Example #1
  protected void parse(InputStream in) throws IOException, MessagingException {
    mFrom = null;
    mTo = null;
    mCc = null;
    mBcc = null;
    mReplyTo = null;

    mMessageId = null;
    mReferences = null;
    mInReplyTo = null;

    mSentDate = null;

    mBody = null;

    MimeEntityConfig parserConfig = new MimeEntityConfig();
    parserConfig.setMaxHeaderLen(-1); // The default is a mere 10k
    parserConfig.setMaxLineLen(-1); // The default is 1000 characters. Some MUAs generate
    // REALLY long References: headers
    MimeStreamParser parser = new MimeStreamParser(parserConfig);
    parser.setContentHandler(new MimeMessageBuilder());
    try {
      parser.parse(new EOLConvertingInputStream(in));
    } catch (MimeException me) {
      throw new Error(me);