/* (非 Javadoc) * @see jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.struts.BaseAction#doMainProcessing(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.common.UserContainer) */ public ActionForward doMainProcessing( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserContainer container) throws ApplicationException { // -----ActionErrorsの宣言(定型処理)----- ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); // 検索条件があればクリアする。 removeFormBean(mapping, request); // 検索条件をフォームをセットする。 ShozokuSearchForm searchForm = new ShozokuSearchForm(); // ------プルダウンデータセット searchForm.setShubetuCdList(LabelValueManager.getKikanShubetuCdList()); // 機関種別リスト searchForm.setBukyokuSearchFlgList( LabelValueManager.getBukyokuSearchFlgList()); // 部局担当者検索フラグリスト updateFormBean(mapping, request, searchForm); // -----画面遷移(定型処理)----- if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); return forwardFailure(mapping); } return forwardSuccess(mapping); }
/** * Override to provide population of current form with request parameters when validation fails. * * @see org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm#validate(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) */ public org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors validate( org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping mapping, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) { final org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request); if (errors != null && !errors.isEmpty()) { // we populate the current form with only the request parameters Object currentForm = request.getSession().getAttribute("form"); // if we can't get the 'form' from the session, try from the request if (currentForm == null) { currentForm = request.getAttribute("form"); } if (currentForm != null) { final java.util.Map parameters = new java.util.HashMap(); for (final java.util.Enumeration names = request.getParameterNames(); names.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String name = String.valueOf(names.nextElement()); parameters.put(name, request.getParameter(name)); } try { org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.populate(currentForm, parameters); } catch (java.lang.Exception populateException) { // ignore if we have an exception here (we just don't populate). } } } return errors; }
/** * Gobal Action, this action prepares to show glAcctDefaultList.JSP. The form Allows the operator * to select the account to be modified or click add or delete. */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws javax.servlet.ServletException, java.io.IOException { // AppLog.trace("ShowGlAccountDefaultList action doPerfrom"); ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); DbUserSession sessionUser = SessionHelpers.getUserSession(request); if (sessionUser == null) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.login.invalid")); } try { // Set collections in session SessionHelpers.setGlAccountDefaultListInSession(request); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { logger.error("Persistence Exception in ShowGlAccountDefaultList.doPerform. " + pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.PersistenceException", pe.getCause())); } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Exception in ShowGlAccountDefaultList.doPerform. ", pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.GeneralException", pe.getMessage())); } // Check for any errors so far if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); } return mapping.findForward("showGlAcctDefaultListJsp"); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 削除(TODO情報)ボタンクリック時の入力チェックを行う <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param con コネクション * @param buMdl セッションユーザ情報 * @param reqMdl RequestModel * @return エラー * @throws SQLException SQL実行例外 */ public ActionErrors validateDelTodo(Connection con, BaseUserModel buMdl, RequestModel reqMdl) throws SQLException { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); ActionMessage msg = null; GsMessage gsMsg = new GsMessage(reqMdl); // 削除 String textDelete = gsMsg.getMessage("cmn.delete"); PrjCommonBiz pcBiz = new PrjCommonBiz(con, gsMsg, reqMdl); if (!pcBiz.getTodoEditKengen(getPrj030prjSid(), buMdl)) { msg = new ActionMessage("error.not.edit.permissions.project", textDelete); StrutsUtil.addMessage( errors, msg, "prj030selectEditStatus.error.not.edit.permissions.project"); return errors; } // 選択されたTODO if (prj030selectTodo__ == null || prj030selectTodo__.length < 1) { msg = new ActionMessage("error.select.required.text", GSConstProject.MSG_TODO); StrutsUtil.addMessage(errors, msg, "prj030selectTodo.error.select.required.text"); } if (errors.isEmpty()) { List<Integer> prjSidList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); prjSidList.add(getPrj030prjSid()); validateCanEditTodo(errors, con, buMdl, prjSidList, "prj030selectTodo", textDelete, reqMdl); } return errors; }
public ActionForward editEscalation( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value boolean editSuccess = false; String flag = null; try { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); UserDetailsDTO userDetails = (UserDetailsDTO) session.getAttribute("USER_INFO"); EscalationForm escalationForm = (EscalationForm) form; String requestNo = escalationForm.getWorkflow_escalation_id(); System.out.println("EDIT ACTION------------" + requestNo); if (escalationForm != null) { String userName = userDetails.getUserLoginId(); escalationForm.setModified_by(userName); EscalationDTO escalationDTO = new EscalationDTO(); EscalationDao escalationDaoImpl = new EscalationDaoImpl(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(escalationDTO, escalationForm); editSuccess = escalationDaoImpl.editEscalation(escalationDTO, requestNo); if (editSuccess == true) { flag = "editsuccessful"; request.setAttribute("editSuccess", flag); request.setAttribute("escalationID", requestNo); request.setAttribute("escalationType", escalationDTO.getEscalation_type()); } } } catch (Exception exp) { errors.add("editCategory", new ActionError("")); saveErrors(request, errors); return mapping.findForward("InitEditEscalation"); } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); // Forward control to the appropriate 'failure' URI (change name as desired) forward = mapping.findForward("EditEscalation"); } else { // Forward control to the appropriate 'success' URI (change name as desired) errors.add("editCategory", new ActionError("message.success")); saveErrors(request, errors); forward = mapping.findForward("EditEscalationSuccess"); request.setAttribute("errorFlag", "1"); } // Finish with return (forward); }
public ActionForward submit( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (form instanceof MaintenanceRequestForm) { ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages(); MaintenanceRequestForm maintenfrm = (MaintenanceRequestForm) form; ActionErrors actionErrors = maintenfrm.validate(mapping, request); if (actionErrors.isEmpty()) { Long aptid = (Long) request.getSession().getAttribute("aptID"); try { MaintenanceRequestDAO maintenanceRequestDAO = new MaintenanceRequestDAO(); MaintenanceRequest maintenanceRequest = new MaintenanceRequest(); maintenanceRequest = this.mapFormToVO( maintenfrm, maintenanceRequest, aptid, (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("userName")); maintenanceRequestDAO.save(maintenanceRequest); CreateMaintenceRequest createMaintenceRequest = new CreateMaintenceRequest( maintenanceRequest, (Long) request.getSession().getAttribute("userId")); createMaintenceRequest.execute(); CreateMaintenceRequestSMS createMaintenceRequestSMS = new CreateMaintenceRequestSMS( maintenanceRequest, (Long) request.getSession().getAttribute("userId")); createMaintenceRequestSMS.execute(); reset(mapping, request); messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("main.Updated")); saveMessages(request, messages); request.setAttribute("message", "message"); maintenfrm.setMaintenanceLocation(""); maintenfrm.setMaintenanceRequest(""); maintenfrm.setDescription(""); maintenfrm.setPermission(false); return mapping.findForward("success"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { saveErrors(request, actionErrors); return mapping.findForward("input"); } } return mapping.findForward("input"); }
/** * Ejecuta la validacion en la p\u00E1gina JSP <code>redactarMail.jsp</code> * * @param mapping El mapeo utilizado para seleccionar esta instancia * @param request La petici\u00F3n que se est\u00E1 procesando * @return errors Coleccion de errores producidos por la validaci\u00F3n, si no hubieron errores * se retorna <code>null</code> */ public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); PropertyValidator validar = new PropertyValidatorImpl(); try { if (request.getParameter("ayuda") != null && request.getParameter("ayuda").equals("siEnviarEmail")) { LogSISPE.getLog().info("request redactarMail"); validar.validateMandatory( errors, "emailContacto", this.emailEnviarCotizacion, "errors.requerido", "Para"); if (errors.isEmpty()) { validar.validateFormato( errors, "emailContacto", this.emailEnviarCotizacion, false, "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+@[A-Za-z0-9_]|[A-Za-z0-9_]+@[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_]", "errors.formato.email"); } if (this.ccMail != null && !this.ccMail.trim().isEmpty()) { validar.validateFormato( errors, "emailContactoConCopia", this.ccMail, false, "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+@[A-Za-z0-9_]|[A-Za-z0-9_]+@[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9_]", "errors.formato.email"); } validar.validateMandatory( errors, "asuntoMail", this.asuntoMail, "errors.requerido", "Asunto"); validar.validateMandatory( errors, "textoMail", this.textoMail, "errors.requerido", "Contenido"); request .getSession() .setAttribute( "ec.com.smx.sic.sispe.textoMail", this.textoMail != null ? this.textoMail : ""); request .getSession() .setAttribute( "ec.com.smx.sic.sispe.asuntoMail", this.asuntoMail != null ? this.asuntoMail : ""); request .getSession() .setAttribute( "ec.com.smx.sic.sispe.paraMail", this.emailEnviarCotizacion != null ? this.emailEnviarCotizacion : ""); if (errors.size() > 0) { request.getSession().setAttribute(SessionManagerSISPE.MENSAJES_SISPE, "ok"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogSISPE.getLog().error("error de aplicaci\u00F3n", ex); } return errors; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm#validate(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) */ @Override public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request); if (errors == null) { errors = new ActionErrors(); } if (!empty(baselineDataSetVal)) { try { long freq = Long.parseLong(baselineDataSetVal); // 1h table holds at most 14 days worth of data, make sure we don't set a dataset more than // that if (freq > 14) { ActionMessage errorMessage = new ActionMessage("admin.settings.BadBaselineDataSetVal"); errors.add("baselineDataSetVal", errorMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { ActionMessage errorMessage = new ActionMessage("admin.settings.BadBaselineDataSetVal"); errors.add("baselineDataSetVal", errorMessage); } } if (!empty(agentMaxQuietTimeAllowedVal)) { try { long val = Long.parseLong(agentMaxQuietTimeAllowedVal); // we should never allow a quiet time threshold to be less than 2 minutes if (val < 2) { ActionMessage errorMessage = new ActionMessage("admin.settings.BadAgentMaxQuietTimeAllowedVal"); errors.add("agentMaxQuietTimeAllowedVal", errorMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { ActionMessage errorMessage = new ActionMessage("admin.settings.BadAgentMaxQuietTimeAllowedVal"); errors.add("agentMaxQuietTimeAllowedVal", errorMessage); } } checkForBadNumber(errors, this.maintIntervalVal, "maintIntervalVal"); checkForBadNumber(errors, this.rtPurgeVal, "rtPurgeVal"); checkForBadNumber(errors, this.alertPurgeVal, "alertPurgeVal"); checkForBadNumber(errors, this.eventPurgeVal, "eventPurgeVal"); checkForBadNumber(errors, this.traitPurgeVal, "traitPurgeVal"); checkForBadNumber(errors, this.availPurgeVal, "availPurgeVal"); checkForBadNumber(errors, this.baselineFrequencyVal, "baselineFrequencyVal"); if (errors.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return errors; } }
protected DataResult performSearch(RequestContext context) { HttpServletRequest request = context.getRequest(); String searchString = (String) request.getAttribute(SEARCH_STR); String viewMode = (String) request.getAttribute(VIEW_MODE); String whereToSearch = (String) request.getAttribute(WHERE_TO_SEARCH); Boolean invertResults = StringUtils.defaultString((String) request.getAttribute(INVERT_RESULTS)).equals("on"); Boolean isFineGrained = (Boolean) request.getAttribute(FINE_GRAINED); ActionErrors errs = new ActionErrors(); DataResult dr = null; try { dr = SystemSearchHelper.systemSearch( context, searchString, viewMode, invertResults, whereToSearch, isFineGrained); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("Caught Exception :" + e, e); errs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("packages.search.connection_error")); } catch (XmlRpcFault e) { log.info("Caught Exception :" + e + ", code [" + e.getErrorCode() + "]", e); if (e.getErrorCode() == 100) { log.error("Invalid search query", e); errs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("packages.search.could_not_parse_query", searchString)); } else if (e.getErrorCode() == 200) { log.error("Index files appear to be missing: ", e); errs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("packages.search.index_files_missing", searchString)); } else { errs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("packages.search.could_not_execute_query", searchString)); } } catch (XmlRpcException e) { log.error("Caught Exception :" + e, e); errs.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("packages.search.connection_error")); } if (dr == null) { ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages(); messages.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("systemsearch_no_matches_found")); getStrutsDelegate().saveMessages(request, messages); } if (!errs.isEmpty()) { addErrors(request, errs); } return dr; }
@TransactionDemarcate(joinToken = true) public ActionForward captureQuestionResponses( final ActionMapping mapping, final ActionForm form, final HttpServletRequest request, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { request.setAttribute(METHODCALLED, "captureQuestionResponses"); ActionErrors errors = createGroupQuestionnaire.validateResponses(request, (LoanDisbursementActionForm) form); if (errors != null && !errors.isEmpty()) { addErrors(request, errors); return mapping.findForward(ActionForwards.captureQuestionResponses.toString()); } return createGroupQuestionnaire.rejoinFlow(mapping); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 入力チェックを行う <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param con コネクション * @param req リクエスト * @return errors エラー * @throws SQLException SQL実行時例外 */ public ActionErrors validateCheck(Connection con, HttpServletRequest req) throws SQLException { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); ActionMessage msg = null; errors = GSValidateCommon.validateDateFieldText(errors, baseDay__, "baseDay", "取得開始日", false); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { return errors; } selfDataOnTop__ = NullDefault.getString(selfDataOnTop__, "1"); if (!GSValidateUtil.isNumber(selfDataOnTop__)) { msg = new ActionMessage("error.input.number.hankaku", "自己データ表示フラグ"); StrutsUtil.addMessage(errors, msg, "selfDataOnTop"); return errors; } return errors; }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 入力チェックを行う。 <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws SQLException SQL実行例外 */ private ActionForward __doValidateCheck( ActionMapping map, Ipk100Form form, HttpServletRequest req, Connection con) throws SQLException { ActionErrors errors = null; errors = form.validateCheck(getRequestModel(req)); if (errors != null && !errors.isEmpty()) { addErrors(req, errors); return __doInitAg(map, form, con); } // トランザクショントークン設定 saveToken(req); return map.findForward("ipk100Touroku"); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] OKボタンクリック時処理 <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param res レスポンス * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws Exception 実行時例外 */ private ActionForward __doEntry( ActionMapping map, Adr200Form form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Connection con) throws Exception { // 入力チェック ActionErrors errors = form.validateCheck(con, req); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { addErrors(req, errors); return __doInit(map, form, req, res, con); } boolean commit = false; try { Adr200Biz biz = new Adr200Biz(getRequestModel(req)); Adr200ParamModel paramMdl = new Adr200ParamModel(); paramMdl.setParam(form); biz.entryLabelData( con, paramMdl, getCountMtController(req), getSessionUserModel(req).getUsrsid()); paramMdl.setFormData(form); GsMessage gsMsg = new GsMessage(); String opCode = gsMsg.getMessage(req, "cmn.entry"); // ログ出力処理 AdrCommonBiz adrBiz = new AdrCommonBiz(con); adrBiz.outPutLog(map, req, res, opCode, GSConstLog.LEVEL_TRACE, ""); con.commit(); commit = true; } catch (Exception e) { log__.error("ラベル情報の登録に失敗"); throw e; } finally { if (!commit) { con.rollback(); } } form.setAdr200closeFlg(true); return __doInit(map, form, req, res, con); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { String target = "success"; String strTyp = (request.getParameter("reqtyp") != null) ? request.getParameter("reqtyp").trim() : "New"; //// System.out.println("Request Type in test data "+strTyp); // String strTestTyp = (request.getParameter("testtyp")!=null) ? // request.getParameter("testtyp").trim() : "Digital"; try { if (strTyp.equalsIgnoreCase("New")) { form = buildUserForm(); } else { String strTid = (request.getParameter("tstid") != null) ? request.getParameter("tstid").trim() : "0"; if (Integer.parseInt(strTid.trim()) <= 0) { form = buildUserForm(); } else { form = buildUserDetailForm(Integer.parseInt(strTid.trim()), request); } } if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope())) { request.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), form); } else { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute(mapping.getAttribute(), form); } } catch (Exception e) { target = new String("failure"); ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("errors.database.error", e.getMessage())); // Report any errors if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); } } return (mapping.findForward(target)); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 検索ボタン押下時処理 <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param res レスポンス * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws Exception 実行時例外 */ private ActionForward __doGoToSearch( ActionMapping map, Rsv010Form form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Connection con) throws Exception { ActionErrors errors = form.validateSearchCheck(req); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { addErrors(req, errors); return __doInit(map, form, req, res, con); } return __doMoveSyokai(map, form, req, res, con); }
public ActionForward guardar( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); String parametros = ""; ConMxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO mxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO = new ConMxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO(getSessionHibernate(request)); RelacionModuloContaForm relacionForm = (RelacionModuloContaForm) form; errors = validarGuardado(relacionForm); Transaction tx = mxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO.getSession().beginTransaction(); parametros = "3;" + relacionForm.getParametro(1) + ";" + relacionForm.getParametro(2) + ";" + relacionForm.getParametro(3) + ";" + relacionForm.getParametro(4); if (!mxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO .findByCuentaParametros(relacionForm.getConCueCuenta().getCueId(), parametros) .isEmpty()) { errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("errors.mxcc.relacionRepetida")); } if (errors.isEmpty()) { try { if (relacionForm.getConCpaConceptoPartida().getCpaId() == -1) relacionForm.setConCpaConceptoPartida(null); relacionForm.getModuloxCuentacontable().setCxcParametrosUnion(parametros); relacionForm.setCxcFechaRelacion(new Date()); mxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO.save(relacionForm.getModuloxCuentacontable()); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { tx.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { mxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO.getSession().flush(); mxcModuloxCuentacontableDAO.getSession().clear(); } } saveMessages(request, errors); return lista(mapping, form, request, response); }
/* (非 Javadoc) * @see jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.struts.BaseAction#doMainProcessing(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.common.UserContainer) */ public ActionForward doMainProcessing( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserContainer container) throws ApplicationException { // -----ActionErrorsの宣言(定型処理)----- ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); // ------キャンセル時 if (isCancelled(request)) { return forwardCancel(mapping); } // ------表示対象審査員情報の取得 ShinsainPk pkInfo = new ShinsainPk(); ShinsainSearchForm shinsainSearchForm = (ShinsainSearchForm) form; // ------キー情報 pkInfo.setShinsainNo(shinsainSearchForm.getShinsainNo4View()); // 審査員番号 pkInfo.setJigyoKubun(shinsainSearchForm.getJigyoKubun()); // 事業区分 // ------キー情報を元にデータ取得 ShinsainInfo result = getSystemServise(IServiceName.SHINSAIN_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE) .select(container.getUserInfo(), pkInfo); // ------表示対象情報をセッションに登録。 // container.setShinsainInfo(result); // 登録結果をリクエスト属性にセット request.setAttribute(IConstants.RESULT_INFO, result); // -----画面遷移(定型処理)----- if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); return forwardFailure(mapping); } return forwardSuccess(mapping); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // BookForm bookForm = (BookForm) form; try { // get parameters HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); String name = request.getParameter("name"); Book book = (Book) getBookDAO().getBookfromName(name).get(0); if (book == null) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("Buy book failed")); } List books = (List) session.getAttribute("cart"); if (books == null) { books = new ArrayList(); } books.add(book); session.setAttribute("cart", books); } catch (Exception e) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("register.message.failed")); e.printStackTrace(); } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.FAILURE_KEY); } else { forward = mapping.findForward(Constants.SUCCESS_KEY); } // Finish with return (forward); }
/* (Javadoc なし) * @see jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.struts.BaseAction#doMainProcessing(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.common.UserContainer) */ public ActionForward doMainProcessing( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserContainer container) throws ApplicationException { // -----ActionErrorsの宣言(定型処理)----- ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); // 意見検索条件フォームの取得 IkenForm ikenForm = (IkenForm) form; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("意見情報取得キー:" + ikenForm.getSystem_no()); } // 検索用サービスの取得 ISystemServise servise = getSystemServise(IServiceName.IKEN_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE); // 検索実行 IkenInfo result = servise.selectIkenDataInfo( ikenForm.getSystem_no(), // システム受付番号 ikenForm.getTaishoID() // 対象者ID ); // 登録結果をリクエスト属性にセット // request.setAttribute(IConstants.RESULT_INFO,result); request.setAttribute("ikeninfo", result); // -----画面遷移(定型処理)----- if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); return forwardFailure(mapping); } // TODO 自動生成したメソッド・スタブ return forwardSuccess(mapping); }
/* (非 Javadoc) * @see jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.struts.BaseAction#doMainProcessing(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.common.UserContainer) */ public ActionForward doMainProcessing( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserContainer container) throws ApplicationException { // -----ActionErrorsの宣言(定型処理)----- ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); // -----簡易申請書入力フォームの取得 RyoikiGaiyoForm ryoikiGaiyoForm = (RyoikiGaiyoForm) form; ShinseiDataInfo shinseiDataInfo = new ShinseiDataInfo(); shinseiDataInfo.setSystemNo(ryoikiGaiyoForm.getRyoikiSystemNo()); shinseiDataInfo.setRyouikiNo(ryoikiGaiyoForm.getKariryoikiNo()); // 研究項目番号を「総括班」に設定 shinseiDataInfo.setRyouikiKoumokuNo("X00"); // 削除フラグ shinseiDataInfo.setDelFlg("0"); shinseiDataInfo.setJokyoId(StatusCode.STATUS_RYOUIKIDAIHYOU_KAKUNIN); // 申請状況:「領域代表者確認中」 shinseiDataInfo.setJokyoIds(JOKYO_ID); try { getSystemServise(IServiceName.TEISHUTU_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE) .kakuteiRyoikiGaiyo(container.getUserInfo(), shinseiDataInfo); } catch (NoDataFoundException ex) { errors.add("該当データはありません", new ActionError("errors.5002")); } // -----画面遷移(定型処理)----- if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); return forwardFailure(mapping); } return forwardSuccess(mapping); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value FormAgregarRolSistema formAgregarRolSistema = (FormAgregarRolSistema) form; try { SessionManager.beginTransaction(); String nombre = formAgregarRolSistema.getNombre(); PersistentArrayList acciones = formAgregarRolSistema.getAccionesPersistentesSeleccionadas(); // Agrega el usuario Cysdreq cysdreq = Cysdreq.getPersistentInstance(); HashMap params = new HashMap(2); params.put("nombreRol", nombre); params.put("tiposDeAcciones", acciones); cysdreq.ejecutarAccion(new AgregarRolSistema(), cysdreq, params); SessionManager.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); SessionManager.rollback(); errors.add("rolSistema", new ActionError("errors.registrarRolSistema")); } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); forward = mapping.findForward("error"); } else forward = mapping.findForward("globalSuccess"); return (forward); }
@Override public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { String method = request.getParameter("method"); if (null == request.getAttribute(Constants.CURRENTFLOWKEY)) { request.setAttribute( Constants.CURRENTFLOWKEY, request.getParameter(Constants.CURRENTFLOWKEY)); } ActionErrors errors = null; try { errors = validateFields(request, method); } catch (ApplicationException ae) { errors = new ActionErrors(); errors.add(ae.getKey(), new ActionMessage(ae.getKey(), ae.getValues())); } if (null != errors && !errors.isEmpty()) { request.setAttribute(Globals.ERROR_KEY, errors); request.setAttribute("methodCalled", method); } errors.add(super.validate(mapping, request)); return errors; }
/* * 入力チェック。 */ public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { // 定型処理----- ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request); // --------------------------------------------- // 基本的なチェック(必須、形式等)はValidatorを使用する。 // --------------------------------------------- // 基本入力チェックここまで if (!errors.isEmpty()) { return errors; } // 定型処理----- // 追加処理----- // --------------------------------------------- // 組み合わせチェック // --------------------------------------------- return errors; }
/* (非 Javadoc) * @see jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.struts.BaseAction#doMainProcessing(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, jp.go.jsps.kaken.web.common.UserContainer) */ public ActionForward doMainProcessing( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserContainer container) throws ApplicationException { // -----ActionErrorsの宣言(定型処理)----- ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); // ------承認対象申請情報システム番号の取得 SimpleShinseiDataInfo[] dataInfo = container.getSimpleShinseiDataInfos(); ShinseiDataPk[] pkInfo = new ShinseiDataPk[dataInfo.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dataInfo.length; i++) { pkInfo[i] = new ShinseiDataPk(); pkInfo[i].setSystemNo(dataInfo[i].getSystemNo()); } try { getSystemServise(IServiceName.SHINSEI_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE) .recognizeMultiApplication(container.getUserInfo(), pkInfo, "kakunin"); } catch (ValidationException ex) { List errorList = ex.getErrors(); for (int i = 0; i < errorList.size(); i++) { ErrorInfo errInfo = (ErrorInfo) errorList.get(i); errors.add( errInfo.getProperty(), new ActionError(errInfo.getErrorCode(), errInfo.getErrorArgs())); } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError(ex.getErrorCode(), ex.getMessage())); } // -----画面遷移(定型処理)----- if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); return forwardFailure(mapping); } removeFormBean(mapping, request); return forwardSuccess(mapping); }
@Override public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ShareForm qform = (ShareForm) form; ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); String command = qform.getCommand(); String keypass = qform.getKeypass(); if (CommandConstant.GET_USER_BYPLANKEY.equals(command)) { String fid = qform.getFid(); Plan plan = (Plan) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constant.SESSION_PLAN); plan.setEditable(fid.equals(plan.getUser().getReference())); request.getSession().setAttribute(Constant.SESSION_PLAN, plan); return mapping.findForward("pland"); } else { MResult result = PlanService.getPlan(keypass); if (result.getCode() == MResult.RESULT_OK) { Plan plan = (Plan) result.getObject(); if (plan != null) { request.setAttribute(Constant.REQUEST_MESSAGE, plan.getUser().getReference()); plan.setVerify(true); request.getSession().setAttribute(Constant.SESSION_PLAN, plan); } } else { errors.add(CommandConstant.ERROR, new ActionMessage("share.error")); } } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { this.saveMessages(request, errors); } return mapping.findForward(Constant.MAPPING_SUCCESS); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 施設設定画面へ移動 <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param res レスポンス * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws Exception 実行時例外 */ private ActionForward __doMoveIkkatu( ActionMapping map, Rsv010Form form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Connection con) throws Exception { // 削除対象選択チェック ActionErrors errors = form.validateSelectCheck(req); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { addErrors(req, errors); return __doInit(map, form, req, res, con); } Rsv210Form nextForm = new Rsv210Form(); nextForm.setRsvDspFrom(form.getRsvDspFrom()); nextForm.setRsvSelectedGrpSid(form.getRsvSelectedGrpSid()); nextForm.setRsvBackPgId(GSConstReserve.DSP_ID_RSV010); req.setAttribute("rsv210Form", nextForm); return map.findForward("ikkatu_yoyaku"); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { if (CertificateManager.getInstance().isSatelliteCertExpired()) { addMessage(request, "satellite.expired"); request.setAttribute(LoginSetupAction.HAS_EXPIRED, new Boolean(true)); return mapping.findForward("failure"); } ActionForward ret = null; DynaActionForm f = (DynaActionForm) form; // Validate the form ActionErrors errors = RhnValidationHelper.validateDynaActionForm(this, f); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { performGracePeriodCheck(request); addErrors(request, errors); return mapping.findForward("failure"); } String username = (String) f.get("username"); String password = (String) f.get("password"); String urlBounce = (String) f.get("url_bounce"); ActionErrors e = new ActionErrors(); User user = loginUser(username, password, request, response, e); RequestContext ctx = new RequestContext(request); if (e.isEmpty()) { if (urlBounce == null || urlBounce.trim().equals("")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("2 - url bounce is empty using [" + DEFAULT_URL_BOUNCE + "]"); } urlBounce = DEFAULT_URL_BOUNCE; } if (urlBounce.trim().endsWith("Logout.do")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" - handling special case of url_bounce=Logout.do"); } urlBounce = DEFAULT_URL_BOUNCE; } if (user != null) { try { publishUpdateErrataCacheEvent(user.getOrg()); } catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) { log.error(ex); User loggedInUser = ctx.getLoggedInUser(); if (loggedInUser != null) { request.setAttribute("loggedInUser", loggedInUser.getLogin()); } ret = mapping.findForward("error"); return ret; } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("5 - redirecting to [" + urlBounce + "]"); } if (user != null) { pxtDelegate.updateWebUserId(request, response, user.getId()); try { response.sendRedirect(urlBounce); return null; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception while trying to redirect: " + ioe); } } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("6 - forwarding to failure"); } performGracePeriodCheck(request); addErrors(request, e); request.setAttribute("url_bounce", urlBounce); ret = mapping.findForward("failure"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("7 - returning"); } return ret; }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws javax.servlet.ServletException, java.io.IOException { logger.debug("********************************************"); logger.debug("*** Entering ProcessFirstCallInformation ***"); CemAnStatus form = (CemAnStatus) actionForm; ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); formErrors = new ArrayList(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); DbUserSession sessionUser = (DbUserSession) session.getAttribute(SessionValueKeys.DB_USER); logger.debug("ExecutorSame request value : " + request.getParameter("executorSame")); DatabaseTransaction t = null; FdmsDb fdmsdb = null; DbVitalsDeceased deceased = null; DbVitalsInformant informant = null; DbVitalsFirstCall firstCall = null; DbCase caseinfo = null; DbVitalsNextKin nextkin = null; DbPreneed preneed = null; DbVitalsSchedule sched = null; DbVitalsExecutor executor = null; DbCemAtneed cematneed = null; boolean addmode = false; int vitalsid = 0; String directive = form.getDirective(); // Try to set the vitalsid from the form. try { vitalsid = FormatNumber.parseInteger(form.getVitalsId()); } catch (Exception e) { vitalsid = 0; } cematneed = new DbCemAtneed(); cematneed.setNew(); if (directive.equals("cancel")) { // go back to case status unless no vitalsid then, show introduction. vitalsid = SessionHelpers.getVitalsIdFromSession(request, sessionUser); if (vitalsid > 0) { return mapping.findForward("showCaseStatusGlobal"); } else { return mapping.findForward("ShowIntroductionGlobal"); } } if (directive.equals("help")) { return mapping.findForward("usingHelp"); } // From this point, we need to access the database try { t = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser); fdmsdb = FdmsDb.getInstance(); if (directive.equals("redisplay")) { redisplayForm(t, sessionUser, form, errors); form.setDirective(" "); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } validateForm(t, sessionUser, form, errors); // if errors found, return to input screen without saving anything if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // AppLog.info("ProcessFirstCall Invoking forward mapping getInput() after validation."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); form.setDirective(" "); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } else { // AppLog.trace("ProcessFirstCall past validation."); } // Get the DbVitalDeceased and DbVitalsFirstCall objects if (vitalsid == 0) { deceased = new DbVitalsDeceased(); deceased.setNew(); addmode = true; } else { deceased = fdmsdb.getVitalsDeceased(t, vitalsid); } // Set the data in the DbVitalsDeceased and DbVitalsFirstCall records setVitalsDeceased(deceased, informant, form, errors); // if errors found, return to input screen without saving anything if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // AppLog.info("ProcessFirstCall Invoking forward mapping getInput() after // setVitalsDeceased."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); form.setDirective(" "); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } else { // AppLog.trace("ProcessFirstCall past setVitalsDeceased."); } if (vitalsid == 0) { t.addPersistent(deceased); t.save(); t.closeConnection(); t = null; vitalsid = deceased.getId(); form.setVitalsId(String.valueOf(vitalsid)); sessionUser.setCurrentCaseID(vitalsid); // Need another transaction to continue with add t = (DatabaseTransaction) DatabaseTransaction.getTransaction(sessionUser); // increment next contract number if user did not change it // and assign to this case // if user changed contract# then use the one they entered. if (form.getContractNumber().equals(form.getNextContractNumber())) { int newnextno = SessionHelpers.nextContractNumber(sessionUser.getDbLookup(), sessionUser.getRegion()); form.setContractNumber(String.valueOf(newnextno)); form.setNextContractNumber(form.getContractNumber()); // need new transaction since save in above method ends that transaction } sched = fdmsdb.getVitalsSchedule(t, vitalsid); sched.setDefaultAtNeedCheckList(sessionUser.getRegion(), sessionUser.getDbLookup()); } else { sched = fdmsdb.getVitalsSchedule(t, vitalsid); } // Now, lets update the other Vitals information SessionHelpers.setVitalsIdInRequest(request, vitalsid); firstCall = fdmsdb.getVitalsFirstCall(t, vitalsid); informant = fdmsdb.getVitalsInformant(t, vitalsid); caseinfo = fdmsdb.getCase(t, vitalsid); nextkin = fdmsdb.getVitalsNextKin(t, vitalsid); executor = fdmsdb.getVitalsExecutor(t, vitalsid); // cematneed = fdmsdb.getCemAtneed(t, vitalsid); if (executor == null) { executor = new DbVitalsExecutor(); executor.setNew(); } setVitalsRest( t, sessionUser, deceased, firstCall, informant, caseinfo, nextkin, executor, cematneed, form, errors); // if errors found, return to input screen without saving anything if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // AppLog.info("ProcessFirstCall Invoking forward mapping getInput() after setVitalsRest."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); form.setDirective(" "); return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); } else { logger.debug("no errors exist in processfirstcall information"); // AppLog.trace("ProcessFirstCall past setVitalsRest."); } // determine whether active preneed or deceased preneed = fdmsdb.getPreneed(t, vitalsid); String relation = "Deceased"; if (preneed.getStatus().equals(DbPreneed.ACTIVE)) { relation = "Preneed"; } t.removePersistent(preneed); // update special survivor information for searching deceased, informant, case#, contract# DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.DECEASED, deceased.getSalutation(), deceased.getDecFName(), deceased.getDecMName(), deceased.getDecLName(), deceased.getSuffix(), deceased.getMaidenName(), deceased.getFullName(), deceased.getDecResStreet() + " " + deceased.getDecAptNo(), "", deceased.getDecResMailCity(), deceased.getDecResState(), deceased.getDecResZip(), "", "", "", relation, "", "", ""); DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.INFORMANT, informant.getSalutation(), informant.getFname(), informant.getMname(), informant.getLname(), "", "", "", informant.getStreet() + " " + informant.getRoad2() + " " + informant.getRoad3(), "", informant.getCity(), informant.getState(), informant.getZip(), informant.getPhone(), "", informant.getInformantEmail(), "Informant", "", "", ""); DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.CONTRACT, "", deceased.getDecLName(), "", caseinfo.getContractCode(), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", deceased.getDecFName(), "", "", ""); DbSurvivor.addUpdateSurvivor( t, vitalsid, DbSurvivor.CASECODE, "", deceased.getDecLName(), "", caseinfo.getCaseCode(), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", deceased.getDecFName(), "", "", ""); // add informant and next-of-kin as normal survivors but only during add cycle if (addmode) { // AppLog.trace("Adding informant and NOK as survivors."); DbSurvivor infsurv = new DbSurvivor( vitalsid, informant.getSalutation(), informant.getFname(), informant.getMname(), informant.getLname(), "", "", "", informant.getStreet() + " " + informant.getRoad2() + " " + informant.getRoad3(), "", informant.getCity(), informant.getState(), informant.getZip(), informant.getPhone(), "", informant.getInformantEmail(), informant.getRelated(), "", "", "", ""); t.addPersistent(infsurv); if (!form.getNextKinSame()) { DbSurvivor noksurv = new DbSurvivor( vitalsid, nextkin.getSalutation(), nextkin.getFirstname(), "", nextkin.getLastname(), "", "", "", nextkin.getStreet() + nextkin.getRoad2() + " " + nextkin.getRoad3(), "", nextkin.getCity(), nextkin.getState(), nextkin.getZip(), nextkin.getPhone(), "", "", nextkin.getRelation(), "", "", "", ""); t.addPersistent(noksurv); } } t.addPersistent(cematneed); if (executor != null) t.addPersistent(executor); // Final commit and cleanup t.save(); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { logger.error("PersistenceException in doPerform() : ", pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.PersistenceException", pe.getCause())); } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Error in doPerform() : ", pe); errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("error.GeneralException", pe.getMessage())); } finally { if (t != null) { try { t.closeConnection(); t = null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in closeConnection() : ", e); } } } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // AppLog.info("ProcessFirstCallInformation Invoking forward mapping getInput()."); saveErrors(request, errors); request.setAttribute("formErrors", formErrors); form.setDirective(" "); session.setAttribute("cemAnStatus", form); return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())); } // remove session variables used in FirstCall page SessionHelpers.removeArrangerListFromSession(request); SessionHelpers.removeChapelListInSession(request); session.removeAttribute("cemAnStatus"); SessionHelpers.setVitalsIdInRequest(request, vitalsid); // Since we are forwarding to another ACTION, need to go through this exercise /* ActionMappings mappings = mapping.getMappings(); String returnPath = actionForward.getPath(); int periodpos = returnPath.indexOf(".do"); returnPath = returnPath.substring(0,periodpos); ActionMapping finalMapping = mappings.findMapping(returnPath); Action finalAction = null; try { Class clazz = Class.forName(finalMapping.getType()); finalAction = (Action) clazz.newInstance(); AppLog.trace("chaining to:"+finalAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { AppLog.warning("Could not find chained action: " + e.getMessage()); return forwardGlobalCancel(mapping) ; } return finalAction.perform(finalMapping,form,request,response); */ // return forwardShowCaseStatusGlobal(mapping); if (errors.isEmpty()) { request.setAttribute("redirect", Boolean.TRUE); request.setAttribute("vitalsId", new Integer(vitalsid)); } return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 稟議情報登録処理を行う <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map アクションマッピング * @param form アクションフォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param res レスポンス * @param con コネクション * @param mode 登録モード 0:申請 1:草稿に保存 * @throws Exception 実行時例外 * @return ActionForward */ private ActionForward __doEntry( ActionMapping map, Rng020Form form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Connection con, int mode) throws Exception { if (!isTokenValid(req, true)) { log__.info("2重投稿"); return getSubmitErrorPage(map, req); } // 入力チェックを行う ActionErrors errors = null; if (mode == 0) { errors = form.validateCheck(Rng020Form.CHECKTYPE_REQUEST, req); } else if (mode == 1) { errors = form.validateCheck(Rng020Form.CHECKTYPE_DRAFT, req); } if (errors != null && !errors.isEmpty()) { addErrors(req, errors); return __doDsp(map, form, req, res, con); } // 新規作成の場合、確認画面へ遷移する。 if (mode == 0) { return map.findForward("rng020kn"); } ActionForward forward = null; boolean commit = false; PluginConfig pconfig = getPluginConfigForMain(getPluginConfig(req), con); CommonBiz cmnBiz = new CommonBiz(); boolean smailPluginUseFlg = cmnBiz.isCanUsePlugin(GSConstMain.PLUGIN_ID_SMAIL, pconfig); try { RequestModel reqMdl = getRequestModel(req); Rng020ParamModel paramMdl = new Rng020ParamModel(); paramMdl.setParam(form); Rng020Biz biz = new Rng020Biz(con, reqMdl, getSessionUserSid(req)); biz.entryRingiData( paramMdl, getCountMtController(req), getAppRootPath(), _getRingiDir(req), mode, getPluginConfig(req), smailPluginUseFlg, getRequestModel(req)); paramMdl.setFormData(form); forward = __setCompPageParam(map, req, form); GsMessage gsMsg = new GsMessage(reqMdl); String msg = gsMsg.getMessage("cmn.entry"); String msg2 = gsMsg.getMessage("cmn.save.draft"); // ログ出力処理 RngBiz rngBiz = new RngBiz(con); String opCode = msg; rngBiz.outPutLog(map, opCode, GSConstLog.LEVEL_TRACE, msg2, reqMdl); con.commit(); commit = true; // テンポラリディレクトリの削除 IOTools.deleteDir(_getRingiDir(req)); } catch (Exception e) { log__.error("稟議情報の登録に失敗", e); throw e; } finally { if (!commit) { con.rollback(); } } return forward; }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value String username = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form, "usuario"); String password = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form, "password"); try { // obtiene la transacción asociada al administrador de persistencia. SessionManager.beginTransaction(); Cysdreq cysdreq; try { cysdreq = (Cysdreq) PersistenceManagers.findObject( SessionManager.getSession(), SessionManager.ROOT_OBJECT_ID); System.out.println("Cysdreq obtenido"); } catch (Throwable t) { // Report the error using the appropriate name and ID. errors.add("login", new ActionError("errors.obtenerSistema")); throw t; } Usuario usuario = cysdreq.getUsuario(username, password); if (usuario == null) { errors.add("login", new ActionError("errors.login.inexistente")); } else { UserBean userBean = new UserBean(); userBean.setLongUsername(usuario.getNombre()); userBean.setUsername(usuario.getUsuario()); userBean.setPassword(usuario.getPassword()); // Save our logged-in user in the session HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute(USER_KEY, userBean); } SessionManager.commit(); } catch (Throwable t) { SessionManager.rollback(); t.printStackTrace(); // Report the error using the appropriate name and ID. errors.add("sistema", new ActionError("errors.errorDesconocido")); } // If a message is required, save the specified key(s) // into the request for use by the <struts:errors> tag. if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); // Forward control to the appropriate 'failure' URI (change name as desired) forward = mapping.findForward("error"); } else { // Forward control to the appropriate 'success' URI (change name as desired) forward = mapping.findForward("success"); } // Finish with return (forward); }