public LSMBTreeTestWorker( DataGenThread dataGen, TestOperationSelector opSelector, IIndex index, int numBatches) throws HyracksDataException { super(dataGen, opSelector, index, numBatches); lsmBTree = (LSMBTree) index; numKeyFields = lsmBTree.getComparatorFactories().length; deleteTb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(numKeyFields); }
@Override public void performOp(ITupleReference tuple, TestOperation op) throws HyracksDataException, IndexException { LSMBTreeAccessor accessor = (LSMBTreeAccessor) indexAccessor; IIndexCursor searchCursor = accessor.createSearchCursor(false); MultiComparator cmp = accessor.getMultiComparator(); RangePredicate rangePred = new RangePredicate(tuple, tuple, true, true, cmp, cmp); switch (op) { case INSERT: try { accessor.insert(tuple); } catch (TreeIndexDuplicateKeyException e) { // Ignore duplicate keys, since we get random tuples. } break; case DELETE: // Create a tuple reference with only key fields. deleteTb.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < numKeyFields; i++) { deleteTb.addField(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i), tuple.getFieldLength(i)); } deleteTuple.reset(deleteTb.getFieldEndOffsets(), deleteTb.getByteArray()); try { accessor.delete(deleteTuple); } catch (TreeIndexNonExistentKeyException e) { // Ignore non-existant keys, since we get random tuples. } break; case UPDATE: try { accessor.update(tuple); } catch (TreeIndexNonExistentKeyException e) { // Ignore non-existant keys, since we get random tuples. } catch (BTreeNotUpdateableException e) { // Ignore not updateable exception due to numKeys == numFields. } break; case POINT_SEARCH: searchCursor.reset(); rangePred.setLowKey(tuple, true); rangePred.setHighKey(tuple, true);, rangePred); consumeCursorTuples(searchCursor); break; case SCAN: searchCursor.reset(); rangePred.setLowKey(null, true); rangePred.setHighKey(null, true);, rangePred); consumeCursorTuples(searchCursor); break; case MERGE: accessor.scheduleMerge(NoOpIOOperationCallback.INSTANCE, lsmBTree.getImmutableComponents()); break; default: throw new HyracksDataException("Op " + op.toString() + " not supported."); } }