Example #1
   * v1 service implementation to get a list of workflows, with filtering or interested windows
   * embedded in the request object
  private JSONObject getCoordinatorJobs(HttpServletRequest request) throws XServletException {
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
    try {
      String filter = request.getParameter(RestConstants.JOBS_FILTER_PARAM);
      String startStr = request.getParameter(RestConstants.OFFSET_PARAM);
      String lenStr = request.getParameter(RestConstants.LEN_PARAM);
      int start = (startStr != null) ? Integer.parseInt(startStr) : 1;
      start = (start < 1) ? 1 : start;
      int len = (lenStr != null) ? Integer.parseInt(lenStr) : 50;
      len = (len < 1) ? 50 : len;
      CoordinatorEngine coordEngine =
              .getCoordinatorEngine(getUser(request), getAuthToken(request));
      CoordinatorJobInfo jobs = coordEngine.getCoordJobs(filter, start, len);
      List<CoordinatorJobBean> jsonJobs = jobs.getCoordJobs();
      json.put(JsonTags.COORDINATOR_JOBS, CoordinatorJobBean.toJSONArray(jsonJobs));
      json.put(JsonTags.COORD_JOB_TOTAL, jobs.getTotal());
      json.put(JsonTags.COORD_JOB_OFFSET, jobs.getStart());
      json.put(JsonTags.COORD_JOB_LEN, jobs.getLen());

    } catch (CoordinatorEngineException ex) {
      throw new XServletException(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, ex);
    return json;