@Override public void actionPerformed() { ExtFileChooserDialog d = new ExtFileChooserDialog(0, _GUI._.ExportAllMenusAdvancedAction_actionPerformed(), null, null); d.setFileFilter(new FileFilter() { @Override public String getDescription() { return _GUI._.lit_directory(); } @Override public boolean accept(File f) { return f.isDirectory(); } }); d.setFileSelectionMode(FileChooserSelectionMode.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); d.setMultiSelection(false); d.setStorageID("menus"); d.setType(FileChooserType.SAVE_DIALOG); try { Dialog.getInstance().showDialog(d); File saveTo = d.getSelectedFile(); File file = null; int i = 0; while (file == null || file.exists()) { file = new File(saveTo, "JDownloader Menustructure " + i); i++; } file.mkdirs(); MenuManagerDownloadTabBottomBar.getInstance().exportTo(file); MenuManagerDownloadTableContext.getInstance().exportTo(file); MenuManagerLinkgrabberTabBottombar.getInstance().exportTo(file); MenuManagerLinkgrabberTableContext.getInstance().exportTo(file); MenuManagerMainToolbar.getInstance().exportTo(file); MenuManagerTrayIcon.getInstance().exportTo(file); MenuManagerMainmenu.getInstance().exportTo(file); CrossSystem.openFile(file); } catch (DialogClosedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (DialogCanceledException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { Dialog.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(_GUI._.lit_error_occured(), e1.getMessage(), e1); } catch (IOException e1) { Dialog.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(_GUI._.lit_error_occured(), e1.getMessage(), e1); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final ComboBoxDialog d = new ComboBoxDialog( 0, "Clone Translation", "Choose the Language you want to clone", owner.getTranslations().toArray(new TLocale[] {}), PRE == null ? 0 : owner.getTranslations().indexOf(PRE), new AbstractIcon(IconKey.ICON_LANGUAGE, 32), null, null, null); int ret; try { ret = Dialog.getInstance().showDialog(d); if (ret >= 0) { TLocale sel = owner.getTranslations().get(ret); PRE = sel; owner.setTranslation(selection, sel); } } catch (DialogClosedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (DialogCanceledException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Close Order: A B */ private static void test2() { final InputDialog dialog = new InputDialog(0, "title", "message", "defaultMessage", null, null, null); dialog.setLeftActions( new AbstractAction("CLICK HERE!!!") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3916626551625222343L; public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { Dialog.getInstance().showMessageDialog("INTERNAL"); System.out.println("Closed A"); } }); try { Dialog.getInstance().showDialog(dialog); } catch (final DialogClosedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (final DialogCanceledException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Closed B"); }
@Override public void run(Storage config, AbstractMyJDClientForDesktopJVM api) throws Exception { final String session = config.get("session", ""); final SessionInfo sessioninfo = JSonStorage.restoreFromString(session, SessionInfo.class); api.setSessionInfo(sessioninfo); api.reconnect(); Dialog.getInstance() .showMessageDialog( "Done. New SessionToken: " + JSonStorage.serializeToJson(api.getSessionInfo())); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final List<Archive> lArchives = getArchives(); if (!isEnabled() || lArchives == null) { return; } else { for (Archive archive : lArchives) { archive.setAutoExtract(isSelected() ? BooleanStatus.TRUE : BooleanStatus.FALSE); } if (JDGui.bugme(WarnLevel.NORMAL)) { Dialog.getInstance().showMessageDialog(Dialog.STYLE_SHOW_DO_NOT_DISPLAY_AGAIN, isSelected() ? org.jdownloader.extensions.extraction.translate.T._.set_autoextract_true() : org.jdownloader.extensions.extraction.translate.T._.set_autoextract_false()); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Dialog.getInstance() .showConfirmDialog( 0, _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_actionPerformed_dooptimization_title(), _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_actionPerformed_dooptimization_msg(1, "ff", "ggf"), new AbstractIcon(IconKey.ICON_OK, 32), _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_run_optimization(), _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_skip_optimization()); } catch (DialogClosedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DialogCanceledException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void showDialog(final PluginForHost pluginForHost, Account acc) { final AddAccountDialog dialog = new AddAccountDialog(pluginForHost, acc); try { Dialog.getInstance().showDialog(dialog); if (dialog.getHoster() == null) { return; } final Account ac = dialog.getAccount(); ac.setHoster(dialog.getHoster().getDisplayName()); if (!addAccount(ac)) { showDialog(dialog.getHoster().getPrototype(null), ac); } } catch (Throwable e) { org.appwork.utils.logging2.extmanager.LoggerFactory.getDefaultLogger().log(e); } }
public static ProgressDialog checkAccount(final Account ac) throws Throwable { ProgressDialog pd = new ProgressDialog( new ProgressGetter() { public void run() throws Exception { final PluginForHost hostPlugin = new PluginFinder().assignPlugin(ac, true); if (hostPlugin != null) { ac.setPlugin(hostPlugin); } AccountCheckJob job = AccountChecker.getInstance().check(ac, true); job.waitChecked(); } public String getString() { return null; } public int getProgress() { return -1; } @Override public String getLabelString() { return null; } }, 0, _GUI.T.accountdialog_check(), _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_msg(), DomainInfo.getInstance(ac.getHosterByPlugin()).getFavIcon()); try { Dialog.getInstance().showDialog(pd); } catch (DialogCanceledException e) { if (pd.getThrowable() == null) { throw e; } else { throw pd.getThrowable(); } } return pd; }
@Override protected void setStringValue(final String value, final AbstractNode object) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value) || object == null) { return; } File oldPath = LinkTreeUtils.getDownloadDirectory(object); File newPath = LinkTreeUtils.getDownloadDirectory(value, null, object); if (oldPath.equals(newPath)) { /* both paths are same, so nothing to do */ return; } if (object instanceof CrawledPackage) { LinkCollector.getInstance() .getQueue() .add( new QueueAction<Object, RuntimeException>( org.appwork.utils.event.queue.Queue.QueuePriority.HIGH) { @Override protected Object run() { ((CrawledPackage) object).setDownloadFolder(value); return null; } }); return; } else if (object instanceof CrawledLink) { final CrawledPackage p = ((CrawledLink) object).getParentNode(); try { Dialog.getInstance() .showConfirmDialog( Dialog.LOGIC_DONOTSHOW_BASED_ON_TITLE_ONLY | Dialog.STYLE_SHOW_DO_NOT_DISPLAY_AGAIN, _JDT.T.SetDownloadFolderAction_actionPerformed_(p.getName()), _JDT.T.SetDownloadFolderAction_msg(p.getName(), 1), null, _JDT.T.SetDownloadFolderAction_yes(), _JDT.T.SetDownloadFolderAction_no()); LinkCollector.getInstance() .getQueue() .add( new QueueAction<Object, RuntimeException>( org.appwork.utils.event.queue.Queue.QueuePriority.HIGH) { @Override protected Object run() { p.setDownloadFolder(value); return null; } }); return; } catch (DialogClosedException e) { return; } catch (DialogCanceledException e) { /* user clicked no */ } final CrawledPackage pkg = new CrawledPackage(); pkg.setExpanded(CFG_LINKCOLLECTOR.CFG.isPackageAutoExpanded()); if (TYPE.NORMAL != p.getType()) { final String pkgName; if (object instanceof AbstractPackageNode) { pkgName = LinknameCleaner.cleanFileName( object.getName(), false, true, LinknameCleaner.EXTENSION_SETTINGS.REMOVE_KNOWN, true); } else { pkgName = LinknameCleaner.cleanFileName( object.getName(), false, true, LinknameCleaner.EXTENSION_SETTINGS.REMOVE_ALL, true); } pkg.setName(pkgName); } else { pkg.setName(p.getName()); } pkg.setComment(p.getComment()); pkg.setDownloadFolder(value); final java.util.List<CrawledLink> links = new ArrayList<CrawledLink>(); links.add((CrawledLink) object); LinkCollector.getInstance() .getQueue() .add( new QueueAction<Object, RuntimeException>( org.appwork.utils.event.queue.Queue.QueuePriority.HIGH) { @Override protected Object run() { LinkCollector.getInstance().moveOrAddAt(pkg, links, -1); return null; } }); } }
public java.util.List<ReconnectResult> autoFind(final ProcessCallBack feedback) throws InterruptedException { StatsManager.I().track("reconnectAutoFind/start"); final java.util.List<ReconnectResult> scripts = new ArrayList<ReconnectResult>(); for (final RouterPlugin plg : ReconnectPluginController.this.plugins) { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } if (plg instanceof UPNPRouterPlugin || plg instanceof LiveHeaderReconnect) { try { feedback.setStatus(plg, null); java.util.List<ReconnectResult> founds = plg.runDetectionWizard(feedback); if (founds != null) { scripts.addAll(founds); } if (scripts.size() > 0) { break; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (scripts.size() > 0) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("plg", scripts.get(0).getInvoker().getPlugin().getID()); StatsManager.I().track("reconnectAutoFind/success", map); } else { StatsManager.I().track("reconnectAutoFind/failed"); } if (JsonConfig.create(ReconnectConfig.class).getOptimizationRounds() > 1 && scripts.size() > 0) { int i = 1; long bestTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; long optiduration = 0; for (ReconnectResult found : scripts) { bestTime = Math.min(bestTime, found.getSuccessDuration()); optiduration += found.getSuccessDuration() * (JsonConfig.create(ReconnectConfig.class).getOptimizationRounds() - 1) * 1.5; } try { Dialog.getInstance() .showConfirmDialog( 0, _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_actionPerformed_dooptimization_title(), _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_actionPerformed_dooptimization_msg( scripts.size(), TimeFormatter.formatMilliSeconds(optiduration, 0), TimeFormatter.formatMilliSeconds(bestTime, 0)), new AbstractIcon(IconKey.ICON_OK, 32), _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_run_optimization(), _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_skip_optimization()); feedback.setProgress(this, 0); for (int ii = 0; ii < scripts.size(); ii++) { ReconnectResult found = scripts.get(ii); feedback.setStatusString( this, _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_run_optimize(found.getInvoker().getName())); final int step = ii; found.optimize( new ProcessCallBackAdapter() { public void setProgress(Object caller, int percent) { feedback.setProgress( caller, (step) * (100 / scripts.size()) + percent / scripts.size()); } public void setStatusString(Object caller, String string) { feedback.setStatusString(caller, _GUI.T.AutoDetectAction_run_optimize(string)); } }); } } catch (DialogNoAnswerException e) { } } try { Collections.sort( scripts, new Comparator<ReconnectResult>() { public int compare(ReconnectResult o1, ReconnectResult o2) { return new Long(o1.getAverageSuccessDuration()) .compareTo(new Long(o2.getAverageSuccessDuration())); } }); } catch (final Throwable e) { org.appwork.utils.logging2.extmanager.LoggerFactory.getDefaultLogger().log(e); } return scripts; }
public static boolean addAccount(final Account ac) throws DialogNoAnswerException { try { checkAccount(ac); } catch (DialogNoAnswerException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { Dialog.getInstance() .showExceptionDialog( _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_failed(), _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_failed_msg(), e); } AccountError error = ac.getError(); String errorMessage = ac.getErrorString(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) { AccountInfo ai = ac.getAccountInfo(); if (ai != null) { errorMessage = ai.getStatus(); } } if (error != null) { switch (error) { case PLUGIN_ERROR: if (StringUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) { errorMessage = _JDT.T.AccountController_updateAccountInfo_status_plugin_defect(); } Dialog.getInstance().showMessageDialog(_GUI.T.accountdialog_check_invalid(errorMessage)); return false; case EXPIRED: Dialog.getInstance() .showConfirmDialog( 0, _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_expired_title(), _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_expired(ac.getUser()), null, _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_expired_renew(), null); AccountController.getInstance().addAccount(ac, false); return true; case TEMP_DISABLED: if (StringUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) { errorMessage = _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_failed(); } Dialog.getInstance().showMessageDialog(_GUI.T.accountdialog_check_result(errorMessage)); AccountController.getInstance().addAccount(ac, false); return true; default: case INVALID: if (StringUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) { errorMessage = _GUI.T.accountdialog_check_failed_msg(); } Dialog.getInstance().showMessageDialog(_GUI.T.accountdialog_check_invalid(errorMessage)); return false; } } else { String message = null; AccountInfo ai = ac.getAccountInfo(); if (ai != null) { message = ai.getStatus(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(message)) { message = _GUI.T.lit_yes(); } Dialog.getInstance().showMessageDialog(_GUI.T.accountdialog_check_valid(message)); AccountController.getInstance().addAccount(ac, false); return true; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void loadUnpacked() { URL ret = getClass().getResource("/"); File root; if (ret.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { try { root = new File(ret.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.exception(e); Log.L.finer("Did not load unpacked Extensions from " + ret); return; } } else { Log.L.finer("Did not load unpacked Extensions from " + ret); return; } root = new File(root, AbstractExtension.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/')); Log.L.finer("Load Extensions from: " + root.getAbsolutePath()); File[] folders = root.listFiles( new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory(); } }); ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader(); main: for (File f : folders) { File[] modules = f.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith("Extension.class"); } }); boolean loaded = false; for (File module : modules) { Class<?> cls; try { cls = cl.loadClass( AbstractExtension.class.getPackage().getName() + "." + module.getParentFile().getName() + "." + module.getName().substring(0, module.getName().length() - 6)); if (AbstractExtension.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { loaded = true; initModule((Class<AbstractExtension<?>>) cls); continue main; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.L.warning("Did not init Extension " + module + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.exception(e); Dialog.getInstance().showExceptionDialog("Error", e.getMessage(), e); } } if (!loaded) { Log.L.warning("Could not load any Extension Module from " + f); } } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final SelectionInfo<CrawledPackage, CrawledLink> finalSelecction = getSelection(); final String newName; final String newDownloadFolder; if (isMergePackages() && finalSelecction.getPackageViews().size() > 1) { if (isAskForNewDownloadFolderAndPackageName()) { try { final NewPackageDialog d = new NewPackageDialog(finalSelecction) { @Override public String getDontShowAgainKey() { return "ABSTRACTDIALOG_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN_" + SplitPackagesByHost.this.getClass().getSimpleName(); } }; Dialog.getInstance().showDialog(d); newName = d.getName(); newDownloadFolder = d.getDownloadFolder(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newName)) { return; } } catch (Throwable ignore) { return; } } else { newName = ""; newDownloadFolder = finalSelecction.getFirstPackage().getRawDownloadFolder(); } } else { newName = null; newDownloadFolder = null; } LinkCollector.getInstance() .getQueue() .add( new QueueAction<Void, RuntimeException>() { @Override protected Void run() throws RuntimeException { final HashMap<CrawledPackage, HashMap<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>>> splitMap = new HashMap<CrawledPackage, HashMap<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>>>(); int insertAt = -1; switch (getLocation()) { case BEFORE_SELECTION: insertAt = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } for (AbstractNode child : finalSelecction.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof CrawledLink) { final CrawledLink cL = (CrawledLink) child; final CrawledPackage parent = isMergePackages() ? null : cL.getParentNode(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>> parentMap = splitMap.get(parent); if (parentMap == null) { parentMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>>(); splitMap.put(parent, parentMap); } final String host = cL.getDomainInfo().getTld(); ArrayList<CrawledLink> hostList = parentMap.get(host); if (hostList == null) { hostList = new ArrayList<CrawledLink>(); parentMap.put(host, hostList); } hostList.add(cL); switch (getLocation()) { case AFTER_SELECTION: insertAt = Math.max( insertAt, LinkCollector.getInstance() .indexOf(((CrawledLink) child).getParentNode()) + 1); break; case BEFORE_SELECTION: insertAt = Math.min( insertAt, LinkCollector.getInstance() .indexOf(((CrawledLink) child).getParentNode())); break; case END_OF_LIST: insertAt = -1; break; case TOP_OF_LIST: insertAt = 0; break; } } } if (insertAt == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { insertAt = 0; } final String nameFactory = JsonConfig.create(LinkgrabberSettings.class) .getSplitPackageNameFactoryPattern(); final boolean merge = JsonConfig.create(LinkgrabberSettings.class).isSplitPackageMergeEnabled(); final HashMap<String, CrawledPackage> mergedPackages = new HashMap<String, CrawledPackage>(); final Iterator<Entry<CrawledPackage, HashMap<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>>>> it = splitMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Entry<CrawledPackage, HashMap<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>>> next = it.next(); // sourcePackage may be null final CrawledPackage sourcePackage = next.getKey(); final HashMap<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>> items = next.getValue(); final Iterator<Entry<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>>> it2 = items.entrySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { final Entry<String, ArrayList<CrawledLink>> next2 = it2.next(); final String host = next2.getKey(); final String newPackageName = getNewPackageName( nameFactory, sourcePackage == null ? newName : sourcePackage.getName(), host); final CrawledPackage newPkg; if (merge) { CrawledPackage destPackage = mergedPackages.get(newPackageName); if (destPackage == null) { destPackage = new CrawledPackage(); destPackage.setExpanded(CFG_LINKCOLLECTOR.CFG.isPackageAutoExpanded()); if (sourcePackage != null) { sourcePackage.copyPropertiesTo(destPackage); } else { destPackage.setDownloadFolder(newDownloadFolder); } destPackage.setName(newPackageName); mergedPackages.put(newPackageName, destPackage); } newPkg = destPackage; } else { newPkg = new CrawledPackage(); newPkg.setExpanded(CFG_LINKCOLLECTOR.CFG.isPackageAutoExpanded()); if (sourcePackage != null) { sourcePackage.copyPropertiesTo(newPkg); } else { newPkg.setDownloadFolder(newDownloadFolder); } newPkg.setName(newPackageName); } LinkCollector.getInstance().moveOrAddAt(newPkg, next2.getValue(), 0, insertAt); insertAt++; } } return null; } }); }