Example #1
  public Fragmenter getFragmenter(String fieldName, SolrParams params) {
    params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params, defaults);

    int fragsize = params.getFieldInt(fieldName, HighlightParams.FRAGSIZE, 100);
    return (fragsize <= 0) ? new NullFragmenter() : new LuceneGapFragmenter(fragsize);
 static void setWt(SolrQueryRequest req, String wt) {
   SolrParams params = req.getParams();
   if (params.get(CommonParams.WT) != null) return; // wt is set by user
   Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1);
   map.put(CommonParams.WT, wt);
   map.put("indent", "true");
   req.setParams(SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params, new MapSolrParams(map)));
   * Executes a query and compares the results with the data available in the {@link PivotField}
   * constraint -- this method is not recursive, and doesn't check anything about the sub-pivots (if
   * any).
   * @param pivotName pivot name
   * @param constraint filters on pivot
   * @param params base solr parameters
  private void assertPivotData(String pivotName, PivotField constraint, SolrParams params)
      throws SolrServerException, IOException {

    SolrParams p = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("rows", "0"), params);
    QueryResponse res = cloudClient.query(p);
    String msg = pivotName + ": " + p;

    assertNumFound(msg, constraint.getCount(), res);

    if (p.getBool(StatsParams.STATS, false)) {
      // only check stats if stats expected
      assertPivotStats(msg, constraint, res);
  protected ParsedParams parseParams(String type, String param) throws SyntaxError, IOException {
    SolrParams localParams = QueryParsing.getLocalParams(param, req.getParams());
    DocSet docs = docsOrig;
    String facetValue = param;
    String key = param;
    List<String> tags = Collections.emptyList();
    int threads = -1;

    if (localParams == null) {
      SolrParams params = global;
      SolrParams required = new RequiredSolrParams(params);
      return new ParsedParams(localParams, params, required, facetValue, docs, key, tags, threads);

    SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(localParams, global);
    SolrParams required = new RequiredSolrParams(params);

    // remove local params unless it's a query
    if (type != FacetParams.FACET_QUERY) { // TODO Cut over to an Enum here
      facetValue = localParams.get(CommonParams.VALUE);

    // reset set the default key now that localParams have been removed
    key = facetValue;

    // allow explicit set of the key
    key = localParams.get(CommonParams.OUTPUT_KEY, key);

    String tagStr = localParams.get(CommonParams.TAG);
    tags = tagStr == null ? Collections.<String>emptyList() : StrUtils.splitSmart(tagStr, ',');

    String threadStr = localParams.get(CommonParams.THREADS);
    if (threadStr != null) {
      threads = Integer.parseInt(threadStr);

    // figure out if we need a new base DocSet
    String excludeStr = localParams.get(CommonParams.EXCLUDE);
    if (excludeStr == null)
      return new ParsedParams(localParams, params, required, facetValue, docs, key, tags, threads);

    List<String> excludeTagList = StrUtils.splitSmart(excludeStr, ',');
    docs = computeDocSet(docs, excludeTagList);
    return new ParsedParams(localParams, params, required, facetValue, docs, key, tags, threads);
  * Called by FacetComponent's impl of {@link
  * org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchComponent#finishStage(ResponseBuilder)}.
 public static NamedList distribFinish(
     LinkedHashMap<String, HeatmapFacet> heatmapInfos, ResponseBuilder rb) {
   NamedList<NamedList<Object>> result = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
   for (Map.Entry<String, HeatmapFacet> entry : heatmapInfos.entrySet()) {
     final HeatmapFacet facet = entry.getValue();
     final NamedList<Object> namedList = facet.namedList;
     if (namedList == null) {
       continue; // should never happen but play it safe
         SolrParams.wrapDefaults(facet.localParams, rb.req.getParams()),
         (int) namedList.get("columns"),
         (int) namedList.get("rows"),
     result.add(entry.getKey(), namedList);
   return result;
  public BoundaryScanner getBoundaryScanner(String fieldName, SolrParams params) {
    params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params, defaults);

    return get(fieldName, params);
    public SimpleQParser(
        String qstr, SolrParams localParams, SolrParams params, SolrQueryRequest req) {

      super(qstr, localParams, params, req);
      // Some of the parameters may come in through localParams, so combine them with params.
      SolrParams defaultParams = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(localParams, params);

      // This will be used to specify what fields and boosts will be used by SimpleQueryParser.
      Map<String, Float> queryFields =

      if (queryFields.isEmpty()) {
        // It qf is not specified setup up the queryFields map to use the defaultField.
        String defaultField =
            QueryParsing.getDefaultField(req.getSchema(), defaultParams.get(CommonParams.DF));

        if (defaultField == null) {
          // A query cannot be run without having a field or set of fields to run against.
          throw new IllegalStateException(
              "Neither "
                  + SimpleParams.QF
                  + ", "
                  + CommonParams.DF
                  + ", nor the default search field are present.");

        queryFields.put(defaultField, 1.0F);
      } else {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Float> queryField : queryFields.entrySet()) {
          if (queryField.getValue() == null) {
            // Some fields may be specified without a boost, so default the boost to 1.0 since a
            // null value
            // will not be accepted by SimpleQueryParser.

      // Setup the operations that are enabled for the query.
      int enabledOps = 0;
      String opParam = defaultParams.get(SimpleParams.QO);

      if (opParam == null) {
        // All operations will be enabled.
        enabledOps = -1;
      } else {
        // Parse the specified enabled operations to be used by the query.
        String[] operations = opParam.split(",");

        for (String operation : operations) {
          Integer enabledOp = OPERATORS.get(operation.trim().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));

          if (enabledOp != null) {
            enabledOps |= enabledOp;

      // Create a SimpleQueryParser using the analyzer from the schema.
      final IndexSchema schema = req.getSchema();
      parser =
          new SolrSimpleQueryParser(
              req.getSchema().getQueryAnalyzer(), queryFields, enabledOps, this, schema);

      // Set the default operator to be either 'AND' or 'OR' for the query.
      QueryParser.Operator defaultOp =
              req.getSchema(), defaultParams.get(QueryParsing.OP));

      if (defaultOp == QueryParser.Operator.AND) {
Example #8
  /** @since solr 1.2 */
  void processUpdate(SolrQueryRequest req, UpdateRequestProcessor processor, XMLStreamReader parser)
      throws XMLStreamException, IOException, FactoryConfigurationError {
    AddUpdateCommand addCmd = null;
    SolrParams params = req.getParams();
    while (true) {
      int event = parser.next();
      switch (event) {
        case XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT:

        case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
          String currTag = parser.getLocalName();
          if (currTag.equals(UpdateRequestHandler.ADD)) {

            addCmd = new AddUpdateCommand(req);

            // First look for commitWithin parameter on the request, will be overwritten for
            // individual <add>'s
            addCmd.commitWithin = params.getInt(UpdateParams.COMMIT_WITHIN, -1);
            addCmd.overwrite = params.getBool(UpdateParams.OVERWRITE, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
              String attrName = parser.getAttributeLocalName(i);
              String attrVal = parser.getAttributeValue(i);
              if (UpdateRequestHandler.OVERWRITE.equals(attrName)) {
                addCmd.overwrite = StrUtils.parseBoolean(attrVal);
              } else if (UpdateRequestHandler.COMMIT_WITHIN.equals(attrName)) {
                addCmd.commitWithin = Integer.parseInt(attrVal);
              } else {
                log.warn("XML element <add> has invalid XML attr: " + attrName);

          } else if ("doc".equals(currTag)) {
            if (addCmd != null) {
              log.trace("adding doc...");
              addCmd.solrDoc = readDoc(parser);
            } else {
              throw new SolrException(
                  "Unexpected <doc> tag without an <add> tag surrounding it.");
          } else if (UpdateRequestHandler.COMMIT.equals(currTag)
              || UpdateRequestHandler.OPTIMIZE.equals(currTag)) {
            log.trace("parsing " + currTag);

            CommitUpdateCommand cmd =
                new CommitUpdateCommand(req, UpdateRequestHandler.OPTIMIZE.equals(currTag));
            ModifiableSolrParams mp = new ModifiableSolrParams();

            for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
              String attrName = parser.getAttributeLocalName(i);
              String attrVal = parser.getAttributeValue(i);
              mp.set(attrName, attrVal);

            SolrParams p =
                    mp, req.getParams()); // default to the normal request params for commit options
            RequestHandlerUtils.updateCommit(cmd, p);

          } // end commit
          else if (UpdateRequestHandler.ROLLBACK.equals(currTag)) {
            log.trace("parsing rollback");

            RollbackUpdateCommand cmd = new RollbackUpdateCommand(req);

          } // end rollback
          else if (UpdateRequestHandler.DELETE.equals(currTag)) {
            log.trace("parsing delete");
            processDelete(req, processor, parser);
          } // end delete