/** * Tests characteristic properties * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void characteristic_writable_03() throws IOException { CharacteristicWritable cw1 = new CharacteristicWritable(NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org")); CharacteristicWritable cw2 = new CharacteristicWritable(NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org/other")); this.checkRoundTrip(cw1); this.checkRoundTrip(cw2); // Should not be equal as different nodes Assert.assertNotEquals(cw1, cw2); }
protected void generateData( MapDriver<LongWritable, TripleWritable, LongWritable, QuadWritable> driver, int num) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("http://subjects/" + i), NodeFactory.createURI("http://predicate"), NodeFactory.createLiteral(Integer.toString(i), XSDDatatype.XSDinteger)); Quad q = new Quad(t.getSubject(), t); driver.addInput(new LongWritable(i), new TripleWritable(t)); driver.addOutput(new LongWritable(i), new QuadWritable(q)); } }
/** * Tests characteristic sets * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void characteristic_set_writable_02() throws IOException { CharacteristicSetWritable set = new CharacteristicSetWritable(); // Add some characteristics CharacteristicWritable cw1 = new CharacteristicWritable(NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org")); CharacteristicWritable cw2 = new CharacteristicWritable(NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org"), 2); set.add(cw1); set.add(cw2); this.checkCharacteristicSet(set, 1, new long[] {3}); this.checkRoundTrip(set); }
@Test public void testAddConstruct() { Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three")); handler.addConstruct(t); Template template = query.getConstructTemplate(); assertNotNull(template); List<Triple> lst = template.getTriples(); assertEquals(1, lst.size()); assertEquals(t, lst.get(0)); }
@Override public QueryIterator execEvaluated( final Binding binding, PropFuncArg argSubject, Node predicate, PropFuncArg argObject, ExecutionContext execCxt) { // check subject is a variable. if (!argSubject.getArg().isVariable()) throw new QueryExecException("Subject not a variable"); final Var var = Var.alloc(argSubject.getArg()); if (!argObject.getArg().isLiteral()) throw new QueryExecException("Subject not a literal"); String searchTerm = argObject.getArg().getLiteralLexicalForm(); Search search = searchEngine(); Iterator<String> x = search.search(searchTerm); Iter<String> iter = Iter.iter(x); QueryIterator qIter = new QueryIterPlainWrapper( iter.map( (item) -> { return BindingFactory.binding(binding, var, NodeFactory.createURI(item)); })); return qIter; }
/** * Tests characteristic round tripping * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void characteristic_writable_01() throws IOException { Node n = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org"); CharacteristicWritable expected = new CharacteristicWritable(n); Assert.assertEquals(1, expected.getCount().get()); this.checkRoundTrip(expected); }
/** * Tests quads to triples conversion * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void triples_to_quads_mapper_01() throws IOException { MapDriver<LongWritable, TripleWritable, LongWritable, QuadWritable> driver = this.getMapDriver(); Triple t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("http://s"), NodeFactory.createURI("http://p"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("test")); Quad q = new Quad(t.getSubject(), t); driver .withInput( new Pair<LongWritable, TripleWritable>(new LongWritable(1), new TripleWritable(t))) .withOutput(new Pair<LongWritable, QuadWritable>(new LongWritable(1), new QuadWritable(q))); driver.runTest(); }
public static Graph getGraph() { Graph g = Factory.createGraphMem(); g.add( new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/subject"), NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/predicate"), NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/object"))); g.add( new Triple( NodeFactory.createBlankNode(BlankNodeId.create("a")), NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/p1"), NodeFactory.createBlankNode(BlankNodeId.create("b")))); g.add( new Triple( NodeFactory.createBlankNode(BlankNodeId.create("b")), NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/p2"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo"))); g.add( new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/ns/e"), NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/ns/p5"), NodeFactory.createLiteral("verify base works"))); return g; }
private static Node createNode(String x) { try { IRI iri = resolver.resolve(x); return NodeFactory.createURI(iri.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ServletOps.errorBadRequest("SPARQL Update: bad IRI: " + x); return null; } }
/** * Implement <_:....> as a "Node IRI" that is, use the given label as the BNode internal label. * Use with care. */ public static Node createIRIorBNode(String iri) { // Is it a bNode label? i.e. <_:xyz> if (isBNodeIRI(iri)) { String s = iri.substring(bNodeLabelStart.length()); Node n = NodeFactory.createBlankNode(s); return n; } return NodeFactory.createURI(iri); }
/** * Tests characteristic sets * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void characteristic_set_writable_03() throws IOException { CharacteristicSetWritable set1 = new CharacteristicSetWritable(); CharacteristicSetWritable set2 = new CharacteristicSetWritable(); // Add some characteristics CharacteristicWritable cw1 = new CharacteristicWritable(NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org")); CharacteristicWritable cw2 = new CharacteristicWritable(NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org/other")); set1.add(cw1); set2.add(cw2); this.checkCharacteristicSet(set1, 1, new long[] {1}); this.checkCharacteristicSet(set2, 1, new long[] {1}); this.checkRoundTrip(set1); this.checkRoundTrip(set2); Assert.assertNotEquals(set1, set2); }
/** * Tests characteristic properties * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void characteristic_writable_02() throws IOException { Node n = NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.org"); CharacteristicWritable cw1 = new CharacteristicWritable(n); CharacteristicWritable cw2 = new CharacteristicWritable(n, 100); this.checkRoundTrip(cw1); this.checkRoundTrip(cw2); // Should still be equal since equality is only on the node not the // count Assert.assertEquals(cw1, cw2); }
@Test public void testSetVars() { Var v = Var.alloc("v"); Triple t = new Triple(NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), v); handler.addConstruct(t); Template template = query.getConstructTemplate(); assertNotNull(template); List<Triple> lst = template.getTriples(); assertEquals(1, lst.size()); assertEquals(t, lst.get(0)); Map<Var, Node> values = new HashMap<Var, Node>(); values.put(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three")); handler.setVars(values); template = query.getConstructTemplate(); assertNotNull(template); lst = template.getTriples(); assertEquals(1, lst.size()); t = new Triple( NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three")); assertEquals(t, lst.get(0)); }
@BeforeClass public static void setup() { // Dataset for implicit join tests implJoin = DatasetFactory.createTxnMem(); Node a = NodeFactory.createURI("http://a"); Node b = NodeFactory.createURI("http://b"); Node c = NodeFactory.createURI("http://c"); Node p1 = NodeFactory.createURI("http://p1"); Node p2 = NodeFactory.createURI("http://p2"); Node pSelf = NodeFactory.createURI("http://self"); Node o = NodeFactory.createLiteral("object"); DatasetGraph dsg = implJoin.asDatasetGraph(); dsg.add(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, a, p1, o); dsg.add(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, a, p2, o); dsg.add(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, b, p1, o); dsg.add(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, b, p2, o); dsg.add(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, c, p1, o); // dsg.add(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, a, pSelf, a); // Currently these optimizations are off by default Assert.assertFalse(ARQ.isFalse(ARQ.optFilterImplicitJoin)); Assert.assertFalse(ARQ.isFalse(ARQ.optImplicitLeftJoin)); }
public void testRetrieveTriplesByNode() { Graph G = getGraph(); Node N = NodeFactory.createBlankNode(), M = NodeFactory.createBlankNode(); ReifierStd.reifyAs(G, N, triple("x R y")); assertEquals("gets correct triple", triple("x R y"), ReifierStd.getTriple(G, N)); ReifierStd.reifyAs(G, M, triple("p S q")); assertDiffer("the anon nodes must be distinct", N, M); assertEquals("gets correct triple", triple("p S q"), ReifierStd.getTriple(G, M)); assertTrue("node is known bound", ReifierStd.hasTriple(G, M)); assertTrue("node is known bound", ReifierStd.hasTriple(G, N)); assertFalse( "node is known unbound", ReifierStd.hasTriple(G, NodeFactory.createURI("any:thing"))); }
public class TestPrefixMappingOverDatasetPrefixes2 extends AbstractTestPrefixMapping2 { static Node gn = NodeFactory.createURI("http://test/graphName"); DatasetPrefixesStorage2 dsgprefixes; @Override protected PrefixMapping create() { dsgprefixes = PrefixesFactory.newDatasetPrefixesMem(); return view(); } @Override protected PrefixMapping view() { PrefixMapStorage view = PrefixMapStorageView.viewGraph(dsgprefixes, gn); PrefixMapI pmap = PrefixesFactory.newPrefixMap(view); return PrefixesFactory.newPrefixMappingOverPrefixMapI(pmap); } }
@Override public void emitTriples( RdfEmitterContext emitterContext, Object entity, Node subject, Graph shapeGraph, Consumer<Triple> sink) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<? super Object, ? super Object> map = createMapView.apply(entity); int i = 1; for (Entry<?, ?> e : map.entrySet()) { Object k = e.getKey(); Object v = e.getValue(); Node eNode = NodeFactory.createURI(subject.getURI() + "-" + i); // persistenceContext. // persistenceContext.entityFor(new TypedNode(rdfType, node)); // Node kNode = null; // emitterContext.getValueNode(entity, // propertyName)//RdfPersistenceContextImpl.getOrCreateRootNode(persistenceContext, // typeFactory, k); // Node vNode = null; // //RdfPersistenceContextImpl.getOrCreateRootNode(persistenceContext, typeFactory, v); // emitterContext.add(k, entity, "key" + i); // emitterContext.add(v, entity, "value" + i); // Node keyNode = emitterContext. // Node kNode = emitterContext.getValueNode(entity, "key" + i, v); // Node vNode = emitterContext.getValueNode(entity, "value" + i, v); Node kNode = emitterContext.requestResolution(k); Node vNode = emitterContext.requestResolution(v); sink.accept(new Triple(subject, entry.asNode(), eNode)); sink.accept(new Triple(eNode, key.asNode(), kNode)); sink.accept(new Triple(eNode, value.asNode(), vNode)); ++i; } }
/** * Creates a set consisting of the given predicates * * @param predicates Predicates * @return Set */ protected CharacteristicSetWritable createSet( MapReduceDriver< CharacteristicSetWritable, CharacteristicSetWritable, CharacteristicSetWritable, CharacteristicSetWritable, CharacteristicSetWritable, NullWritable> driver, int inputOccurrences, int outputOccurrences, String... predicates) { CharacteristicSetWritable set = new CharacteristicSetWritable(); for (String predicateUri : predicates) { set.add(new CharacteristicWritable(NodeFactory.createURI(predicateUri))); } for (int i = 1; i <= inputOccurrences; i++) { driver.addInput(set, set); } for (int i = 1; i <= outputOccurrences; i++) { driver.addOutput(set, NullWritable.get()); } return set; }
public void testReifyAs() { Graph G = getGraph(); Node X = NodeFactory.createURI("some:uri"); assertEquals("node used", X, ReifierStd.reifyAs(G, X, triple("x R y"))); assertEquals("retrieves correctly", triple("x R y"), ReifierStd.getTriple(G, X)); }
/** * Constructor * * @param securityEvaluator The security evaluator to use * @param graphIRI The IRI for the default graph. */ public OpRewriter(final SecurityEvaluator securityEvaluator, final String graphIRI) { this(securityEvaluator, NodeFactory.createURI(graphIRI)); }
/** * Instantiates a new sparql construct function. * * @param conf the graph with dataflow definition * @param confRoot the specific node in the graph representing the producer configuration * @param map the map to access the other defined producers * @see RDFProducer */ public SparqlConstructFunction(Graph conf, Node confRoot, final ProducerMap map) { URI baseURI = URI.create(confRoot.getURI()); Node inputNode = GraphUtils.getSingleValueOptProperty(conf, confRoot, DF.input.asNode()); inputProducer = (inputNode != null) ? map.getProducer(inputNode) : EmptyGraphProducer.getInstance(); Node queryAsInputNode = NodeFactory.createURI(baseURI.resolve("#query").toString()); Node queryNode = GraphUtils.getSingleValueOptProperty(conf, confRoot, DF.configTxt.asNode()); String queryTxt = (queryNode != null) ? queryNode.getLiteralLexicalForm() : null; Node configNode = GraphUtils.getSingleValueOptProperty(conf, confRoot, DF.config.asNode()); RDFProducer configProducer = (configNode != null) ? map.getProducer(configNode) : null; Node configRootNode = GraphUtils.getSingleValueOptProperty(conf, confRoot, DF.configRoot.asNode()); if (configRootNode == null) configRootNode = configNode; if (configRootNode == null && inputNode != null) { Iterator<Node> namedInputNodes = GraphUtils.getPropertyValues(conf, inputNode, DF.namedInput.asNode()); while (namedInputNodes.hasNext()) { Node namedInputNode = namedInputNodes.next(); if (conf.contains(namedInputNode, DF.id.asNode(), queryAsInputNode)) { configRootNode = GraphUtils.getSingleValueProperty(conf, namedInputNode, DF.input.asNode()); break; } } } // String configRootURI = (configRootNode != null && configRootNode.isURI()) ? // configRootNode.getURI() : null; queryProducer = new CoalesceQueryProducer( new GraphQueryProducer( new CoalesceGraphProducer( configProducer, new SelectGraphProducer(inputProducer, queryAsInputNode)), configRootNode /*NodeFactory.createURI(baseURI.resolve("").toString())*/), new StringQueryProducer(queryTxt, baseURI.toString())); // final Model confModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(conf); // Resource constructResource = // confModel // .getRDFNode(confRoot) // .asResource() // .getPropertyResourceValue(SPINX.config); // Iterator<Producer> fromGraphProds = // confModel // .getRDFNode(confRoot) // .asResource() // .listProperties(SPINX.from) // .mapWith(new Map1<Statement, Producer>() { // @Override // public Producer map1(Statement stmt) { // return map.getProducer(stmt.getObject().asNode()); // } // }); // defaultProd = null; // if (!fromGraphProds.hasNext()) { // defaultProd = EmptyGraphProducer.getInstance(); // } else { // defaultProd = fromGraphProds.next(); // if (fromGraphProds.hasNext()) { // defaultProd = // new UnionFunction( // new ConcatenatedIterator<Producer>( // new SingletonIterator<Producer>(defaultProd), // fromGraphProds)); // } // } // Iterator<Node> fromNamedGraphNames = // confModel // .getRDFNode(confRoot) // .asResource() // .listProperties(SPINX.fromNamed) // .mapWith(new Map1<Statement, Node>() { // @Override // public Node map1(Statement stmt) { // return stmt.getObject().asNode(); // } // }); // while (fromNamedGraphNames.hasNext()) { // Node graphNames = fromNamedGraphNames.next(); // prodMap.put(graphNames, map.getProducer(graphNames)); // } // query = QueryFactory.toQuery(conf, constructResource.asNode()); // if (query == null) // throw new RuntimeException("Parsing Error"); /* // debug Graph revEnginedGraph = SpinxFactory.fromQuery(query); System.out.println(); System.out.println("**********************************"); System.out.println("*** Reverse Engine query graph ***"); System.out.println("**********************************"); ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(revEnginedGraph).write(System.out,"N3"); System.out.println("**********************************"); System.out.println(); */ /* SPINFactory.asExpression(constructResource); query = ARQFactory.get().createQuery(SPINFactory.asQuery(constructResource)); */ /* Iterator<String> graphUris = new ConcatenatedIterator<String>( query.getGraphURIs().iterator(), query.getNamedGraphURIs().iterator()); while (graphUris.hasNext()) { Node node = confModel.getResource(graphUris.next()).asNode(); prodMap.put(node, (GraphProducer) map.getProducer(node)); } */ }
public class TestNodeAllocator extends BaseTest { static Node gragh1 = NodeFactory.createURI("g1"); static Node gragh2 = NodeFactory.createURI("g2"); // ---- Glaobl default policy needed for RDF parsing @Test public void allocOneScope1() { LabelToNode alloc = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode(); Node b1 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); // SAME assertEquals(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocOneScope2() { LabelToNode alloc = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode(); Node b1 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh1, "123"); // DIFFERENT assertNotEquals(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocOneScope3() { LabelToNode alloc = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode(); Node b1 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh2, "xyz"); // SAME assertEquals(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocOneScope4() { LabelToNode alloc = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode(); Node b1 = alloc.get(null, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh2, "xyz"); // SAME assertEquals(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocOneScope5() { LabelToNode alloc = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode(); Node b1 = alloc.get(null, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(null, "xyz"); // SAME assertEquals(b1, b2); } // ---- Graph Scope @Test public void allocGraphScope1() { LabelToNode alloc = LabelToNode.createScopeByGraph(); Node b1 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); // SAME assertEquals(b1, b2); assertSame(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocGraphScope2() { LabelToNode alloc = LabelToNode.createScopeByGraph(); Node b1 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh1, "123"); // DIFFERENT assertNotEquals(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocGraphScope3() { LabelToNode alloc = LabelToNode.createScopeByGraph(); Node b1 = alloc.get(gragh1, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh2, "xyz"); // DIFFERENT assertNotEquals(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocGraphScope4() { LabelToNode alloc = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode(); Node b1 = alloc.get(null, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(gragh2, "xyz"); // DIFFERENT assertEquals(b1, b2); } @Test public void allocGraphScope5() { LabelToNode alloc = SyntaxLabels.createLabelToNode(); Node b1 = alloc.get(null, "xyz"); Node b2 = alloc.get(null, "xyz"); // SAME assertEquals(b1, b2); } }