Example #1
   * Remove a child. ADDED 9/8/200 to support compilation. TODO: ***** Alternative is "removeMe()
   * from my parent if any" ... which is less well checked, but more convenient in some cases. Given
   * that we assume only experts are calling this class, it might be preferable. It's less DOMish,
   * though.
   * @param childETE The child to remove. This operation is a no-op if oldChild is not a child of
   *     this node.
   * @return the removed child, or null if the specified node was not a child of this element.
  public ElemTemplateElement removeChild(ElemTemplateElement childETE) {

    if (childETE == null || childETE.m_parentNode != this) return null;

    // Pointers to the child
    if (childETE == m_firstChild) m_firstChild = childETE.m_nextSibling;
    else {
      ElemTemplateElement prev = childETE.getPreviousSiblingElem();

      prev.m_nextSibling = childETE.m_nextSibling;

    // Pointers from the child
    childETE.m_parentNode = null;
    childETE.m_nextSibling = null;

    return childETE;
Example #2
   * Get a variable based on it's qualified name. This is for external use only.
   * @param xctxt The XPath context, which must be passed in order to lazy evaluate variables.
   * @param qname The qualified name of the variable.
   * @return The evaluated value of the variable.
   * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
  public XObject getVariableOrParam(XPathContext xctxt, org.apache.xml.utils.QName qname)
      throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException {

    org.apache.xml.utils.PrefixResolver prefixResolver = xctxt.getNamespaceContext();

    // Get the current ElemTemplateElement, which must be pushed in as the
    // prefix resolver, and then walk backwards in document order, searching
    // for an xsl:param element or xsl:variable element that matches our
    // qname.  If we reach the top level, use the StylesheetRoot's composed
    // list of top level variables and parameters.

    if (prefixResolver instanceof org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement) {

      org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemVariable vvar;

      org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement prev =
          (org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement) prefixResolver;

      if (!(prev instanceof org.apache.xalan.templates.Stylesheet)) {
        while (!(prev.getParentNode() instanceof org.apache.xalan.templates.Stylesheet)) {
          org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement savedprev = prev;

          while (null != (prev = prev.getPreviousSiblingElem())) {
            if (prev instanceof org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemVariable) {
              vvar = (org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemVariable) prev;

              if (vvar.getName().equals(qname)) return getLocalVariable(xctxt, vvar.getIndex());
          prev = savedprev.getParentElem();

      vvar = prev.getStylesheetRoot().getVariableOrParamComposed(qname);
      if (null != vvar) return getGlobalVariable(xctxt, vvar.getIndex());

    throw new javax.xml.transform.TransformerException(
            new Object[] {qname.toString()})); // "Variable not resolvable: " + qname);
Example #3
   * Replace the old child with a new child.
   * @param newChildElem New child to replace with
   * @param oldChildElem Old child to be replaced
   * @return The new child
   * @throws DOMException
  public ElemTemplateElement replaceChild(
      ElemTemplateElement newChildElem, ElemTemplateElement oldChildElem) {

    if (oldChildElem == null || oldChildElem.getParentElem() != this) return null;

    // Fix up previous sibling.
    ElemTemplateElement prev = oldChildElem.getPreviousSiblingElem();

    if (null != prev) prev.m_nextSibling = newChildElem;

    // Fix up parent (this)
    if (m_firstChild == oldChildElem) m_firstChild = newChildElem;

    newChildElem.m_parentNode = this;
    oldChildElem.m_parentNode = null;
    newChildElem.m_nextSibling = oldChildElem.m_nextSibling;
    oldChildElem.m_nextSibling = null;

    // newChildElem.m_stylesheet = oldChildElem.m_stylesheet;
    // oldChildElem.m_stylesheet = null;
    return newChildElem;