private void process(int groupOrd, int facetOrd) {
      if (facetOrd < startFacetOrd || facetOrd >= endFacetOrd) {

      int segmentGroupedFacetsIndex = groupOrd * (facetFieldNumTerms + 1) + facetOrd;
      if (segmentGroupedFacetHits.exists(segmentGroupedFacetsIndex)) {



      BytesRef groupKey;
      if (groupOrd == -1) {
        groupKey = null;
      } else {
        groupKey = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(groupFieldTermsIndex.lookupOrd(groupOrd));

      final BytesRef facetValue;
      if (facetOrd == facetFieldNumTerms) {
        facetValue = null;
      } else {
        facetValue = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(facetFieldDocTermOrds.lookupOrd(facetOrd));
      groupedFacetHits.add(new GroupedFacetHit(groupKey, facetValue));
    public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
      if (doc > facetFieldTermsIndex.docID()) {

      int facetOrd;
      if (doc == facetFieldTermsIndex.docID()) {
        facetOrd = facetFieldTermsIndex.ordValue();
      } else {
        facetOrd = -1;

      if (facetOrd < startFacetOrd || facetOrd >= endFacetOrd) {

      if (doc > groupFieldTermsIndex.docID()) {

      int groupOrd;
      if (doc == groupFieldTermsIndex.docID()) {
        groupOrd = groupFieldTermsIndex.ordValue();
      } else {
        groupOrd = -1;
      int segmentGroupedFacetsIndex =
          groupOrd * (facetFieldTermsIndex.getValueCount() + 1) + facetOrd;
      if (segmentGroupedFacetHits.exists(segmentGroupedFacetsIndex)) {

      segmentFacetCounts[facetOrd + 1]++;


      BytesRef groupKey;
      if (groupOrd == -1) {
        groupKey = null;
      } else {
        groupKey = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(groupFieldTermsIndex.lookupOrd(groupOrd));

      BytesRef facetKey;
      if (facetOrd == -1) {
        facetKey = null;
      } else {
        facetKey = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(facetFieldTermsIndex.lookupOrd(facetOrd));

      groupedFacetHits.add(new GroupedFacetHit(groupKey, facetKey));
  public Query getQuery(Element e) throws ParserException {
    String fieldName = DOMUtils.getAttributeWithInheritanceOrFail(e, "fieldName");
    String text = DOMUtils.getNonBlankTextOrFail(e);

    BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery(DOMUtils.getAttribute(e, "disableCoord", false));
    bq.setMinimumNumberShouldMatch(DOMUtils.getAttribute(e, "minimumNumberShouldMatch", 0));
    try {
      TokenStream ts = analyzer.tokenStream(fieldName, new StringReader(text));
      TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = ts.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      Term term = null;
      BytesRef bytes = termAtt.getBytesRef();
      while (ts.incrementToken()) {
        term = new Term(fieldName, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes));
        bq.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(term), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error constructing terms from index:" + ioe);

    bq.setBoost(DOMUtils.getAttribute(e, "boost", 1.0f));
    return bq;
Example #4
  public static BytesRef analyzeMultiTerm(String field, String part, Analyzer analyzerIn) {
    if (part == null || analyzerIn == null) return null;

    try (TokenStream source = analyzerIn.tokenStream(field, part)) {

      TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = source.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      BytesRef bytes = termAtt.getBytesRef();

      if (!source.incrementToken())
        throw new SolrException(
            "analyzer returned no terms for multiTerm term: " + part);
      if (source.incrementToken())
        throw new SolrException(
            "analyzer returned too many terms for multiTerm term: " + part);

      return BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new SolrException(
          SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "error analyzing range part: " + part, e);
  private void getPrefixTerms(
      ObjectHashSet<Term> terms, final Term prefix, final IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
    // SlowCompositeReaderWrapper could be used... but this would merge all terms from each segment
    // into one terms
    // instance, which is very expensive. Therefore I think it is better to iterate over each leaf
    // individually.
    List<LeafReaderContext> leaves = reader.leaves();
    for (LeafReaderContext leaf : leaves) {
      Terms _terms = leaf.reader().terms(field);
      if (_terms == null) {

      TermsEnum termsEnum = _terms.iterator();
      TermsEnum.SeekStatus seekStatus = termsEnum.seekCeil(prefix.bytes());
      if (TermsEnum.SeekStatus.END == seekStatus) {

      for (BytesRef term = termsEnum.term(); term != null; term = {
        if (!StringHelper.startsWith(term, prefix.bytes())) {

        terms.add(new Term(field, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term)));
        if (terms.size() >= maxExpansions) {
Example #6
 public void seekExact(BytesRef target, TermState otherState) {
   if (!target.equals(term)) {
     term = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(target);
     seekPending = true;
 public PostingsConsumer startTerm(BytesRef text) throws IOException {
   assert state == TermsConsumerState.INITIAL
       || state == TermsConsumerState.START && lastPostingsConsumer.docFreq == 0;
   state = TermsConsumerState.START;
   assert lastTerm == null || in.getComparator().compare(text, lastTerm) > 0;
   lastTerm = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(text);
   return lastPostingsConsumer =
       new AssertingPostingsConsumer(in.startTerm(text), fieldInfo, visitedDocs);
 // used only by assert
 private boolean checkDeleteTerm(Term term) {
   if (term != null) {
     assert lastDeleteTerm == null || term.compareTo(lastDeleteTerm) > 0
         : "lastTerm=" + lastDeleteTerm + " vs term=" + term;
   // TODO: we re-use term now in our merged iterable, but we shouldn't clone, instead copy for
   // this assert
   lastDeleteTerm = term == null ? null : new Term(term.field(), BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term.bytes));
   return true;
 public void testIterator() throws IOException {
   int length = randomIntBetween(10, PAGE_SIZE * randomIntBetween(2, 8));
   BytesReference pbr = newBytesReference(length);
   BytesRefIterator iterator = pbr.iterator();
   BytesRef ref;
   BytesRefBuilder builder = new BytesRefBuilder();
   while ((ref = != null) {
   assertArrayEquals(pbr.toBytes(), BytesRef.deepCopyOf(builder.toBytesRef()).bytes);
    public void finishTerm(BytesRef text, TermStats stats) throws IOException {

      assert stats.docFreq > 0;
      // if (DEBUG) System.out.println("BTTW.finishTerm term=" + + ":" +
      // toString(text) + " seg=" + segment + " df=" + stats.docFreq);

      blockBuilder.add(Util.toIntsRef(text, scratchIntsRef), noOutputs.getNoOutput());
      pending.add(new PendingTerm(BytesRef.deepCopyOf(text), stats));
    public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
      if (doc > groupFieldTermsIndex.docID()) {

      int groupOrd;
      if (doc == groupFieldTermsIndex.docID()) {
        groupOrd = groupFieldTermsIndex.ordValue();
      } else {
        groupOrd = -1;

      if (facetFieldNumTerms == 0) {
        int segmentGroupedFacetsIndex = groupOrd * (facetFieldNumTerms + 1);
        if (facetPrefix != null || segmentGroupedFacetHits.exists(segmentGroupedFacetsIndex)) {


        BytesRef groupKey;
        if (groupOrd == -1) {
          groupKey = null;
        } else {
          groupKey = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(groupFieldTermsIndex.lookupOrd(groupOrd));
        groupedFacetHits.add(new GroupedFacetHit(groupKey, null));

      if (doc > facetFieldDocTermOrds.docID()) {
      boolean empty = true;
      if (doc == facetFieldDocTermOrds.docID()) {
        long ord;
        while ((ord = facetFieldDocTermOrds.nextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
          process(groupOrd, (int) ord);
          empty = false;

      if (empty) {
            facetFieldNumTerms); // this facet ord is reserved for docs not containing facet field.
 public void testSliceIterator() throws IOException {
   int length = randomIntBetween(10, PAGE_SIZE * randomIntBetween(2, 8));
   BytesReference pbr = newBytesReference(length);
   int sliceOffset = randomIntBetween(0, pbr.length());
   int sliceLength = randomIntBetween(pbr.length() - sliceOffset, pbr.length() - sliceOffset);
   BytesReference slice = pbr.slice(sliceOffset, sliceLength);
   BytesRefIterator iterator = slice.iterator();
   BytesRef ref = null;
   BytesRefBuilder builder = new BytesRefBuilder();
   while ((ref = != null) {
   assertArrayEquals(slice.toBytes(), BytesRef.deepCopyOf(builder.toBytesRef()).bytes);
Example #13
  /** tests intersect: TODO start at a random term! */
  public void testIntersect() throws Exception {
    for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
      String reg = AutomatonTestUtil.randomRegexp(random());
      Automaton automaton = new RegExp(reg, RegExp.NONE).toAutomaton();
      CompiledAutomaton ca =
          new CompiledAutomaton(automaton, SpecialOperations.isFinite(automaton), false);
      TermsEnum te = MultiFields.getTerms(reader, "field").intersect(ca, null);
      Automaton expected = BasicOperations.intersection(termsAutomaton, automaton);
      TreeSet<BytesRef> found = new TreeSet<BytesRef>();
      while ( != null) {

      Automaton actual = BasicAutomata.makeStringUnion(found);
      assertTrue(BasicOperations.sameLanguage(expected, actual));
 private int countTerms(MultiTermQuery q) throws Exception {
   final Terms terms = MultiFields.getTerms(reader, q.getField());
   if (terms == null) return 0;
   final TermsEnum termEnum = q.getTermsEnum(terms);
   int count = 0;
   BytesRef cur, last = null;
   while ((cur = != null) {
     if (last != null) {
       assertTrue(last.compareTo(cur) < 0);
     last = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(cur);
   // LUCENE-3314: the results after next() already returned null are undefined,
   // assertNull(;
   return count;
  public void testSorted() throws Exception {
    Directory dir = newDirectory();
    Document doc = new Document();
    Field field = new SortedDocValuesField("bytes", new BytesRef());

    IndexWriterConfig iwc = newIndexWriterConfig(random(), null);
    RandomIndexWriter iw = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), dir, iwc);

    int numDocs = TEST_NIGHTLY ? atLeast(500) : atLeast(50);
    for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
      BytesRef ref = new BytesRef(TestUtil.randomUnicodeString(random()));
      if (random().nextInt(7) == 0) {
        iw.addDocument(new Document());
      if (random().nextInt(17) == 0) {
    DirectoryReader ir = iw.getReader();
    DirectoryReader ir2 = iw.getReader();
    LeafReader merged = getOnlyLeafReader(ir2);

    SortedDocValues multi = MultiDocValues.getSortedValues(ir, "bytes");
    SortedDocValues single = merged.getSortedDocValues("bytes");
    assertEquals(single.getValueCount(), multi.getValueCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
      // check ord
      assertEquals(single.getOrd(i), multi.getOrd(i));
      // check value
      final BytesRef expected = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(single.get(i));
      final BytesRef actual = multi.get(i);
      assertEquals(expected, actual);
  protected List<BytesRef> analyze(String text, String field, Analyzer analyzer)
      throws IOException {
    List<BytesRef> bytesRefs = new ArrayList<>();

    try (TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(field, text)) {
      TermToBytesRefAttribute termAttribute =

      BytesRef bytesRef = termAttribute.getBytesRef();


      while (tokenStream.incrementToken()) {


    return bytesRefs;
 public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
   if (doc > index.docID()) {
   int key;
   if (doc == index.docID()) {
     key = index.ordValue();
   } else {
     key = -1;
   if (!ordSet.exists(key)) {
     final BytesRef term;
     if (key == -1) {
       term = null;
     } else {
       term = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(index.lookupOrd(key));
  public SpanQuery getSpanQuery(Element e) throws ParserException {
    String fieldName = DOMUtils.getAttributeWithInheritanceOrFail(e, "fieldName");
    String value = DOMUtils.getNonBlankTextOrFail(e);

    List<SpanQuery> clausesList = new ArrayList<>();

    try (TokenStream ts = analyzer.tokenStream(fieldName, value)) {
      TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = ts.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      while (ts.incrementToken()) {
        SpanTermQuery stq =
            new SpanTermQuery(new Term(fieldName, BytesRef.deepCopyOf(termAtt.getBytesRef())));
      SpanOrQuery soq = new SpanOrQuery(clausesList.toArray(new SpanQuery[clausesList.size()]));
      float boost = DOMUtils.getAttribute(e, "boost", 1.0f);
      return new SpanBoostQuery(soq, boost);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new ParserException("IOException parsing value:" + value);
Example #19
  public void addPosition(int position, BytesRef payload, int startOffset, int endOffset)
      throws IOException {

    if (DEBUG)
          "PW       pos="
              + position
              + " payload="
              + (payload == null ? "null" : payload.length + " bytes"));
    if (pendingCount == pending.length) {

    if (pendingCount == -1) {
      // We've already seen too many docs for this term --
      // just forward to our fallback writer
      wrappedPostingsWriter.addPosition(position, payload, startOffset, endOffset);
    } else {
      // buffer up
      final Position pos = pending[pendingCount++];
      pos.pos = position;
      pos.startOffset = startOffset;
      pos.endOffset = endOffset;
      pos.docID = currentDoc.docID;
      if (payload != null && payload.length > 0) {
        if (pos.payload == null) {
          pos.payload = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(payload);
        } else {
      } else if (pos.payload != null) {
        pos.payload.length = 0;
  private static void duelFieldDataBytes(
      Random random,
      AtomicReaderContext context,
      IndexFieldData<?> left,
      IndexFieldData<?> right,
      Preprocessor pre)
      throws Exception {
    AtomicFieldData leftData = random.nextBoolean() ? left.load(context) : left.loadDirect(context);
    AtomicFieldData rightData =
        random.nextBoolean() ? right.load(context) : right.loadDirect(context);

    int numDocs = context.reader().maxDoc();
    SortedBinaryDocValues leftBytesValues = leftData.getBytesValues();
    SortedBinaryDocValues rightBytesValues = rightData.getBytesValues();
    BytesRef leftSpare = new BytesRef();
    BytesRef rightSpare = new BytesRef();

    for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
      int numValues = leftBytesValues.count();
      assertThat(numValues, equalTo(rightBytesValues.count()));
      BytesRef previous = null;
      for (int j = 0; j < numValues; j++) {
        if (previous != null) {
          assertThat(, rightSpare), lessThan(0));
        previous = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(rightSpare);
        assertThat(pre.toString(leftSpare), equalTo(pre.toString(rightSpare)));
  public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {
    SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
    if (!params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS, false)) return;

    String[] fields = params.getParams(TermsParams.TERMS_FIELD);

    NamedList<Object> termsResult = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
    rb.rsp.add("terms", termsResult);

    if (fields == null || fields.length == 0) return;

    int limit = params.getInt(TermsParams.TERMS_LIMIT, 10);
    if (limit < 0) {
      limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    String lowerStr = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_LOWER);
    String upperStr = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_UPPER);
    boolean upperIncl = params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS_UPPER_INCLUSIVE, false);
    boolean lowerIncl = params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS_LOWER_INCLUSIVE, true);
    boolean sort =
            params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_SORT, TermsParams.TERMS_SORT_COUNT));
    int freqmin = params.getInt(TermsParams.TERMS_MINCOUNT, 1);
    int freqmax = params.getInt(TermsParams.TERMS_MAXCOUNT, UNLIMITED_MAX_COUNT);
    if (freqmax < 0) {
      freqmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    String prefix = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_PREFIX_STR);
    String regexp = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_REGEXP_STR);
    Pattern pattern = regexp != null ? Pattern.compile(regexp, resolveRegexpFlags(params)) : null;

    boolean raw = params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS_RAW, false);

    final AtomicReader indexReader = rb.req.getSearcher().getAtomicReader();
    Fields lfields = indexReader.fields();

    for (String field : fields) {
      NamedList<Integer> fieldTerms = new NamedList<>();
      termsResult.add(field, fieldTerms);

      Terms terms = lfields == null ? null : lfields.terms(field);
      if (terms == null) {
        // no terms for this field

      FieldType ft = raw ? null : rb.req.getSchema().getFieldTypeNoEx(field);
      if (ft == null) ft = new StrField();

      // prefix must currently be text
      BytesRef prefixBytes = prefix == null ? null : new BytesRef(prefix);

      BytesRef upperBytes = null;
      if (upperStr != null) {
        upperBytes = new BytesRef();
        ft.readableToIndexed(upperStr, upperBytes);

      BytesRef lowerBytes;
      if (lowerStr == null) {
        // If no lower bound was specified, use the prefix
        lowerBytes = prefixBytes;
      } else {
        lowerBytes = new BytesRef();
        if (raw) {
          // TODO: how to handle binary? perhaps we don't for "raw"... or if the field exists
          // perhaps we detect if the FieldType is non-character and expect hex if so?
          lowerBytes = new BytesRef(lowerStr);
        } else {
          lowerBytes = new BytesRef();
          ft.readableToIndexed(lowerStr, lowerBytes);

      TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null);
      BytesRef term = null;

      if (lowerBytes != null) {
        if (termsEnum.seekCeil(lowerBytes) == TermsEnum.SeekStatus.END) {
          termsEnum = null;
        } else {
          term = termsEnum.term();
          // Only advance the enum if we are excluding the lower bound and the lower Term actually
          // matches
          if (lowerIncl == false && term.equals(lowerBytes)) {
            term =;
      } else {
        // position termsEnum on first term
        term =;

      int i = 0;
      BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<BytesRef, Integer>> queue =
          (sort ? new BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<BytesRef, Integer>>(limit) : null);
      CharsRef external = new CharsRef();
      while (term != null && (i < limit || sort)) {
        boolean externalized = false; // did we fill in "external" yet for this term?

        // stop if the prefix doesn't match
        if (prefixBytes != null && !StringHelper.startsWith(term, prefixBytes)) break;

        if (pattern != null) {
          // indexed text or external text?
          // TODO: support "raw" mode?
          ft.indexedToReadable(term, external);
          externalized = true;
          if (!pattern.matcher(external).matches()) {
            term =;

        if (upperBytes != null) {
          int upperCmp = term.compareTo(upperBytes);
          // if we are past the upper term, or equal to it (when don't include upper) then stop.
          if (upperCmp > 0 || (upperCmp == 0 && !upperIncl)) break;

        // This is a good term in the range.  Check if mincount/maxcount conditions are satisfied.
        int docFreq = termsEnum.docFreq();
        if (docFreq >= freqmin && docFreq <= freqmax) {
          // add the term to the list
          if (sort) {
            queue.add(new CountPair<>(BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term), docFreq));
          } else {

            // TODO: handle raw somehow
            if (!externalized) {
              ft.indexedToReadable(term, external);
            fieldTerms.add(external.toString(), docFreq);

        term =;

      if (sort) {
        for (CountPair<BytesRef, Integer> item : queue) {
          if (i >= limit) break;
          ft.indexedToReadable(item.key, external);
          fieldTerms.add(external.toString(), item.val);
 public void collectLeaf(PostingsEnum postings, int position, Term term) throws IOException {
   if (postings.getPayload() != null) {
 /** Creates a query builder given a query provided as a {@link BytesReference} */
 public WrapperQueryBuilder(BytesReference source) {
   if (source == null || source.length() == 0) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("query source text cannot be null or empty");
   this.source = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(source.toBytesRef()).bytes;
   * Returns a list of terms in the specified field along with the corresponding count of documents
   * in the set that match that constraint. This method uses the FilterCache to get the intersection
   * count between <code>docs</code> and the DocSet for each term in the filter.
   * @see FacetParams#FACET_LIMIT
   * @see FacetParams#FACET_ZEROS
   * @see FacetParams#FACET_MISSING
  public NamedList<Integer> getFacetTermEnumCounts(
      SolrIndexSearcher searcher,
      DocSet docs,
      String field,
      int offset,
      int limit,
      int mincount,
      boolean missing,
      String sort,
      String prefix,
      String contains,
      boolean ignoreCase,
      SolrParams params)
      throws IOException {

    /* :TODO: potential optimization...
     * cache the Terms with the highest docFreq and try them first
     * don't enum if we get our max from them

    // Minimum term docFreq in order to use the filterCache for that term.
    int minDfFilterCache = global.getFieldInt(field, FacetParams.FACET_ENUM_CACHE_MINDF, 0);

    // make sure we have a set that is fast for random access, if we will use it for that
    DocSet fastForRandomSet = docs;
    if (minDfFilterCache > 0 && docs instanceof SortedIntDocSet) {
      SortedIntDocSet sset = (SortedIntDocSet) docs;
      fastForRandomSet = new HashDocSet(sset.getDocs(), 0, sset.size());

    IndexSchema schema = searcher.getSchema();
    LeafReader r = searcher.getLeafReader();
    FieldType ft = schema.getFieldType(field);

    boolean sortByCount = sort.equals("count") || sort.equals("true");
    final int maxsize = limit >= 0 ? offset + limit : Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;
    final BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<BytesRef, Integer>> queue =
        sortByCount ? new BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<BytesRef, Integer>>(maxsize) : null;
    final NamedList<Integer> res = new NamedList<>();

    int min = mincount - 1; // the smallest value in the top 'N' values
    int off = offset;
    int lim = limit >= 0 ? limit : Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    BytesRef prefixTermBytes = null;
    if (prefix != null) {
      String indexedPrefix = ft.toInternal(prefix);
      prefixTermBytes = new BytesRef(indexedPrefix);

    Fields fields = r.fields();
    Terms terms = fields == null ? null : fields.terms(field);
    TermsEnum termsEnum = null;
    SolrIndexSearcher.DocsEnumState deState = null;
    BytesRef term = null;
    if (terms != null) {
      termsEnum = terms.iterator();

      // TODO: OPT: if seek(ord) is supported for this termsEnum, then we could use it for
      // facet.offset when sorting by index order.

      if (prefixTermBytes != null) {
        if (termsEnum.seekCeil(prefixTermBytes) == TermsEnum.SeekStatus.END) {
          termsEnum = null;
        } else {
          term = termsEnum.term();
      } else {
        // position termsEnum on first term
        term =;

    PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null;
    CharsRefBuilder charsRef = new CharsRefBuilder();

    if (docs.size() >= mincount) {
      while (term != null) {

        if (prefixTermBytes != null && !StringHelper.startsWith(term, prefixTermBytes)) break;

        if (contains == null || contains(term.utf8ToString(), contains, ignoreCase)) {
          int df = termsEnum.docFreq();

          // If we are sorting, we can use df>min (rather than >=) since we
          // are going in index order.  For certain term distributions this can
          // make a large difference (for example, many terms with df=1).
          if (df > 0 && df > min) {
            int c;

            if (df >= minDfFilterCache) {
              // use the filter cache

              if (deState == null) {
                deState = new SolrIndexSearcher.DocsEnumState();
                deState.fieldName = field;
                deState.liveDocs = r.getLiveDocs();
                deState.termsEnum = termsEnum;
                deState.postingsEnum = postingsEnum;

              c = searcher.numDocs(docs, deState);

              postingsEnum = deState.postingsEnum;
            } else {
              // iterate over TermDocs to calculate the intersection

              // TODO: specialize when base docset is a bitset or hash set (skipDocs)?  or does it
              // matter for this?
              // TODO: do this per-segment for better efficiency (MultiDocsEnum just uses base class
              // impl)
              // TODO: would passing deleted docs lead to better efficiency over checking the
              // fastForRandomSet?
              postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.NONE);
              c = 0;

              if (postingsEnum instanceof MultiPostingsEnum) {
                MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice[] subs =
                    ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getSubs();
                int numSubs = ((MultiPostingsEnum) postingsEnum).getNumSubs();
                for (int subindex = 0; subindex < numSubs; subindex++) {
                  MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice sub = subs[subindex];
                  if (sub.postingsEnum == null) continue;
                  int base = sub.slice.start;
                  int docid;
                  while ((docid = sub.postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
                    if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid + base)) c++;
              } else {
                int docid;
                while ((docid = postingsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
                  if (fastForRandomSet.exists(docid)) c++;

            if (sortByCount) {
              if (c > min) {
                BytesRef termCopy = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term);
                queue.add(new CountPair<>(termCopy, c));
                if (queue.size() >= maxsize) min = queue.last().val;
            } else {
              if (c >= mincount && --off < 0) {
                if (--lim < 0) break;
                ft.indexedToReadable(term, charsRef);
                res.add(charsRef.toString(), c);
        term =;

    if (sortByCount) {
      for (CountPair<BytesRef, Integer> p : queue) {
        if (--off >= 0) continue;
        if (--lim < 0) break;
        ft.indexedToReadable(p.key, charsRef);
        res.add(charsRef.toString(), p.val);

    if (missing) {
      res.add(null, getFieldMissingCount(searcher, docs, field));

    return res;
Example #25
 public FieldAndTerm(FieldAndTerm other) {
   field = other.field;
   term = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(other.term);
  private void addTerms(IndexReader reader, FieldVals f, ScoreTermQueue q) throws IOException {
    if (f.queryString == null) return;
    final Terms terms = MultiFields.getTerms(reader, f.fieldName);
    if (terms == null) {
    try (TokenStream ts = analyzer.tokenStream(f.fieldName, f.queryString)) {
      CharTermAttribute termAtt = ts.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);

      int corpusNumDocs = reader.numDocs();
      HashSet<String> processedTerms = new HashSet<>();
      while (ts.incrementToken()) {
        String term = termAtt.toString();
        if (!processedTerms.contains(term)) {
          ScoreTermQueue variantsQ =
              new ScoreTermQueue(
                  MAX_VARIANTS_PER_TERM); // maxNum variants considered for any one term
          float minScore = 0;
          Term startTerm = new Term(f.fieldName, term);
          AttributeSource atts = new AttributeSource();
          MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute maxBoostAtt =
          SlowFuzzyTermsEnum fe =
              new SlowFuzzyTermsEnum(terms, atts, startTerm, f.minSimilarity, f.prefixLength);
          // store the df so all variants use same idf
          int df = reader.docFreq(startTerm);
          int numVariants = 0;
          int totalVariantDocFreqs = 0;
          BytesRef possibleMatch;
          BoostAttribute boostAtt = fe.attributes().addAttribute(BoostAttribute.class);
          while ((possibleMatch = != null) {
            totalVariantDocFreqs += fe.docFreq();
            float score = boostAtt.getBoost();
            if (variantsQ.size() < MAX_VARIANTS_PER_TERM || score > minScore) {
              ScoreTerm st =
                  new ScoreTerm(
                      new Term(startTerm.field(), BytesRef.deepCopyOf(possibleMatch)),
              minScore =; // maintain minScore
                variantsQ.size() >= MAX_VARIANTS_PER_TERM ? minScore : Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);

          if (numVariants > 0) {
            int avgDf = totalVariantDocFreqs / numVariants;
            if (df == 0) // no direct match we can use as df for all variants
              df = avgDf; // use avg df of all variants

            // take the top variants (scored by edit distance) and reset the score
            // to include an IDF factor then add to the global queue for ranking
            // overall top query terms
            int size = variantsQ.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
              ScoreTerm st = variantsQ.pop();
              st.score = (st.score * st.score) * sim.idf(df, corpusNumDocs);
  // tries to make more dups than testSortedSet
  public void testSortedSetWithDups() throws Exception {
    Directory dir = newDirectory();

    IndexWriterConfig iwc = newIndexWriterConfig(random(), null);
    RandomIndexWriter iw = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), dir, iwc);

    int numDocs = TEST_NIGHTLY ? atLeast(500) : atLeast(50);
    for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
      Document doc = new Document();
      int numValues = random().nextInt(5);
      for (int j = 0; j < numValues; j++) {
            new SortedSetDocValuesField(
                "bytes", new BytesRef(TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random(), 2))));
      if (random().nextInt(17) == 0) {
    DirectoryReader ir = iw.getReader();
    DirectoryReader ir2 = iw.getReader();
    LeafReader merged = getOnlyLeafReader(ir2);

    SortedSetDocValues multi = MultiDocValues.getSortedSetValues(ir, "bytes");
    SortedSetDocValues single = merged.getSortedSetDocValues("bytes");
    if (multi == null) {
    } else {
      assertEquals(single.getValueCount(), multi.getValueCount());
      // check values
      for (long i = 0; i < single.getValueCount(); i++) {
        final BytesRef expected = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(single.lookupOrd(i));
        final BytesRef actual = multi.lookupOrd(i);
        assertEquals(expected, actual);
      // check ord list
      for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
        ArrayList<Long> expectedList = new ArrayList<>();
        long ord;
        while ((ord = single.nextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {

        int upto = 0;
        while ((ord = multi.nextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
          assertEquals(expectedList.get(upto).longValue(), ord);
        assertEquals(expectedList.size(), upto);

Example #28
  /** Call this only once (if you subclass!) */
  protected void uninvert(final LeafReader reader, Bits liveDocs, final BytesRef termPrefix)
      throws IOException {
    final FieldInfo info = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field);
    if (checkForDocValues && info != null && info.getDocValuesType() != DocValuesType.NONE) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Type mismatch: " + field + " was indexed as " + info.getDocValuesType());
    // System.out.println("DTO uninvert field=" + field + " prefix=" + termPrefix);
    final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    prefix = termPrefix == null ? null : BytesRef.deepCopyOf(termPrefix);

    final int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();
    final int[] index =
        new int
            [maxDoc]; // immediate term numbers, or the index into the byte[] representing the last
    // number
    final int[] lastTerm = new int[maxDoc]; // last term we saw for this document
    final byte[][] bytes =
        new byte[maxDoc][]; // list of term numbers for the doc (delta encoded vInts)

    final Terms terms = reader.terms(field);
    if (terms == null) {
      // No terms

    final TermsEnum te = terms.iterator();
    final BytesRef seekStart = termPrefix != null ? termPrefix : new BytesRef();
    // System.out.println("seekStart=" + seekStart.utf8ToString());
    if (te.seekCeil(seekStart) == TermsEnum.SeekStatus.END) {
      // No terms match

    // For our "term index wrapper"
    final List<BytesRef> indexedTerms = new ArrayList<>();
    final PagedBytes indexedTermsBytes = new PagedBytes(15);

    // we need a minimum of 9 bytes, but round up to 12 since the space would
    // be wasted with most allocators anyway.
    byte[] tempArr = new byte[12];

    // enumerate all terms, and build an intermediate form of the un-inverted field.
    // During this intermediate form, every document has a (potential) byte[]
    // and the int[maxDoc()] array either contains the termNumber list directly
    // or the *end* offset of the termNumber list in its byte array (for faster
    // appending and faster creation of the final form).
    // idea... if things are too large while building, we could do a range of docs
    // at a time (but it would be a fair amount slower to build)
    // could also do ranges in parallel to take advantage of multiple CPUs

    // OPTIONAL: remap the largest df terms to the lowest 128 (single byte)
    // values.  This requires going over the field first to find the most
    // frequent terms ahead of time.

    int termNum = 0;
    postingsEnum = null;

    // Loop begins with te positioned to first term (we call
    // seek above):
    for (; ; ) {
      final BytesRef t = te.term();
      if (t == null || (termPrefix != null && !StringHelper.startsWith(t, termPrefix))) {
      // System.out.println("visit term=" + t.utf8ToString() + " " + t + " termNum=" + termNum);

      visitTerm(te, termNum);

      if ((termNum & indexIntervalMask) == 0) {
        // Index this term
        sizeOfIndexedStrings += t.length;
        BytesRef indexedTerm = new BytesRef();
        indexedTermsBytes.copy(t, indexedTerm);
        // TODO: really should 1) strip off useless suffix,
        // and 2) use FST not array/PagedBytes

      final int df = te.docFreq();
      if (df <= maxTermDocFreq) {

        postingsEnum = te.postings(postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.NONE);

        // dF, but takes deletions into account
        int actualDF = 0;

        for (; ; ) {
          int doc = postingsEnum.nextDoc();
          if (doc == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
          // System.out.println("  chunk=" + chunk + " docs");


          // System.out.println("    docID=" + doc);
          // add TNUM_OFFSET to the term number to make room for special reserved values:
          // 0 (end term) and 1 (index into byte array follows)
          int delta = termNum - lastTerm[doc] + TNUM_OFFSET;
          lastTerm[doc] = termNum;
          int val = index[doc];

          if ((val & 0xff) == 1) {
            // index into byte array (actually the end of
            // the doc-specific byte[] when building)
            int pos = val >>> 8;
            int ilen = vIntSize(delta);
            byte[] arr = bytes[doc];
            int newend = pos + ilen;
            if (newend > arr.length) {
              // We avoid a doubling strategy to lower memory usage.
              // this faceting method isn't for docs with many terms.
              // In hotspot, objects have 2 words of overhead, then fields, rounded up to a 64-bit
              // boundary.
              // TODO: figure out what array lengths we can round up to w/o actually using more
              // memory
              // (how much space does a byte[] take up?  Is data preceded by a 32 bit length only?
              // It should be safe to round up to the nearest 32 bits in any case.
              int newLen = (newend + 3) & 0xfffffffc; // 4 byte alignment
              byte[] newarr = new byte[newLen];
              System.arraycopy(arr, 0, newarr, 0, pos);
              arr = newarr;
              bytes[doc] = newarr;
            pos = writeInt(delta, arr, pos);
            index[doc] = (pos << 8) | 1; // update pointer to end index in byte[]
          } else {
            // OK, this int has data in it... find the end (a zero starting byte - not
            // part of another number, hence not following a byte with the high bit set).
            int ipos;
            if (val == 0) {
              ipos = 0;
            } else if ((val & 0x0000ff80) == 0) {
              ipos = 1;
            } else if ((val & 0x00ff8000) == 0) {
              ipos = 2;
            } else if ((val & 0xff800000) == 0) {
              ipos = 3;
            } else {
              ipos = 4;

            // System.out.println("      ipos=" + ipos);

            int endPos = writeInt(delta, tempArr, ipos);
            // System.out.println("      endpos=" + endPos);
            if (endPos <= 4) {
              // System.out.println("      fits!");
              // value will fit in the integer... move bytes back
              for (int j = ipos; j < endPos; j++) {
                val |= (tempArr[j] & 0xff) << (j << 3);
              index[doc] = val;
            } else {
              // value won't fit... move integer into byte[]
              for (int j = 0; j < ipos; j++) {
                tempArr[j] = (byte) val;
                val >>>= 8;
              // point at the end index in the byte[]
              index[doc] = (endPos << 8) | 1;
              bytes[doc] = tempArr;
              tempArr = new byte[12];
        setActualDocFreq(termNum, actualDF);

      if ( == null) {

    numTermsInField = termNum;

    long midPoint = System.nanoTime();

    if (termInstances == 0) {
      // we didn't invert anything
      // lower memory consumption.
      tnums = null;
    } else {

      this.index = index;

      // transform intermediate form into the final form, building a single byte[]
      // at a time, and releasing the intermediate byte[]s as we go to avoid
      // increasing the memory footprint.

      for (int pass = 0; pass < 256; pass++) {
        byte[] target = tnums[pass];
        int pos = 0; // end in target;
        if (target != null) {
          pos = target.length;
        } else {
          target = new byte[4096];

        // loop over documents, 0x00ppxxxx, 0x01ppxxxx, 0x02ppxxxx
        // where pp is the pass (which array we are building), and xx is all values.
        // each pass shares the same byte[] for termNumber lists.
        for (int docbase = pass << 16; docbase < maxDoc; docbase += (1 << 24)) {
          int lim = Math.min(docbase + (1 << 16), maxDoc);
          for (int doc = docbase; doc < lim; doc++) {
            // System.out.println("  pass="******" process docID=" + doc);
            int val = index[doc];
            if ((val & 0xff) == 1) {
              int len = val >>> 8;
              // System.out.println("    ptr pos=" + pos);
              index[doc] = (pos << 8) | 1; // change index to point to start of array
              if ((pos & 0xff000000) != 0) {
                // we only have 24 bits for the array index
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Too many values for UnInvertedField faceting on field " + field);
              byte[] arr = bytes[doc];
              for(byte b : arr) {
                //System.out.println("      b=" + Integer.toHexString((int) b));
              bytes[doc] = null; // IMPORTANT: allow GC to avoid OOM
              if (target.length <= pos + len) {
                int newlen = target.length;
                 * * we don't have to worry about the array getting too large since the "pos" param
                 * will overflow first (only 24 bits available) if ((newlen<<1) <= 0) { //
                 * overflow... newlen = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (newlen <= pos + len) { throw new
                 * SolrException(400,"Too many terms to uninvert field!"); } } else { while (newlen
                 * <= pos + len) newlen<<=1; // doubling strategy } **
                while (newlen <= pos + len) newlen <<= 1; // doubling strategy
                byte[] newtarget = new byte[newlen];
                System.arraycopy(target, 0, newtarget, 0, pos);
                target = newtarget;
              System.arraycopy(arr, 0, target, pos, len);
              pos += len + 1; // skip single byte at end and leave it 0 for terminator

        // shrink array
        if (pos < target.length) {
          byte[] newtarget = new byte[pos];
          System.arraycopy(target, 0, newtarget, 0, pos);
          target = newtarget;

        tnums[pass] = target;

        if ((pass << 16) > maxDoc) break;
    indexedTermsArray = indexedTerms.toArray(new BytesRef[indexedTerms.size()]);

    long endTime = System.nanoTime();

    total_time = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(endTime - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
    phase1_time = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(midPoint - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
 public void reflectWith(AttributeReflector reflector) {
   reflector.reflect(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class, "bytes", BytesRef.deepCopyOf(bytes));
  private void assertTermsSeeking(Terms leftTerms, Terms rightTerms) throws Exception {
    TermsEnum leftEnum = null;
    TermsEnum rightEnum = null;

    // just an upper bound
    int numTests = atLeast(20);
    Random random = random();

    // collect this number of terms from the left side
    HashSet<BytesRef> tests = new HashSet<BytesRef>();
    int numPasses = 0;
    while (numPasses < 10 && tests.size() < numTests) {
      leftEnum = leftTerms.iterator(leftEnum);
      BytesRef term = null;
      while ((term = != null) {
        int code = random.nextInt(10);
        if (code == 0) {
          // the term
        } else if (code == 1) {
          // truncated subsequence of term
          term = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(term);
          if (term.length > 0) {
            // truncate it
            term.length = random.nextInt(term.length);
        } else if (code == 2) {
          // term, but ensure a non-zero offset
          byte newbytes[] = new byte[term.length + 5];
          System.arraycopy(term.bytes, term.offset, newbytes, 5, term.length);
          tests.add(new BytesRef(newbytes, 5, term.length));

    ArrayList<BytesRef> shuffledTests = new ArrayList<BytesRef>(tests);
    Collections.shuffle(shuffledTests, random);

    for (BytesRef b : shuffledTests) {
      leftEnum = leftTerms.iterator(leftEnum);
      rightEnum = rightTerms.iterator(rightEnum);

      assertEquals(leftEnum.seekExact(b), rightEnum.seekExact(b));
      assertEquals(leftEnum.seekExact(b), rightEnum.seekExact(b));

      SeekStatus leftStatus;
      SeekStatus rightStatus;

      leftStatus = leftEnum.seekCeil(b);
      rightStatus = rightEnum.seekCeil(b);
      assertEquals(leftStatus, rightStatus);
      if (leftStatus != SeekStatus.END) {
        assertEquals(leftEnum.term(), rightEnum.term());

      leftStatus = leftEnum.seekCeil(b);
      rightStatus = rightEnum.seekCeil(b);
      assertEquals(leftStatus, rightStatus);
      if (leftStatus != SeekStatus.END) {
        assertEquals(leftEnum.term(), rightEnum.term());