Example #1
  private void roundtrip(
      FormatInfo formatInfo, BufferedImage testImage, String tempPrefix, boolean imageExact)
      throws IOException, ImageReadException, ImageWriteException {
    File temp1 = createTempFile(tempPrefix + ".", "." + formatInfo.format.extension);
    // Debug.debug("tempFile: " + tempFile.getName());

    Map params = new HashMap();
    Sanselan.writeImage(testImage, temp1, formatInfo.format, params);

    Map readParams = new HashMap();
    readParams.put(SanselanConstants.BUFFERED_IMAGE_FACTORY, new RgbBufferedImageFactory());
    BufferedImage image2 = Sanselan.getBufferedImage(temp1, readParams);

    if (imageExact) {
      // note tolerance when comparing grayscale images
      // BufferedImages of
      compareImagesExact(testImage, image2);

    File temp2 = createTempFile(tempPrefix + ".", "." + formatInfo.format.extension);
    // Debug.debug("tempFile: " + tempFile.getName());
    Sanselan.writeImage(image2, temp2, formatInfo.format, params);

    compareFilesExact(temp1, temp2);
    public void _setOkBadge(IdeFrame frame, boolean visible) {
      if (!isValid(frame)) {

      Object icon = null;

      if (visible) {
        synchronized (Win7AppIcon.class) {
          if (myOkIcon == null) {
            try {
              BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResource("/mac/appIconOk512.png"));
              ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              Sanselan.writeImage(image, bytes, ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ICO, new HashMap());
              myOkIcon = Win7TaskBar.createIcon(bytes.toByteArray());
            } catch (Throwable e) {
              myOkIcon = null;

          icon = myOkIcon;

      try {
        Win7TaskBar.setOverlayIcon(frame, icon, false);
      } catch (Throwable e) {
Example #3
  * translate a binary array to a buffered image
  * @param binary
  * @return
  * @throws IOException
 public final BufferedImage toBufferedImage(byte[] bytes, String format) throws IOException {
   try {
     return Sanselan.getBufferedImage(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
   } catch (ImageReadException e) {
     throw ExceptionUtil.toIOException(e);
Example #4
  * translate a file resource to a buffered image
  * @param res
  * @return
  * @throws IOException
 public final BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Resource res, String format) throws IOException {
   InputStream is = null;
   try {
     return Sanselan.getBufferedImage(is = res.getInputStream());
   } catch (ImageReadException e) {
     throw ExceptionUtil.toIOException(e);
   } finally {
Example #5
  public void test() throws Exception {

    List images = getImagesWithExifData(300);
    for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
      if (i % 10 == 0) Debug.purgeMemory();

      File imageFile = (File) images.get(i);

      //			Debug.debug();
      //			Debug.debug("imageFile", imageFile);

      if (imageFile.getParentFile().getName().toLowerCase().equals("@broken")) continue;

      try {
        Map params = new HashMap();
        boolean ignoreImageData = isPhilHarveyTestImage(imageFile);
        params.put(PARAM_KEY_READ_THUMBNAILS, new Boolean(!ignoreImageData));

        JpegImageMetadata metadata = (JpegImageMetadata) Sanselan.getMetadata(imageFile, params);
        if (null == metadata) continue;

        TiffImageMetadata exifMetadata = metadata.getExif();
        if (null == exifMetadata) continue;

        TiffImageMetadata.GPSInfo gpsInfo = exifMetadata.getGPS();
        if (null == gpsInfo) continue;

        Debug.debug("imageFile", imageFile);
        Debug.debug("gpsInfo", gpsInfo);
        Debug.debug("gpsInfo longitude as degrees east", gpsInfo.getLongitudeAsDegreesEast());
        Debug.debug("gpsInfo latitude as degrees north", gpsInfo.getLatitudeAsDegreesNorth());

      } catch (Exception e) {
        Debug.debug("imageFile", imageFile.getAbsoluteFile());
        Debug.debug("imageFile", imageFile.length());
        Debug.debug(e, 13);

        //				File brokenFolder = new File(imageFile.getParentFile(), "@Broken");
        //				if(!brokenFolder.exists())
        //					brokenFolder.mkdirs();
        //				File movedFile = new File(brokenFolder, imageFile.getName());
        //				imageFile.renameTo(movedFile);

        throw e;
Example #6
 private void readInfo() {
   try {
     IImageMetadata metadata = Sanselan.getMetadata(source);
     if (metadata instanceof JpegImageMetadata) {
       JpegImageMetadata jpegMeta = (JpegImageMetadata) metadata;
       TiffField exifDate = jpegMeta.findEXIFValue(TiffConstants.EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL);
       if (exifDate != null) {
         String date = (String) exifDate.getValue();
         dateTaken = parseExifDate(date);
         successful = true;
   } catch (ImageReadException e) {
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new RuntimeException("IO Error while getting metadata: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    public void _setTextBadge(IdeFrame frame, String text) {
      if (!isValid(frame)) {

      Object icon = null;

      if (text != null) {
        try {
          int size = 55;
          BufferedImage image = UIUtil.createImage(size, size, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
          Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();

          int roundSize = 40;
          g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
              size / 2 - roundSize / 2, size / 2 - roundSize / 2, roundSize, roundSize, size, size);

          Font font = g.getFont();
          g.setFont(new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), 22));
          FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics();
          int width = fontMetrics.stringWidth(text);
              size / 2 - width / 2,
              size / 2 - fontMetrics.getHeight() / 2 + fontMetrics.getAscent());

          ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          Sanselan.writeImage(image, bytes, ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_ICO, new HashMap());
          icon = Win7TaskBar.createIcon(bytes.toByteArray());
        } catch (Throwable e) {

      try {
        Win7TaskBar.setOverlayIcon(frame, icon, icon != null);
      } catch (Throwable e) {
  * We don't actually rewrite the image we just ensure that it is in fact a valid and known image
  * type.
 private boolean rewriteProxiedImage(
     HttpRequest request, HttpResponse resp, MutableContent content) {
   boolean imageIsSafe = false;
   try {
     String contentType = resp.getHeader("Content-Type");
     if (contentType == null || contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith("image/")) {
       // Unspecified or unknown image mime type.
       try {
         ImageFormat imageFormat =
                 new ByteSourceInputStream(resp.getResponse(), request.getUri().getPath()));
         if (imageFormat == ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
               Level.INFO, "Unable to sanitize unknown image type " + request.getUri().toString());
           return true;
         imageIsSafe = true;
         // Return false to indicate that no rewriting occurred
         return false;
       } catch (IOException ioe) {
         throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
       } catch (ImageReadException ire) {
         // Unable to read the image so its not safe
             "Unable to detect image type for "
                 + request.getUri().toString()
                 + " for sanitized content",
         return true;
     } else {
       return true;
   } finally {
     if (!imageIsSafe) {
Example #9
 protected SanselanCoder() {
   Sanselan.hasImageFileExtension("lucee.gif"); // to make sure Sanselan exist when load this class
Example #10
 protected static boolean isJpeg(File file) throws IOException, ImageReadException {
   ImageFormat format = Sanselan.guessFormat(file);
   return format == ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG;
 public Document handleDocument(IndexWriter indexWriter, IndexState state, File file)
     throws Exception {
   Document doc = super.handleDocument(indexWriter, state, file);
   /* create/update document */
   if (doc != null && file.length() > 0) {
     /* ultra fast header analysis, with fileinputstream - too many filedescripor
      * exeption on samba network */
     try {
       ImageInfo imageInfo = Sanselan.getImageInfo(file);
       /* default image meta informations */
       int w = imageInfo.getWidth();
       int h = imageInfo.getHeight();
       /* image width */
       get(ImageWidthField.NAME).add(doc, w);
       /* image height */
       get(ImageHeightField.NAME).add(doc, h);
       /* bits per pixel */
       get(BitsPerPixelField.NAME).add(doc, imageInfo.getBitsPerPixel());
       /* complete size */
       get(PixelSizeField.NAME).add(doc, w * h);
       /* image aspect ratio */
       get(AspectRatioField.NAME).add(doc, w / (float) h);
       /* try to extract metadata from jpeg files */
       String mime = imageInfo.getMimeType();
       /* override because they are different content types than extensions */
       get(MimeTypeField.NAME).add(doc, mime);
       /* special jpeg handling */
       if (mime != null && mime.equals("image/jpeg")) {
         IImageMetadata metadata = Sanselan.getMetadata(file);
         if (metadata instanceof JpegImageMetadata) {
           JpegImageMetadata jpegMetadata = (JpegImageMetadata) metadata;
           /* create date of the image */
           TiffField field = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValue(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_CREATE_DATE);
           if (field != null) {
             Date date = DateUtil.parseEXIFFormat(field.getStringValue());
             /* else unknown format */
             if (date != null) {
               /* override file last modified date */
               get(LastModifiedField.NAME).add(doc, date.getTime());
           /* user comment tag */
           field = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValue(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_USER_COMMENT);
           if (field != null) {
             get(CommentField.NAME).add(doc, field.getStringValue().trim());
           /* make tag */
           field = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValue(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_MAKE);
           if (field != null) {
             get(ExifMakeField.NAME).add(doc, field.getStringValue().trim());
           /* model tag */
           field = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValue(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_MODEL);
           if (field != null) {
             get(ExifModelField.NAME).add(doc, field.getStringValue().trim());
           /* date time tag */
           field = jpegMetadata.findEXIFValue(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_CREATE_DATE);
           if (field != null) {
             Date date = DateUtil.parseEXIFFormat(field.getStringValue());
             /* else unknown format */
             if (date != null) {
               get(ExifDateField.NAME).add(doc, date.getTime());
           /* try to find gps informations */
           TiffImageMetadata exifMetadata = jpegMetadata.getExif();
           if (exifMetadata != null) {
             try {
               TiffImageMetadata.GPSInfo gpsInfo = exifMetadata.getGPS();
               if (null != gpsInfo) {
                 get(LatField.NAME).add(doc, gpsInfo.getLatitudeAsDegreesNorth());
                 get(LonField.NAME).add(doc, gpsInfo.getLongitudeAsDegreesEast());
                 //                                    doc.add(new
                 // NumericField(FIELD_EXIF_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION, Field.Store.YES,
                 //                                    true).setIntValue(gps.getRational(
                 // GpsDirectory.TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION).intValue()));
                 // System.out.println(exifMetadata.findField(GPSTagConstants.GPS_TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION));
             } catch (ImageReadException e) {
       /* run some classification */
       if (classifyImage) {
         int[] v = ImageUtil.analyzeRGB(file);
         for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
           doc.add(new IntPoint(COLORMEAN + i, v[i]));
     } catch (Throwable e) {
       /* only log */
       log.log(Level.INFO, "can not extract image informations!", e);
   return doc;
 public static BufferedImage readBmp(InputStream is) throws ImageReadException, IOException {
   return Sanselan.getBufferedImage(is);