/** @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet() */ @Override public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { String log4jLocation = config.getInitParameter("log4j-properties-location"); ServletContext sc = config.getServletContext(); if (log4jLocation == null) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); } else { String webAppPath = sc.getRealPath("/"); String log4jProp = webAppPath + log4jLocation; File output = new File(log4jProp); if (output.exists()) { PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jProp); } else { BasicConfigurator.configure(); } } super.init(config); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { BasicConfigurator.resetConfiguration(); BasicConfigurator.configure(); NioInvokerServerExample.main(args); Thread.sleep(200); NioInvokerClientExample.main(args); }
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { System.out.println("CabServer Log4JInitServlet is initializing log4j"); String log4jLocation = config.getInitParameter("log4j-properties-location"); ServletContext sc = config.getServletContext(); if (log4jLocation == null) { System.err.println( "*** CabServer No log4j-properties-location init param, " + "so initializing log4j with BasicConfigurator"); BasicConfigurator.configure(); } else { String webAppPath = sc.getRealPath("/"); String log4jProp = webAppPath + log4jLocation; File yoMamaYesThisSaysYoMama = new File(log4jProp); if (yoMamaYesThisSaysYoMama.exists()) { System.out.println("CabServer Initializing log4j with: " + log4jProp); PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jProp); } else { System.err.println( "*** CabServer " + log4jProp + " file not found, so " + "initializing log4j with BasicConfigurator"); BasicConfigurator.configure(); } } super.init(config); String constantsLocation = config.getInitParameter("constants-properties-location"); try { Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream stream = sc.getResourceAsStream(constantsLocation); props.load(stream); stream.close(); Iterator keyIterator = props.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIterator.hasNext()) { String key = (String) keyIterator.next(); String value = (String) props.getProperty(key); // System.out.println("key:" + key + " value: " + value); ConfigDetails.constants.put(key, value); } Iterator it = ConfigDetails.constants.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry) it.next(); System.out.println(pairs.getKey() + " = " + pairs.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public Mary4To5VoiceConverter(List<VoiceComponentDescription> voiceDescriptions, File voiceZip) { voiceDescription = null; mary4Zip = voiceZip; for (VoiceComponentDescription d : voiceDescriptions) { if (d.getPackageFilename().equals(mary4Zip.getName())) { voiceDescription = d; break; } } if (voiceDescription == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No matching voice description for file " + mary4Zip.getName()); } if (!MaryUtils.isLog4jConfigured()) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); } logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); logger.info( voiceDescription.getName() + " " + voiceDescription.getVersion() + " (" + voiceDescription.getLocale() + " " + voiceDescription.getGender() + ")"); }
/** * The main method responsible for starting the coadunation base. * * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main() { try { String logFile = System.getProperty("Log.File"); if (logFile.endsWith("properties")) { System.out.println("Initing the log file from properties."); PropertyConfigurator.configure(logFile); } else if (logFile.endsWith("xml")) { System.out.println("Initing the log file from xml."); DOMConfigurator.configure(logFile); } else { System.out.println("Using the basic configuration."); BasicConfigurator.configure(); } System.out.println("Start"); Runner runner = new Runner(); ShutdownHook shutdownHook = new ShutdownHook(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook); System.out.println("Core initialization complete"); System.out.println("Waiting for deployment to complete"); shutdownHook.monitor(); runner.shutdown(); shutdownHook.notifyOfCompletion(); log.info("Shut down complete"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Failed to run the Coadunation base [" + ex.getMessage() + "]"); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); System.exit(-1); } }
private void initLogger(ServletConfig config) { final String log4jconfig = config.getInitParameter("log4j-properties-location"); ServletContext context = config.getServletContext(); if (log4jconfig == null) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); } else { String appPath = context.getRealPath("/"); String log4jpath = appPath + log4jconfig; if (new File(log4jpath).exists()) { PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jpath); log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } else { BasicConfigurator.configure(); } } }
// This function will set the request status in the "userrequest" table public Boolean setStatus(String status, int requestId) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); logger.info("Entered setStatus method of ChangeRequestStatusDAO"); Boolean isStatusCommit = false; int result = 0; conn = Util.connect(); String query = "UPDATE userrequest SET STATUS=? WHERE REQUEST_ID = ?"; try { PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, status); pstmt.setInt(2, requestId); result = pstmt.executeUpdate(); if (result > 0) { conn.commit(); isStatusCommit = true; } logger.info("Exit setBookASessionDetails method of BookASessionDAO"); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error( "setBookASessionDetails method of BookASessionDAO threw error:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error( "setBookASessionDetails method of BookASessionDAO threw error:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } return isStatusCommit; }
@BeforeClass public static void oneTimeSetup() { // Format logger output BasicConfigurator.configure(); ((PatternLayout) ((Appender) Logger.getRootLogger().getAllAppenders().nextElement()).getLayout()) .setConversionPattern("[%30.30t] %-30.30c{1} %-5p %m%n"); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); // To add appender that logs to a log file in addition to Console // Layout layout = (PatternLayout)((Appender) // Logger.getRootLogger().getAllAppenders().nextElement()).getLayout(); // FileAppender appender; // try // { // appender = new FileAppender(layout, "test.log", true); // Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(appender); // } // catch (IOException e) // { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BasicConfigurator.configure(); String username = "******"; final String TWITTER_OAUTH_KEY = ""; final String TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET = ""; final String ACCESS_TOKEN = ""; final String ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = ""; OAuthSignpostClient oauth = new OAuthSignpostClient( TWITTER_OAUTH_KEY, TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET); TwitterClient twitter = new TwitterClient(username, oauth); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://juergenbickert.de:5432/smsd?user=smsd"); conn.setAutoCommit(false); conn.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE); SmsProvider smsProvider = new SmsProvider(conn); TwitterTask task = new TwitterTask(twitter, smsProvider); task.setAppend(" #tmn12"); ScheduledExecutorService pool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); pool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.WARN); Mib2Events convertor = new Mib2Events(); convertor.parseCli(args); try { convertor.convert(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { printError(convertor.getMibLocation(), e); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { printError(convertor.getMibLocation(), e); } catch (MibLoaderException e) { e.getLog().printTo(System.err); System.exit(1); } if (convertor.getMib().getLog().warningCount() > 0) { convertor.getMib().getLog().printTo(System.err); } PrintStream out = System.out; out.println( "<!-- Start of auto generated data from MIB: " + convertor.getMib().getName() + " -->"); try { convertor.printEvents(out); } catch (Throwable e) { printError(convertor.getMibLocation(), e); System.exit(1); } out.println( "<!-- End of auto generated data from MIB: " + convertor.getMib().getName() + " -->"); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, UIMAException, SimilarityException { /** Setup logger */ org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator.configure(); /** Run the code for the English tasks */ new CommentwiseSimilarity().runForEnglish(); }
/** Loads the configuration for log4j from the file log4j.properties */ public void configureLogging() { // BasicConfigurator is used to quickly configure the package log4j // Add a ConsoleAppender that uses PatternLayout using the // PatternLayout.TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN // and prints to System.out to the root category. BasicConfigurator.configure(); // Configure log4j by the url : log4j.properties. String fileName = "log4j_" + Configuration.instance().getLogLevel() + ".properties"; System.out.println("Loading logging configuration file: " + fileName); URL url = Main.class.getResource(fileName); if (url == null) { System.out.println( "Logging configuration file not found - loading file: log4j_off.properties"); url = Main.class.getResource("log4j_off.properties"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (url == null) { System.err.println("No logging configuration found"); return; } } // PropertyConfigurator allows the configuration of log4j from an // external file // It will read configuration options from URL url. PropertyConfigurator.configure(url); LOG = Logger.getLogger(Configuration.class); }
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception { Layout layout = new PatternLayout("%d{HH:mm:ss} %-5p: %m%n"); appender = new EunomiaAppender(layout, System.out); BasicConfigurator.configure(appender); logger = Logger.getLogger(Main.class); try { Config.setGlobalName("receptor"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to open configurations database: " + e.getMessage()); logger.error("\tIs there another instance already running?"); System.exit(1); } logger.info("Start up"); String startScript = "init.esh"; if (argv.length > 0) { startScript = argv[0]; } // Execute Start up script. runStartupScript(new File(startScript)); try { ModuleHandle handle = ModuleManager.v().startModule_PROC("streamStatus"); if (handle != null) { StateManager.v().addGlobalInstance(handle); ModuleManager.v().addDefaultConnect(handle); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Unable to load streamStatus module"); } }
public void testOmittedJudge() throws IOException, ScoreException { final String config = "sessionTitle: noManipTarget\n" + "rounds: 3\n" + "timeLimit: 5\n" + "roles: trader, manipulator\n" + "players: trader1, manip1, judge1\n" + "trader1.role: trader\n" + "manip1.role: manipulator\n" + "manip1.target: 60\n" + "initialHint: Trading has not started yet.\n" + "actualValue: 50, 50, 50\n" + "endowment.trader: 200\n" + "endowment.manipulator: 200\n" + "tickets.trader: 30\n" + "tickets.manipulator: 30\n" + "scoringFactor.manipulator: 0\n" + "scoringConstant.manipulator: 0\n"; StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); WriterAppender appender = new WriterAppender( new PatternLayout("%d{yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss} %6p - %12c{1} - %m\n"), stringWriter); BasicConfigurator.configure(appender); setupSession(config); assertREMatches(".*ERROR.*", stringWriter.toString()); assertMatches("Judge role required if manipulators are used.", session.getErrorMessage()); }
public static void initLogger() { if (!isLoggerInitialized) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); isLoggerInitialized = true; } }
public static void main(String a[]) throws Exception { BasicConfigurator.configure(); ICommentService service = CommentServiceFactory.getCommentService(); /* Comment tmp = service.getComment(42590); System.out.println(tmp); System.out.println(tmp.getText()); System.out.println(tmp.getText().indexOf("href=")); System.out.println(isBlacklisted(tmp.getText()));*/ /// * List<Comment> comments = service.getComments(); System.out.println("Got " + comments.size() + " comments to check"); int bots = 0; List<Integer> toDelete = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Comment c : comments) { boolean bot = AntispamUtil.detectBot(c); if (bot) { bots++; System.out.println(c); toDelete.add(c.getId()); } } service.deleteComments(toDelete); System.out.println("Detected " + bots + " bot comments"); // */ }
@Test public void duplicateRecord() throws Exception { BasicConfigurator.configure(); /*ObjectId id = null; Registration registration = new Registration(); registration.setId(new ObjectId()); registration.setOrgName("UniqueNotion"); registration.setOrgPrefix("UN"); registration.setEmail("*****@*****.**"); registration.setContact("+31647608916"); registration.setCreatedBy("Parag2"); registration.setCreateTimestamp(new Date()); id = service.add(registration); registration = new Registration(); registration.setId(new ObjectId()); registration.setOrgName("UniqueNotion"); registration.setOrgPrefix("UN"); registration.setEmail("*****@*****.**"); registration.setContact("+31647608916"); registration.setCreatedBy("Parag2"); registration.setCreateTimestamp(new Date()); id = service.add(registration); logger.debug("log.id =" + id); registration = (Registration) service.get(id); logger.debug("registration = " + registration);*/ // Assert.assertNull(registration); }
/** * @param args * @throws HarnessException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws HarnessException { // Configure log4j using the basic configuration BasicConfigurator.configure(); // Use the pre-provisioned global admin account to send a basic request ZimbraAdminAccount.GlobalAdmin().soapSend("<GetVersionInfoRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraAdmin'/>"); if (!ZimbraAdminAccount.GlobalAdmin().soapMatch("//admin:GetVersionInfoResponse", null, null)) throw new HarnessException("GetVersionInfoRequest did not return GetVersionInfoResponse"); // Create a new global admin account String domain = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getStringProperty("server.host", "qa60.lab.zimbra.com"); ZimbraAdminAccount admin = new ZimbraAdminAccount("admin" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "@" + domain); admin.provision(); // Create the account (CreateAccountRequest) admin.authenticate(); // Authenticate the account (AuthRequest) // Send a basic request as the new admin account admin.soapSend("<GetServiceStatusRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraAdmin'/>"); if (!admin.soapMatch("//admin:GetServiceStatusResponse", null, null)) throw new HarnessException("GetServiceStatusRequest did not return GetServiceStatusResponse"); logger.info("Done!"); }
@Test public void appenderStoresMessages() { MemoryAppender appender = new MemoryAppender(); BasicConfigurator.configure(appender); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TEST_CATEGORY); logger.setLevel(Level.ERROR); logger.error(TEST_MESSAGE); LinkedList<LoggingEvent> events = appender.getEvents(); assertEquals(1, events.size()); LoggingEvent event = events.getFirst(); assertEquals(Level.ERROR, event.getLevel()); assertEquals(TEST_CATEGORY, event.getLoggerName()); assertEquals(TEST_MESSAGE, event.getMessage()); assertEquals(TEST_LOCATION, event.getLocationInformation().getClassName()); appender.clear(); assertEquals(0, events.size()); logger.error(TEST_MESSAGE); assertEquals(1, appender.getEvents().size()); }
/** * Initialize log4j logging using the Tolven appender specification. * * <p>Note: This method should <i>not</i> be called within an environment such as JBoss that has a * separate log4j configuration. In that case, the TolvenLogger will use the appender * configuration supplied by that environment. * * @param log4jConfiguration The name of the file containing the log4j configuration. If null, the * a file named tolven-log4j.xml on the classpath will be used. * @param logFilename The name of the log file. This file will be created if it does not already * exist. If null, a default file named <code>${user.dir}/tolven.log</code> will be used. */ public static void initialize(String log4jConfiguration, String logFilename) { try { File logFile; if (logFilename != null) { logFile = new File(logFilename); } else { logFile = new File(DEFAULT_LOG_FILE); } System.setProperty(LOG_FILE_PROPERTY, logFile.getAbsolutePath()); logFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); logFile.createNewFile(); defaultInitialize(); Logger.getRootLogger() .info( "Start log4j - Configuration: " + log4jConfiguration + ", logFileName: " + logFile.getAbsolutePath()); BasicConfigurator.resetConfiguration(); URL configURL; try { configURL = new URL(log4jConfiguration); } catch (Exception e) { configURL = Loader.getResource(log4jConfiguration); } DOMConfigurator.configure(configURL); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Exception while initializing Tolven log4j. log4jConfiguration: " + log4jConfiguration + " logFilename: " + logFilename, e); } }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger.getLogger("org.eclipse.emf.teneo").setLevel(Level.INFO); Logger.getLogger("org.hibernate").setLevel(Level.WARN); DatabaseSetupData setupData = new DatabaseSetupData(); if (args != null && args.length > 0) { setupData.setSchemaFileName(args[0]); if (args.length > 1) { setupData.setDatabaseName(args[1]); } } if (!DatabaseSetupUtil.testServerConnection(setupData)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to connect to running server"); } if (DatabaseSetupUtil.checkDatabaseExists(setupData)) { throw new RuntimeException("Database: '" + setupData.getDatabaseName() + "' exists!"); } // documentation DatabaseSetupUtil.generateSchemaFile(setupData); DatabaseSetupUtil.generateHibernateMapping(setupData); // create live database DatabaseSetupUtil.createDatabase(setupData); // create seed data and initial dairy record DatabaseSetupUtil setupUtil = new DatabaseSetupUtil(setupData); setupUtil.intializeDairyDatabase("registration #", "licensee name"); }
public WarehouseReportPDF(ReportGateway gw) { super(gw); BasicConfigurator.configure(); doc = null; }
public void testMissingPlayer() throws IOException, ScoreException { final String config = "sessionTitle: noManipTarget\n" + "rounds: 3\n" + "timeLimit: 5\n" + "roles: traderA, traderB\n" + "players: trader1, trader2, trader3\n" + "trader1.role: traderA\n" + // "trader2.role: traderB\n" + "trader3.role: traderA\n" + "initialHint: Trading has not started yet.\n" + "actualValue: 50, 50, 50\n" + "endowment.traderA: 200\n" + "endowment.traderB: 300\n" + "tickets.traderA: 10\n" + "tickets.traderB: 20\n"; StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); WriterAppender appender = new WriterAppender( new PatternLayout("%d{yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss} %6p - %12c{1} - %m\n"), stringWriter); BasicConfigurator.configure(appender); setupSession(config); assertREMatches(".*ERROR.*", stringWriter.toString()); assertMatches("player 'trader2' has no assigned Role.", session.getErrorMessage()); session.startNextRound(); Trader trader3 = (Trader) session.getPlayer("trader3"); assertNotNull(trader3); }
private void loadParameter(Element elem) { logger.info("loadParameter: fileName=" + elem.getAttributeValue("file")); String parameterFile = elem.getAttributeValue("file"); String absolutePath = getAbsolutePath(parameterFile); BasicConfigurator.configure(); try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(absolutePath); Properties parameter = new Properties(); parameter.load(in); in.close(); Set<Entry<Object, Object>> entrySet = parameter.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry entry : entrySet) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); System.out.println(key + " = " + value); addParam(key, value); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Can not load parameter . "); } String newStr = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src1")) + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src2")); addParam(elem.getAttributeValue("out"), newStr); }
public static void testProject(File projectFile, ProjectRunnable pr) { IdeMain.setTestMode(TestMode.CORE_TEST); Logger.setThreshold("INFO"); org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator.configure(); TestMain.configureMPS(); final Project project = loadProject(projectFile); pr.execute(project); }
public void setUp() throws Exception { EtmManager.reset(); BasicConfigurator.configure(); filter = new HttpRequestPerformanceFilter(); filter.init(null); etmMonitor = EtmManager.getEtmMonitor(); etmMonitor.start(); }
@Before public void setUp() { Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); Logger.getLogger("org.springframework").setLevel(Level.WARN); BasicConfigurator.configure(); userId = 1; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, UIMAException, SimilarityException { /** Setup logger */ org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); /** Run the code for the English tasks */ new CommentSelectionDatasetCreatorV2().runForEnglish(); }
@Test public void testLib() { BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Logger de Test"); log.warn("un warning"); log.error("un error"); assertTrue("No funciona log4j BasicConfigurator", true); }
@BeforeClass public void setUp() throws IOException { BasicConfigurator.configure(); this.fs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration()); this.path = new Path("MRJobLockTest"); if (!this.fs.exists(this.path)) { this.fs.mkdirs(this.path); } }