   * Analyzes the given value using the given Analyzer.
   * @param value Value to analyze
   * @param context The {@link AnalysisContext analysis context}.
   * @return NamedList containing the tokens produced by analyzing the given value
  protected NamedList<? extends Object> analyzeValue(String value, AnalysisContext context) {

    Analyzer analyzer = context.getAnalyzer();

    if (!TokenizerChain.class.isInstance(analyzer)) {

      TokenStream tokenStream = null;
      try {
        tokenStream = analyzer.reusableTokenStream(context.getFieldName(), new StringReader(value));
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, e);
      NamedList<List<NamedList>> namedList = new NamedList<List<NamedList>>();
          convertTokensToNamedLists(analyzeTokenStream(tokenStream), context));
      return namedList;

    TokenizerChain tokenizerChain = (TokenizerChain) analyzer;
    CharFilterFactory[] cfiltfacs = tokenizerChain.getCharFilterFactories();
    TokenizerFactory tfac = tokenizerChain.getTokenizerFactory();
    TokenFilterFactory[] filtfacs = tokenizerChain.getTokenFilterFactories();

    NamedList<Object> namedList = new NamedList<Object>();

    if (cfiltfacs != null) {
      String source = value;
      for (CharFilterFactory cfiltfac : cfiltfacs) {
        CharStream reader = CharReader.get(new StringReader(source));
        reader = cfiltfac.create(reader);
        source = writeCharStream(namedList, reader);

    TokenStream tokenStream = tfac.create(tokenizerChain.charStream(new StringReader(value)));
    List<AttributeSource> tokens = analyzeTokenStream(tokenStream);

    namedList.add(tokenStream.getClass().getName(), convertTokensToNamedLists(tokens, context));

    ListBasedTokenStream listBasedTokenStream = new ListBasedTokenStream(tokens);

    for (TokenFilterFactory tokenFilterFactory : filtfacs) {
      tokenStream = tokenFilterFactory.create(listBasedTokenStream);
      List<AttributeSource> tokenList = analyzeTokenStream(tokenStream);
          tokenStream.getClass().getName(), convertTokensToNamedLists(tokenList, context));
      listBasedTokenStream = new ListBasedTokenStream(tokenList);

    return namedList;
   * Converts the list of Tokens to a list of NamedLists representing the tokens.
   * @param tokens Tokens to convert
   * @param context The analysis context
   * @return List of NamedLists containing the relevant information taken from the tokens
  private List<NamedList> convertTokensToNamedLists(
      final List<AttributeSource> tokens, AnalysisContext context) {
    final List<NamedList> tokensNamedLists = new ArrayList<NamedList>();

    final int[] positions = new int[tokens.size()];
    int position = 0;
    for (int i = 0, c = tokens.size(); i < c; i++) {
      AttributeSource token = tokens.get(i);
      position += token.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class).getPositionIncrement();
      positions[i] = position;

    // sort the tokens by absoulte position
    new SorterTemplate() {
      protected void swap(int i, int j) {
        final int p = positions[i];
        positions[i] = positions[j];
        positions[j] = p;
        Collections.swap(tokens, i, j);

      protected int compare(int i, int j) {
        return positions[i] - positions[j];

      protected void setPivot(int i) {
        pivot = positions[i];

      protected int comparePivot(int j) {
        return pivot - positions[j];

      private int pivot;
    }.mergeSort(0, tokens.size() - 1);

    FieldType fieldType = context.getFieldType();

    final CharArr textBuf = new CharArr();
    for (int i = 0, c = tokens.size(); i < c; i++) {
      AttributeSource token = tokens.get(i);
      final NamedList<Object> tokenNamedList = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>();
      final TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = token.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      BytesRef rawBytes = termAtt.getBytesRef();

      fieldType.indexedToReadable(rawBytes, textBuf);
      final String text = textBuf.toString();

      tokenNamedList.add("text", text);

      if (token.hasAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class)) {
        final String rawText = token.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class).toString();
        if (!rawText.equals(text)) {
          tokenNamedList.add("raw_text", rawText);

      tokenNamedList.add("raw_bytes", rawBytes.toString());

      if (context.getTermsToMatch().contains(rawBytes)) {
        tokenNamedList.add("match", true);

      tokenNamedList.add("position", positions[i]);

          new AttributeReflector() {
            public void reflect(Class<? extends Attribute> attClass, String key, Object value) {
              // leave out position and bytes term
              if (TermToBytesRefAttribute.class.isAssignableFrom(attClass)) return;
              if (CharTermAttribute.class.isAssignableFrom(attClass)) return;
              if (PositionIncrementAttribute.class.isAssignableFrom(attClass)) return;

              String k = attClass.getName() + '#' + key;

              // map keys for "standard attributes":
              if (ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING.containsKey(k)) {
                k = ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING.get(k);

              if (value instanceof Payload) {
                final Payload p = (Payload) value;
                value = new BytesRef(p.getData()).toString();

              tokenNamedList.add(k, value);


    return tokensNamedLists;