private com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Table restoreTable(Tables db_table) throws TorqueException { com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Table table = factory.createTable(); table.setName(db_table.getName()); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(TabularDataKeysPeer.COLUMN_NUMBER); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TabularDataKeys> db_tdk_l = db_table.getTabularDataKeyss(crit); com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.ColumnNames colnames = factory.createColumnNames(); for (TabularDataKeys db_tdk : db_tdk_l) colnames.getColumnName().add(restoreColumnName(db_tdk)); table.setColumnNames(colnames); crit.clear(); crit.addJoin(TabularDataPeer.TABLE_ID, TabularDataKeysPeer.TABLE_ID); crit.addJoin(TabularDataPeer.COLUMN_NAME, TabularDataKeysPeer.COLUMN_NAME); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(TabularDataPeer.ROW_NUMBER); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(TabularDataKeysPeer.COLUMN_NUMBER); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TabularData> db_td_l = db_table.getTabularDatas(crit); com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.Row row = null; Integer rownum = null; java.util.Iterator<com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.ColumnName> citer = null; for (TabularData db_td : db_td_l) { if (null != rownum && !rownum.equals(db_td.getRowNumber())) { table.getRow().add(row); row = null; } if (null == row) { row = factory.createRow(); citer = colnames.getColumnName().iterator(); } while (citer.hasNext()) { com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.ColumnName colname =; if (colname.getValue().equals(db_td.getColumnName())) { row.getColumn().add(db_td.getValue()); break; } else { row.getColumn().add(null); logger.warn( "Column " + colname.getValue() + " skipped (table=" + db_td.getId() + ", row=" + db_td.getRowNumber() + ")"); } } } if (null != row) table.getRow().add(row); return table; }
/** * selects a collection of OrdenTrabajo objects pre-filled with their Trabajador objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in OrdenTrabajoPeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List doSelectJoinTrabajador(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); OrdenTrabajoPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); int offset = numColumns + 1; TrabajadorPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); criteria.addJoin(OrdenTrabajoPeer.RESPONSABLE_ID, TrabajadorPeer.ID); List rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); List results = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = (Record) rows.get(i); Class omClass = OrdenTrabajoPeer.getOMClass(); OrdenTrabajo obj1 = (OrdenTrabajo) OrdenTrabajoPeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = TrabajadorPeer.getOMClass(); Trabajador obj2 = (Trabajador) TrabajadorPeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { OrdenTrabajo temp_obj1 = (OrdenTrabajo) results.get(j); Trabajador temp_obj2 = (Trabajador) temp_obj1.getTrabajador(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; break; } } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
public DBOutputWriter(Scenario scenario) { super(scenario); try { db_scenario = ScenariosPeer.retrieveByPK(str2id(scenario.getId())); } catch (NoRowsException exc) { logger.error("Scenario " + str2id(scenario.getId()) + " was not found in the database"); } catch (TooManyRowsException exc) { logger.error("Data integrity violation", exc); } catch (TorqueException exc) { logger.error("Could not load scenario " + str2id(scenario.getId()), exc); } db_vehicle_type = new VehicleTypes[scenario.getNumVehicleTypes()]; if (null != db_scenario) {"Loading vehicle types"); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addJoin(VehicleTypesPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID, VehicleTypesInSetsPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID); crit.add(VehicleTypesInSetsPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_SET_ID, db_scenario.getVehicleTypeSetId()); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<VehicleTypes> db_vt_l = VehicleTypesPeer.doSelect(crit); for (VehicleTypes db_vt : db_vt_l) for (int i = 0; i < scenario.getNumVehicleTypes(); ++i) if (db_vt.getName().equals(scenario.getVehicleTypeNames()[i])) db_vehicle_type[i] = db_vt; } catch (TorqueException exc) { logger.error("Failed to load vehicle types for scenario " + db_scenario.getId(), exc); } } }
private com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.VehicleTypes restoreVehicleTypes(VehicleTypeSets db_vtsets) throws TorqueException { if (null == db_vtsets) return null; Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addJoin(VehicleTypesInSetsPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID, VehicleTypesPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID); crit.add(VehicleTypesInSetsPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_SET_ID, db_vtsets.getId()); crit.add(VehicleTypesPeer.PROJECT_ID, db_vtsets.getProjectId()); crit.addAscendingOrderByColumn(VehicleTypesPeer.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<VehicleTypes> db_vt_l = VehicleTypesPeer.doSelect(crit); if (db_vt_l.isEmpty()) return null; com.relteq.sirius.jaxb.VehicleTypes vtypes = factory.createVehicleTypes(); for (VehicleTypes db_vt : db_vt_l) vtypes.getVehicleType().add(restoreVehicleType(db_vt)); return vtypes; }
/** * selects a collection of TRoleListType objects pre-filled with their TListType objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in TRoleListTypePeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List<TRoleListType> doSelectJoinTListType(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); TRoleListTypePeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); int offset = numColumns + 1; TListTypePeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); criteria.addJoin(TRoleListTypePeer.LISTTYPE, TListTypePeer.PKEY); correctBooleans(criteria); List<Record> rows; if (conn == null) { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); } else { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria, conn); } List<TRoleListType> results = new ArrayList<TRoleListType>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = rows.get(i); Class omClass = TRoleListTypePeer.getOMClass(); TRoleListType obj1 = (TRoleListType) TRoleListTypePeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = TListTypePeer.getOMClass(); TListType obj2 = (TListType) TListTypePeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { TRoleListType temp_obj1 = results.get(j); TListType temp_obj2 = (TListType) temp_obj1.getTListType(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; temp_obj2.addTRoleListType(obj1); break; } } if (newObject) { obj2.initTRoleListTypes(); obj2.addTRoleListType(obj1); } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
/** * selects a collection of TOption objects pre-filled with their TBLOB objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in TOptionPeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List<TOption> doSelectJoinTBLOB(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); TOptionPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); int offset = numColumns + 1; TBLOBPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); criteria.addJoin(TOptionPeer.ICONKEY, TBLOBPeer.OBJECTID); correctBooleans(criteria); List<Record> rows; if (conn == null) { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); } else { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria, conn); } List<TOption> results = new ArrayList<TOption>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = rows.get(i); Class omClass = TOptionPeer.getOMClass(); TOption obj1 = (TOption) TOptionPeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = TBLOBPeer.getOMClass(); TBLOB obj2 = (TBLOB) TBLOBPeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { TOption temp_obj1 = results.get(j); TBLOB temp_obj2 = (TBLOB) temp_obj1.getTBLOB(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; temp_obj2.addTOption(obj1); break; } } if (newObject) { obj2.initTOptions(); obj2.addTOption(obj1); } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
/** * selects a collection of System_Log objects pre-filled with their User objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in System_LogPeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List doSelectJoinUser(Criteria c) throws TorqueException { // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden // c.getDbName will return the same object if not set to // another value so == check is okay and faster if (c.getDbName() == Torque.getDefaultDB()) { c.setDbName(DATABASE_NAME); } System_LogPeer.addSelectColumns(c); int offset = numColumns + 1; UserPeer.addSelectColumns(c); c.addJoin(System_LogPeer.USER_ID, UserPeer.USER_ID); List rows = BasePeer.doSelect(c); List results = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = (Record) rows.get(i); Class omClass = System_LogPeer.getOMClass(); System_Log obj1 = (System_Log) System_LogPeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = UserPeer.getOMClass(); User obj2 = (User) UserPeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { System_Log temp_obj1 = (System_Log) results.get(j); User temp_obj2 = (User) temp_obj1.getUser(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; temp_obj2.addSystem_Log(obj1); break; } } if (newObject) { obj2.initSystem_Logs(); obj2.addSystem_Log(obj1); } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
/** * Gets the custom option attributeValueBeans for a prepared criteria * * @param preparedCriteria * @return * @throws TorqueException */ private static List<TAttributeValueBean> getReportCustomOptionAttributeValues( Criteria preparedCriteria) throws TorqueException { preparedCriteria.addJoin(BaseTWorkItemPeer.WORKITEMKEY, BaseTAttributeValuePeer.WORKITEM); preparedCriteria.addJoin(BaseTAttributeValuePeer.CUSTOMOPTIONID, BaseTOptionPeer.OBJECTID); return convertTorqueListToBeanList(doSelect(preparedCriteria)); }
/** * Gets the attributeValueBeans for a prepared criteria * * @param preparedCriteria * @return * @throws TorqueException */ private static List<TAttributeValueBean> getCustomAttributeValues(Criteria preparedCriteria) throws TorqueException { preparedCriteria.addJoin(TWorkItemPeer.WORKITEMKEY, TAttributeValuePeer.WORKITEM); return convertTorqueListToBeanList(doSelect(preparedCriteria)); }