   * Merges the given taxonomy and index directories and commits the changes to the given writers.
  public static void merge(
      Directory srcIndexDir,
      Directory srcTaxDir,
      OrdinalMap map,
      IndexWriter destIndexWriter,
      DirectoryTaxonomyWriter destTaxWriter)
      throws IOException {
    // merge the taxonomies
    destTaxWriter.addTaxonomy(srcTaxDir, map);

    int ordinalMap[] = map.getMap();
    FacetIndexingParams params = new DefaultFacetIndexingParams();

    DirectoryReader reader = DirectoryReader.open(srcIndexDir, -1);
    List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves = reader.leaves();
    AtomicReader wrappedLeaves[] = new AtomicReader[leaves.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < leaves.size(); i++) {
      wrappedLeaves[i] = new OrdinalMappingAtomicReader(leaves.get(i).reader(), ordinalMap, params);
    try {
      destIndexWriter.addIndexes(new MultiReader(wrappedLeaves));

      // commit changes to taxonomy and index respectively.
    } finally {
  /** Build the example index. */
  private void index() throws IOException {
    IndexWriterConfig iwc =
        new IndexWriterConfig(new WhitespaceAnalyzer()).setOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE);
    IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(indexDir, iwc);

    // Writes facet ords to a separate directory from the main index
    DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir);

    Document doc = new Document();
    // 3 occurrences for tag 'lucene'
    doc.add(new IntAssociationFacetField(3, "tags", "lucene"));
    // 87% confidence level of genre 'computing'
    doc.add(new FloatAssociationFacetField(0.87f, "genre", "computing"));
    indexWriter.addDocument(config.build(taxoWriter, doc));

    doc = new Document();
    // 1 occurrence for tag 'lucene'
    doc.add(new IntAssociationFacetField(1, "tags", "lucene"));
    // 2 occurrence for tag 'solr'
    doc.add(new IntAssociationFacetField(2, "tags", "solr"));
    // 75% confidence level of genre 'computing'
    doc.add(new FloatAssociationFacetField(0.75f, "genre", "computing"));
    // 34% confidence level of genre 'software'
    doc.add(new FloatAssociationFacetField(0.34f, "genre", "software"));
    indexWriter.addDocument(config.build(taxoWriter, doc));

  * Merges the given taxonomy and index directories. Note that this method opens {@link
  * DirectoryTaxonomyWriter} and {@link IndexWriter} on the respective destination indexes.
  * Therefore if you have a writer open on any of them, it should be closed, or you should use
  * {@link #merge(Directory, Directory, IndexWriter, DirectoryTaxonomyWriter)} instead.
  * @see #merge(Directory, Directory, IndexWriter, DirectoryTaxonomyWriter)
 public static void merge(
     Directory srcIndexDir, Directory srcTaxDir, Directory destIndexDir, Directory destTaxDir)
     throws IOException {
   IndexWriter destIndexWriter =
       new IndexWriter(destIndexDir, new IndexWriterConfig(ExampleUtils.EXAMPLE_VER, null));
   DirectoryTaxonomyWriter destTaxWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(destTaxDir);
   merge(srcIndexDir, srcTaxDir, new MemoryOrdinalMap(), destIndexWriter, destTaxWriter);
  public void testNRT() throws Exception {
    Directory dir = newDirectory();
    DirectoryTaxonomyWriter writer = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(dir);
    TaxonomyReader reader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(writer);

    FacetLabel cp = new FacetLabel("a");
    TaxonomyReader newReader = TaxonomyReader.openIfChanged(reader);
    assertNotNull("expected a new instance", newReader);
    assertEquals(2, newReader.getSize());
    assertNotSame(TaxonomyReader.INVALID_ORDINAL, newReader.getOrdinal(cp));
    reader = newReader;


  * Test what happens if we try to write to a locked taxonomy writer, and see that we can unlock it
  * and continue.
 public void testWriterLock() throws Exception {
   // native fslock impl gets angry if we use it, so use RAMDirectory explicitly.
   Directory indexDir = new RAMDirectory();
   TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   tw.addCategory(new FacetLabel("hi", "there"));
   // we deliberately not close the write now, and keep it open and
   // locked.
   // Verify that the writer worked:
   TaxonomyReader tr = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(indexDir);
   assertEquals(2, tr.getOrdinal(new FacetLabel("hi", "there")));
   // Try to open a second writer, with the first one locking the directory.
   // We expect to get a LockObtainFailedException.
   try {
     assertNull(new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir));
     fail("should have failed to write in locked directory");
   } catch (LockObtainFailedException e) {
     // this is what we expect to happen.
   // Remove the lock, and now the open should succeed, and we can
   // write to the new writer.
   TaxonomyWriter tw2 = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(indexDir);
   tw2.addCategory(new FacetLabel("hey"));
   // See that the writer indeed wrote:
   TaxonomyReader newtr = TaxonomyReader.openIfChanged(tr);
   tr = newtr;
   assertEquals(3, tr.getOrdinal(new FacetLabel("hey")));