public static String getFooter(String context) { try { FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(findResourceOnFileSystem("servletResponseTemplate.htm")); BufferedReader buffread = new BufferedReader(fileReader); String templateFile = "", line; StringBuffer SBreader = new StringBuffer(); while ((line = buffread.readLine()) != null) { SBreader.append(line).append("\n"); } fileReader.close(); buffread.close(); templateFile = SBreader.toString(); templateFile = templateFile.replaceAll( "BOTTOMGRAPHIC", CommonConfiguration.getURLToFooterGraphic(context)); int end_header = templateFile.indexOf("INSERT_HERE"); return (templateFile.substring(end_header + 11)); } catch (Exception e) { // out.println("I couldn't find the template file to read from."); e.printStackTrace(); String error = "An error occurred while attempting to read from an HTML template file. This probably will not affect the success of the operation you were trying to perform.</p></body></html>"; return error; } }
public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; Properties connectionProps = new Properties(); connectionProps.put( "user", CommonConfiguration.getProperty("datanucleus.ConnectionUserName", "context0")); connectionProps.put( "password", CommonConfiguration.getProperty("datanucleus.ConnectionPassword", "context0")); conn = DriverManager.getConnection( CommonConfiguration.getProperty("datanucleus.ConnectionURL", "context0"), connectionProps); System.out.println("Connected to database for authentication."); return conn; }
public static String getLanguageCode(HttpServletRequest request) { String context = ServletUtilities.getContext(request); // worst case scenario default to English String langCode = "en"; // try to detect a default if defined if (CommonConfiguration.getProperty("defaultLanguage", context) != null) { langCode = CommonConfiguration.getProperty("defaultLanguage", context); } ArrayList<String> supportedLanguages = new ArrayList<String>(); if (CommonConfiguration.getSequentialPropertyValues("language", context) != null) { supportedLanguages = CommonConfiguration.getSequentialPropertyValues("language", context); } // if specified directly, always accept the override if (request.getParameter("langCode") != null) { if (supportedLanguages.contains(request.getParameter("langCode"))) { return request.getParameter("langCode"); } } // the request cookie is the next thing we check. this should be the primary means of figuring // langCode out Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if ("wildbookLangCode".equals(cookie.getName())) { if (supportedLanguages.contains(cookie.getValue())) { return cookie.getValue(); } } } } // finally, we will check the URL vs values defined in to see if we can set // the right context // TBD - future - detect browser supported language codes and locale from the HTTPServletRequest // object return langCode; }
public static String getHeader(HttpServletRequest request) { try { FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(findResourceOnFileSystem("servletResponseTemplate.htm")); BufferedReader buffread = new BufferedReader(fileReader); String templateFile = "", line; StringBuffer SBreader = new StringBuffer(); while ((line = buffread.readLine()) != null) { SBreader.append(line).append("\n"); } fileReader.close(); buffread.close(); templateFile = SBreader.toString(); String context = getContext(request); // process the CSS string templateFile = templateFile.replaceAll( "CSSURL", CommonConfiguration.getCSSURLLocation(request, context)); // set the top header graphic templateFile = templateFile.replaceAll( "TOPGRAPHIC", CommonConfiguration.getURLToMastheadGraphic(context)); int end_header = templateFile.indexOf("INSERT_HERE"); return (templateFile.substring(0, end_header)); } catch (Exception e) { // out.println("I couldn't find the template file to read from."); e.printStackTrace(); String error = "<html><body><p>An error occurred while attempting to read from the template file servletResponseTemplate.htm. This probably will not affect the success of the operation you were trying to perform."; return error; } }
// Logs a new ATOM entry public static synchronized void addATOMEntry( String title, String link, String description, File atomFile, String context) { try { if (atomFile.exists()) { // System.out.println("ATOM file found!"); /** Namespace URI for content:encoded elements */ String CONTENT_NS = ""; /** Parses RSS or Atom to instantiate a SyndFeed. */ SyndFeedInput input = new SyndFeedInput(); /** Transforms SyndFeed to RSS or Atom XML. */ SyndFeedOutput output = new SyndFeedOutput(); // Load the feed, regardless of RSS or Atom type SyndFeed feed = XmlReader(atomFile)); // Set the output format of the feed feed.setFeedType("atom_1.0"); List<SyndEntry> items = feed.getEntries(); int numItems = items.size(); if (numItems > 9) { items.remove(0); feed.setEntries(items); } SyndEntry newItem = new SyndEntryImpl(); newItem.setTitle(title); newItem.setLink(link); newItem.setUri(link); SyndContent desc = new SyndContentImpl(); desc.setType("text/html"); desc.setValue(description); newItem.setDescription(desc); desc.setType("text/html"); newItem.setPublishedDate(new java.util.Date()); List<SyndCategory> categories = new ArrayList<SyndCategory>(); if (CommonConfiguration.getProperty("htmlTitle", context) != null) { SyndCategory category2 = new SyndCategoryImpl(); category2.setName(CommonConfiguration.getProperty("htmlTitle", context)); categories.add(category2); } newItem.setCategories(categories); if (CommonConfiguration.getProperty("htmlAuthor", context) != null) { newItem.setAuthor(CommonConfiguration.getProperty("htmlAuthor", context)); } items.add(newItem); feed.setEntries(items); feed.setPublishedDate(new java.util.Date()); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(atomFile); output.output(feed, writer); writer.toString(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("ERROR: Could not find the ATOM file."); ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unknown exception trying to add an entry to the ATOM file."); e.printStackTrace(); } }
// inform researchers that have logged an interest with the encounter or marked individual public static void informInterestedIndividualParties( HttpServletRequest request, String shark, String message, String context) { Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); if (myShepherd.isMarkedIndividual(shark)) { MarkedIndividual sharkie = myShepherd.getMarkedIndividual(shark); if (sharkie.getInterestedResearchers() != null) { Vector notifyMe = sharkie.getInterestedResearchers(); int size = notifyMe.size(); String[] interested = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { interested[i] = (String) notifyMe.get(i); } myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); if (size > 0) { ThreadPoolExecutor es = MailThreadExecutorService.getExecutorService(); Vector e_images = new Vector(); String mailMe = interested[0]; String email = getText("dataUpdate.txt") .replaceAll( "INSERTTEXT", ("Tag " + shark + ": " + message + "\n\nLink to individual: http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/individuals.jsp?number=" + shark)); email += ("\n\nWant to stop tracking this set of this individual's data? Use this link.\n\nhttp://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/dontTrack?shark=" + shark + "&email="); es.execute( new NotificationMailer( CommonConfiguration.getMailHost(context), CommonConfiguration.getAutoEmailAddress(context), mailMe, ("Marked individual data update: " + shark), (email + mailMe), e_images, context)); for (int j = 1; j < size; j++) { mailMe = interested[j]; es.execute( new NotificationMailer( CommonConfiguration.getMailHost(context), CommonConfiguration.getAutoEmailAddress(context), mailMe, ("Individual data update: " + shark), (email + mailMe), e_images, context)); } } } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); } } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); } }
public static void informInterestedParties( HttpServletRequest request, String number, String message, String context) { // String context="context0"; // context=ServletUtilities.getContext(request); Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); if (myShepherd.isEncounter(number)) { Encounter enc = myShepherd.getEncounter(number); if (enc.getInterestedResearchers() != null) { Vector notifyMe = enc.getInterestedResearchers(); int size = notifyMe.size(); String[] interested = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { interested[i] = (String) notifyMe.get(i); } myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); if (size > 0) { Vector e_images = new Vector(); String mailMe = interested[0]; String email = getText("dataUpdate.txt") .replaceAll( "INSERTTEXT", ("Encounter " + number + ": " + message + "\n\nLink to encounter: http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=" + number)); email += ("\n\nWant to stop tracking this set of encounter data? Use this link.\nhttp://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/dontTrack?number=" + number + "&email="); ThreadPoolExecutor es = MailThreadExecutorService.getExecutorService(); es.execute( new NotificationMailer( CommonConfiguration.getMailHost(context), CommonConfiguration.getAutoEmailAddress(context), mailMe, ("Encounter data update: " + number), (email + mailMe), e_images, context)); // NotificationMailer mailer=new NotificationMailer(CommonConfiguration.getMailHost(), // CommonConfiguration.getAutoEmailAddress(), mailMe, ("Encounter data update: "+number), // (email+mailMe), e_images); for (int j = 1; j < size; j++) { mailMe = interested[j]; es.execute( new NotificationMailer( CommonConfiguration.getMailHost(context), CommonConfiguration.getAutoEmailAddress(context), mailMe, ("Encounter data update: " + number), (email + mailMe), e_images, context)); } } } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); } } else { myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); } }