protected ClassDescriptor selectClassDescriptor(Map row) throws PersistenceBrokerException { String[] key = new String[column.length]; for (int i = 0; i < column.length; i++) { key[i] = (String) row.get(column[i]); } Class clazz = null; if (key != null) { clazz = chooseClass(key); } if (clazz == null) { return getClassDescriptor(); } PersistenceBroker broker = null; try { broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); ClassDescriptor result = broker.getClassDescriptor(clazz); broker.close(); if (result == null) { return getClassDescriptor(); } else { return result; } } catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) { broker.close(); throw e; } }
public void testTransactionFlush_2() throws Exception { String name = "testTransactionFlush_2_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); TransactionExt tx = (TransactionExt) odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); PersistenceBroker broker = tx.getBroker(); ODMGZoo obj = new ODMGZoo(); obj.setName(name); tx.lock(obj, Transaction.WRITE); tx.flush(); // System.err.println("First flush call, insert new object"); // PB to query Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addEqualTo("name", obj.getName()); QueryByCriteria query = QueryFactory.newQuery(ODMGZoo.class, crit); // we flushed all objects, thus we should found object in DB/cache Iterator it = broker.getIteratorByQuery(query); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); ODMGZoo other = (ODMGZoo); assertNotNull(other); assertEquals(obj.getZooId(), other.getZooId()); assertEquals(obj.getName(), other.getName()); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); /** * Charles : Start ** */ // Let's flush, change the name and flush again tx.flush(); // System.err.println("Second flush call, nothing to do"); obj.setName("updated_" + name); tx.flush(); // System.err.println("Third flush call, update"); OQLQuery q = odmg.newOQLQuery(); q.create("select zoos from " + ODMGZoo.class.getName() + " where name like $1"); q.bind("updated_" + name); // Redo the query - we should find the object again it = ((Collection) q.execute()).iterator(); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); other = (ODMGZoo); assertNotNull(other); assertEquals(obj.getZooId(), other.getZooId()); assertEquals(obj.getName(), other.getName()); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); /** * Charles : End ** */ // now we abort tx, so all flushed objects shouldn't be found // in further queries tx.abort(); tx = (TransactionExt) odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); broker = tx.getBroker(); QueryByIdentity query2 = new QueryByIdentity(obj); Object result = broker.getObjectByQuery(query2); tx.commit(); assertNull("We should not find objects from aborted tx", result); }
protected int getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(Class target) throws Exception { PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); Criteria c = new Criteria(); Query q = new QueryByCriteria(target, c); int count = broker.getCount(q); broker.close(); return count; }
void makePersistent(PersistenceBroker pb, int txNumber) throws SQLException, LookupException { // store new objects if (newObjs != null) { for (Object obj : newObjs) {, ObjectModificationDefaultImpl.INSERT); } } boolean foundOptimisticException = false; // update objects if (objsToStore != null) { for (Object obj : objsToStore) { try {, ObjectModificationDefaultImpl.UPDATE); } catch (OptimisticLockException ole) { pb.removeFromCache(obj); foundOptimisticException = true; } } } if (foundOptimisticException) { throw new jvstm.CommitException(); } // delete objects if (objsToDelete != null) { for (Object obj : objsToDelete) { pb.delete(obj); } } // write m-to-n tuples if (mToNTuples != null) { for (RelationTupleInfo info : mToNTuples.values()) { updateMtoNRelation(pb, info); } } // write change logs Connection conn = pb.serviceConnectionManager().getConnection(); writeAttrChangeLogs(conn, txNumber); }
public void testTransactionFlush() throws Exception { String name = "testTransactionFlush_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); TransactionExt tx = (TransactionExt) odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); PersistenceBroker broker = tx.getBroker(); ODMGZoo obj = new ODMGZoo(); tx.lock(obj, Transaction.WRITE); obj.setName(name); tx.flush(); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addEqualTo("name", obj.getName()); QueryByCriteria query = QueryFactory.newQuery(ODMGZoo.class, crit); // we flushed all objects, thus we should find object in DB/cache Iterator it = broker.getIteratorByQuery(query); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); ODMGZoo other = (ODMGZoo); assertNotNull(other); assertEquals(obj.getZooId(), other.getZooId()); assertEquals(obj.getName(), other.getName()); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); // now we abort tx, so all flushed objects shouldn't be found // in further queries tx.abort(); tx = (TransactionExt) odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); broker = tx.getBroker(); QueryByIdentity query2 = new QueryByIdentity(obj); Object result = broker.getObjectByQuery(query2); tx.commit(); assertNull("We should not find objects from aborted tx", result); }
// copied and adapted from OJB's MtoNBroker protected void updateMtoNRelation(PersistenceBroker pb, RelationTupleInfo tupleInfo) { DomainObject obj1 = tupleInfo.obj1; DomainObject obj2 = tupleInfo.obj2; ClassDescriptor cld1 = pb.getDescriptorRepository().getDescriptorFor(obj1.getClass()); CollectionDescriptor cod = cld1.getCollectionDescriptorByName(tupleInfo.colNameOnObj1); if (cod == null) { // try the mapping on the other object cld1 = pb.getDescriptorRepository().getDescriptorFor(obj2.getClass()); cod = cld1.getCollectionDescriptorByName(tupleInfo.colNameOnObj2); // switch objects obj1 = tupleInfo.obj2; obj2 = tupleInfo.obj1; } String[] oidColumns = new String[2]; oidColumns[0] = cod.getFksToThisClass()[0]; oidColumns[1] = cod.getFksToItemClass()[0]; ValueContainer[] oidValues = new ValueContainer[2]; oidValues[0] = new ValueContainer(obj1.getOid(), OID_JDBC_TYPE); oidValues[1] = new ValueContainer(obj2.getOid(), OID_JDBC_TYPE); String table = cod.getIndirectionTable(); // always remove the tuple String sqlStmt = pb.serviceSqlGenerator().getDeleteMNStatement(table, oidColumns, null); pb.serviceJdbcAccess().executeUpdateSQL(sqlStmt, cld1, oidValues, null); // if it was not to remove but to add, then add it // this "delete-first, add-after" serves to ensure that we can add // multiple times // the same tuple to a relation and still have the Set semantics for the // relation. if (!tupleInfo.remove) { sqlStmt = pb.serviceSqlGenerator().getInsertMNStatement(table, oidColumns, EMPTY_ARRAY); pb.serviceJdbcAccess().executeUpdateSQL(sqlStmt, cld1, oidValues, null); } }
protected int getDBObjectCount(PersistenceBroker broker, Class target) throws Exception { Criteria c = new Criteria(); Query q = new QueryByCriteria(target, c); int count = broker.getCount(q); return count; }
/** Tests object count after a commited transaction */ public void testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache() throws Exception { int odmgZoosBefore = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGZoo.class); int projectsBefore = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGGourmet.class); Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); // store persistentStoreObjects( database, getNewODMGZoos("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 5)); persistentStoreObjects( database, getNewProjects("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 3)); // store more storeObjects(tx, getNewODMGZoos("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 5)); storeObjects(tx, getNewProjects("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 2)); tx.commit(); // ###### hack we clear cache of PB ######## PersistenceBroker tmp = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); tmp.clearCache(); tmp.close(); int odmgZoosAfter = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGZoo.class); int projectsAfter = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGGourmet.class); int odmgZoosAfterOQL = getDBObjectCountViaOqlQueryUseNewTransaction(odmg, ODMGZoo.class); int projectsAfterOQL = getDBObjectCountViaOqlQueryUseNewTransaction(odmg, ODMGGourmet.class); assertEquals("Wrong number of odmgZoos found", (odmgZoosBefore + 10), odmgZoosAfter); assertEquals("Wrong number of projects found", (projectsBefore + 5), projectsAfter); assertEquals("Wrong number of odmgZoos found", (odmgZoosBefore + 10), odmgZoosAfterOQL); assertEquals("Wrong number of projects found", (projectsBefore + 5), projectsAfterOQL); // we do twice odmgZoosBefore = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGZoo.class); projectsBefore = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGGourmet.class); // tx should be reusable tx.begin(); // store persistentStoreObjects( database, getNewODMGZoos("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 5)); persistentStoreObjects( database, getNewProjects("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 3)); // store more storeObjects(tx, getNewODMGZoos("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 5)); storeObjects(tx, getNewProjects("testResultsAfterTransactionWithClearedCache", 2)); tx.commit(); // ###### hack we clear cache of PB ######## tmp = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); tmp.clearCache(); tmp.close(); odmgZoosAfter = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGZoo.class); projectsAfter = getDBObjectCountWithNewPB(ODMGGourmet.class); odmgZoosAfterOQL = getDBObjectCountViaOqlQueryUseNewTransaction(odmg, ODMGZoo.class); projectsAfterOQL = getDBObjectCountViaOqlQueryUseNewTransaction(odmg, ODMGGourmet.class); assertEquals("Wrong number of odmgZoos found", (odmgZoosBefore + 10), odmgZoosAfter); assertEquals("Wrong number of projects found", (projectsBefore + 5), projectsAfter); assertEquals("Wrong number of odmgZoos found", (odmgZoosBefore + 10), odmgZoosAfterOQL); assertEquals("Wrong number of projects found", (projectsBefore + 5), projectsAfterOQL); }