellReader)
 public @Nullable String value(@Nonnull JTable table, @Nonnull TableCell cell) {
   return cellValue(table, cell, cellReader());
  * Interprets a printf-style format {@code String} for failed assertion messages. It is similar to
  * <code>{@link String#format(String, Object...)}</code>, except for:
  * <ol>
  *   <li>the value of the given <code>{@link Description}</code> is used as the first argument
  *       referenced in the format string
  *   <li>each of the arguments in the given array is converted to a {@code String} by invoking
  *       <code>{@link ToString#toStringOf(Object)}</code>.
  * </ol>
  * @param d the description of the failed assertion, may be {@code null}.
  * @param format the format string.
  * @param args arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string.
  * @throws NullPointerException if the format string is {@code null}.
  * @return A formatted {@code String}.
 public String format(Description d, String format, Object... args) {
   return descriptionFormatter.format(d) + String.format(format, format(args));