Example #1
   * Invoked when a component's end tag is reached, to check and process informal parameters as per
   * the {@link org.apache.tapestry5.model.EmbeddedComponentModel#getInheritInformalParameters()}
   * flag.
   * @param loadingComponent the container component that was loaded
   * @param model
   * @param newComponent
   * @param newComponentBindings
  private void handleInformalParameters(
      ComponentPageElement loadingComponent,
      EmbeddedComponentModel model,
      ComponentPageElement newComponent,
      ComponentModel newComponentModel,
      Map<String, Binding> newComponentBindings) {

    Map<String, Binding> informals = loadingComponent.getInformalParameterBindings();

    for (String name : informals.keySet()) {
      if (newComponentModel.getParameterModel(name) != null) continue;

      Binding binding = informals.get(name);

      newComponent.bindParameter(name, binding);
      newComponentBindings.put(name, binding);