Example #1
      public SegmentTermsEnum() throws IOException {
        in = BlockTermsReader.this.in.clone();
        indexEnum = indexReader.getFieldEnum(fieldInfo);
        doOrd = indexReader.supportsOrd();
        fieldTerm.field = fieldInfo.name;
        state = postingsReader.newTermState();
        state.totalTermFreq = -1;
        state.ord = -1;

        termSuffixes = new byte[128];
        docFreqBytes = new byte[64];
        // System.out.println("BTR.enum init this=" + this + " postingsReader=" + postingsReader);
        longs = new long[longsSize];
Example #2
      private void decodeMetaData() throws IOException {
        // System.out.println("BTR.decodeMetadata mdUpto=" + metaDataUpto + " vs termCount=" +
        // state.termBlockOrd + " state=" + state);
        if (!seekPending) {
          // TODO: cutover to random-access API
          // here.... really stupid that we have to decode N
          // wasted term metadata just to get to the N+1th
          // that we really need...

          // lazily catch up on metadata decode:
          final int limit = state.termBlockOrd;
          boolean absolute = metaDataUpto == 0;
          // TODO: better API would be "jump straight to term=N"???
          while (metaDataUpto < limit) {
            // System.out.println("  decode mdUpto=" + metaDataUpto);
            // TODO: we could make "tiers" of metadata, ie,
            // decode docFreq/totalTF but don't decode postings
            // metadata; this way caller could get
            // docFreq/totalTF w/o paying decode cost for
            // postings

            // TODO: if docFreq were bulk decoded we could
            // just skipN here:

            // docFreq, totalTermFreq
            state.docFreq = freqReader.readVInt();
            // System.out.println("    dF=" + state.docFreq);
            if (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.DOCS) {
              state.totalTermFreq = state.docFreq + freqReader.readVLong();
              // System.out.println("    totTF=" + state.totalTermFreq);
            // metadata
            for (int i = 0; i < longs.length; i++) {
              longs[i] = bytesReader.readVLong();
            postingsReader.decodeTerm(longs, bytesReader, fieldInfo, state, absolute);
            absolute = false;
        } else {
          // System.out.println("  skip! seekPending");